[tmtranscripts] NET #19, July 17, 2017

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 14:30:44 PDT 2017


*New Era Transition #19 – Social programs; Overpopulation – July. 17, 2017*

*Monjoronson,* Magisterial Son to Urantia


Promotion of social programs

Social evolution: progressive, constructive and continuous

We are not ready for Monjoronson

Social evolution must be conscious

Social evolution works best in democratic nations

Reconnecting with past TRs

Learning the skills of discernment and validation

Reserve Corps of Destiny

Are we making any progress?

Doing good in Christ Michael’s name

Research project on child rearing best practices

What remains is the core of the Teaching Mission

Empathy and compassion


Population growth

The primary issue for years to come

Closing remarks

TR: Daniel Raphael

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Liz Cratty


*July 17, 2017*

*Promotion of social programs*

*MONJORONSON:* Good morning, this is Monjoronson. I wish to speak to you
today in behalf of Machiventa Melchizedek. You know much about the social
programs that I have promoted, and that is the major function of my
presence on the planet. Yes, I am here in spirit and have been for quite
some time. It is a matter of participating very closely with the evolution
of events on this planet so that when my physical presence is made known to
you that the preparations will be made and the groundwork will have been
laid. It is important that a leader have followers. If I were to arrive
now there would be almost no followers on the planet to fulfill the mission
and work that we have to do. You who are the spokespeople for my work have
done a more than adequate job, but the problem is that almost no one
outside of our small group knows about my function and my work on this

We have already begun the initiation of the implementation of social
programs to bring about the social, political, economic, and spiritual
evolution of this world. The problem with your planet, your civilization
and your cultures and nationalities is that you are ill prepared for the
work of the presence of myself or Machiventa or of Christ Michael. The
three of us know that your planet needs much work in preparation for our
presence. It is important that you realize that you are co-creative
partners with us in breaking the ground for the building of the social
institutions that will bring about the Days of Light and Life. You have
organizations that support your society in the social/societal,
political/government, and economic/financial sectors of your civilization
and your societies, yet you are so disorganized in the larger context of
your civilization and planetary management as to make it difficult for us
to bring order and a pattern of growth and social evolution into your world.

*Social evolution: progressive, constructive and continuous*

What is missing is the consciousness, the awareness of the necessity of
social evolution, social evolution that is progressive, that is
constructive and is continuous. There is very little awareness on the
planet of the necessity of social evolution, let alone a consciousness of
oneness to bring that about, or of concept of planetary management.
Therefore, we are beginning at bedrock level for the social organization of
your world. Yes, you do have governments; yes, you do have societies; yes,
you do have economies. Yet you only have begun to organize yourselves in
ways that work toward the progressive, constructive, and sustainable ends.
You are fumbling about. There is an immense selfishness among individuals
within themselves, within their families, within their communities, within
their corporations, within their investment structures whether that is
financial, governmental, or social.

*We are not ready for Monjoronson*

You give yourself too much credit for being prepared for my presence. It
is not that I am chastising you, but I want to make you aware that this is
not so, that you are not ready for what is to come. Your world would be
set back into greater chaos than it exists were I to be present on your
world, and my presence and consciousness became what you call “viral” on
your world. Face Book now has the record of having 2 billion members that
consult to that site every month. What would happen on your world if those
2 billion people [became] aware of my presence within a week? There would
simply be chaos in the world. There would be speculation that I was one of
the UFO extra-terrestrials who visit your planet and now has become known.
I might be called a demigod; I might be called a Satan; I may be called
many things—even the Anti-Christ. Groundwork needs to be firmer before I
can walk upon it and among you in your societies, your communities, to
visit your families and to speak to your nations.

We have spoken many times about the problem of the presence of a Divine
Being on your world. It has not happened before except for the incarnation
of Christ Michael. We do give great credit to Machiventa Melchizedek when
he appeared so many thousands of years ago, but he is not divine. The
presence of Divinity on your planet would be known almost instantaneously
within a radius of 1,000 miles, even those who call themselves atheists
would feel this but be unable to recognize what this presence, this energy
is, or what it is all about. Yes, I do have the capacity to rein in this
radiance of my being, this energy field; I could make it smaller or
larger. I could even make it large enough to engulf the whole world, but
as you know from what we have told you before, the destructive consequences
would work against the good of your world and of our mission.

*Social evolution must be conscious*

It is therefore necessary for us to reveal the plans to you about what we
intend to do co-creatively with you in your societies, your governments and
your economies. It is not a mystery that it involves the idea of social
evolution, conscious social evolution in these three areas. It is
important that this become known to everyone on your world that social
evolution is the way forward to peace. If simply you were interested in
peace and not your spiritual growth, then you will have a lot to do to
prepare for the development of the Days of Light and Life; the development
of your societies becoming stable and moving forward to the state of social

*Social evolution works best in democratic nations*

The difficulty of moving into implementation is that some rectification
must be made within the original documents that support your Christian
religions, your democracies and your economies. We do not speak much about
your economies at this point as they are in the primitive mode of almost
barter/exchange of money for goods, money for investments, money for return
on investments, and so on. We, however, are far more diligently involved
in implementing social and political institutions that will bring about a
far wider, more stable basis for democratic nations. We do not necessarily
disregard those nations that are not democratic. However, it is difficult
for us to work through your social institutions that bring about peace,
religion and spirituality in democratic processes in nations which do not
embrace those areas of interest. Thus the people of those nations are left
in a primitive state of devolution, which works against their personal
progress, happiness, and spiritual unfoldment. Nonetheless and however, we
are here. We do infuse the people of those nations with our presence.
Your consciousness of oneness with spirit with your Thought Adjuster,
Christ Michael, and your Guardians is essential that you hold this
consciousness and project it towards those nations which are godless in
their organizational structures. “In God We Trust” is surely a wonderful
motto, and may it always be the motto of democratic nations.

If you have questions, I will be most happy to answer them for you.

*Reconnecting with past TRs*

*Liz:* The last time we spoke with Machiventa, he was talking about the
fact that many people who were TRs have stopped being involved in the
Teaching Mission, or in doing the transmission/receiving. The question
from my friend, Jeff, asked if there is a list of TRs who for whatever
reason have stopped that we could send them a message to encourage their

*MONJORONSON:* Yes, you do have in your personal computer archives and
transcripts with the names of those TRs. You should make a list of those
and gain their addresses for email and otherwise so that eventually you may
contact them. We anticipate that those TRs who have retired themselves
from service will once again come to the surface and begin their work when
our presence and the need for TRs becomes more imminent. TRs are contact
personalities; some are more reliable than others; some have more egoistic
and fear issues than others; some are quite clear and are able to bring
through our message without bias or self-interest.

*Learning the skills of discernment and validation*

You must learn the skills of discernment very well before these TRs come on
line. You will also become aware that many new TRs will come forward to
provide messages to the larger populations around them. It is important
that they be validated—you call it vetting—and that they be cleared or
validated for service. It is important that those individuals who are
discerning what is provided by the TR discern the message, and the message
that comes through them. These three elements are primary to the
validation of the TR for future work. We will work with you in the
discernment of these individuals. There must not be any egoism or fear
involved on the part of those who are doing the discerning. This is not a
power grab situation, or one of denigrating those who have lesser skills,
for even experienced TRs make mistakes as well as those who are beginners.
This process should be done very carefully, particularly for those who are
beginning to TR again, and those who are beginning to TR for the first time.

*Reserve Corps of Destiny*

*Liz:* My friend, Jeff, asked about a buildup on Urantia about celestial
helpers, and he wonders if it is fair to conclude that there could be more
than 12 corps of Destiny, and more than the 962 Reservists? He also
wonders if the conditions on Urantia are reaching the point where your
offices are seeking to mobilize reservists.

*MONJORONSON:* There are many elements to his broad question. Yes, there
are far, far more Reservists than those mentioned in the *Urantia Book*.
There are in fact, well over 10,000 Reservists who are held in readiness.
Some have already begun to do our work in their lives; some are conscious
of this and some are not. Most are completely unaware that they are
Reservists in the Reserve Corps of Destiny, and it is important that they
not be aware of that, as it causes great difficulties for those individuals
who are fully aware that they are active Reservists in the Corps. Many of
those thousands of Reservists have not been called into active service, but
are being mustered to come forward at a time when they will be useful and
in critical situations. There are hundreds who are active in social
evolution projects. You have seen very many similar projects around the
world that have similar interests. These are usually initiated by
individuals who are in the Reserve Corps. What will happen is that
eventually there will be a “call” for awareness of each other and the
integration of their work.

There are hundreds who are involved in these projects around the world, and
when the call goes out for these groups to find union in integration to
become more integral with themselves, they will form a network that will be
highly useful to us and to progressive mortals who have an interest in the
betterment of their societies. The individuals who are part of the Reserve
Corps are unselfish in the main. They have an interest and are altruistic
in their interests for the good of all humanity. Many individuals in past
decades and centuries have been tremendously frustrated in their altruistic
efforts and overpowered by the selfish interests of powerful individuals in
critical positions of authority. The union and integration of these
individuals and in their projects will be a critical element of the social
stability and social evolution of your societies.

Did I answer all your questions and concerns regarding your last statement?

*Are we making any progress?*

*Liz:* Yes, you did; thank you. Are we making progress? I look at the
news and it doesn’t seem like we are making any progress. I think that’s
one of the reasons we are all eagerly awaiting your arrival, because it
seems like we are falling further and further away from social stability.

*MONJORONSON:* What you have just stated is a mindset that echoes mass
media, and the thrilling, phenomenally oriented news broadcasts of your
media. You have been enculturated and indoctrinated into a mind-thought
pattern of excitement [in the] news to accept the news that is broadcast is
all the news. Listen to the inflection and the excitement level, energy
level of those news announcers when they provide the news. It is not
provided in a manner-of-fact nature, but is provided with tremendous
inflection and that rise in volume and pitch. This is meant to instill
excitement in the listeners and viewers so that they will become addicted
to this media source. It is an unfortunate development of your primitive
media outlets, one that will change over time. Their interest is in
increasing market share which causes competition between the outlets, and
using the tactics of “flash news.”

*Doing good in Christ Michael’s name*

*Liz:* Thank you and I have a personal question. I read somewhere—I
believe it was a Teaching Mission transcript, but I can’t be certain as it
was many years ago—that said that if I lay a hand on the shoulder of
someone who is suffering, or give a hug to someone who is suffering, that I
have the authority to touch that person in the name of Christ Michael and
it is as if my hand is his hand, or my hug is his hug, and I am wondering
if you would speak to this, please?

*MONJORONSON:* Thank you for your question. Yes, you are quite right,
that when your mind and your will is in alignment with Christ Michael’s
will—the one you call Jesus—when you are in alignment with his will then
your hug or your touch would be the same as his. You become the physical
conduit of his presence. You must realize as well though, that the
individual who receives the hug or the touch, if that person were in
perfect alignment with Christ Michael’s will could also be healed through
that alignment solely by themselves. You provide a means of belief for the
individual who is being touched. It is not necessary that they be aware
that this is happening, but simply that they are open to receive this gift
from you. It is not that you are solely the only individual on the planet
who can do this, as there are many others as well. It is not necessarily a
matter of practice of the process, but rather a practice within the
alignment of yourself with the Source within you.

*Liz:* And this practice could heal someone’s grieving heart, or work
toward that? Can it have an effect on someone’s wrong thinking?

*MONJORONSON:* It could have an effect—in your English language, it has a
potential to be affective. Whether it is effective depends upon the
conscious will decision of the individual. You will find, as you know
already, that many people hang onto their grief and the idea or the source
of their grief as something that keeps their mind occupied, or causes them
to be of more importance or a center of attention, affection, and concern
by those around them. Those types of decisions, those types of
orientations towards the resolution of the problem have a negative effect
upon the individual who has the touch for them. You, as an agent of God’s
work, Christ Michael’s work, cannot surpass the negative orientation and
intention of the person holding those ills, whether of mind, emotion, or
body. Their intention of holding it may be conscious and it may be mostly
unconscious, but nonetheless you would have great difficulty, to have any
effect in them at all to overcome that negative orientation. Do you

*Liz:* I do. Thank you very much. That’s all I have today.

*Research project on child rearing best practices*

*Roxie:* Monjoronson, I also have a question from one of our readers,
Geoff Thomas in Wales: He says, “I’m hoping you can clarify how we, as
students of the New Era Transition, can contribute to the research projects
mentioned in the recent transcripts. Is there an individual who is in a
position to collect and collate relevant articles, et cetera, relating to
child rearing best practices? How should we proceed if we come across
materials, which may be useful?

*MONJORONSON:* Answering the first part of your question first, there is
not one central repository or a person in charge or of a potential
repository at this time. You, on the other hand, when you find this
material—and this is addressed to all of our readership—when you find
material on the best practices of child rearing, parenting and family
dynamics, we ask that you form or create a folder on your computer to
hold/retain that information. It may be a web site; it may be a word
document; it may be a newspaper article or magazine article that you could
cut and paste into a word processing document for later use, and for
organization and collation with other similar documents. You, in the
readership, have a capability to begin this process so that when the call
is made to bring this material forward that there would be much to be

It is important—and I wish you to make this an important note—that you keep
the reference of the citation clear and the source known so that other
individuals can go to that source and find the article. This is a
validation of the work that you will be doing, and work that others have
been doing. There are literally tens-of-thousands of articles on
parenting, child rearing and family dynamics, both at the academic level
and at the consumer level in magazines and web sites that are oriented
towards that genre. You will find that these materials will—some of
them—may be spurious and not provide citations of their own for the
references that were used to compile the article. Nonetheless, you must
use your powers of discernment to determine whether it is something that
would be useful to yourself and to others in future days, months, weeks,
years and decades. *This work will be done*; you can be assured that the
material that you collect will be used eventually. We cannot put a date or
time on when these materials will be called for. It is our wish, however,
that the call become very soon as your world needs to begin producing
children who are socially competent, capable, responsible, and curious, and
who are eager to engage the future of their lives in responsible ways.

*Roxie:* Wouldn’t it also be an interesting suggestion for people to write
down their own child rearing practices that they have found effective, or
ones that they found should not be used?

*MONJORONSON:* Most definitely. We would imagine that in the same folder
that the individual would have a file listing the best practices that they
found in their personal life as they grew up that was affective in them
becoming a complete person. They also may have friends and relatives and
acquaintances and associates who also have those same thoughts in mind. It
would also make a hobby list, much as “Pinterest” to form and find and post
the best practices of parenting, child rearing and family dynamics.

*What remains is the core of the Teaching Mission*

*Roxie:* Right before this session, the three of us were discussing how
the numbers of people involved in this Teaching Mission have dwindled off.
If this continues in that direction, what can we do to reverse the process
and get new people involved that we haven’t already discussed?

*MONJORONSON:* You pose this as an “if” question. It is speculation and
in actuality you are already in that situation. Numbers have dwindled and
what is remaining is the core. It is much like the battery: There is the
surrounding material from which the core draws its power and is able to
conduct it through the anode and diode. You are now at the core level of
those who will sustain the movement into the future. This is all that is
necessary for us to engage in an act and implement the social plans that we
have. You are curious about whether the Teaching Mission will continue or
fail. As you see, it is failing, yet the truth and core of the Teaching
Mission exists and is more vibrant that it ever has been. It is not a
social phenomenon; it is not attracting hangers-on; it is not attracting
those who fear what may become and are seeking solutions to their fears.
It is also not an organization with power that attracts those who are
power-hungry, or those who seek making immense wealth, or are seeking
social recognition, positions of power, authority and self-aggrandizement.
No, Dear One, we are where we want to be. We have those who are true
through and through, those who have been through the hard times and now are
appreciating the calm that is in their lives now, as they engage the
process of TRing, of reading the transcripts and being prepared in
consciousness with the Thought Adjuster for what is to come in their
personal lives and in their social lives and the spiritual work of this

*Empathy and compassion*

*Roxie:* That’s good to hear! In the last session when Machiventa was
answering Liz’ question about dealing with thugs and evils of the world,
and that it would get to be more of a problem as our population increases,
I made note of his statement that, “one’s empathy and compassion needs to
be carefully nurtured, so that one’s life is not squandered in the pursuit
of saving individuals and situations that are unsolvable.” I find this to
be a great concern of mine when I observe the fight to preserve the life of
babies and pets that are suffering and cannot speak for themselves, yet
they are kept alive out of empathy and compassion by others. I am sure
that it will become a huge problem with the births of the tens-of-thousands
of projected Zika babies. Do you have a comment that would be helpful to
me on this?

*MONJORONSON:* Yes, it is an important one to be made, and that is there
is a lack of a moral standard to use for discerning those to save and those
not to save. Your societies are lacking in an integrated morality that
makes sense to everyone, no matter what nation or what race, culture,
ethnicity or gender they belong to. It is not that compassion or empathy
are not needed; certainly it is the truth of being human; it is the
identifying factor that identifies you as an evolved human. Your love of
humanity is the result of the sum total of your empathy and compassion for
others. You project yourself in the situation of others, yet when it comes
to pets and to children who cannot represent themselves, there is a lack of
discernment involved in that situation. What your society and the medical
professions practice is a disregard of compassion for the life of the
individual who will eventually be raised that way as incapacitated either
mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or socially. There is a need for an
evolved morality that assists your professions to make those decisions
rationally, conscientiously, and consistently, and that would assist them
to protect themselves from moral and legal harassment.


*Roxie:* I was watching a documentary and it stated that many in the
scientific community are concerned that our next pandemic (or pandemics,
plural) will be caused by mosquitoes, which already kill millions through 6
different diseases, like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika,
chikungunya, and West Nile, all of which can mutate to forms for which
there is no cure and spread worldwide through travel. Yet killing
mosquitoes deprives other animals of a major part of their diet, for
example, bats. Is this how our population growth is to be checked?

*MONJORONSON:* We have no answer for you today.

*Population growth*

*Roxie:* I feel helpless in view of the continuing population growth in
solving some of our important ecological problems, yet I see no effort on
our part to control population growth. Must we hit bottom before we face
the problems that we have created? By then the problems will be even more
difficult to solve.

*MONJORONSON:* Most definitely. Of all the problems in the world they are
almost all caused by overpopulation. There is simply no moral check on the
number of individuals in your world. There is no moral means by which you
can discern how many individuals should be on your planet and how many
should not. It is not the case for individuals now to decide who should
not be here and have them exterminated; that is an untenable, immoral and
spiritually repugnant thing to engage.

The circumstances that you spoke of in the last question will be answered
in the decimation of your planetary population. War has consistently
killed fewer and fewer people every year than in prior decades. Your
societies, however, are killing many through the misuse of firearms, and
also consider the number of deaths caused by automobiles. War is no longer
the detriment to global population. Pestilence has been under control for
many decades and is becoming more and more effective at decreasing the
capacity of ordinary causes of death. Famine will become more and more
endemic and will cause greater and greater problems in the world.
Desertification of your world will continue and exacerbate those areas that
are already having difficulty producing enough for their populations.

Of all the problems in the world, overpopulation is the greatest. Also,
ironically, it is the least of concern of individuals in power and
authority around the world, whether they work in centers for disease
control laboratories or others. There is no moral education within your
churches that teaches the best, most optimum number of children and
espouses a program to support the greatest improvement in quality of life
for children. Having more and more children within a family decreases the
quality of life in each succeeding child, and when you have many families
doing the same thing in the community then the whole community is deprived
of an improving quality of life. Education per individual decreases and the
provision for a meaningful, productive, and purposeful life decreases as

*The primary issue for years to come*

It is an incredibly difficult problem for humans to think about, however,
it is the most primary issue that will come into existence in years to
come. It will become recognized that there is a moral responsibility at
the individual level, family level, community level, social institution
level, national level, and global level to address this problem. You are
all in this together. Richard Buckminster Fuller told you that you live on
a planet as much as a spaceship—you are self-contained, you can go nowhere,
you will suffer what occurs within this environment and overpopulation will
be the cause of the decimation.

*Roxie:* Thank you very much! That helps a great deal. Do you think that
the time for you to materialize and work with us might be much more
possible after the decimation and catastrophes have completed?

*MONJORONSON:* I will not address your questions concerning my arrival.

*Roxie:* That’s all the questions that I have then for today. Thank you
very much.

*Closing remarks*

*MONJORONSON:* You are most welcome. I thank you for your presence today
and for reading these transcripts. You are becoming much more globally
oriented in your capacity of a spiritual individual. You carry within you
your Thought Adjuster with whom you would want to become more closely
associated every moment and every day of your life. You have the capacity
to make great differences in your world if it is only within yourself, and
you can affect other people equally well and equally as much with your own
way [that] you live your life in peace and gratitude for what you have.
Your world is in much need for improvement and for an upstaging of its
existence. It is greatly in need of social evolution, conscious social
evolution, political evolution, and economic evolution. You will make a
difference when the plans are implemented to engage this process on a
widespread basis. You will, however, not recognize it as it will begin
locally and will then spread to other communities. It may even take a
decade or more for the world to recognize that this is a wonderful thing to
occur to help others as individuals and as families and communities. We
wish you well in the coming week and month and the rest of your life. Know
that our presence is here and there are billions of us to assist you and we
will do this co-creatively, but we will not do it without you. Thank you
and good day.

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