[tmtranscripts] Abraham & Ham 2-27-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Tue Feb 29 08:20:08 PST 2000

FEBRUARY 27, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Welcome, my friends. What an honor it has been for me to be
among you all these years. I have not only been a teacher but also a
student, friend and brother. My experience here with you has been most
valuable in my spiritual education. You have taught me to better teach by
your willingness to listen and accept me for who I am. We are kindred
spirits, my friends. We are alike in many ways, and in the ways that we are
different, is not destructive to the underlying foundation of our
relationship--that is our friendship. We celebrate with you in gratitude to
Father for this outreaching ministry. He has taken the barren land and made
it bloom. I am in gratitude for my position He has allowed me to fulfill. I
have your friend, and first instructor, who would wish to speak.

Greetings children. I am HAM. My heart is full to see how you have
maintained the Correcting Time focus. I am aware of your obstacles you have
overcome. You have helped to initiate change on Urantia. Your acceptance of
me and this unorthodox method of communication has started an avalanche of
change. Mysticism, self-centered thinking and miracle seeking have fallen by
the wayside. You have picked up the tools of self-mastery and assisted us in
beginning the sculpting of Light and Life. What has begun shall not be
stopped, for your faith drives us forward. Your acceptance brings greater
realities. Hold fast, my children, to what you have learned, and keep rowing
in the waters of faith. All our efforts guarantee success. Keep striving for
that new and better age. I will be among you as your brother and friend. I
leave you with ABRAHAM. Farewell.

What a reason to rejoice when we can see our friends and know that
friendship is ongoing even when you have been apart. I am grateful to Ham
for opening the Woods Cross door for me to enter. Teaching you has been a
constant joy and challenge.

How brilliant is the Master, who has paved the way for Urantia to be
uplifted and brought back into the fold of Nebadon. It all begins with small
openings, small steps. I am always amazed at the outcome of many situations,
because at times when all seems lost, Father integrates everyone's efforts
to produce such growth. Father has made a place for everyone in the Kingdom
and everyone will have gifts that will help to add to the whole. Many gifts
may seem odd or out of touch, but just because we do not understand them, it
doesn't mean that Father is not at work integrating them into a positive

I often look to my fellows to help me to remain balanced in my thinking and
desires. My friends have my best interests at heart and are honest when they
feel I am imbalanced. I rely upon their goodness to uphold me in my positive
thinking, while informing me of where I am imbalanced. I take not offense,
for that is their role as my brother or sister. I as well do the same for

In learning self-mastery among your fellows honesty is so important, and yet
this can many times offend them. Your presentation of the truth is key. I
often say to my friends, "I do not speak with authority, but only my inner
feelings." Most individuals intend to do good, and it is important you let
your fellows know you have their best interests at heart, and you tell them
your honest feelings. Let them know you are open to be changed in thinking,
and above all you wish to bring awareness and create balance.

Look for those feelings you may have that may reveal your true intentions.
Are they leaning towards doing good for the whole? Are they bringing Father
glory or are they leaning towards self-glory and some sort of
self-gratification? This week take time to journal your memorable learning
experiences that concerns self-mastery among your fellows.

That is all. I am sorry--no questions. Know that we are with you in heart
and mind this evening and always. We most definitely appreciate your
dedication and perseverance in seeing Michael's Mission bring about Light
and Life. As always my love is with you. Until next week, shalom.

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