Transcript: Abraham (Woods Cross) 04-13-98

Karri Hummel karrieh at
Wed Apr 22 23:37:28 PDT 1998

TRANSCRIPT OF:	Teacher Abraham
Date of Transcript:	April 13, 1998
Sent by:		Calvin Mckee
Group:			Woods Cross Group
Date Rc’d:		April 23, 1998
T/R: Nina

I am Abraham.  I am with great love and respect for each one of you.
 I am always made glad by our visits.  I am highly grateful for our
friendship.  I deem myself blessed for knowing you and having a
relationship with you.  I do endeavor to bestow Fatherly affection,
allowing you each your life experience, opinions, and personal
definitions of things spiritual.  I would not ever make it my place
to have you feel as I do, have opinions the same as my own, no. I am
not offended when my words are not met with your approval, nor do I
take offense at your reactions, or personal characteristic traits. 
I am attempting to love with the bestowal of freedom.

Mother's request last week was for you to have this same love for
yourselves, allowing yourselves the freedom to live fully through
all mortal living experiences, allowing yourselves room for
evolutionary growth, feeling no pressure about the time taken for
stumbling.  Yes, Fatherly affection and self-forgiveness applied to
your own lives will help you to lose some of those unrealistic fears
and habits to make way for new evolutionary lessons.

To continue in the habit of self-punishment is really a great
sadness within those forces that aid in your ascension. 
Self-punishment has always been a form of sacrifice or atonement to
the gods.  I can say that to believe you are deserving of punishment
or negative happenings, is no less than a prison which limits you in
attaining those things you would desire for yourself, and also those
things God would desire for you.

Mother has asked you to review life memories to gain understanding,
self-forgiveness and healing; to promote well balanced mental
health. She also shares these lessons now at this time to upgrade
the thinking concerning relationships. In your mortal life, your
fellows before your eyes would appear to be your closest
relationships.  I can say maybe not the closest, but most

This evening, I would speak for a moment on mortal attachments and
those attachments we must let go in order to grow.  Many mortals
down through history found that a man's most prized possession was
the people that belonged to him.  The people made him who he was. In
the days of old, a man could bargain or trade these people for
goods.  It is somewhat like that today when in relationships, people
are thought of as property or goods to be bargained or reflect who
an individual is.  Of course, mortals have a great need to belong
and have companionship, and most mortals would be wise to
investigate, to re-think the relationship.

This week I would ask that you review your relationships.  Are they
healthful connections or unhealthy attachment?  We will continue to
speak on this next week.  Have you questions?

Yes, Father Abraham.  This is a question I wanted to ask last week
while we were still studying about Mother Spirit.  On Urantia, the
term "mother" or "daughter" denotes a female gender.  What does it
denote on the spiritual worlds?

Number two:     When you see Mother Spirit, how does Her appearance
differ from that of male gender Spirits such as Prince Machiventa
Melchizedek and Christ Michael, and so on?

Number three:     If I were on the mansion worlds and I could see
two spirits, without asking, would I be able to denote their gender?

Gender beyond the mortal life is more perhaps recognized on a soul
level, a perception through internal feelings.  Not so much
visual--do you recognize gender, but by mindal recognition.  Mother
to me is recognized first in my mind as Co-creator, Parent,
Care-taker.  My first recognition is not male nor female.  My
recognition of Her is based on my internal understanding, not my
visual.  Mother's personality is powerful, and yet, by Her personal
traits, I could describe Her as complete Grace.  I could describe
Mother as the Water of Life, as in fluid and in motion.  I could
perceive from my internal feelings, She is the embodiment of true
Beauty, where Her care-taking abilities are gentle, and yet, fierce
in power and passion.

I also would perceive Michael as Creator, Parent and Care-taker,
Brother, Father... His first perception I receive is not male nor
female, but as Creator, Parent, Caretaker.  Are you understanding?

Yes I am.  I am understanding what you are saying.  I really and
truly asked some of this for all the different women that are
wondering about the equality between the male and female on the
mansion worlds.

I can understand, and I would find it most wonderful if our earthly
sisters could feel the most excellent equality that our female
personalities feel here.  Good question Rachel.  (Thank you.) 
Another question?

In the Jesus Papers, John Mark went with Jesus into the hills for a
day and they had discourse.  One of the things that was brought up
was  that Jesus knew that John Mark would be a loyal devoted servant
because of his first eight years of his life.  He was exposed to a
loving family and parents who showed true affection for one another.
 Also, it indicated in there, I think the young man’s name was
Amos...  he wasn't as fortunate, and he carried scars from the
experience from zero to eight that would make him not as well known
or as trustworthy as John Mark.  In those first eight years, we are
all affected to some degree adversely by a negative situation.  That
being said, my question to you is... Do these adverse affects of
childhood ascend with us throughout our ascension?  Are we limited
by our early childhood experience?

Only by the choices you make.  To be hindered by past traumatic
events you are made stronger.  The decision is always up to the
individual, and if this is to continue on into the morontia life,
then so be it, perfectly acceptable.  Yes, does this answer?

Yes, it does.  I am supposing that as we get to Light and Life that
mothers and fathers know how to raise their children so they don't
have negative self-images.  That must be something that during the
morontial training, we are trained out of having a negative
self-image.  Would that be a correct statement?

Yes.  In planetary evolution, the knowledge is greater and mistakes
are fewer, but I mean not to cast a negative light upon the parents
of  this age.  I would say there are parents who care deeply and are
not equipped with the tools wherewith to raise children with a
positive self-image.  I do say also, that great strides are being
taken to educate and allow for the earth's people to understand that
the love and time taken today for a child prevents future societal
problems, but yes, you are correct in that children raised in worlds
settled in Light and Life have a greater chance for success.  Does
this answer?

It does.  I don't mean to take up a lot of time, but the practical
matter of this is for all of us who possess perhaps damaged
self-images from those first eight years, what attitude would we
take and how should we pray to correct that?

An attitude to take is not one of--helpless victim, but as one who
has been given more advanced lessons to become an excellent server
in our Father's Kingdom.  Pray for understanding and strength to
endure the hard truths and allow our Divine Parents to bestow upon
you the understanding of your true status as a child of God. 
Another question?

Yes.  Are we at a spiritual level now, or in the near future, where
we will be able to consciously make the choice of--not existing, or
moving on toward fusing with our Thought Adjuster?  And could you
give us some help with some way or path that we can communicate
better with our Thought Adjuster so we can gain a better
co-existence with Him?

These concepts are in the text, but I can say this--that yes, there
is a choice each one must make to choose survival, or not.  Upon
death or shortly thereafter, all understanding is given to the one
who would make the survival choice.  All life experience is
understood and it is easier to make a decision from this broadened
perspective.  Meditation or the stillness is your best exercise for
Thought Adjuster connection.  A humble heart, one who is allowing
for Father's answers instead of their own, makes for a strengthened
bond between you and your Father.  Stillness practice in combination
with a good balance of humility is good to start with, and time
passing, the connection is more constant.  Does this answer?  (Yes.
Thank you.)  One more question.

Abraham. In the Urantia Book it talks about the Universal
Conciliators, a group of four individuals who are available to come
to the mortal worlds to help solve mortal conflicts or deadlocked
decision making.  It also talks about what is referred to as the
"Trio Arbitrators" who are the "referee's" of the worlds.  They have
many levels from the mortal world up through the superuniverse
level, but on the superuniverse level, they are no longer
"arbitrators," but "explainers of mystery" and so on.  On the mortal
level, one of the four is called a "Divine Executioner" whose
purpose is to make contact with the mortal races of men to present
the decision of the other three.  My question... Is that something
that we can begin to make use of on this planet, or is it something
that is more available on a Light and Life type world--not an
isolation world?  (Paper 25, pages 275-279)

My information is that the Conciliators are already functioning on
Urantia.  Urantia is no longer considered isolated.  There is a
great amount of work for all the Divine forces.

I am slipping.  I would ask again that you attempt to re-define your
relationships and make note if possible.  My love is with you
always. Until next week, shalom.

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