[tmtranscripts] Pocatello Transcript 1-28-00

Bill Kelly billk at ida.net
Wed Feb 2 20:22:52 PST 2000


Daniel(Bill/Isaac): My dear friends, I am Daniel, your teacher, guide and
companion on this ascension journey.  Present with me this evening is a
large company which includes your seraphic guardians, your personal
teachers, some visiting teachers in training and some stopover visitors to
Urantia, who are desirous of seeing some Melchizedek schools in action.
Minearisa is present with us and we are connected to the circuitry which is
being constantly ungraded and enlarged on this planet to facilitate an
almost reflectivity type knowledge base for those of us who are part of
Michael's mission.  Tonight I wish to talk about this circuitry, for you
are becoming more aware and sensitive to its presence in your lives and in
your inter-communications.

Many times do we present the truth from a slightly different perspective, a
different angular facet.  When I say, "the truth", I do not refer to
ultimate truth for none of us can comprehend that, but truth in a larger
perspective than you have hitherto perceived.  

You see, when we talk building walls between people, this figure of speech
is very accurate.  When we speak of tearing down walls this figure is also
highly precise in describing the circuit reality which exists, partly in
the spiritual circuits of the Creative Mother Spirit, the circuitry
referred to in the book as the Holy Spirit, but also on the morontial level
and manifesting from the cosmic mind as well.  Now, I realize that these
technicalities may not be your interests and so I will not pursue that
aspect any further.

There is in this new circuitry, which is a morontial phenomenon,
connections that may be better described as heart connections or soul
connections.  They are not just material mind connections.  We spoke of
soul consciousness last week and that the fact that you are all becoming
more aware of your soul consciousness.  We talked about the fact that this
awareness shall increase forever.  There are no known limits, say the
universe philosophers, to personality awareness that persists even beyond
the Paradise attainment of the existential Deities as we move on toward the
comprehension of God the Ultimate as Finaliters.  So what continues forever
is, on this planet, occurring during this time of correction... morontial
circuitry which would normally not be present except in more advanced
stages of Light and Life.

If I can explain to you the difference between a mindal connection and this
morontial connection, it is like the difference between a vanilla sheet
cake with a thin veneer of vanilla frosting and a German chocolate cake
with a rich layer of additional chocolate frosting.  It is a difference of
both quality and quantity as well.  

Soul consciousness and its interaction with the circuitry is powered by
love, solely and totally.  Intellectual circuitry can be captured by
malfunction of ego and turned into intellectual pride, prejudice, fear,
etc.  The morontial circuitry is immune from this distortion.  I have
frequently told you that your soul knows more than your mind does.  This
has caused some confusion and interest on the part of my TR friend here.
Therefore, I am hoping that this discussion this evening will help explain
the difference.  

Remember that the soul is a morontial reality.  It is a blend of material
and spiritual.  It is the reality that I live in.  It is the reality that
we all shall experience for aeons before we reach the beginning of pure
spirit existence.  True, you are mostly material beings indwelt by pure
Spirit and evolving the blend of both.  The larger your soul becomes, as we
have been saying, then the more morontial has your personality vehicle
become.  By larger I am not referring to physical size, but rather to the
degree of change to what begins as a flat sheet cake and turns into this
marvelous multilayered structure of delicious food.

Since the energy of the morontial circuitry, this soul consciousness and
inner connection, is love, the only barriers that can prevent its effective
functioning are the doors of your heart.  The doors of your heart swing
both directions.  They swing outward and they swing inward.  In order for
them to swing outward you must first allow love to enter.  All of you have
done this.  You know what I am talking about.  When you have allowed love
to enter and fill you there is no place but outward to go.  Love does not
enter and remain stagnant, but moves on outward.

So, as I said at the beginning of this talk, this is another facet of the
same truth, another way of looking at it.  Your free will is the hinge upon
which the door swings.  You may choose to lock the motion and remain
closed, either to receiving or giving love, or you may allow the doors to
swing to whatever degree you choose.  As you exercise the inflow/outflow of
this love energy you activate and amplify the circuitry between yourself
and another person, between yourself and your divine Pilot, between
yourself and your angels, between yourself and all the other spiritual
input which comes from the Trinity through all of the agencies of God's
love in the universe.  

Last week I told you that truth is often found in muddy waters, in dirty
circumstances, even as the gems are retrieved from their more base
surroundings.  The morontial circuitry, powered by love, can accomplish the
separation of what is true, beautiful, and good from that which is dross,
which is worthless stones, which is dirty water, like a filtering screen
separates the gem, the nugget from its surroundings.  

But this filtering system does not make judgements about personalities,
only about truth, beauty, and goodness.  It is not your job to judge the
worth of personality, yours, or anyone else's.  It is your understanding
that all normal minded persons on this planet have within them the presence
of God's Fragment and Michael's Spirit of Truth.  Because we are all God's
children, our worth is inherent.  But it is our job to exercise discernment
regarding the various levels of truth, beauty, and goodness and to make
choices for the highest levels of each.  This process is part of the
evolution of God the Supreme in his almighty sovereignty.  It is the
evolution of perfectedness on the personal level which we have a part in.

I believe that I should allow you some time now to interact with me.  Do
you have questions about this lesson, or comments at this time?

Ken: Comment, Daniel. 

Daniel: Yes, Ken.

Ken: I thank you for the confirmation in your remarks today about the door,
about the Teaching Mission and what we are receiving, about Light and Life.
 I thank you for the complete lesson.  It was touching home with me and the
conversation I had today with my friend, John.  If I could speak from my
heart as well as you have this evening, perhaps I could have answered his
questions today.  Perhaps I can again.  Thank you.

Daniel: Yes, Ken.  I thank you for your appreciative comments.  As you have
been aware, I am appraised of each of you, sometimes by my own personal
presence.  I would desire to give you some encouragement regarding your
friend, John.

My words are that your appraisal of how well you spoke can never know how
another person, like John, will respond.  The Thought Adjuster in each
person uses the outside input from words of other mortals, from the
messages from angels and all sorts of other sources and translates that
information in a way that can interact with the mind patterns and the
thoughts of that Indweller's host.  You see, despite the opinion of your
secular salesman, in the spiritual realm the great Salesman lives within
each person.  What is important for you and all of you is the desire, the
sincerity, and the turning over to God for guidance and the desire to do
his will.  The words you speak may or may not appear eloquent to you at any
given time.  What I am saying is, we can never know the exact effect of our
words on another, for there is the great Salesman, the great Translator,
the Mystery Monitor who is in between the input and the mind of an individual.

I personally would commend you, and particularly on your desire, on your
devotion to doing our Father's will. I suppose I could be humorous and try
and say...

Ken: Okay.

Daniel: ....(in a loud voice) Well, maybe I should be able to speak better
than you! I am a few thousand years older! (Uproarious laughter)

Daniel: Have I answered your comments?  

Ken: Yes, you have.  I just felt....maybe I was defensive on my beliefs,
talking to him today, or maybe I wasn't, I don't know.  I just felt I could
not express my true feelings with my present vocabulary.

Daniel: Isaac is giving me permission to say that he understands your

Ken: Thank you.

Daniel: ...and  has the same wishes for eloquence and feels as though he
stumbles, too.  Are there other comments or questions regarding the lesson.
 Then, if there are any other areas, I would be open to that as well.  I am
the sole speaker this evening.

Virginia: Daniel, I just want to thank you for that beautiful object lesson
of the swinging doors, and the love going in.  It's really true that when
you are grateful for the Father's love; it just cannot be contained within.
 You have to find a way to serve your brothers and sisters.  I especially
like the fact that the hinge is the human will because I have come to the
point where I realize how valuable that is.  For so many years I wanted a
magic wand to take away the human will to make things right.  I know that
God's love is greater than that and I thank him.

I do have something I would like you to comment on.  One of the other
things that I heard on the tape today as I was listening to Jesus'
fifteenth year was how Herod disappointed him in not giving him the money
due his father.  It said that Jesus no longer again trusted Herod.
Frankly, I was really glad to hear that because I feel very guilty about
not trusting someone who has proven in our relationship not to be
trustworthy.  I have felt like if I was a bigger person, I would be able to
trust that person again.  If you would comment on that, I would appreciate it.

Daniel: That is an enormous subject, the subject of human trust and the
process by which trust can be restored.  These are my words.

First of all, trust is based on faithful performance by another person.  It
is an inborn, hard wired, characteristic in a normal minded human mortal.
Unless trust is broken a child will naturally believe what they are told,
will reach out even as our little friend did last week and rest comfortably
in the arms of her father, her care giving adult, they will smile and
interact with other people.  In other words, you start out with trust, as
long as you are of normal mind.

But trust is, unfortunately on this planet, often broken because children
do not understand the limitations of adults, their parents or caregivers,
that they are imperfect.  And so, to various degrees, children experience
disappointment, what they call "meanness", what they cannot understand
about adult behaviors, and lose trust in this "all knowing", "all wise",
and "good" parent concept of their earlier childhood.  Because no one is
one hundred percent trustworthy, (or they would be fused and no longer
here), trust issues will come and go for all of you.  That's why you need
to apply the salt and pepper of forgiveness to the meat of trust.

Jesus did not trust Herod because he perceived that Herod was not merely
making a minor fault, but was thoroughly opposed to justice and
righteousness, opposed to God.  Even the fifteen year old Creator Son
incarnate had the ability to make this judgment.  You are not Creator Sons,
so your judgments are not as accurate.

My recommendation, Letah, is to be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a
dove, which translates into: Allow for the possibility that these people
that you do not trust, based on their past behavior, may change; but in the
mean time, be careful as to how much credence and trust to share.  Again,
the Master said not to throw our pearls before the swine.  This was not
intended for justification to call other children of God swine, it was
intended to show that you had to use discretion in interacting with others,
in terms of giving information, disclosing confidential matters, etc.  Not
everyone is on a level to hear you and therefore you have to discern that.
Does this help you with your.....

Virginia/Letah: Yes, Daniel.  I think what you are saying is that I don't
have to feel guilty, I need to use discernment and there are some people
that I don't judge them to be less of a person or less loved than I am, but
I am just to be careful and know that in many ways they might be very
trustworthy with some people and recognize them as a child of God.

Daniel: All of what you have said is true.  I was going to comment on the
feeling guilty part and I did not.  However, you have brought it up and I
agree with your assessment.  There is no rational reason to feel guilty
about exercising discernment and much of the irrational guilty feelings
that have plagued people for centuries are now being openly examined and
repudiated by your social scientists, people working in the area of ethics,
conscience, psychology, etc.  In many ways you are very fortunate to be
alive at this time.

I have time for just one more question or we will conclude at this time.
(Pause) Very well, let us join our hands together as we stand for prayer
and I will lead you all.

My Father and our Father, I thank you for these apt students who are
willing to listen with seriousness and with intention to learn your will.
I thank you for these, my younger brothers and sisters, who have dared to
walk through the doors of spiritual opportunity and see the well of living
water ever surging forth.  You know that I care for them and love them, no
where nearly as much as you do, nevertheless I do cherish their friendship
and their companionship. 

I ask that you will grant them that spiritual strength which will carry
them through the tough times as they access that strength with prayer and
worship.  I ask that, according to your will, we may continue our
association into the future beyond this life of mortality.  Give them this
week the bread of life and the water thereof.  Help them to truly love
themselves because they are all your children, and in that loving of
themselves may their hearts' door swing outward to love all they come into
contact with, whether or not they can fully trust, approve, or interact.
May we have that generous spirit Michael displayed so well, evident not
only in them, but in all of us.  This I ask that we may all be more and
more like our Elder Brother, and in his name we pray.  Amen.


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