[tmtranscripts] Poccatello Transcript 11-19-99

Bill Kelly billk at ida.net
Sun Dec 5 04:00:30 PST 1999

November 19, 1999

Unknown (Bob S): My children: Your prayers are being answered.  Your
thoughts are being noted.  Your feelings are being guided and directed.
Your lives are under scrutiny.  Your very thoughts are being guided by those
assigned to your spiritual enlightenment.  Think not regarding your own
personhood.  That is being taken care of.  Rather reach out to those around
you, particularly those in need, and endeavor to comfort them.  Endeavor to
life them up, for in so doing you lift everyone, including yourself.  I
choose not to give you my name tonight.  I will remain anonymous.  I trust
this will not dampen the effect of my words.  Good evening.

Daniel (Bill): My dear students: I am Daniel, your teacher, your guide, your
companion.  Our guest speaker this evening, who wishes to remain anonymous,
was given this opportunity by reason of his status and also by reason of the
content of the message.    

I thank you for your spirited sharing, especially in regards to your
concerns for more effective ways of praying.  And yes, we have discussed
this before, but it will be worth a few moments of consideration at this time.  

You see there is the collective consciousness of every mortal, living human
being, which both transcends and extends beyond your own experience of the
phenomena of mind.  Your minds are on a circuit from our Mother Spirit and
so there is the communal, connective nature of human thinking and feeling.
Indeed when you pray you activate this collective consciousness and the
collective unconsciousness as well.  The prayers are indited over the spirit
circuits of the Eternal Son, but at the same time the thoughts and feelings
are transmitted via the circuitry of the Third Source and Center which
activates the whole collective array of mindal circuitry.  If you do not
understand this then it becomes more difficult to pray with a proper mental
framework.  See, many people regard prayer as merely talking to God, which
it of course is in its essence, but they don't realize the ramifications of
those circuitous realities which they have never been taught or understood.
When you pray, the spirit value, the weight, the spiritual weight of your
prayer is measured.  And when you pray without reservation in your heart,
'nevertheless not what I will, but what you will be done', any imperfect
aspects of that prayer are filtered and do not enter into the spiritual
equation.  Much prayer is without words.  What is expressed, the feelings
and passions and desires too deep to be placed in verbal frameworks, this
kind of praying, totally unselfish, totally in the will of God, is a
wonderful experience that you should strive for.  And by saying this I do
not mean to imply that you have not at sometime experienced this, because
I'm advised that you have.  You see, therefore, that your thinking has
powerful effects upon reality.  It is not magic that I am describing, my
friends, it is spiritual reality.  And when you bring your thoughts into the
presence of that indwelling First Source and Center, then indeed do you pray
in the spirit and with power.

I wish now to converse with you about service.  I am always heartened when I
hear you talk about your week in terms of service opportunities, or when you
discuss what the larger brotherhood and sisterhood is considering along the
lines of service.  I would dwell on one aspect of service this evening and
that is the kind of service you do as you "pass by" another brother or sister.  

As you know our Master is our prime example, and he was so in tune with the
spirit of God that he could evaluate the comparative need of such an
individual, sometimes even a child, as contrasted with his public teaching.
He often allowed interruptions to occur during his teaching in order to
reach into the lives of some needy son or daughter.  He was not ego-bound.
He had no need to impress other people.  It was not a stressor to him to set
aside his teaching for a period of time in order to minister to a needy one.
Often people use their structures of time to exclude the needs of a neighbor
bleeding on the road to Jericho.  

	I would encourage you all to try to develop more flexibility so that you
can increase your spontaneous contact with those people who come your way as
you pass by in you daily lives.  This should not be taken to mean that you
should become totally disorganized and uncoordinated in terms of planning.
Quite the opposite, but I would suggest that you raise the value of this
service opportunity in your list of service values.  
	Many of you have read a touching story on the internet regarding people who
have been servants to others and shown compassion and shared their
resources.  There are always many moments in every day when these
opportunities are there, not perhaps dramatically, but more than you may
suspect.  And so in your concern for effective prayer, offer yourselves as
servants to your brothers and sisters and ask that your eyes be opened to
see what service opportunities are there for you as you go through your days.

Finally now, I wish to speak briefly about thanksgiving, for your national
holiday is fast approaching and this is my last opportunity.  Of all the
things which you possess nothing is of greater value than your status as
God's children.  This is indeed your eternal life.  The things of the
material world have their relative values, and there is no shame or guilt
appropriate to the enjoyment of your hobbies, your pursuits, your comforts,
unless they become a prime concern.  As you enjoy your material benefits
there is no reason to withhold your thanks because there are others in other
places who do not share your bounty.  However always should you be concerned
that wealth that comes from this planet be distributed more fairly, more
thoroughly to all of God's children.  Regard your material possessions as
articles of stewardship, for you literally cannot take them with you and you
will not need them on the morontial worlds.  You show your thanksgiving by
the attitude with which you regard the things in your life, but even more
importantly by the way you interact with the persons in your life.  This is
why prayer and service are a way to express most acceptably to our Father
your true thanksgiving for being His son or His daughter.  Remember always
that it is your obligation that you have taken freely upon yourselves to
allow that gospel, the message of Jesus, to contact others.  Proclaim that
good news wherever the leading of your indwelling spirit prompts you to.

Now, my friends, I have given your much material.  I will allow briefly time
for questions and then send you on your way.  I am open now to your sharing
and your questions if you have any. 

Virginia: Daniel, a couple, three things as a result of both the statements
from our anonymous visitor and from your content.  I have found it very hard
to give and I put this in quotes, thanks to God for a political position
that has given we Americans far more than the rest of the world.  And I find
that it is not necessarily God but the powerful Americans that have given us
so much in this country.  And I am not sure I expect you to say anything
about that, but it does bother me.  And the other thought I have is our
visitor said comfort those we meet.  When that was said I pictured in my
mind the lack of comfort Jesus gave when he chased the moneychangers out of
the temple.  I wonder if you would comment on that?

Daniel (Bill): When you are thankful for material things be mindful as you
are expressing of the fact that this world has not reached the seventh stage
of light and life.  However, if the wealth in your possession has come about
by honest means and you regard it as stewardship material, you can divorce
yourself from the guilt that you feel as you ponder the injustices of the
economic distribution on this planet.  There is of course a lot of greed
inherent in America's marriage with materialism.  I am not suggesting that
you give thanks for materialism.  That would be a travesty.  As we discussed
this topic several weeks ago, you know where I stand on (that), but it is
not inappropriate, Letah, my dear, to thank God for bread in as much as our
Lord himself made it a legitimate part of prayer.  The problem is that man
does not live, nor does women, by bread alone, and even if every person on
planet earth had enough to eat and lived at the level of comfort that you
all live at, this would not in itself constitute light and life.  It is
therefore most important to give thanks for your spiritual reality, that is,
as God's children.  Does this assist you in your thinking?

Virginia: Thank you, Daniel.  That really was very clear.

Daniel (Bill): Are there other questions or comments at this time?

Virginia: Daniel, are you ignoring my other comment about comfort, and what
comfort he brought to the moneychanger?  (Laughter.)

Daniel (Bill/Isaac): I am sorry if I did not address that specifically.  I
thought that my words applied in that direction, however I will be glad to
get more specific.  Isaac is confused in his mind as to exactly what you are
implying.  Can you assist us with further explication?

Virginia: The visitor teacher suggested that we expend comfort to those we
meet and that would bring comfort to ourselves.  But when that was stated
what I saw in my mind was that Jesus brought a lot of discomfort to the
money-changers in the temple as he tried to bring comfort to those who were
paying sacrificial price to be accepted by God.  So I just wanted your
insight on whether it is possible to bring comfort to everyone.

Daniel (Bill): Perhaps our visitor can comment, or I can take a shot at it.

Unknown (Bob S): Yes, I will speak these words, my dear.  Your sensitivity
is commendable, yet your understand is shallow.  Recall the specifics of the
Master's bestowal episode regarding the temple moneychangers.  He spoke
much, yet did little to deal with that situation.  His own life stands as an
example to those seeking understanding.  To that end I urge all within the
sound of my voice to take comfort in knowing the Master as you do, for your
brothers and sisters do not.  I trust my words have anticipated the essence
of your question.

Daniel (Bill): I would add that you have an adage which says, in effect,
"comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable".  It is a statement of
God's truth.  When people are engaged in evil doing they are bringing
discomfort to other people.  They are also bringing discomfort to their own
souls.  When Jesus reacted to the injustice of the treatment of the poor and
to lesser minds by arrogant, wealthy but ultimately evil men, he was not
merely defending the meek and helpless, although that was certainly part of
his human emotion, he was acting as a Paradise Son of his Father in
confronting the outrage of turning a house of prayer into a den of robbers.
Always remember Jesus is compassionate for the sinner and adamant against
sin.  Always when he confronted his enemies was there a motivation to save
them, in other words, to bring true comfort to their souls.  Does this
answer to this discussion for you?

Virginia: It certainly helps.  But I feel that I am not a Creator Son.  I
can't do those things that I desire, so I wonder if you have any personal
comments for me tonight?

Daniel (Bill): Yes, I do.  My dear, pursue your plans to confront untruth.
It is within your rights as a citizen of this country to employ the means
that you have to correct problems and to work for the greatest good for the
greatest number of people.  If you can take yourself out of the action you
can discover that the work is important but the self is not.  It was because
Jesus was so selfless that he could do such work, the work of God himself.
Yes, you are not a Creator Son, but you have within you the same indwelling
Presence that he had when he was in human form.  And you also have angels,
not only your guardian seraphim, but vast orders of angels who are on the
side of righteousness, of truth, of spiritual enhancement.  

Do not think that teaching mathematics for example, is wasted effort, for
indeed all universe citizens must become mathematicians in the ascension
career.  It is part of the curriculum.  So everything that you do, if you do
it for God is sacred work..  And this applies to all of you.  Just don't get
stuck with the self, and let the work become the most important thing.
These are my words.
Virginia: Thank you, Daniel.

Daniel (Bill): My friends, the hour has come.  (Several comments and
laughter.)  It is my sense that we should conclude the evening.  Your prayer
this evening was most efficacious, and indeed were you are all open to
spiritual guidance.  I wish now that you join hands and that we close in
prayer, in the spirit of Michael's request that you all become one, with
each other and with him, more and more.

	Let us pray.  Dear Father, your flame of love burns in each soul of these
my brothers and sisters, even as it burns in mine.  You are the source of
all goodness, all love, even the Source of all reality, spiritual, mindal
and material.  I thank you for this marvelous plan whereby we can co-create
with you the universe of the Supreme.  May we be conscious, more and more,
of our togetherness as part of the Supreme and our contribution each of us
can make with our lives when they are given into your hands as we follow the
lead of your Indwelling Spirit.  And now go with these, my brothers and
sisters.  Let them know how profound is my gratitude for their
companionship.  May they walk in the full sunshine of your love, undiluted
by the clouds of fear, anxiety, guilt and anger.  Even so, Michael, may it
be.  Amen.

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