[tmtranscripts] Arcadia, June 23, 2008

Laurence Whelan lwhelan at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 26 09:56:51 PDT 2008

Arcadia Teaching Mission 06/23/08


George (T/R)

Prayer – Norman: Heavenly Father, thank you for
bringing us together this evening and may the
teachers have a lesson for us, may we learn that
lesson and go about it in a decent-like manner
fulfilling your will. Thank you for each person
that is here tonight and those that are away from
us and we give Christ Michael and you credit and
we ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

George/JarEl: Good evening.

Group: Good evening.

George/JarEl: It is I, your teacher JarEl.

Lucille: Welcome.

George/JarEl: It is good to be back once more.
And I greet all of you here in this room.

As you travel, and by that, I mean your travels
through the spiritual realm, as you travel you
should remember to always take the attitude of a
child, a wondrous child who has no idea what will
come around the corner; but, at the same time, is
excited for what may come. It is too easy to
become jaded, to become all-knowing and to say
you know all the answers. And the reason I say it
is too easy is because all too often ideas become crystallized in this

Religions can become crystallized, dogmatized.
So, even an idea such as God could be stripped of
all life and made as a dead word in a book. So
when you take the attitude of a child and look at
everything as new and alive, you substitute that
jadedness with genuine excitement for your future
and your destiny. Do not allow yourself to become
jaded. Do not allow yourself to become
indifferent either. There are so many things that
you can relearn if you were just to look over
something again. Maybe there is something that
you missed the first time around, perhaps you
need to look closer to examine what you could have missed.

This world gives you thousands and thousands of
opportunities to discover something new everyday.
Just because you’ve lived a long life does not
mean you know everything about this world.
Neither does it give you a right to presume you
know everything in the face of others. You must
humble yourself at the sight of pure knowledge,
for it is pure knowledge that will elevate your
mind, it is pure knowledge that will lead you
towards your destiny, a destiny full of life and
electricity. Whenever you substitute all of this
for presumed acquired knowledge, you limit
yourself from the potentials that exist out there, for all of you.

Every single individual on this planet has
equal potential, they just need to learn to find
it and, yes, sometimes to fight for it. But
despite whatever upbringing you may have had,
despite all of the knowledge you may have
acquired, or despite all of the religions that
exist on this planet that declare to have the
truth, one must always follow this child-like
attitude in order to unlock the inner-workings of
the mysteries of God. For it is only as a child
that he will open up to you. And this idea is
more complex than that, but, I tend to simplify
it for you so that you may put it in some sort of
context. Do not take my words literally, it is
like a child in which you must have your
attitude. And I do not doubt you know what I
mean, for this concept has already been spoken of
in the Urantia Book, and it has been thoroughly explained there.

And so I do urge you to be as a child so that
you may always be open to these new ideas that
may come your way. Be as a child so that you may
always be excited when you discover something
new. Be as a child so that you will be friendly
to those who may contain a lesson for you. Be as
a child so that you may love unconditionally. Be
as a child so that you may be loved
unconditionally as well. As I look down on all of
you there has always been this realization on my
part that you are all still children in many
respects; you have much to learn and much to
grow. But at the same time, you are very
beautiful and tender. And you are worth every
ounce of energy that is given towards you so that
you may reach the higher levels of spirituality.
Every effort given from us to you has ultimate
justification. For everything that we do for you,
you will also do for others when your time comes.
We have no doubt of that. Despite your choices in
this current life, in your ultimate destiny, you
are all very good individuals who truly love God
and have the potential to love one another.

It is fear that brings you apart. It is fear
that stops you from joining with one another to
better this world. But yes, you are still those
children who do not entirely know all the facts.
You are still in the dark on many, many things.
And when you mature, all this will be explained
to you. And so you must trust us in that manner.
And as a child, as children so often do, they
trust their parents, and hope that their parents
will lead them and nurture them, and protect
them. And so we take our responsibilities as
such, and we lead you, guide you, and nurture
you, and yes, we sometimes do protect you. And we
will continue to do so until the day that you can
fend for yourself. We will continue to guide you
until the day you are no longer a child of the
universe but a son or a daughter who has come
into maturity and who has grown in the grace of
God. For this is the destiny of all of you.. Are
there any questions here tonight?

Stella: This is another subject but I was just
wondering if there is anybody on the other side
that can give me a miraculous healing on my hand.
I know it’s tough to ask but it’s four and a half
months and I still cannot use my fingers.

George/JarEl: My dear Stella, there are many of
us on the other side who can miraculously heal
your hand. But just because they can does not
mean that they will do it. It is not a matter of
you not receiving the prayers that you ask. It is
simply a matter of not trying to interfere as
much on this planet with the ways of this planet.
There has already been too much of that.

There is a way that you can heal yourself. But
this requires much concentration and a direct
connection with God. There is also a protocol in
place in which many are not given permission to
just come and heal those that they feel are
worthy. I know it sounds like it’s cruel but
there are reasons for such a protocol and in the
long run even though you may not think of it
right now, you will be thankful for the things
that have happened to you, even the worst things,
for they will be lessons for you, lessons you
will carry forward for all of eternity.

And Stella, my friend, it is suffering that you
have. This pain will help you relate to those who
are in pain as well, it will give you that
relevance when you speak to others. You are a
child of this planet, you are a child who has
suffered as well. And so when you take these
badges of courage with you onto the mansion
worlds, you will be very very instrumental in
convincing others to follow the path to God. For
you will have things that they can relate to, for
you lived just as they lived, you are not
separate from others, you suffered just as they
suffered. And this, my friend Stella, can
sometimes turn out to be the ultimate gift. I am
simply trying to put this in some perspective and
I know it does not relieve what you are going
through at this moment, but I promise you one day
you will be glad something like this happened to you.

Stella: Well, I suppose you’re right. But, you
know, when I think of my suffering, it is to the
extent where I can’t use my hand. However, when I
think of all the other people who suffer,
excruciatingly, to me that suffering, rather than
bringing them to believe in God, may turn them
away from God because they may feel ‘God does not
care about me, he is just allowing me to suffer’.
So, I think at some point suffering has to be
relieved. Otherwise, it’s extremely detrimental
to a person. That’s my opinion, but I suppose there is stuff I do not

George/JarEl: That is a very valid opinion. There
is much truth in that, but I also give you this.
You can become that bridge from which they travel
in not believing in God because they have
suffered to believing in God because they have
seen one who does believe in God and has also
suffered. Perhaps not as much, but at least you
can say that you do feel for them. You do
understand them. And this will have more weight
than from someone who has never suffered, who has
had an easy life, and is just trying to convince
them. Their words almost carry no weight
whatsoever when it comes to people who suffer. Are there any other

Joe: (Personal)

George/JarEl: I appreciate your sharing this with
us. I do want you to know that you have an
eternal family that will always love you. And
regardless of what twists and turns your life
takes you to, there is no judgment on our part,
there is no expectation of what you should do or
where you should go, there is only love. But we
know that inside you, there is plenty of
potential and what you choose to do with that
potential is entirely up to you and it is between
you and God, it has nothing to do with us. We are
here to support you, to love you, and to help you
with every decision that you make. Your life will
surprise you. You will have many, many surprises.
And your decisions are your own. And no one can tell you what to do.

Joe: (Personal)

George/JarEl: Let me explain how the universe
family works. In the universal family there is no
anger, there are no groupings, there are no
exclusions, we accept everyone and we love
everyone. And yes, even though there are
different categorizations of angels, midwayers
and so forth, we are still part of a family. We
all make our own decisions, our own choices.

But the families that you deal with down on this
planet tend to be more tribal, more
nationalistic, more us vs. them. In the grand
scheme of things there is no us and them. There
is simply all of us, for we are all part of the
same family and we all care for one another and
we all root for one another. We all wish that
everyone succeeds in whatever choices and
decisions that they take and make. The
experiences that you may have here on this planet
with friends and family differ tremendously when
you arrive on the higher planes of
existence;there you will no longer suffer from such petty egotism.

But you must learn this as you travel through
this world, you must learn to deal with people in
such ways where you can perhaps be at peace with
everyone. That is not to say that you should bend
to every will or every whim that they have. But
you can build bridges and keep those bridges,
there is no need to burn them. Your experiences
will take you many places and all these places
and all these people, and all these connections
are valid, are worthwhile. And I, personally,
will love to see you have many friends.

Joe: I want to say one thing. I know it’s
personal to you, because I know you’ve already
fused. If I decide to withdraw from the finaliter
path or if I take it at a later date, I’d
appreciate it, if that’s respected, like I said,
I’m not afraid to love, and, personally, between
you and me, the adjuster’s never led me wrong,
but I don’t know where I’m going with everything
that’s happened. I don’t know why, I’ve already,
I don’t need to say it here but...

George/JarEl: That’s ok my friend, it’s not a
choice you need to make here and now.

Joe: Yeah.

George/JarEl: There is plenty of time for that.
Continue exploring your possibilities and your
potentials. Trust in your heart, trust in yourself, do not doubt who
you are.

Joe: And you know I wanted to, I’m hoping through
all of this, when it’s all over - I’m really
hoping maybe I can work, like you said, to build
those bridges not burn them. I wanted to do
something, since I was younger, I’ve always, I’ve
always wanted to do something unique in this
universe that no one has ever done before. I know
I will. And, it’s my story, but, I wanted to, I
wanted to stand for something, I wanted to, maybe
even be a symbol, I wanted to do something that
was meaningful to everybody, and I’ll work hard
because everybody is my family and I care about
them, and I want to make sure that everybody’s
not, I don’t want there to be that kind of
unhappiness that there was, you know? I’m
committed to that, to working as hard as I need to, to do that.

George/JarEl: And we all appreciate this commitment on your part.

Joe: Yes. I wanted to ask one more thing and I
guess I’ll leave it at that. Actually, two
things. One was, are they going to finish the - I
know they’ve already started doing the morontial
blending on me and that seems to be going kind of
slow. I was wondering if there is anything they
can do, anything I can do to hasten that process?

George/JarEl: Yes there is something you can do.
But you are also very slow at doing it.

Joe: Hey, I can tell.

George/JarEl: It is connecting with the true
Source and Center that brings you closer to a
morontia state. And all these things you can do,
just as Stella can heal herself if she wanted to.
Now there are ways that you can be taken off this
world and be put into a morontia state just as
there is a way they can miraculously heal Stella.
But just because it can be done, does not mean it will be done.

Joe: Right.

George/JarEl: Be patient in everything around you.

Joe: I’ve been trying to connect more, it’s just,
I think it would help, I’m not afraid to listen
to it, it’s just there are times that, I don’t
know if it’s just my own genetics or what not,
but sometimes I go up and down and there are
points of doubt and points of confidence. I’ve
always wanted that to be fixed where I could kind
of (inaudible) my head. That aside, I’m going to
keep moving forward. I, I do try to connect. I’m
doing the best I can. Despite my experiences, I’m
not so arrogant that I would not heed to listen
to the strange, strange inner thing that exists
inside me. So, like I said, it hasn’t led me
wrong and I respect that. I’m not afraid to try
and continue to follow it even though I have difficulty connecting.

There was one other thing I wanted to talk about.
I’m sorry I’m taking so much time, I just, I had
to say that, it was kind of important I got that
off my chest. About two years ago, my
ex-girlfriend, I was just sitting down with her,
she never read the Urantia Book, you know, she
never read the Urantia Book, I don’t think she
did. She was just a regular church-going girl you
know. She always pushed me to go to church and
this and that, she was a sweet girl. And we were
just you know, she kind of had some psychic
ability about her I guess. And I hadn’t read the
Urantia Book yet, this might have been three
years ago, almost. We were just doing some file
sorting at my mom’s place. And just out of the
blue, I don’t know what prompted me to ask her
this, but I just asked her about Caligastia. Hey,
I don’t know why I did that, but I did. And the
strangest thing ever happened, I never would have
thought of this happening in a million years. My
ex-girlfriend just started crying and she held on
to me and she told me to stay away from him and
said that he violated God’s will and there was
something else she said but I don’t feel
comfortable mentioning that here, but she held on
to me for what seemed like 10 minutes, just
balling her eyes out and told me to stay away
from him. I’m just wondering how she knew
about that? Where that even came from. It was so strange.

George/JarEl: You will find that many people will
have a similar reaction to that name.

Joe: Yeah, I noticed that.

George/JarEl: Despite the fact that they have no
foreknowledge of the papers of the Urantia Book.

Joe: mmhm.

George/JarEl: It is sometimes a genetic reaction,
a memory of old. And other times it is in
connection with a thought adjuster prompt or a
midwayer prompt. And even an angelic prompt.
There are many ways that the universe can signal
to you, something. And a name such as Caligastia
can trigger such a reaction from many aspects of
the universe, including your own genetic make-up.
This world is still hurting from much of what
Caligastia did and it has not altogether healed.
Your former friend was very sensitive and she was right.

Joe: Can you, I know this probably isn’t standard
to ask this, but, on my behalf, I would ask
, because I think I broke her heart. I
should probably be the one to do this but I don’t
know how I could if I’m going to be here for a
long time. Could you, could you promise me that
you’ll take care of her? It’s important to me.

George/JarEl: She is well-taken care of. All things heal with time as

Joe: Yeah.

George/JarEl: And you will also have that opportunity to speak to her.

Joe: Thanks.

George/JarEl: Are there any final questions?

Joe: That’s all I have to say, thank you.

George/JarEl: Are there any more questions?

Lucille: JarEl, I would like to ask a question.
Give me some suggestions on how we can get closer to God.

George/JarEl: My dear friend Lucille, you ask me
this question everytime and I always give you this answer.

Group: Laughter

George/JarEl: The simple fact that you are asking
in itself entails that you are getting closer to
God. Your willingness to find a way to reach God
enables you to become closer to him. So you are
doing the right thing. And whenever you ask this
question, that moment, you are closer to God.

Lucille: Thank you.

George/JarEl: You are most welcome.

Norman: JarEl: I’d like to ask, not a question,
and that would be July 2nd through the 6th will
be the International Conference for the
Fellowship in Los Angeles and I just wanted to
Pato’s manager is not part of it but he said
this could become a huge thing and I think the
movement could kick it off, kick this movement
off that will reach us to Paradise and so I’m
wondering are we going along the right lines, are, will it be

George/JarEl: There will be much success and much
of the success you will not be able to measure.
You must be willing to accept the visible, yet,
sometimes meager successes that you may perceive.
But trust that the successes that will entail
from such a conference that you are about to have
will be measured in the spiritual realm. And we
do predict that it will have much success and
reach many hearts and many minds. So do not be
discouraged my friend, when you don’t see what
you hope to see. But that does not mean that it
does not exist. I hope you understand what I was
trying to tell you. Now saying that, I wish you
the best in this endeavor and I wish you all goodnight.

Group: Goodnight JarEl.

Stella: Thank you.

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