[tmtranscripts] Abraham 6-24-02

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Jun 26 07:10:19 PDT 2002

JUNE 24, 2002

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. My heart is overflowing with gratitude to view you,
my friends, dealing with human matters on a divine level. You are like the
rocks in the river of experience becoming more polished with time.

As you can see in the world today how differing perspectives has led to
either destruction or advancement. You have also experienced differing
perception on personal levels that has led you to positive or negative
action. It would seem that man would fight to the death to uphold their
perspective, and yet when worldly catastrophes occur, personal perspective
is set aside in favor of the wellness of the whole. It is sadly true that
some devastation must occur to affect the masses before they can be open to
new perceptions.

Regarding the question: What is it that you soulfully desire? How does your
perspective on life in general help you to attain that desire? What limiting
perspectives may keep you from finding that one thing you so much desire?
Some hunger for freedom, and from their perspective, they can see no way to
attain that. Some desire peace, and get the exact opposite, because of how
they perceive the happenings of everyday life and the meanings and values
that come with it.

True perspective comes from knowing the personality of our Father, yes, the
true nature of God. Knowing Father brings you to a place in your own
thinking where self does not come first, but the will of God does. To truly
know Father, Mother, Christ Michael and their numerous associates, there is
a growing knowledge within that indeed all is well, all is taken care of.
There is found trust in our divine Overseer's abilities. There is
self-confidence in our own abilities to perceive with the freedom of
clarity. There is not the past painful experiences to color your perception.
There is not that place of unforgiveness that makes individuals strike out
to receive the affection they have so long sought after.

I believe, for myself personally, my soul desire is to understand the Father
and to do His bidding. Putting that theory in the forefront of my
thinking--all else comes to me. I want for nothing. With that I have
everything. I can have anything. I am a trusted child of God, who finds it
most joyful to serve and be in the presence of my First Source and Center. I
can see with His eyes. I can hear with His ears. I can love with His heart.

Father most definitely makes me more than I could ever conceive of being. In
Him I have power to fulfill my eternal career by and through joy. Of course,
I have sorrow at times, but I can now perceive with the understanding that
Father has. I feel good about who I am and where I am going, and believe me,
it took a great deal of time and experience for me to get to this place.

Perception is a window. Emotions may act as a screen. Judgment may be a
shade pulled down. Personal self-loathing may be drapes completely covering
my window of perception. Do you see, without the closeness to Father there
is not that Parent/child closeness+ADs- there is not that feeling of well-being
on any level, spiritual, mental, emotional, no.

Without the feeling of that 'belonging to your universe Family' there is
always a searching for that feeling in other avenues, empty, temporary
avenues, yes. Without that child of God security there is the
self-perception of feeling inferior, so there is every reason to loathe the
self, lose confidence and distort perception.

What are those things that lead you to that closeness with your divine
Caretakers? Are you allowing time to nurture that relationship? Journal, if
you will, on low self-esteem issues. What avenues are there to turn the
perception of weakness into progressive possibilities? A few questions.

SIMON: Abraham, I have been very interested in seeing mentioned this week
your comment about having to go through the difficulties, stress and strain
of wanting to be better, to be something more, sort of spiritual pressure,
and then having it open up to fruits of greater patience and so on. I don't
feel like I have been very patient lately. I wonder about your analysis on
that balance or if I am just trying too hard?

ABRAHAM: Mortals for the most part are ever striving to progress, and when
this progression does not appear to bring any fruit, there is disappointment
and impatience, excelled determination to do more. Doing more does not
necessarily excel you in any direction except for possibly frustration.
Simon, you have various stressful things occurring in life that you are
having doubts or impatience because you are uncertain about the outcomes of
these situations. This is natural, of course. I see you as always putting
forth great effort. Your reasoning however may not align with what you have
been trying to learn over the years. You can only have so much control in
life, and if you can accept that, you will indeed live a less stressful
existence. Impatience almost feels like you are being ignored or are
unknown, and there is a fearful loneliness in that. If you can think back
over your life how Father has always given you what you have truly needed
you can re-ignite the flame of faith, which should help you to have feelings
of being watched over and you can relax and allow the unfoldment. Is this
helping? (Yes, thanks.)

MIRIAM: I am really full of gratitude tonight. It has been six years since
Don's accident and it is really profound for me this year because this
Saturday is the anniversary of walking through that experience. I have been
so overcome with lessons of heartfelt desire because without Father being
there for me I wouldn't even have any heartfelt desires. If it were what I
think is possible and what I want and what I need, it is no where near what
Father has in mind for me, each one of us. So I just wanted to thank the
helpers, Father and everyone for knowing my heart and allowing my life to
unfold like it is. It is just incredible. Another thing too is having huge
things that you can reach to Father in might seem easier to some people than
just the day to day life reaching to Father. Now I am learning in a softer,
easier, kinder way. I can choose to put my head on Michael's knee in the
middle of the day. Just a huge thank you to all of you that help each one of
us that get to discover what our hearts desires are. I wouldn't know what I
am capable of having in my life. Thank you.

ABRAHAM: Beautifully said, my daughter. Out of this tragic event we have
found each other and I have been most honored to be your friend and teacher.
It has been beautiful to behold your growth. You learn a great deal through
your softer countenance these days, but also are you a wonderful teacher to
those who know you. I am also overjoyed at this time of anniversary. Give my
love to Don. (Thank you. I will.)

AZSURAY: Abraham, you gave me my spiritual name, Azsuray, and you said the
meaning of my name was one with many burdens. I would like to ask the
question is it because I have many burdens my name is Azsuray or is because
I am Azsuray that I have many burdens? I am living up to my name. I would
like to know how possibly these names come about, because really that name
is my namesake.

ABRAHAM: There may have been some confusion. The name is more akin to one
who has become more enlightened because of the burdens of life. No, no, you
are not one with many burdens, nor do you draw those to yourself, no. I am
certain that you are like a diamond becoming more perfected through the
pressures of mortal life. You have remained faithful in many of life's
uncertainties and that is quite beautiful. I can say this about the names,
although my knowledge is somewhat limited. Your Indwelling Adjuster, upon
realizing your first conscious thought of Him, bestows upon you your name.
These names are chosen to reflect the budding soul they have come to know.
Much like mortal parents giving names to their own children, names are
chosen out of that parental love your personal Fragment has for you. Is this
helping?(Yes. It is beautiful. Thank you.)

With that I will take my leave. Know that you each are with God-given gifts
that lead you closer and closer to Him. Your closeness need not be found
through me or any books or other outside sources. You each can trust in
yourselves to find that God within who loyally strives for your wellness
every minute of every day. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.

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