[tmtranscripts] Abraham 9-11-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Fri Sep 15 15:23:00 PDT 2000

SEPTEMBER 11, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. What a peaceful atmosphere in which to begin. I
thank you each for your participation and unique personalities complement
one another and open our hearts and minds for receiving, yes.

Every day when I set out I am filled with such gratitude and worship for our
Father. He has watched over my every need and tolerated me when I was
intolerable, comforted me when I was in discomfort, and balanced my
attention when I was imbalanced. As a mortal I did not really know such
divine care-taking, but after the experiences I have had, I can see how
Father has managed my eternal career in spite of my obstinacy.

Each day I am in wonder and awe of His endless Fatherly affection. I took
many years to learn of this secure soul peace, but you, my friends, live in
a new era where you can feel this watch-care and comfort now. Your times for
distress and worry are decreased--knowing you have the Source of all love,
all power at hand. I, having lived a mortal life, understand the day-to-day
stress you are under, but I also know better now of the available assistance
we all have.

A minister in a church appeared to have all those things in life that were
true, beautiful and good. The parishioners would attend his service, recite
the usual prayers, and leave feeling the same as when they arrived. The
minister focused on strictly preaching on lessons from the scriptures. He
focused on telling his listeners on what not to do. He always attempted to
greet his parishioners personally with a handshake or greeting, but never
really took the time to know each person.

The minister saw to it that the church was kept immaculately clean and
proper, for he felt it reflected upon him. He imposed strict guidelines upon
his family so as to personify a godly image. His focus was set on how he
appeared to the world. He performed all his life's duties to the best of his
ability. Anything less was not acceptable. He could not be caught stumbling.
He was sharp with those individuals who volunteered at his church to make
sure everything ran smooth.

He slept little and worried much. He felt as though he was doing his very
best for God and could not understand the emptiness inside him. He could not
be found having faults to the outside world. He felt somewhat superior in a
way, and yet deep down knew this was a mask for his true feeling of
inferiority. He was trapped, so to speak, in his standards. He was unable to
move about with creativity. He was bound by tradition and aesthetics.

As he viewed his listeners one day during church services, he felt as though
nobody was really listening or appreciating him for his efforts. He really
thought they should look up to him. He ended the service as he always does
with the same scriptural phrases, said his good-byes, and after having
looked over the church to make sure everything was just perfect, he got in
his car and left. As he drove he thought, "Why do not the people see my
efforts? Why do my children rebel against me? Why is my wife indifferent
towards me? I do everything to the highest standards. I feel not close to
any one of my parishioners. I feel my hands are destined to repeat the
traditional habits that have always been. I am indeed a righteous man."

In the cloudiness of his thinking, his car was broadsided and he was indeed
hurt and in great pain. His first thoughts, "How could God allow this to
happen to me, for I lived a righteous life?" As he was drifting in and out
of consciousness he heard that divine voice from within. "In whom do you
serve, my son? Who do your trust to complete those daily tasks? Who's
opinions of you do you value most? Who are you attempting to impress? Whom
do you serve?"

As the man recovered he for many hours pondered these words and attempted to
answer them. He found he was serving himself. He was building a nest of
prestige. He craved adoration and power. He could not become close to any
one person, for he put himself above them. He had set up for himself a
seemingly perfected life in which he was not allowed shortcomings or
mistakes. He soon realized God did not demand this of him, but he assumed
this standard would bring him what he most craved.

When the minister had fully recovered he returned to church services to find
the parishioners to be enthusiastic about the message from their temporary
substitute minister. He had felt some jealousy at first, but he had allowed
true humility to seep into his imprisoned mind. He had learned from the new
pastor how to relate with individuals one-on-one with sincerity, and living
up to the true definition of a minister. He realized a perfect screen over
an imperfect mortal only imprisons and strangles creativity.

He began to preach from his experience and honestly told his listeners of
all that he had learned. He courageously admitted his blindness and taught
the people with those lessons he had learned therefrom. He had not so much
cared anymore for the condition of the church as he did for the condition of
his family, friends, and church attendees. He had realized he learned as
much from his listeners as he had taught. The parishioners became
participants and the church became alive with divine information,
creativity, new and better ways to live this mortal life divinely.

The minister had found a new door opened to his soul that allowed him that
spiritual liberty we should all be fortunate to know: He could move with
real joy; he could find humor in his mistakes; he could find value in his
hardships. The pressure was lifted off him and the light of reality had set
him free. Today he is joyful and thriving in a successful church ministry.
He is no longer bound by what he thinks righteousness is, but by caring
about glorifying our Father and ministering to his family, friends and

This week, my friends, find those things that imprison you and complicate
your lives. Ask yourselves the questions that the divine voice asked the man
as he lay there in pain. Where is your focus? Whom do you serve? That is

I am so grateful to you, my friends, and I feel greater love with each
passing week. Know that this week I will be close at hand to answer any
questions. Until next week, shalom.

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