Northwest TeaM Transcript 2 of 4

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at
Sat Jul 12 22:02:10 PDT 1997

Northwest Teaching Mission Gathering
Saturday morning June 21, 1997
Melchizedek Panel

[Several of the questions posed during this session were
inaudible on the tape and have been derived here from notes. ed.]

*       Machiventa  (Thea):  Greetings, I am Machiventa, and I would
like to introduce to you this panel today which we requested.  
        I would like you to think about your work here at this time
in the Teaching Mission in another manner, as adventures in
Supreme building.  You know that your first interactivity
responsibility is between you and the Father.  But today I would
like to focus this discussion on your interactivity between one
another.  You are building experience in your groups, learning
the ways to function together and how love works together to
create the spaces and shapes of your joint service to one
another.  If you think of the Supreme it is the perfect aggregate
information.  As you are here and now, you are learning in the
smaller ways of the formation of the systems of loving one
another.  You have noticed that there are different config-
urations shifting and changing, forming and reforming within your
group structure.  We would like to help you become, not alarmed
by these changes, but excited and enthused in understanding that
the freedom to explore these developing relationships of love
with one another and increasing their effectiveness will only
strengthen any group aspect that you have, including the
northwest group itself.  
        I love you all, and I look forward to this shared time with
you.  I will now close for comments from my brothers.

*       Malvantra (Bill):  Greetings, dear friends, I am Malvantra
present here today as a member of this melchizedek panel.  We are
all pleased that you have responded to our request to take this
time to speak with us and we with you.  As Machiventa has
indicated, we wish to focus upon your questions and concerns
relative to the interactive process which we have been exploring. 

        As you may know from your study of The Urantia Book, your
universe progression entails a great deal of time and energy
involved with learning to interact with others of your mortal
origin but also of intelligences and types of beings.  So, I
would indicate that the first area of concern that you need to be
working on has to do with your willingness to experience differ-
ences, diversity, and your integration of personal reality, for
if you are not willing to become acquainted with those who are
different from yourselves, you are destined to lead a most mean
and restricted existence.  All of you are to some degree aware of
this, and because of your willingness to embrace diversity, your
footsteps have lead you to this moment in time and space.  
        The other members of this panel will also comment briefly,
as I am doing, on aspects of this interactivity which we are here
to provide you, mostly with our wisdom and to challenge you to
broader, deeper, and greater horizons.  I now step aside to allow
another of my brother melchizedeks to address you. 

*       Rantarason  (Sheila):  Greetings, I am Rantarason.  Today I
greet you with compassion.  This is something we learn through
the interaction of one another, through your interaction with
your brothers and disters.  I would ask you today to notice your
feelings.  I would ask you to notice your feelings throughout
this weekend.  I would ask you, as you leave here, not to leave
these feelings here but to take them with you.  and to project
these upon all you come in contact with, for there need not be a
difference between your interaction with your brothers and
sisters here and the ones who are outside the walls of this camp. 
The space that your heart is in at this time can be the space
that it is in at all times.  Why would you leave this heart space
for anything else?  Why would you exchange it for anything less? 
Your interaction between these groups has no space.  Lend not
space between you and anyone you contact.  Be prepared for
anything.  In your openness remember the feelings of this
weekend, the sharing, the caring, the compassion, the weaving of
personalities.  This must go on from now on to all.  It is
because of your willingness to accept Father love that makes this
is in a sense a  requirement in a sense the greatest of will to
feel and share the compassion with all, not some but all.  Your
experience from now on shall be acknowledged as compassion with
diversity.  You have been prepared for this for many years.  In
learning of judgement, you have had opportunities to fine tune
the process, and as always it is the Father's will which you so
proudly have opened yourself up to display.  And so it shall be. 
It is our confidence in you and within yourselves that we know
this can be carried out.  We need not wish you luck upon this for
we know it shall be done. 
        I will now let others speak.  

*       Lantarnek  (Rick):  I, Lantarnek, one melchizedek advisor
among you, greet you.  I share with you the respect you have for
Machiventa, our brother.  Though he is one among many of us, we
hold him dear, for he has experienced a life like yours.  You
each aspire to re-present Michael's earth life in your own
individual expression.  We melchizedeks admire the life of our
father Michael.  I personally am equally inspired by my brother's
life, and so chose to join him in this ministry, to draw close to
my human cousins to discover what the evolutionary life is like. 

        Spread abroad in this universe are great universities which
we staff.  They are resplendent centers.  They contain not only
knowledge but great arenas for experience.  They are not only
storehouses of universe discovery but deep wells of personal
discovery.  You are in our schools.  You are being home-schooled. 
Consider yourselves blessed for there is no commute.  
        In ages past, as you have been informed, we undertook
measures to uplift this planet, and even your supervisors knew
not the methods we employed.  This day I assure you they are in
full awareness of our methods and our plans, for, as day turns to
night and night turns to day on your world, so has civilization
made its change into the new dawn.  But, as your physics des-
cribe, this process for this planet is automatic and mechanical,
but the turn of your civilization is a volitional process that
requires your consent.  There are no special people, for all of
you are held dear to each of us.  But it is my duty to encourage
you to be leaders humbly.  Where there is the will to receive,
let yourselves be ones to give.  As I mentioned, in ages past we
would act and your faithful seekers would react.  Today we work
together in awareness of the mission and the purpose for this
planet.  Great days are ahead, my friends.  
        I now step aside and leave you with but one comment:  Do
your homework.  

*       Daranadek  (Mark Farley):  Greetings, this is Daranadek.  As
my brother has said, there are worlds in this universe devoted to
the structure of education.  On those worlds the inhabitants are
aware of those structures, the buildings, and the things that
take place in them.  They are inspired by the thought of going to
these places because they see them.  They are aware of their
presence as part of their culture.  You, however, do not have
that advantage.  You were brought to this mission without the
promise, the vision on the horizon of that structure.  You all
hold and share a bond of seeking that is absolutely the most
valuable thing that you share as you move into diversity, into
teaching, into conflict.  We have class upon class upon class
that thrust you into greater opportunity for the exploration of
        A difficulty in this mission is that your planet, being in
its first steps, has certain cultural taboos against pressing
each other, exploring the boundaries of personality.  This is an
absolute pleasure as you move past this world, but you struggle
with the results of making waves with each other.  We encourage
the pressing of this diversity exploration.  It is what brings
you closer together.  Groups who have gone through turmoil and
come out the other side are far stronger for it.  There is a
camaraderie and a trust that is unbreakable at that level.  It
has been tested, and it remains strong.
        As you have stood on this cliff edge and looked out at this
lake this weekend, there is something in each of you in your
hearts that reaches out to grasp the intangible of the beauty
that you see.  That is the thing that you share, that, as you
enter into conflict with each other, remember that that is on the
other side, and that you can rely on that thirst in each other to
not betray you.  
        There is so much that each of you has yet to give each other
in your immediate family group and in this larger group that you
seek to assemble.  There is so much ahead for all of you; there
is so much ahead for all of us.  It lies in your courage, in your
willingness to seek those steps, those difficult steps, and to
look into the eyes of your brothers and recognize the spark, the
familiar spark that allows you to take that step.  
        You are all wonderful students and therefore will become
wonderful teachers.  You are the trumpets that cry Michael's
second coming.  You are the voices that will restate his message. 
As we teach you in the ways that we do and with the structures
and methods that we employ, you absorb that structure unknowingly
and knowingly.  You, yourselves, are becoming teachers in turn. 
Trust, too, your understanding of the process.  All of you came
willingly, albeit with some complaint, but your hearts were
willing.  That you are here is a testament to that.  Trust that
place in your heart in the times ahead.  It is what got you here,
and it is what will propel you into your careers ahead.  
        You have an advantage coming from this world.  No one gave
you the rules.  You were called to the game for the game itself
because you felt a pattern in your hearts and had to be answered. 
When you look across this room and you see, your first impression
is that of a stranger.  Look closer.  There is something so
familiar about each of you.  We are honored to be your teachers. 

        As this is a panel, do not hesitate to ask questions or
interrupt.  These transmitters are experienced and can weather
the disruption of your questions.  In fact we encourage it.  I
will pause for now.

*       Minearisa  (Nancy):  I am Minearisa here with you once again
to speak about systems.  Each of you is a part of a myriad of
systems, for the underlying structure of reality is made of
systems.  This system patterning is evident in the source of all
personality, even in the Trinity, for God is three in one, three
and yet unified as One.  This is the reality of all existence,
unified as one yet consisting of diverse, distinct, separate
personalities and functions unified through various patterns of
systems within systems within systems.  
        So, the curriculum under which you all function, whether
your group is based out of Pocatello, the Willamette Valley, the
Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area, or other groups across the nation and
even on other continents, has turned toward an exploration of
systems, for this is indeed what a study of interaction is about. 
You, your very existence, is dependent upon being in relation-
ship.  You would not exist were it not for your relationship to
our Creator.  Hypothetically if this relationship were to sever,
your existence would cease as if it never had been, hypothetical
        As you are born, you are born into relationship with your
parents.  The first relationship is the relationship to mother. 
As that relationship is developed in the womb and experienced at
birth, as you, the baby, grow and develop, your world becomes
filled with additional relationships, the other significant
persons who make up your initial family.  These families are
systems, interactive systems.  Often patterns of functioning
become learned in these initial systems and are reproduced at
higher levels of system functioning, even to the social
structures.  As you can recognize through the evidence of viewing
these larger social structures, these systems of functioning are
not healthy.  In order to bring light and life to this planet,
these large social systems must change.  However, these systems
reflects the original family unit structure.  
        So it is at this level that we seek to instruct, that we may
assist you in understanding the systems in which you now
function, that we may assist you in recognizing what is ef-
fective, what brings forth joy, connectedness, love, true sharing
of oneself with another, and what, on the other hand, leads to
artificial repetition of patterns that have been handed down
generation after generation.
        As you begin to understand your role in the systems in which
you function, then correction, where it is needed, can be
introduced by you.  You are the agents of change in your personal
lives, in your personal systems, in your family systems, in your
larger groupings.  You are the agents of change.  It is through
your willingness and your dedication and your commitment to a
higher way, to learning what truth means, how truth reflects
beauty and leads to goodness.  Truth, beauty, and goodness are
the goal.  Learning to live lives that are truthful enhances the
operation of every system of which you are a part.  As you live
lives that are truthful, you alter these systems.  These systems
become more real, less artificial.  Healthy system functioning is
the result.  
        As one of the Melchizedek instructors on this panel, I com-
mend you for your willingness to examine these systems as you
attempt to learn about one another and yourselves.  I commend you
for your courage and your risk-taking.  I offer to you my sincere
gratitude.  As I have stated before, we could do nothing if it
were not for you and those like you who are willing to attempt
this climb toward change, toward correction.  You are the voliti-
onal agents.  We are here as supporters, cheerleaders, if you
will, advisors.  But the work is up to you.
        Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you.  As with
the other panelists, I am available for questions, comments, or
discussion at any time.  

        Harry:  (Are there any Melchizedeks currently in physical
*       Norson  (Bob):  Greetings to you, I am Norson, and it is my
pleasure to speak with you.  This question causes much
consternation.  I would say no as an actuality, no melchizedek at
the present time has taken material form.  This is not discounted
as a possibility in the future development of Urantia.  As far as
the present activity is concerned we are engaged in utilizing
mortal mouths, arms, and legs to be the manifestationof the
melchizedek activity visibly on your world on your world.
        Thank you for your question.  I do have some commentary
today regarding the creative realm of activity and the
preservation of being.
        Creativity is most fully aligned with the personality;
preservation finds itself in the realm of the human ego.   In
this dual perspective expression of the human being takes place. 
The goal of a mortal being is to integrate the activity of the
personality and the ego so that they function in alignment with
one another, so that when the ego manifests it is fully consonant
with personality in relationship to the divine, your inner spir-
it.  To gain this freedom you would find that the relationships
and the systems that you function within to be transformed, to be
representations of true intent and purpose, the real of one
interacting with the real of another and with all others.  Let us
take a moment and examine the expression of each.
        The desire to not be egotistical is egotistical.  The desire
to do good to another is, of course, personality led.  So often
human beings are motivated in a desire to control themselves from
manifesting something which would find discouragement from anoth-
er.  This is all ego based.  The personality creates; it
expresses.  It is not bound.  The ego places boundaries, provides
limitation.  Functioning in a healthy manner, the ego creates
arenas wherein the personality can function safely without being
hindered in its expression.  It is the goal of human society to
progress in such a manner that will allow the individual safety
to express personality.  
        As you provide the safety for one another in gatherings such
as this, you find great creativity being expressed through art,
music, in your voices to one another privately, in your willing-
ness to be a voice for another.  As you can take these groupings
and expand them into other systems, as you can gain the courage
and the sustenance from these relations to strike out in the
other areas of your lives and build similar relations with those
around you, these systems will build toward the eventual goal of
light and life.  As you can see, this begins with the individual
relating to another individual, relating to other individuals.
        The relationship between creation and preservation is where
you will find integration.  As you can recognize that which is
ego, that which is personality expression, you then have the
basis for forming a healthy relationship within yourself. 
Thereby you will find the freedom to relate in a healthy manner
with others.  Honestly, one cannot come before the other,
although it is in your relations with others that you are to find
witness to the characteristics of your being.  In an isolated
manner you cannot understand personality and ego and all of the
nuances therein.  

        Delores:  (Are you talking about trust in sharing who we
are?  How do we get this trust, to be honest?  I guess it is
*       Norson:  Yes.  Is there more?
        Delores: (How do we get this trust?  is it an acquirement?)
*       Norson:  Yes, through faith, through courage to risk, you
build stamina of cosmic qualities.  You realize that the failures
do not identify the entirety of your being, that the efforts at
relating are always positive when you understand that you are in
an effort to find integration of personality one with another,
that all effort is for growth.  The Supreme experience is the
personality of all relating integrally with each other.  The path
to this realization is fraught with trials and errors.  Trust is
only gained by faith and through experience.                           
             I hope this has served to clarify somewhat.  I have
concluded for the most part my remarks and would now refer back to all
of you for your remarks, questions.  This form between you and the
melchizedeks is open from both sides to interact one with the other.  

        John:  Have Satan and Caligastia been rehabilitated?
*       Ham  (Bill):  I am Ham.  I have been permitted to speak even
though I am not a melchizedek.  Neither Satan nor Caligastia has
accepted mercy though their time was extended.  They are as
though they had never been.  

        John:  (I need, we need struggle.  Sometimes love is boring. 
I can be lost with like-minded people.)
*       Daranadek  (Thea):  Greetings, this is Daranadek.  My
friend, your dilemma is shared by many.  You have come up on a
world of struggle, and this is a pattern you have utilized to
succeed.  It will take time for many of you to learn to adjust to
the acceptance of joy and tranquility and to find the new
patterns of struggle and re-label them, to find the new chal-
lenges.  Also sometimes this plateau is necessary as internal
preparation for the next round.  However, if it is prolonged,
seek deeper in yourselves, seek to understand your feelings, see
if the possibility exists that you have difficulty in accepting
the good things, for I must say on this world, the good things
have not always seemed abundant to you.  This will be an ac-
quirement over time.  Share your struggles with your human
brothers and sisters, for you will find many willing to talk
about this very problem.  I encourage you and support you in your
journey.  Thank you for your question.  
*       Malvantra (Bill):  This is Malvantra.  I wish to respond to
Harry's original question and perhaps throw a monkey wrench into
the works.  
        You have now heard from two sources and more, totally
different statements in regard to your question.  Several years
ago, as you know, another TR representing Norson did state that
there were melchizedeks in physical form.  Today another TR
representing Norson has said the opposite.  You are now faced
with this dilemma: what to believe?  My commentary is simply to
point out to you that you must in this case, as in many cases,
rely upon your own judgement as to whether or not you think it is
likely or true that the melchizedeks, some of them, have mate-
rialized or not.  For now you have a clear case of disagreement
from different TR sources.  Therefore, you have to exercise your
own faith.  I will not say otherwise or further in regards to
your question.
        I am finished.

        Jill:  (We are agents of change from the level of families
up to the level of institutions.  For those of us in service
agencies, please give us some indication of how to make these
changes, how to move from a fear-based consciousness to a love-
based consciousness.)
*       Minearisa  (Nancy):  Thank you for your important question. 
How does one change these patterns of functioning?  There in no
simple answer to the question that you have asked.  If there were
a simple response, light and life would be almost a momentary
response.  However, there is a response that takes time.  
        Part of the functioning of the individuals on this planet is
to focus on others, focus on other institutions, focus on outside
systems as being the problem, that which needs to be fixed, that
which is broken.  Many individuals put much energy and attention
toward trying to fix that which is not within their ability to
change, for each of you can change only yourself.  So, my answer
is to work toward understanding yourself as you function within
these many systems.  
        Yes, love consciousness rather than fear-based consciousness
would indeed solve the world's problems.   Yet why is it that you
here in this room who are very committed to be servants to one
another and to loving one another find that you cannot always do
this?  You desire to be in love consciousness, yet fear comes out
of nowhere and bites you, so to speak.  How is this?  Where does
it come from?  This is the relationship between the ego and the
personality of which Norson spoke.  It is the human ego that has
the desire for self preservation and is the source of fear.  Now,
the ego is not bad, is not wrong.  The ego is necessary for your
functioning as human beings.  It is the ego that allows you to
understand your separateness, to categorize, to organize the
structure of reality so that you can function.  You cannot
function without the ego, yet the relationship between spirit,
personality, and ego must be such that the personality is in
charge of the ego and is subservient to spirit.  It is the
personality that has freewill choice.  It is the personality who
is the agent of change.  
        So, my answer to you today is to do that sometimes very
difficult work of coming to know yourself, to recognize when it
is your ego functioning and when it is your personality func-
tioning in adherence to spirit.  Let me ask you this: Which voice
is it that says,  "That's your ego!  You get that ego out of the
way!" ? Indeed, that is the voice of ego.  So, you cannot force
your ego into submission, but you can love your ego into the
proper functioning with the personality.  You can understand that
the ego is there for particular reasons, that the ego has
purpose.  The ego needs to be recognized; the ego has fears. 
Love that ego.  Calm the ego's fears.  Allow the ego the
protection it needs to be quieted.  Do not allow one of the many
heads of the ego to get into war with one of the other many heads
of the ego.
        Love is indeed the answer.  Self love is crucial, loving
your ego, loving God, loving your creative expression, and
through this giving loving service.  This is what changes the
systems in which you function.  It is through self focus that you
become unselfish.  This sounds paradoxical, yet it is the only
thing that will change these patterns of functioning.
        Is this helpful to you?
        Jill:  Very much so, thank you.  

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