[tmtranscripts] Abraham 7-3-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Fri Jul 7 20:21:14 PDT 2000

JULY 3, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. I am here. Greetings, my friends. It is always wonderful for
me to participate in this group. I feel at ease to be myself. I believe you
each have my best interests at heart. I realize you each make me more than I

As a mortal I wanted those life victories that would bring me glory or favor
in Father's eyes. I felt that my fellows interest in me would signify my
importance in the world. If I could not earn their praise through good
works, I would use power or fear to attain it. I longed for those mortal
rewards. I did at one time believe they brought me happiness or a sort of
self-acceptance--that I was valued and truly belonged.

Under the guidance of my mentor and friend, Melchizedek, I learned that I
was already favored in God's eyes, equally--along with everyone else. I
learned His unconditional love was a living energy which fulfilled my
craving for social attention. I then realized attaining self-glory was empty
and on the side mere animal tendencies. To extort this attention from my
fellows through the use of power or fear was simply childish and verging
into the arena of self-love and/or evil.

As a child I had the things of a child. As an adult I put childish things
away. What brings us to adulthood? of course, experience--moving, growing,
evolving experience. Some consider their experience in mortal living up to
this point to be half a gift that has made them who they are today, and half
dysfunctional wounds of experience that they must learn to rise above. I am
grateful for each half because it brings me maturity, and that is knowledge
and comfort that enables me to see how Father has taken me by the hand and
helped me to understand why He does what He does.

I did at one time believe that I could only receive love and respect through
power and force. Through my childhood experiences I was led to believe the
world and God found me unworthy, and therefore I had to put extreme effort
into everything I did. My focus was misaligned and my energy was misspent.
Although I am glad for the lesson of correction, I am much more glad to be
where I am now.

Father had helped me to put away childish things through experience. It was
all valuable, as you will see. I learned from Machiventa that the one God
knew me in depth and loved me anyway. He was not waiting to correct my every
mistake. He was waiting for me to listen to His direction. He was teaching
me that I am a valued citizen in this universal scheme and all things are
working for me, not against.

You would be amazed at the unseen forces that aid you in your journey. The
spiritual keys of the Kingdom are not hidden for you to feel tortured into
finding. The keys are out in plain view, and with experience and maturity,
they become more apparent. This maturity brings rest for the mind,
re-focusing in spiritual goals, redirecting of energy towards attaining
those adult findings in the Kingdom.

Since you set out on your spiritual quest, what childish things have you put
away? What experiences have brought you to those higher levels of spiritual
maturity, and do you not agree that now that you know what you know, is
there a lot less fear and much more faith in our Supreme Caretakers? In
spiritual maturity we can rest in the fact that our place at the table is
secured and allow those lessons that bring us understanding of spiritual

Contemplate your attitude towards the universe. Are you finding yourself
with the belief that it is working for your spiritual success, or just
bringing you one burden after the next to find your breaking point? That is
all. I leave you with my love, friends. Until next week, shalom.

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