[tmtranscripts] NO. IDAHO TEAM....9-05-04

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Mon Sep 6 22:50:36 PDT 2004


DATE: 9-05-04


Prayer: Divine parents, Michael, Nebadonia, and all your officials who work
for you so tirelessly to help you in this teaching mission, we recognize you
and your presense in our lives. We request that you interface with us as
you loyally and faithfully do, even now in this hour. We come to you with
open hearts and open minds that we may be guided and directed and that we
may interface with you in the realm of spirit that we desire so much in our
lives. We have every confidence and faith that you hear our desires and that
you abide by our wishes in this time as we come together in faith at this
time. We await any sign or signal from you that we may interface together
in this time. We also offer our love and our thankyou for this process, for
our lives, for these times we live in, which we are able to come together in
this fashion. Thankyou and we love you in advance.

Elyon: This is Elyon, and I  would embrace your warm feelings and affection
for myself and the others involved in this heretofore unknown process on
your world. However, it is my desire to shift the emphasis and to refocus
your appreciation back upon yourselves at this time , because truly it can
be said and truly it is known by the universe at large that you are the
individuals who make this entire project and process possible through your
steadfast faithfulness in once again presenting  yourselves for this process
even amongst your uncertainties and doubts as to the manifestation of your
energies, you still arrive on time faithfully and present yourselves for
whatever may be in store.

This that you do may seem rather normal or commonplace to you as you have
made this such a regular part of your lifestyle, but to us who view this
gigantic experiment from afar, we realize that you are our key players in
the implementation of this new correcting time, that you so willingly
present yourselves to be directed and enlightened is truly a miracle of your

There are  times when you as individuals might be overawed to know, how many
universe eyes are upon you as you excercise  your faith muscles in the face
of doubts and uncertainties, and contrary to the normal  patterns on your
world, yet you are drawn to this process like moths to the flame,  your
spirit longs to be a part of what it knows not.

Truly it is inspirational for all of us on our side of the curtain, to see
you step forward on your stages of life, and boldly accesss something so
foreign and unknown to the rest of your arena. They see only you on your
side of the curtain under the lights and performing your life tasks in
awareness and steadfastness, and with a peace and a certainty that they
notice and admire.

We on the backside of the curtain, attempt to supoort you and promt you as
occasions arise and be there for you as you manifest the realities that you
have come to know. When you stumble we attempt to catch you, when you are
without words we offer you the next line, but in the final analysis, human
eyes are focused only on you and the extent of all our efforts behind the
scenes only become apparent in your success.

Therefore do we marvel at your repeated willingness to try again. This
desire to push forward, to make the show go on, provides the necessary
impetus for us to keep the wheels rolling on this gigantic project we are
engaged in together. Should you decide to leave the stage and take your seat
as an observer, our function would be useless and without someone else to
rise and take to the stage, there would be no drama to behold.

Therefore do we  honor you each one in our embrace of this responsibility,
and while it is true that you are not alone because we are there with you as
are Michael and Mother Spirit, nevertheless when you function in your realm,
you function apparently as a solo act. Our help is unseen by all those who
observe and they credit you with resposibility for your entire performance.

Any worthy performer is ready to give credit to the many forces behind the
scenes which enable the performance to be a success, but the aspect that
individuals often remember are those who stepped forward to play the leading
role, those who adopted the characteristics and traits of that which was to
be portrayed. In your case you have been training and learning so  that you
may adopt the characteristics and traits and truths of spirit. To the extent
that you have studied your lines and understand the workings of the plot,
you become more effective as an ambassador for that which you desire to

You have all heard the expression that you must become this new spirit
reality, and that is implied far more than simply  the ability to describe a
phenomenon or reality, rather it must be apparent to those who simply
observe you, your presense, your characteristics, your traits, that you are
aware of this spiritual dimension, indeed this spiritual dimension has
become a part of your existense to the extent that you can portray this
spiritual reality as a mime might portray your physical realities without
the use of words symbols.

You are becoming skilled and adept at portraying aspects of spirit through
your daily lives and activity which signal your other priorities, your
values, as you conduct yourselves on your stage of life. It is not necessary
to become a powerful preacher to instill the values and attitudes of one
who knows whereof they speak in  the spirit realm, and you my dear students,
are among those who it can be said, to know whereof you speak in these
spirit matters.

It is you who have spent the necessary time and devotion, and faith to
discover these principals for yourselves. It is you who have become familiar
enough with this spirit realm to be here even now. It is you who have the
desire in your hearts to associate yourself so steadfastly with spirit,
therefore it is you who may speak with authority about matters of the
spirit, matters of the realm of spirit that you have become familiar with.

This does not mean that it is incumbent upon you to forcefully make these
ways of spirit known, but rather to passivly make these ways of spirit known
through anothers observation of the very life that you live. It is not
required of you as a human being that you conform to the status quo of what
others would have you be on this stage of life, rather, as an inspiring
performer. It is desired of you that you portray a new outlook on life, a
different perspective to be considered, a new reality to be embraced. That
is what is required in your position as much as it is necessary for you to
comply with your mortal laws and obligations.

It is also incumbent upon you, as one who can speak with authority, to speak
with such authority and offer to those who witness to you an alternative, a
spiritual dimension, a new arena whereon we may perform. This is the
privilege before you at this time and you may, as you so desire, choose to
access this opportunity to any degree that you find yourselves capable and
willing but make no mistake, that these are the times wherein miracles can
be expected. This communication is  an example of such a miracle that we
have come to expect.

You can assume that there are other miracles that you may be a party to and
that will have the power to transform this current reality into the new one
we are working to build together. We have said in the past, that it is time
to be bold about this spiritual projection, that it is a co-creative process
which involves you as a participant in your willingness, in your desire,
even in your abilities and it is easy for a mortal of the realm to be
rapidly overwhelmed with the thought that any service of any great magnitude
surely would be outside the realm of possibility, but I encourage you to
vanquish any thoughts you might possess and harbor about your capacity to
perform such great tasks, because I am here to assure you, in fact, Michael
has even commissioned you to be about this next inauguration of spirit

It is no longer about discussions of the validity or reality of this
presense you have come to embrace, these truths in your hearts; therefore
the next step is to  move this reality, these values that you have come to
know, into the light of your arena of performance. It is no longer
acceptable  to keep them behind the scenes while you formulate your
awareness of them. Now this awareness that you have gained, propells you to
make these realities that you dream of into real principles of operation.

If you think about the obstacles that you perceive as standing in your way
to a world of light and life, they are predominantly clustered around what
is the status  quo at this time, how individuals act and see the world and
react to their environment. I am attempting to portray that a new script can
be written, a new reality can be portrayed by those faithful performers with
enough certainty to portray a new and divine reality to all those who would
view this world stage and the arenas wherein we may function may be very
small, a single individual or may turn out to be quite large, but the
message we need to portray is the same, one of spirit content and divine

It wil be heard eagerly by any who view your splendid portrayal, whether it
be a single individual or group presentation. You may have the perception
that the task at hand may seem large and daunting but I would recall to you
that the task that you  have already admirably performed to get you to this
station, even now in life is nothing short of miraculous in its
accomplishments; therefore, should you gain great support in the next phase
of this project being accomplishable as I assure you it is, and when the
spotlight swings and points to you, therein will be your opportunity to
manifest  spirit.

To be this spirit you have come to know, and  in that hour, in that moment
you will fulfill the desire of a universe and it will be a glorious occasion
and one that we will relish in later times as we both were privy to such a
pivotal phase of your worlds development. These times are truly exciting and
wonderful times and we are both very, very lucky to be in these times and
working together in such a glorious cause as one for the Creator of our

Truly we will cherish these memories of a time when spirit was so new to
your world as to be ushered in as a foreign concept on your stage of
reality, but for now, those of us in awareness must proceed as directed and
put one foot in front of the other, one step at a time and embrace the roles
we are to play as the stage is set and conditions are made right for the
grand culmination of the play of Michaels request. I'm sure that I can count
on each of you to be faithful players and you know you can count on me to be
just behind the curtain, to be supporting your every step, encouraging your
every move and providing whatever assistance I can possibly provide from my
side of the curtain.

You have my assurance, you have my affection, you have my appreciation for
the role that you play in this process. Now I would take my leave and bid
you a fair day as you enjoy the parameters of your world as they exist now,
looking forward to a new and better arena wherein we migfht perform with
more freedom of spirit and certainty of divine nature. I take my leave today
but my affection remains with you, farewell. 

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