[tmtranscripts] Ham on contact with the Father's personality

David Schlundt david.schlundt at vanderbilt.edu
Sun Feb 23 21:05:27 PST 2003


Ham: Greetings, my children, I am Ham and I
am happy to be among you this evening. We
are very happy with your overall rapid progress
of the spirit. Each one of you is moving toward
greater spiritual expression. You are each
coming into greater and greater spiritual
awareness and spiritual comprehension as your

It is through the mind, by the operation of the
mind, that you can perceive the spirit just as it
is through the mind that material things are
perceived. Mind perceives other mind and with
this when you experience the presence of the
spirit, you are also perceiving the mind of spirit.
But more than that, through the agency of
mind, personality perceives personality. And so
the experience of the spirit becomes the
experience of the Father’s person.

The Father is truth, beauty, and goodness but
he is more, he is all those things unified in
personality. When you experience the Father,
you experience perfect personality and that
perfect personality, by his presence, transforms
and heals areas of your own personality and
creates unification of your own goodness,
truth, and beauty. Each one of you is in
process of unification. As your potentials
become actual, these things must be unified in
the personality and by contact of your finite
personality with the infinite personality,
unification is assured. The Father is infinite and
eternal and he has planted those potentials
within your soul. As these potentials actualize,
they must balance and unify with all the other
actual’s of your personality.

The Father exists in the infinite past and the
infinite future. He exists in the now of every
moment, past present and future. The finite
mind perceives beginnings and endings. The
infinite mind perceives no beginning and no
ending. As your minds expand to include his
person, he becomes your perception of the
infinite past and the infinite future in the now
time. Gradually, it is beginning to dawn in your
consciousness that you are a tiny part of that
which is everything, but you are not a passive
part. You have the capacity to have a
contribution, a addition, a piece of the great
puzzle of all eternity and infinity is you yourself.
Not what you do, but who you are gives this

The Father’s personal presence as he is
grasped by the human consciousness is
infinitely personal, wonderfully tender, eternally
understanding, and completely supportive. The
Father’s presence supports and nurtures your
own growth. He does not require you to go
here or go there. It is not required that you
should do this or that. But he does require that
your intention should remain ever more focused
and dedicated to growing toward the Father

The Father requires not so much that you
should love him, but rather that you should
know him and in that knowing, love will naturally
bloom. Then still further, he requires not so
much that you should know him, but that you
should strive to know him and intend to know
him. For in that knowing lies all potential and all
future growth. As you come to know God, you
come to absorb him. As you come to know him,
you naturally want to be more like him. His
drawing power is so intense that once you have
decided to become like him with a whole heart,
that process is assured over eternity.

Now, many times human beings desire to
sacrifice for God, to give God something that
they value and this has led to all manner of
strange even repugnant religious practices. But
the intention is give full credit. What does God
desire from you? Only that you are willing to
walk with him, to share your life with him, and
to hold nothing back. When you pray that the
Father’s will be done, you are praying for the
upmost good, the highest truth, and the most
and noble and exalted beauty should prevail.
When you say, as the Master did at the end of
every prayer, "nevertheless, your will be done",
meaning no matter what your personal desires
may be, you are giving that up for the Father’s
greater will to be done. This is the mark of true
God-knowing. For those who know God trust
him, and when you trust God that much, you
want to desire what he desires.

Human beings have a narrow field of vision
during a short life time. You do not see all the
implications or all the ramifications of your
actions or your lives. But the Father does see
and you can be sure that when you pray for his
will to be done, and you align your will with his
will, that you can do not wiser thing, no more
courageous thing, no more farsighted thing,
and no more humble thing.

Bring him into your lives every day, every
moment. Surrender the ego driven desires for
those of the all-knowing, all-seeing Lord. Trust
that his way for you will be perfectly and
completely what is best for you and those
around you.

As you go about your daily work, bring the
Master and the Father into your minds as often
as you can. Align your wills with that of the
Father by surrendering your will to his through
prayer and worship. Have peace and comfort as
you move forward in life. Let your unknowing
rest in complete assurance in the Father’s all
knowing. Are there any questions at this time?

Urantia book describes the thought adjuster as
prepersonal, Is that mechanism that the Father
uses to make himself personally present to you.
Is there a paradox or something there?

Ham: No. The trouble is your understanding of
personality. The part of the Father which
eventually fuses with the human personality is
said to be prepersonal in that he does not come
fully unified in your personality. Meaning your
personality is the focal point of unification in
this part of the Father. But the Father’s
personality is the let’s say center of gravity of
all things and all unification takes place within
his personality. This is so even though we can
see great areas unified under seemingly
separate personalities. The Father is the source
of all this organization. Personality is a natural
organizer. It is a pole which unifies all which
grows or comes together around this focal
point. So, in order to have a time when there is
unification of this focal point with the Father’s
spirit, that spirit must join with the personality.
To do that, he cannot supplant the personality
or change the personality but must be
prepersonal. That does not change that when
you perceive the Father, you are perceiving a
person for his spirit represents him and is him
to you. It is just not a focal point of
organization, if that clarifies.

Q: You say not what we do but who we are that
is important, but doesn’t what we do influence
who we are and who we become?

Ham: Well, I would put it the other way around,
who you are influences what you do. You are
before you do. Does that make sense? I also
use this to help you understand that there is
not a way to buy your way into heaven, there is
no trick or bribery or set of religious rituals that
can take the place of growth of the spirit.

Q: Ham do you have a personal message for me

Ham: Certainly my son, you do very well and
have made great spiritual strides over a short
period of time. You are continuing to become a
humble petitioner and this practice of asking the
Father is absolutely correct. Asking the Father
for guidance, for wisdom, for strength,
patience, and all the valuable things of the spirit
is just what you should be doing. Lately you
have gone through a period of reexamination of
your value system. You are a person who
constantly revises and examines what matters
most. And this is always the correct action of a
God-knowing man. Know that the Father’s
loving kindness will never fail you. Continue to
trust in his good guidance and slowly but surely
things will become somewhat easier. There have
been many times when you have taken the hard
road, but this has also served. The Father’s
road is much easier and you will find his
guidance to be unfailing and generous. Don’t be
afraid to trust in him completely. You are almost
achieving that sublime pact and over the next
time period I foresee this partnership blooming
as you continually and unfailingly put your trust
in the Father’s hands.

Q: May I ask for a message for Jim please?

Ham: Certainly, my son, you do well. You are
also placing great trust in the Father as you
take steps forward in many ways. You will find
all that you need. The Father will lead you into
the way which is most beneficial as you grow in
your trust of his guidance. Do not worry but
also be diligent and dedicated in your pursuit of
his will. The more you dedicate yourself to the
Father, the easier your path will become. He will
guide your footsteps onto the way which is
most beneficial to you. Believe this. You do very

Q: The Master is the template?

Ham: Yes you could say that. He is the perfect
expression of God and man united and always
will be. You are correct.

Q: Do you have anything for Rebecca?

Ham: Yes. Yes, my daughter, you do well. You
must also seek after perfect humility and that
seamless alliance of your will with the Father.
The way forward is through humble recognition
of your own smallness, helplessness, and
dependence. These things must be recognized
as supremely valuable. As this occurs, your
orientation will be fine tuned for no one comes
to the Father or the Master from a high road, all
must travel the lowly road of humility, trust and
dependence. You do very well.

Q: Jarad?

Ham: Yes my son, you must also voluntarily
take the humble place. Take the position of
humility and this allows the Master to move
your forward. In this you are finding great
comfort and peace. Remember to let him carry
all your burdens. Have no fears and no anxiety
for you are firmly in the Father’s hands. Trust
him and all is well.

Q: Ham do you have anything for me tonight?

Ham: Yes my daughter you do very well. You
have a very adventurous spirit and often you
have subordinated this spirit to worldly
obligation, but now you are spreading your
wings and moving forward with your heart’s
desire. Remember that your deepest heart’s
desires are given to you so that you can find all
those things which you need in your growth.
You are coming into a wonderful and exciting
time in your life when you will experience many
changes and many new opportunities. Keep
spreading your wings and trust that the Father
will be there to lift you up. As you increase your
trust and dependence on God, you increase
your own confidence and self-respect. Be at
peace my dear, you do very well.

Q: Ham, do you have a message for me this

Ham: Yes of course my dear, you continue to
make progress even during times when you feel
like you are not. You are very much growing in
the spirit, even during times which feel
unbalanced, maybe especially during those
times. Growth can be painful and disorienting
for a while, but this quickly passes and you
experience new levels of strength and
self-assurance. The way will certainly open and
all you do will be rewarded. Don’t worry about
the future, for all is well and as it should be. Let
go of your concerns and leave them to the
Father. Let trust be your watchword, and
everything will progress just as it should.
Remember, always, that prayer is powerful. Rely
upon it and continue to build your trust with
the Father through dependence on prayer. Yes,
all things work toward the good and all is well.

Q: Norbert would like a personal message?

Ham: Yes, Norbert my son, you do well. Do not
allow fear to intrude upon your peace of mind.
Fear is not the way to the Father and many well
intentioned souls continue to believe that the
fear of God is necessary and that fear in general
is a promoter of good. Leave instead all fear
behind as you move forward in the spirit. Fear
will continue to plague even the most spiritual
among you in tiny fits and starts. That is when
you must extinguish the spark before it
becomes a flame. Move forward my son in your
searching for true spiritual experience. All things
are becoming new.

Q: Do you have a personal message for Charlie

Ham: Yes, my son, you do well. Your place in
the universe is entirely secure. In this you must
be completely certain. I perceive that there is
still a small part of you which has great difficulty
completely accepting the Father’s tender love,
some part which feels unworthy. But, let this
not be a focus of attention. Focus instead on
completely surrendering to the Father’s

love. Let go of fear that you may not measure
up, that you will be found lacking some way, for
these fears are simply a human reaction to
divine love. Focus on a spiritual reaction of love
for love. Let everything else go.

Q: Do you have any feedback for me this week?

Ham: Certainly. My son, you also do well.
Gradually, slowly but surely, you are coming to
realize the magnitude of the Father’s love for
you. When we speak of words like infinite,
boundless, eternal, these things are not really a
part of human consciousness except as you
relate to the Father. You cannot explain
boundless love, you can only experience it and
even then only partially at this time. Growth in
the ability to love is key to all spiritual progress.
For as you love, you demonstrate that you are
loved. As you love, you make the Father’s love
real in your experience. Therefore, continue to
expand in your ability to love and all is
absolutely well.

Are there any further questions? Very well then,
until next week once again my love and my
prayers are with you each. Farewell.

David G. Schlundt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Vanderbilt University
301 Wilson Hall
Nashville, TN 37203

Phone: (615)322-7800
Fax: (615) 343-8449
Email: David.Schlundt at Vanderbilt.edu
Beauty is that which attracts the soul,
and that which loves to give and not
to receive

Kahlil Gibran

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