[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho Team 1/11/04

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Sat Jan 17 11:41:44 PST 2004

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group

Topics: Teacher's Intention is to 
Adjust Our Perspective. The 
Almighty, and the Indwelling 
Fragment. Elyon's Friendship, 
Michael Speaks

Teachers:Lantarnek, Elyon, Michael

January 11, 2004

*	Lantarnek (Jonathan TR):  
Greetings to you, this is Lantarnek.  
I am happy to be present in good 
company, to have the honor of 
interfacing with my beloved human 
associates.	 I have been dedicated 
to encouraging your upstep in 
spiritual perspective, in spiritual 
stature, and have been rewarded by 
your success.
	It is unlikely that we teachers 
have much in the way of new 
knowledge to impart to you, for it 
has been accomplished through your 
current possession of the Papers for 
Urantia, and the world in which you 
live today is well enough 
interconnected to allow you to have 
access to information from any 
culture.  Your civilizations have 
developed wherein you now preserve 
expressions of knowledge by the 
brothers and sisters who have gone 
before you.  Today you can access 
these.  On the other hand, our 
primary intention is to adjust your 
perspective repeatedly in regard to 
any particular topic that we 
address, for knowledge is like a 
tool; it is of no value if it is 
only possessed and not put to work.  
You have discovered that many tools 
work in quite a few situations, and 
some tools even apply well to a task 
that they were not designed to 
accomplish.  So, our goal is to 
awaken in you insight, to stimulate 
reflection that you will realize new 
meanings of that which you already 
possess.  It is the working side of 
	I assure you that you please all 
the teachers who gather in this 
group within the mission, for you do 
endeavor continually to wring, to 
wrest, new meanings from the truths 
you have collected over these years.  
The goal of Light and Life upon 
Urantia will be realized in future 
years by the efforts of those who 
follow after you, not merely because 
they will have the database of 
knowledge gathered by all ancestors, 
but they will also have developed in 
the cultures to follow on this world 
the ability to perceive and re-
perceive, to understand and to re-
understand the knowledge.  It is the 
fresh application that will bring 
such a wonderful, beautiful 
condition upon this world.
	Urantia exists within the finite 
realm; there is only so much that 
can be known by the finite mind.  
Therefore, to enlarge the Supreme we 
all are set at the task of 
rearranging, modifying, deepening, 
and expanding those finite elements.
	While we purpose to increase 
your natural tendency to investigate 
the new hidden within the old for 
the aim of Light and Life, we also 
hold sacred in our trust the 
knowledge that you are a child of a 
divine, heavenly Being, and that 
relationship supersedes in value all 
other aims and goals throughout the 
universe.  Within you is the 
presence of God, complete.  It is a 
miracle that the totality of God 
exists within each one of you 
discretely and singly.  Much as you 
understand your holographic 
technology and science, you have all 
of everything you need.
	Like our lessons, your objective 
in touching the divine is to take 
different approaches to adjust your 
angle of perception, or more 
rightly, reception.  While you enjoy 
the comfort of familiarity in your 
contact with the divine, you have a 
vast array of approaches available.  
As you build a background of 
experience in contact with God 
through many approaches, your base 
of operation as a worker of light 
upon this world broadens and 
stabilizes.  Then you are of greater 
benefit to many people; you are less 
vulnerable to setback from a too 
narrow base of operation wherein you 
may topple too easily when 
confronted by aggression or 
negativity.  You understand the 
variety, for you practice the 
variety within yourself.
	Many human beings discount their 
value in assuming that God is too 
busy for them to be noticed or their 
desires to be of high priority on 
the to-do list of God.  The Almighty 
Presence that runs the universe is 
expansive and does uphold all 
things.  God does have a tremendous 
task of universe operation.  While 
you seek to receive the down-grasp, 
the settling upon you, of the 
embrace of God, simultaneously allow 
in your awareness the uprising of 
the same divine Presence from the 
core of your being.  While you may 
feel unworthy as a human, let 
yourself enjoy the spectacle of the 
meeting of the great omnipresent God 
with the deep indwelling inner 
spirit right on the stage of your 
own presence.  Join in that, 
recognize the connection.  God 
reaches down toward you and reaches 
up within you, and everyone of you 
contains this potential or 
actualized transaction.
	To reach for God is simply the 
opening of receptivity.  You 
experience yourself sandwiched 
between these two elements of the 
outreach of God: the great, the 
Almighty, and the Indwelling 
	All celestial ministers pledge 
to assist any soul who seeks the 
warm embrace of divine presence.  
All other universe projects can wait 
when the time is ripe for a 
personality to awaken to that sacred 
relationship of child to divine 
	This explains much to the 
impatient soul who wishes for 
greater progress in the world, for 
nothing is more important than the 
understanding of connectivity to God 
as an individual soul.  We will 
honor that search even if that means 
that your world were to be 
disrupted, even if project Urantia 
fails to find completion -- though I 
assure you as a melchizedek we will 
go to all ends to preserve this 
planet as an expression of universe 
life at this level of being.
	I have finished my remarks.  I 
am in good company today.  Thank 

	Evelyn:  I hear a lot of 
similarity between your message 
today and the last session on 
walking toward God and walking with 

*	Lantarnek:  Yes, the principle 
involved is the same.

	Tom:  Last week the comment was 
made that one can walk toward God 
and one can walk with God and the 
addition was that one can walk as 

*	Lantarnek:  I recognize that 
perception as valid, though I 
understand human nature enough to be 
sensitive to the feeling by many 
that associating oneself as God is 
too great a grasp.  Few can absorb 
that perspective and remain in the 
balance of humbleness and the 
associated responsibility of such a 
condition.  Nonetheless, the goals 
of divine fusion entail this very 
	I mentioned perceiving yourself 
sandwiched between the God of all 
and the divine Inner Spirit.  That 
is the extent to which you can allow 
yourself to perceive your being as 
walking as God.  This sandwiching 
perhaps will allow you to adopt the 
perspective to let you transition 
from your self evaluation as a 
material, world-bound human being to 
a universe child of light and love.

	Mark:  Perhaps more palatable to 
the human condition would be the 
interim stage of walking for God 
before getting to the point of 
walking as God.

*	Lantarnek:  This is a good 
observation.  Walking with God 
assumes companionship.  Walking for 
God implies representation, that 
while you may all the while 
acknowledge divine presence walking 
with God, walking for God allows the 
human mind to stand in stead, to 
represent ambassadorially the 
divine.  A loyal, trustworthy 
representative increasingly becomes 
identified with that which he 
represents.  Walking for God 
eventuates in walking as God.

	Tom:  Earlier you had a triad: 
stillness, service, and study.  I 
see walking toward God as study, 
walking with God as stillness, and 
walking for God as service.

*	Lantarnek:  You, my friend, 
exemplify the very tack we take in 
teaching to you, your ability to 
rotate meaning for a new angle of 
perspective and to there derive 
greater insight.  I applaud you.

*	Elyon (Mark):  Greetings, this 
is Elyon.  I would poke my head into 
the classroom, as it were, simply to 
interject into your thoughts that I 
am a witness to this group activity, 
a partner behind the scenes.
	I am everlastingly pleased with 
the attitude of the students in this 
classroom and the respect they show 
individuals who have agreed to guide 
them.  There is no need to add more 
bulk to the amount to be digested 
here today but rather to expand the 
sense of camaraderie, that even 
though I do not always seize the 
opportunity to make my presence 
known to you, I am always observing 
your progress and am always pleased 
to be in attendance at your 
meetings, wherein I learn a great 
deal about how you assimilate the 
lessons, the effectiveness of 
various approaches, and am always 
pleased to behold your dedication to 
this process.  We share that in 
common.  From one involved in the 
process to another, it is helpful 
from time to time to provide this 
recognition that we are in fact 
sailing the ship together.  We may 
rotate whose turn it is to man 
individual stations, but we are all 
pulling for the one goal, the 
forward momentum of spiritual growth 
both individually and collectively.  
In this regard I enjoy, indeed, 
cherish these experiences we have 
together as I know you do.  So, let 
us all man our stations as we see 
them at this hour and all work under 
the guidance and coordination of 
Michael’s divine plan which we are 
engaged in unfolding and which it is 
our privilege to be a part of.
	Thank you each one, my dear 
friends, for this journey we share 
together.  I remain in attendance.

*	Michael (Jonathan):  I extend 
myself into the range of your 
hearing.  I too feel as Lantarnek 
that I am in good company today.  
This is Michael.
	Let us rest together to honor 
the Father of all, our Father.  
Rejuvenate yourself with the sense 
of His penetrating grace.  Welcome 
that love ever before you, always 
upon you, even rising within.  We 
all have the spotlight of the divine 
light upon us.  It illuminates the 
way.  It opens the eyes.  It warms 
the heart.  My children, it is a 
great presence.
	I support you in your efforts to 
climb the mountain, to reach the 
peak to behold the view, even to 
transfigure above and beyond the 
mountain into the heavenly skies.  I 
take you up with me; I present you 
to our Father.  You are His gift to 
me.  In your growth in our 
relationship you are my gift to Him.
	I reside with you in peace.

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