Michael Bday Transcript 1 of 3

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Sun Sep 14 07:26:44 PDT 1997

August 22, 1997
Michael's Birthday Weekend
*       Olen (Frosty TR):  The desire has to unfold, the conscious
effort be made into action, be it anything to do throughout your
day that, if you do it with the conscious effort to do the righ-
teous thing with all of your actions, you will be fulfilled at
the end of each day.  When you go through your day with the
desire to do the righteous thing and it seems to be something
that is in the future, you are taking away from the conscious ef-
fort that you could be making throughout the day.  If you are
doing the most mundane thing like putting away the dishes, if you
make the conscious effort to do the righteous thing, you will
find that your mind becomes much more focussed on the day to day,
mundane events that can turn into spiritual events, each and
every one.  This takes a bit of practice, but it will bring you
into the moment, and you will not be living in the future or
hashing over the past.  
        If you will sit for just a moment, think of something that
you each did today that when you were doing this you were thin-
king of something else.  Relive doing the action, think of your-
self in the righteous act of doing the action, pulling yourself
right into the act.  You are one with the act.  You are at one
with the Father by doing the act.  It could be driving your car,
putting the groceries away, preparing a meal.  Allow the energy
to be one, the oneness with yourself, the oneness with the
Father, and the oneness with the act you are doing.  Pull that
energy force into the very act itself that it magnetizes and
energizes so that it penetrates into the day, into all the other
acts that you do.  You are getting more energized as the day is
going.  Know that by doing this you are doing a service because
you are putting out this energy force into the environment.  As
you are sitting now, pull the feeling of oneness with the Father,
the cosmic energy, into you.  Feel the chairs you are sitting on. 
Feel the energy go through you into the furniture.  Feel the
energy go out from you into each other.  Keep this alive in all
your actions.  This will keep you in the moment, in the wisdom. 
Keep this alive within you so that you know that you are full of
this electricity that is going out into all your actions, going
out with all your thoughts.  It is going out with your throat and
heart chakras which are alive with the energy and the oneness
that you feel, so that you are not bored with your everyday
events.  You are very much alive with all that you do.  
        You know that your lives have purpose and meaning no matter
what you are doing.  As you are putting the dishes away, sweeping
the floor, your life at that moment has all the purpose and all
the meaning that it has if you are out serving in any other way. 
That aliveness and electricity that moves you when you keep it
alive with every action will give you the foothold for and the
(momentum ?) for the future, for the past will all become one mo-
ment in that which you live each day, each moment.  Everywhere
you go, everything you do will be alive because you have put
forth the effort each day with each thing that you have done.
        Are there any questions?
        [Question inaudible:  Something about concentrating on one
thing at a time.]
*       Olen:  You would have the advantage to put that to use to
stay in the moment, to put the one track into the moment of the
action of what you are doing.  If you are thinking of something,
for instance, you are working on one thing, and you know you have
several things lined up, instead of being fully into what you are
doing at the moment you are thinking ahead to all the other
things you have to do, pull the ... into what you are doing with
the oneness, the electricity, and pull it through you into what
you are doing.  It could be very helpful.  Then fold with the
day, with the movement of the day.  
        Every day has its own movement.  Every day can be different
and alive.  One cannot (record?) when they move with electricity
at the cosmic energy.  The openings have been made in order for
this to flow through you.  Learn to pull it in and through you
into whatever you need.  The mind plays a great part in this
motion.  It takes discipline to program the mind so that it
becomes second nature.  At first you may feel stimulation.  As
you become accustomed to it, it will become natural.  Your
channel will become larger, more energy through the love of the
        This energy can help others to open up as it reaches them
through your aliveness, like turning on a light.  If you keep
your switch on, you will allow the electricity to flow through
you.  It is not something which you must try to make happen.  It
is natural; you just allow it to happen.  The energy flows
through you, and as you energize it through your will and put it
out into all things, your household gets full of it.  It goes out
into your furniture, your clothes, your food, your dishes, so
that your whole house becomes energized.  Everyone around you
will feel this.  It will help keep you healthy and feeling alive,
at one with God and at peace with yourself.  
        That is all I have.  Thank you.
*       Machiventa  (Mark):  Be the voice, the next generation, the
refreshing restatement of the message so devotedly brought to
your world.  You are all familiar with the current realities of
your realm and with the effective measures to take with your
brothers and sisters so as to impart to them essential aspects of
this new gospel.  By so commissioning you to go forward, you are
also empowered to do something.  Follow your inclinations and
leadings and seek to take advantage of the opportunities
presented to you through your action and your faith.  Your awar-
eness of these opportunities and your action to take advantage of
these are related aspects of your effectiveness to spread this
new gospel, this restated message.  
        Many of the truths that you dismiss in your reality as
simplistic or basic are the very truths which others so desper-
ately desire.  Make your life experience available to others as
an example for them to personally relate to.  I call you to
witness the advanced spiritual nature of your conversations ear-
lier this evening.  I would point out to you that very much of
what was shared and passed back and forth between you was of a
significantly elevated spiritual standard.  Your observation that
many of the masses around you do not reside in these spiritual
realities is correct.  You who are familiar with these are
therefore compelled to give expression to these realities and to
provide the seed for those around you to latch on to.  This is
your mission.  
        You all are compelled with an inner urge, an inner driving
to be of assistance, to help facilitate what you perceive to be
the good, the correct, the Father's will.  This is no coincidence
but rather a natural outworking of all that you have been given. 
All that has been given to you so freely should stagnate if it is
not openly shared and given away.  Therefore strive to increase
what you have by giving it away.  
        It is also incumbent upon you, as those who are in a posi-
tion to realize elevated spiritual realities, to also embrace the
reality that you enjoy this particular status.  This is not a
means of rating an individual human on a scale of good or better,
but rather simply an acknowledgment of a position on the ladder
which you currently hold and the responsibilities related to that
position.  That is to say in plain language, to realize how very
much you have been given and to realize what you possess and to
be aware of the responsibilities incumbent upon you because of
the position which you occupy.  
        You all are in earnest sincerity about an overactive self,
ego.  This is not altogether an inappropriate position.  However,
I now remind you that it is also appropriate to make earnest
evaluation of your position and responsibilities and desires. 
Your desires are present as a result of your positions. 
Therefore, this weekend strive to more intently embrace your
relative positions in spiritual ascension and to seek to discern
your responsibilities as a result of your position.  
        I will remain in attendance with you throughout the weekend
as you are in my classroom.  
        Frosty:  I get that you are speaking of, as well as what was
brought through me about the energizing process... [unclear]
*       Machiventa:  It is desired that the awareness of the in-
terrelatedness of these aspects be elevated so as to further
facilitate your effectiveness using these various energy descrip-
tions.  If you could but witness the myriad of energy fields
which you might access at any given time, you would find it
amusing that you as humans were not able to perceive these energy
fields.  It is our goal to present one and another of these op-
tions available to you so as to widen your horizons and
facilitate your effectiveness.  
        This is Machiventa, and I am pleased to be of service to you
this wonderful opportunity of Michael's birthday.  It is a busy
time for teachers, and we will make every effort to spread
ourselves among all who desire.

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