Northwest TeaM Transcript 4 of 4

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at
Sat Jul 12 22:02:27 PDT 1997

Northwest Teaching Mission Gathering
Sunday morning June 22, 1997

*       Rantarason  (Bob):  I am Rantarason, and it is my pleasure
this morning to get things underway.  We recognize your
schedules, and we understand the questions.  We do have some
short commentaries to make, but we would like to provide time to
dialogue.  Therefore, we are not in need of long addresses.  I
simply want to make it known that I am inspired by your efforts
at communication this weekend.  Your community is growing in its
intimate nature.  We applaud your efforts to break boundaries, to
create understanding, to move beyond limitation, to be willing to
make concerted efforts to utilize your time with us in a more
constructive manner.  It was the honor of our melchizedek corps
to work with you this weekend in your panel discussion.
        Several of our group are here this morning.  If there are
any questions regarding the communication yesterday, your
thoughts will be welcome.                          I will now step back; there are a
few others who would like to make their hellos.  Thank you for

*       Nebadonia  (Delores):  Greetings, my children, it is I,
Nebadonia, your mother spirit.  My heart goes out to all of you. 
We see you struggling, our children, and love is so near.  I want
to tell you; I want to hold you; I want to embrace you; I want to
nurture and nourish you.  I want you to open your hearts and let
my love pour in.  Michael and I are as close to you as your
breath.  We know your every thought.  The blocks and the barriers
that you see sometimes between yourselves and others are not seen
by us.  We can see past them, through them, around them, under
them.  The journey of your life is an adventure of learning and
discovery.  When you are lost in pockets of despair or fear know
that there are keys, because you are not alone.   The same heart
that is in you is in others.  The same mind that is in you is in
others.  The answers can be found; the ways can be made.  
        I would have you remember that the combination of heart and
mind in balance brings you through doorways that sometimes each
alone cannot discover.  When things seem bleak, look to your
heart.  When things are overwhelming, look to your mind.  Your
heart and your mind together make a balanced way.  It is some-
thing that we share; Michael and I together are with you in this
self-creation.  You were created in our image.  Do not forget
that we are with you, that we love you dearly.  Open your hearts
to me.
        I thank you so much for coming.  We see your pain; we grieve
with you, and we have joy with you.  Thank you for your courage,
for following your hearts, for following your footsteps, for
coming together.  It is a great joy.  I will close for now
leaving you in my embrace.

*       Michael  (Nancy):  My children, I am Michael here with you
in voice this morning.  As Nebadonia has stated, we are always
with you, even in those times when we seem so distant, in in-
tellectual thought only.  Even then is our love surrounding you,
nourishing you, supporting you, uplifting you.  It is your fear
of true intimacy that blocks our perception from your minds. 
This fear of intimacy you have been wrestling with throughout
your lives, but this fear has perhaps been brought into more
defined focus in the last several years, particularly recently as
curriculum focusses have shifted to interactivity.  Even
yesterday in the exercise which you undertook, some of you
experienced that fear rise up.  Much of the purpose of the
melchizedek curriculum toward interactivity is to develop and
expand your ability for intimacy that you may become more inti-
mately involved with all, with us your creator parents, with our
Father/Mother/Source and Center, and with one another.  This fear
of intimate interaction is a part of your natural animal heritage
and yet has been mightily magnified by the events, by the history
of our planet, this lovely jewel.  So, it is not unusual that
intimate interactions are seemingly difficult for you at this
        I commend you for each step you take in the direction of de-
veloping relationships built on honest expression of your
personality, for this is the first requirement for intimacy. 
This is part of the reason that many of you find it easier to be
intimate with us, the creator parents, than with your brothers,
for you experience the ability to be honest with us, knowing our
love, our lack of judgement for you.  You know that we have full
understanding.  Still, remnants of doubt remain, intellectual
concepts are not necessarily consistent with emotional heritage
of your pasts.  So, when you are in the greatest doubts about
your worthwhileness, you find it difficult to accept our love or
the love of any of your brothers and sisters.  It is in this time
that faith is most necessary, for with true faith you can reach
out and open to this love despite your fears of this love, of
this intimate interaction, and of what this change will represent
in your overall life.  You know that we love you.  You do not yet
fully know how worthy you are of this love.  With time this
knowledge will become all encompassing, with time and with effort
toward deepening intimacy, greater interactivity. 
        It has been my supreme pleasure to speak with you of these
things on this occasion.  My gratitude to each of you for making
the effort to be here to interact and to love one another.  I
extend to you; I give you my love and my farewell in voice only. 
I am your brother/father Michael. 
*       Daniel  (Bill):  Good morning, my friends, this is Daniel,
your friend, your teacher, your guide.  How joyous I am to look
upon you, you who I regard as my students in the broad, extended
sense.  I commend you on your services of celebration yesterday,
for all three of these, my fellowcomrades.  Your contribution to
the Kingdom of Heaven is far greater than you most of you know
and realize.  
        In your eulogy for your departed brothers and sister, you
have taken efforts to remember the positive and the good.  Such
an exercise is always commendable for it does indeed enhance
reality.  Take the same effort toward yourselves and your
comrades today.  Put aside your differences of opinion, put aside
your fault-finding temperaments, put aside the negative and re-
joice in your unity and commonality.
        This mission, which is the pride of Nebadon under the
direction of our sovereign Michael and his consort Nebadonia, is
a great joy to all of us involved.  I intend to stay active and
to participate fully in this as long as it shall be deemed
        I realize now that I have had my opportunity to greet you,
and I therefore defer the time so that all may have a chance to
share.  Please feel my love for all of you.  I am Daniel. 

*       Machiventa (Mark Farley):  Greetings, I am Machiventa.  We
are so pleased at the work you do here, at the work you now
begin.  Many of you, hearing of this mission for the first time,
looked within and wondered, "what will I have to sacrifice?  What
will I have to give up?"  And yet, what have you given up?  The
sacrifice we ask of you is to take the risk, to take the courage,
to discover your whole self, to discover the voice within you
that will speak clearly the message that you all learn.  You are
to be our teachers for this planet.  Every time you pass by a mo-
ment in life that you look over the fence and see something
attractive there, something in someone else's personality, an
activity, a saying, a quote, a song, that pulls at your heart,
that attracts you, you are hearing the call of your complete
self.  Look to those things for clues to undiscovered places
within yourself that cry to be set free.  You are starting the
work of relating to each other.  Without this bond, without this
trust, you are alone trying to do this work.  You need each
other, material brothers and sisters, to reach out and to touch
and to help you on your way.  We give you all the support you can
take and all the support we are able to give.  Yet you need the
warm grasp and the support of a brother.  You are finding those
each step along the way.  Cherish each other; you are each
other's key to the success that lies ahead.  
        There will be much change in the year to come, much di-
rection changing, conflict, diversity exploration.  You will
continue to talk, continue to find your eddy in this pattern that
unfolds.  We are so excited for you, this opportunity.  We are
privileged to share that opportunity with you.  
        There are rarely first times is this universe that we get to
discover.  Each time we come to a world such as yours that is in
such disarray and when you all answer the call, we are moved be-
cause we see how difficult the path is ahead of you and where you
have been.  Yet what is within you, what is within all of us,
still responds strongly.  It is truly the most inspirational
thing this universe has to hold, the answer to a call. 
        I thank each and every one of you for the sacrifices you
have made, for the courage you have taken and the difficult steps
that it has involved.  Yet in each of you I see a joy beginning,
a joy cementing that will make what lies ahead spectacular. 
Thank you, my friends.  We love you all.  Farewell.  

*       Aaron (Sheila):  Greetings, I am Aaron, your brother and
teacher, your friend.  It brings me great joy to witness the
courage and strength of you all this weekend.  Many of you have
brought up from the depths your fears and confusion and shared
with your family.  This is very courageous, and this is the
beginning of growth, for you have brought to the surface that
which needs to be healed.  It would be to your benefit to take
note of that which you personally shared with this group and work
on this particular issue for the healing of your soul and your
mind.  This can be done between you and the Father.  Forgiveness,
compassion, understanding are the keys to these things. 
Interaction between your brothers and sisters can help heal these
areas with discussion.  But most important, the one real healing
direction, would be between you and our Father.  
        We thank you for being so open, for now we are more clearly
aware of areas where we can help.  Your willingness to heal is
willingness to grow, which is willingness to do the Father's
will.  Be at peace, be of love.
        I thank you for your time, and I will be with you all for
guidance, for assistance, for growth together.  Thank you.  

*       LinEl  (Thea):  Greetings, this is LinEl.  My words today
are brief, but I simply want to express to you my joy as always
in being here when you come together, one more step forward in
your family bonding.  
        You know I believe that love is the answer to every
question, and you are together learning the answers, for love is
the secret of interactivity.  Love combines truth, beauty, and
goodness in its approach to relationship, and you are learning to
love one another.  I would encourage you to take this spirit of
familyhood and extend it throughout the year before your next
time together.  Find ways to remain connected, to continue
holding hands, for the wisdom and strength you have to give one
another in the shared problem solving of your lives, of your
group heartfelt searches, are profound.  As Machiventa has said,
you need one another.  Remember also we are here always, at any
time, to answer any questions that you have in this process of
the development of your systems of love together.  When we watch
you we are proud, for this has not been easy, yet you continue. 
In our eyes you are all so beautiful.  
        These events are great celebrations for us in this room; it
is very full, full of us, full of you, full hearts shared.  Thank
you for this opportunity, and we look forward to everyone in the
future, of which, rest assured, there are many.  My love goes
with you, farewell.
*       Veronica  (Rick):  Jonathan is nervous for I have given him
a preview of my words.  
        The resplendent cascade of divinity that pours upon you is a
firefall that illuminates as truth and radiates as love.  As its
glow warms you to the depths of your being, you likewise burst
forth in a colorful manifestation of this truth and a fantastic
fountain of this love.

        Mark:  I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers
for being here with us today.  It has for all of us in this room,
I think, been the most fabulous thing in our lives, to come in
contact with you.  It has altered the course of many of our
lives.  I thank you all, the teachers, for reaching down as we
reach up and guiding us. 
        I'm sure there are others with questions or comments;
perhaps we could open the floor to that at this time.  

        (David speaking for Norson):  Norson is here with us. 
Though I was unable to bring forth the courage to speak for him,
he had very little to say.  He wanted to remind us of one thing
which is laid out in our history books, and that is increasing
happiness is always the experience of all who are certain about
God.  He would leave you with that.

        (Delores for Will):  Will was here, and she also said that
she loves us all dearly and attends every event.  So, always
remain open for her words as she may pop in anytime.
        (Thea for Serenia):  My personal teacher Serenia said that
our personal teachers don't get lots of time at these events. 
It's absolutely incredible event.... and they have watching their
students... (inaudible)

        Michael:  I have something to say.  It has been coming to me
this whole weekend that interactivity is our theme; the working
word in "interactivity" is "act", "action".  Without action there
is no interactivity.  I think that, as the advanced class, we
need to do field trips.  I think that we have studied hard for
years; we have probably gleaned more of the gospel than the
apostles did, and look what they did.  It is our turn now to
change the world moment by moment.  We can't attain perfection,
but we can attain perfect moments.  Add them up.  

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