[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness -- Michael, July 19, 2004
Donna D'Ingillo
donnadingillo at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 20 22:24:18 PDT 2004
The first part of the transmission was recorded over due to changing batteries. The first part of the lesson was to inspire the students to beam hope into the people Michael and Mother bring to them. The importance of this was to feed people with the spiritual quality they need when the world around them becomes too confusing or frightening because of the social and other changes that are coming down the road.
There were several exercises to practice connecting with hope. Michael first addressed the students by advising them that they need much hope for themselves before beaming it into others or the tendency to be influenced by the fear or confusion mentality would lead them into a place where they would not be of service to others. Once a person is firmly anchored in hope for himself or herself, then that individual can beam Michael’s hope into the other person. Also addressed was the quality of hope that not only inspires and brings an awareness of something better into a person, but that it is actually something that catalyzes an individual’s faith by instilling the desire for a better way of life.
Michael: When you have individuals before you who query you why they should have hope when everything looks frightening and disruptive around them, lead them into that place inside of their heart. Encourage them to find that place that longs for a better way, a better life filled with peace, comfort, a centeredness and wholeness. Encourage them to feel the desire for this for themselves as well as for the entire world. Encourage them, after they have tapped into this yearning, to trust this. At this point, beam hope into them. Let their soul feed upon it to nourish their minds, giving them something new, something positive and encouraging to look forward to.
Your words will have an effect to some degree, but when people are frightened, words tend to be disconnecting because the emotional component of the individual is more dominant. A soothing touch, the energetic bond that you create through the beaming of hope, is what will quiet the emotions and stir in the soul. You could give them many reasons why they should hope, but if their minds are disconnected in their thinking because fear is too overwhelming for them, then you must use a different means of communication.
This is one of the reasons we are building you in these exercises now to increase your communication skills at the spiritual level. You will be very well pleased with how you see them respond if you give them enough time and spend enough time with them to allow the hope to take root and begin to build. Make yourselves available to the ones who come to you. Sometimes you will feel you have the time for them; other times you will feel constrained by the activities of the day you are engaged in. But do your best each day to be mindful of the opportunities that come your way. Encourage and stimulate yourselves each day to be presented with new opportunities. Spend time in the opportunity when you recognize it as such in allowing the fullness to unfold and for you to experience it more deeply than you have already.
As you grow into the mind of service, you will find your antennae for opportunities to move you into new directions throughout your day. While you all must stay involved in the tasks at hand in order to satisfy the requirements of your material life, begin to notice the antennae for service. Feel the direction you are being gently guided into. This will be a gradual awareness, and it will not be something that you find burdensome, choreful. It will lighten your day and give new meaning to what you accomplish in the day, taking you out of the monotony of some of the things you do into a place of great joy in knowing that you have achieved something valuable, laudable, commendable in the life of another person.
Allow yourself the latitude to be in these exchanges with your brothers and sisters for as long as they need to be. Be patient with them. And be patient with yourselves as you tune yourself to these service opportunities. Once again, let these words settle into you, allow your Mother to weave them into you to build this foundation within you. Relax and breathe into her, and let your Mother envelope you in my words, in my presence, in my truth-light. (Pause)
I will address your comments or questions on this evening’s lesson when you are ready to bring them to me.
Student: Jesus, I have often felt that faith was a constant, but hope seems to be an inspiration of the soul (recorder battery went out but the question was about when does hope become more sure)
Michael: There is a dynamic relationship between hope and faith. As you grow into your experiences where your faith is confirmed, the light that paves the way moves you into an anticipation of the future bright with promise and new opportunities of growth and service. This is a component of the quality of hope. The certainty that you seek is primarily a component of faith. Hope will always be a necessary ingredient to catalyze your faith, to stimulate it, to move you forward; in the attainment of the ideal there must be something good and beautiful and true that attracts your soul. One of these soul attractors is hope.
After you become more embodied in your faith composure, you will understand and see and know that hope is moving you forward to the new ways. But do not become so jaded or take things for granted that the certainty is something that brings into the human mind a sense of complacency. You will always be challenged, and for a time there will be some doubt, or perhaps a more mild word to use is question, about where it is where you are being led. This is part of the mind trying to gain control. Put this aside. Stay in the hope; stay in the faith pull, and you will gain a greater sense of composure which leads to this surety and certainty that you wish to achieve.
And allow these words now to grow within you, my son. You have a strong desire. Feel your desire. Feel your desire to live in faith. As you feel this desire to live in faith, will you know where you are being led? You may respond to me with that answer.
Student: Yes, it would certainly improve.
Michael: Well, my son, I would ask you to look at this from the standpoint that you will not always know where you are being led. Is that not the discovery?
Student: Yes, I feel that a lot with my Thought Adjuster.
Michael: Allow the moments of unknowing to be stimulating to this growing awareness of hope. You will always be led to something that will be of great value to you. Great value! But will you always know and understand and see if at the time? Sometimes you will; sometimes you will wait and the lesson will ring true and hit home at a later date. But if you can mentally adopt this position of knowing that everything that happens will produce good fruits of the spirit in you, even though you do not know how or when or why, that hope brings a greater certainty, quiets the mind, soothes the intellect and stimulates your faith. Be in the mystery. And you will gain greater depths of faith concomitantly with the hope you need to keep you moving forward.
Ponder these words in the coming days. Re-read them and let them go deep within as you meditate. Always know and always feel my peace within you, my son.
Student: Michael, I had an experience with people I wish to bring about. One is a lady I spoke to yesterday and she was deeply agitated about what is going on in the world. So much so and filled with despair to the point of being paranoid that she herself is being watched and her phone tapped, etc. We have discussed what is going on in the world over the past few months at different intervals, and I have always tried to express to her to keep things in perspective and to keep the balance in that perspective. And for the dark side, there is the light side, to breathe in the air and remember the moments, as you have said to me, to experience the sunlight and breath and nature around us. She allowed that to happen to a point, but she was still holding on to despair. When we parted I prayed for her that she would be appeased in her mind and heart. Is there any advise you can give to me to help her with her agitation, and not to minimize her own feelings of despair? Because sometimes we do do that when we listen to other people – we minimize what is going on in their lives.
Michael: But this is precisely why we are instructing you in a form of spirit communication that is beyond words. Your words will evoke defensive postures in individuals. Think about this. She is not so much wanting to be appeased in her mind as she is expressing deep soulful concerns. It is not your responsibility to appease her in this way. Do you understand this, my son?
Student: Yes, I do. Is it to instill in a quiet way what we have been talking about the past two times – hopefulness? That there is a light at the end of the tunnel?
Michael: Allow her to express her feelings to you if this is something you wish to provide for her: a safe, non-judgmental environment within which she can share her fears and concerns. As she expresses them, what will you bring into her? More words, more ideas to consider that will disconnect her thinking? Or will you bring in my hope, my love through your stabilized intention to soulfully minister to her. It is your choice. You can counsel her with your words, but as you have said, she still felt despair. And would you not have wished her to leave your encounter fully at peace and with a renewed sense of freedom? (Yes)
What my children need now is for someone to listen to them: to hear their pleas of pain. You are here to comfort them through applying my presence into them. And as we said to you when we began these exercises that this will take many many months of practice for you to gain a greater strength within your own mind of what you are doing as you minister to my children who are in great need. But settle this in your mind now: you are here to listen to them, to bring my love into them through your soulful attempts to help them. Your soul filled with my love imbued with hope: your Mother will bring this into them. All you have to do is want to do this for them. That is your work. You can engage your intellect if you wish, and I think you are all now finding that this approach is far less effective than what you are beginning to learn and eventually master.
Student: It’s like we offer them a safe place for them to express their deepest fears and despairs as we come from this place of authenticity of truth and love.
Michael: And have you not found that place here when you come to the meetings? You can express your fears and concerns to me, not only here but at all times. So many of my children know me not, have not this awareness of this place within them. You are offering this to them. This is what they need most now. And you will feed them what they do not even know is missing from their lives. What greater service can you provide to them?
D, your heart is very open. Allow it to open even further. The more you open your heart and let me flow into it, the more will you be able to express my love to my children who I bring before you. You will give them great comfort and peace. And I know, as you know, you have asked for this.
Student: I can see it happening. People have said they have felt good and comfortable in being around me. It’s not something I think about and my heart is excited for the prospect of deepening my soulful connection to you and the place of truth within myself and the universe. I just have to be more patient with myself and others.
Michael: Be more focused on bringing my love to my children rather than what it is that you wish to accomplish with your life, for in so doing you will find all that which you have sought and continue to seek.
Student: I see that more and more.
Michael: And be in my peace, my son.
My children, as we take you deeper into these exercises to express our love to our children, seek not to identify with the spoken word as much in your ministrations as it is to be a pure conduit of hope. You can sit in this energy of love and beam it all around you. As the energy grows around you, so will the mind become wrapped in the language of love encircling in those centers within you to speak my words to my children. Your minds are all being re-encircuited to learn new ways, and so while these new ways are being taught, know that you are not expected to do them perfectly or masterfully. Only embrace these ideas and these words we say to you and ingest them and let them imprint upon you. Practice, practice, and practice as much as you can each day through the opportunities that are presented to you. It is time to disengage the intellect in communicating these awareness with one another. It is time to beam my love.
As the days of uncertainty mount, come to me more and more in your own inner turmoil. Ask for more hope to be imprinted within you. You will need this, my children! You have not all grown so much as to be tempted and succumb to these fears. They will not be as troubling as they once were for you. Simply turn your focus within, take a deep breath as your Mother enters you and brings you to me so my hope can infuse you, renew you, and bring you peace.
So I leave you this evening in this fashion. My peace is all around you. Be embraced in my love. Good evening, my beloved children.
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