[tmtranscripts] N Idaho TeaM 08/19/07

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Fri Sep 7 10:35:04 PDT 2007

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Refresh, Equanimity, Circuit Grids.
Teachers: Unidentified, Lantarnek, Monjoronson.

August 19, 2007
Michael’s Birthday Celebration

* unidentified (Frosty TR): Refresh, refresh, refresh. Refresh yourself with the
light as a maintenance level as well as your physical exercises to bring a light down
through your physical body, through all the systems, all the organs from the top of your
head to the bottom of your feet, and allow Mother to nurture you, Michael to nurture you,
with this light. To draw it in yourself, you are doing as much as you would riding a
bike or walking, looking at a beautiful sunset. It helps your energy levels, your chi;
it is your daily multiple vitamin.
Refresh your inner light and keep it active and your crown chakra open so that it
never gets shut out, like your own personal suns shining, opening, balancing, centering.
Accept this beautiful gift and take it as your own, your own personal gift. You do not
have to keep it as a package wrapped up for that special occasion to take off that
ribbon. Refresh it minute by minute, day by day, and put it into your routine as you do
your chores, eating, bathing. It is as much a part of your daily routine as anything
else you would do. Give yourselves big hugs daily. Refresh yourselves with the hugs and
this beautiful light.
Do not be bothered if you feel a blockage but allow us to do that work for you as
well. Know that, if you are stranded on a mountain top and there’s no one else to reach
out to, you have this wonderful, beautiful, gift, and it is your sustenance to keep you
connected to the whole. It is so bright and so healing; we just would love to have you
all just use it. We have given it. Again, use it on a daily basis, your inner shower.
Cleanse your outer body and shower your inner body with this wonderful light.

* Lantarnek (Jonathan): Lantarnek speaking. We have the privilege of experiencing
Supremacy to wrestle with the polarities of duality. As our experiences unfold we are
coming to understand the value of such an undertaking in reality interface. I, a
melchizedek, must also engage in these extremes as do you of human origin. For that
matter, my order of being would be irrelevant as a teaching corps were it not for the
presence of ignorance.
You have spoken of balance, of equanimity, and this is the art of ascension. You
know that, given a chute on a decline, and if you were to roll a ball down that chute, it
does not roll straight down. It tends to roll back and forth between the sides of the
chute. This - is it not? - what life is. By veering, wiggling, you encounter
potentialities unknown in a straight shot. You can take on a spin which colors your
experience. It is the Father’s will that these variations occur. Light defines shadow.
Light and shadow make perspective, give image and definition.
You are in good intention as you pursue the reorganization of physical condition in
order to improve one’s being physically and mentally. I ask you also to be amplifiers of
that which is good and whole.
You know to walk you must leave the certainty of standing balance and rock your
form to one side that you may lift one leg and set it forward. You have come to learn
through coordination how effective this dynamic balance is. But early in your physical
experience you wobbled and fell. This same development occurs in your current pursuit of
the experience of healing and of well-being. The magnificent gift of the Life Carriers
of your physical form has inherent certain coordinating functions which were bestowed by
them for you, self-correcting and life-promoting. With your intention you are learning
the power of your affect upon your form.
I spoke of the chute and the ball passing through it and, in its somewhat free
fall, its variation, but you are also now coming to hold that ball in your hand and pass
it from one hand to another with a knowledge and a direction in mind. With experience
you will develop certainty, and your faith will have substance to accompany it and lead
you into more complex juggling, into the pursuit of greater refinement and harmony in the
whole makeup of your being.
I will finish with an exercise. Think of the Fragment of God within and think of
it as minute in the center of your chest. Extremely tiny. Intense white dot. Let it
expand, and as it expands that brilliance continues to be as intense as its minute form
revealed; it does not become diffuse in its enlargement. Pouring through your limbs,
shining within your brain cavity, tingling the underside of your skin, even oozing into
your hair filaments all over you. Fully radiant you are.
Now shift your attention to the Paradise Father. This brilliant Being of light
also expands into the entire universe, into all corners all around you. The background
radiation of divine spirit settles upon your skin like a gentle mist. Now let that skin
membrane dissolve where your light and that light have no separation. Oneness. I and my
Father are one.
Be still and know you are God. This too is equanimity, where Creator and creature
Thank you.

* Monjoronson (Mark): Greetings, I am Monjoronson here to pick up one of the balls
that has been in play this morning and put it back into play.
I observe with great joy your discussions and your exploration of the various
systems and circuitries involved in your own present vehicles, and we are amused that
there is a new awakening apparent among you of the layers of systems and circuits
involved in your combined energy units that you have become so familiar with over the
years. When you were first born into your new current address you were unconcerned as to
how the system worked at all, merely that you were given instruction as to how to use it,
how to direct it, and how to take advantage of this system you call your body.
As time passed you were forced more and more to consider the parameters of your
vehicle, and as one by one you were signaled by your vehicles that there were imbalances
and improper blockages in these energy systems, you then were forces to examine the
system and determine how all these various circuits play with each other and are affected
by each other and by you, the parent owner. Your vehicle sends you increasing signals
that it has been perhaps overused or undernourished or overlooked in your use and
continued application of your energy system, and you are forced to address the needs of
this system, the proper maintenance of the system, the parameters of this system’s use,
and you are embracing all of these new discoveries, and yet these systems have been in
place all the while.
Your recent exercises to explore universal systems and circuits, such as your
recent attention to the project of firing the grid, demonstrate that you are becoming
aware of the many layers of circuitry, both within and without, your immediate attention
being focused on firing your internal grids. It is not that these system circuits grids
have been not in place, merely they have not been part of your awareness until now. And
you are developing a keen interest in how these systems work so that you may establish
balance and maintain your vehicles in operating order and serviceable to you for as long
as possible.
Likewise are you growing in awareness enough to accept that you have a role to play
in the larger maintenance of your external grids. You are beginning to accept that as it
is on the inside so it is on the outside, as it is above so below. These circuitries
pervade throughout, and you are gaining a real key to your understanding and awareness
when you allow yourselves to embrace this repeated pattern of divine grids, some within
some without, even those appearing separate to you only because of your lack of
So, as you chase your earthly systems and trace where they go and their functions
and their interconnectedness to each other, you gain a deeper appreciation for the
interconnectedness of the grander systems and circuits that run to you and through you,
that you may even approach harmonizing these two elements and seek to form a balance in
that equation as well.
What a joy to see you waking up to things that have surrounded you for your entire
existence. It enables you to, with more conviction, be the better owner and operator of
your vehicle and as well be more confident in your position in relationship to the
greater energy circuits of which you are a part.
If you learn to master your individual energy circuitry then you will take that
same skill out and abroad and be able to recognize working with the energy fields and
circuits around you. This is waking up to where you have been and discovering new
dimensions that have been with you but veiled by your unawareness to the processes. You
are as eager students willing to throw back the veils, uncover the nature and character
of these aspects of yourself, and incorporate them in your understanding of divine
pattern as well.
I would conclude my remarks to allow this arena to be used by others. Thank you.-
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