[tmtranscripts] Nebadnia 11.15.04 - The Need To Choose

JERRY LANE nytrayn at msn.com
Fri Nov 19 06:27:52 PST 2004

Dear Folks, Here are the latest insights and encouragements from Mother
Spirit. Enjoy! Jerry - Nytrayn at msn.com.

Nebadonia 11-15-04

Marin TM Group

Dear Michael and Mother, What a fine evening this is when You come to
visit us. We do so look forward to it. These few precious moments in our
whole week give us the opportunity to forget ourselves, to really listen to
Your message which we cherish so much. So we thank You for Your
graciousness - Your generosity to Your children. We send You all of our
love. Amen.

Nebadonia: My dear children, this is your Mother, Nebadonia. Can you feel
My spirit? I am in the very intention with which you reach for Me. I am as
close to you as you are to yourself. There is no separation here. You need
not look for Me, My children, for I am in the eyes with which you see. I am
in the ears with you hear. I am in the thoughts that you think. Just as
Michael is in your heart, and our Father surrounds us all.

Life lives within life - in both directions. We live in the living body of
our Father. He surrounds us. He nourishes us. He sustains us. He
recreates us moment by moment, and yet we are free. Though we live in Him,
and He lives right within us, He gives us ourselves by our very nature, by
the way in which we were created. He gives us to ourselves, so we can
choose who and what we will become.

Recently Michael and I have invited you to feel complete. We have invited
you to realize that you are a living part of absolute reality. You need do
nothing to fulfill yourself. There is nothing you are lacking to be a
living center of absolute experience. This is what Michael and I mean when
We invite you to rest in Us. Be not anxious for your reality for it resides
in our Father. We are in His hands and They are secure far beyond your
ability to know.

Now: here comes another moment…and another…and another. They too will be
yours forever. Think about this - with Me – for a moment. Our Father is
inexhaustible. He will always be there, creating us. You will always be
there. When you think of the future, My children, don’t forget to put
yourself in the picture! - whether on Urantia, or on the mansion worlds,
whether on Salvington - the headquarters world of Michael and Myself, or any
of the thousands of evolutionary worlds you will visit, just getting

This is what you will become, and it will be you and no one else, because at
each step, you will have a choice. Now this might sound frightening, for
you will never outrun your need to choose. But this, too, is a choice. You
can choose to welcome the very need to choose, day by day - sometimes, as
you well know, even minute be minute, just to get through next minute! But
you can choose to welcome this as a most precious gift of our Father. For
with this need, you can co-create, with Him, your own life. This makes it
yours. Can you see the necessity of this, My children? Can you see how
this has to be for you to be yours and His alone? There in no escape from
reality, for there need be none. You are real. You participate in

Now for the miracle: in this, too, you can grow without limit. This is an
ability you share with our Father. This is another choice you are given.
You cannot only accept this need to chose, you can put your full will behind
it. This way you can make the power of necessity your own.

You are a single living cell in a gigantic body. As such, you are carried
along by life itself. On the physical plane of existence, you know of the
size of the universe and its motions. Yet within this almost absolute
regularity, there is something of the next moment that our Father creates
afresh and new. The living body of God continues to grow. And as you
continue to grow, you can have this choice of what you will become. This is
not foreordained. This is a true choice and you make it moment by moment,
day by day.

So We invite you to give it your attention, My children. Think about your
life! Wonder about it. Use the spiritual power of your personality to
imagine: what do I want to become? All the while you are resting in Our
absolute assurance that you already are. Does this tickle your spirit of
adventure, My children?

Group: Yes!

Can you see our Father’s graciousness in all of this? Can you welcome and
appreciate His gift of your freedom? Can you help Him help others be free?
Now you feel this security in trusting Him to create the next moment…and the
next…can you let go and give yourself to others, knowing that it is not only
you yourself but also He who will recreate you again? This is the joy that
He offers His children, right in the way He created you: that together you
go forward forever. This is a bit to think about, My children. So I ask
you to ponder these spiritual truths in the coming days. Give yourself
permission to rest in Me, and know - through Me - your own faith in our
Father’s endless creativity.

But for now, let Me answer any questions or comments you might wish to share
with Me.

Student: Yes, Mother. You talk about choices and choosing to live as God
intended us to live, and being asked about our intentions. There are some
choices that determine a certain path or a direction of our life. And I
feel like I’m at one of those crossroads - where the choices I make
determine many lives, affect many lives. Because I’ve been, lately, pushed
and pulled from many different people about moving into a bigger house
because the place we live in is small. My lady friend’s sons want this. My
mother is pushing to do this, or make a decision. And now my daughter wants
to come and live with me. And so there’s this great push for me to make a
decision within the next couple of months of: either we continue living
together and move into a bigger house that will accommodate my daughter as
well, or for me to carry on with just my daughter, living where I live now.
But it’s not a decision I can take lightly – obviously – with so many lives

And the fears that come up with this decision are in the process. And for
the life of me, I have been praying for guidance for the good of everyone,
and not just myself and my own evolution and expansion. It’s a fear of
being confined and trapped, even a fear of losing my connection, or not
honoring my connection to the Source of spirit. And I have tried to
meditate on it and to let it go. I get pulled from all these different
directions. It’s like I’m in the middle, juggling all these people,
juggling all these thoughts and ideas, and I’m just trying to be honest
myself, and be clear about the direction I am to take. Can you offer me any
insights, or a different, a different perspective that maybe I’m not aware
of? I would greatly appreciate it.

Nebadonia: Yes, D, My son. You touch My mother’s heart with both the
clarity and the depth to which you are willing to embrace the complexity of
the situation. You are to be congratulated and encouraged in this. For as
you’ll remember, this is exactly what we have talked about before. This is
the stretch, is it not, My son? And in this you can take heart, in thinking
of the future, how much you have opened yourself already to these folks who
are dear to you, each with his or her individual viewpoint, and separate
understanding, and desires.

This is the situation, and the thing to be avoided at all costs is a kind of
simple-minded impatience with these dear friends and relatives of yours who
are relying on you. In this I’m trying to offer you a sense of your own
freedom: that you are choosing to be in this situation.

Now: for a matter of timing. As you know from reading about Michael’s life
on Urantia, there is a sense of fullness of having enough information about
the situation, and the situation itself reaching a certain maturity, before
some of these decisions you feel called upon to make will be ready. It may
be too soon, and not yet necessary. And so it is a matter of using your
time wisely to explore and to experiment within your own mind, as much as
you can, very much as you are already doing. You have to imagine and then
explore these different alternatives.

You have to talk about these with everybody involved, so they too can help
carry the weight, with each person appreciating the weight they are placing
on another - especially with respect to your dependent children involved.
Help them appreciate, as much as possible, at their age, what they are
asking of you. This will help them mature by giving them a foretaste of the
decisions they themselves will have to make someday. It can also help to
narrow or confine this realm of decision to that which is rightly yours, so
you are not taking on any unnecessary burden that belongs to someone else.
Otherwise, in doing so, you are only somewhat sabotaging their need to
decide in order to grow their own maturity, no matter what their age. Again
I commend you upon your ability to perceive and then express the complexity
involved, and your willingness to accept your part. Does this help?

Student: Yes. It’s interesting because I guess You are saying kind of:
wait it out and see how things unfold, instead of making a rash decision
based on emotional and mental ideas or energies. Because I have been saying
I feel the need, ‘cause I know how things work in my life, and how the
universe is - to let things unfold naturally. But it seems like everyone -
C, my mother, my daughter - don’t want to do that. They want to get this
thing moving now; and that doesn’t work for me. And also, I did think it
would be good for all parties to meet and talk about this decision, and how
it affects all of us. And how it affects me, and go from there. And C has
said to me that she has even thought about moving out on her own with the
two boys because she needs a different environment.

Nebadonia: Well D, I cannot recommend too highly this sharing of
responsibility, especially with the younger folks - so they can see directly
what it is to be an adult. This they need most of all. Its a false
parenting to shield the children too much from all the forces of life
pulling at you all.

Student: Well, also how their actions and energy affect me and their mother
and the people around them.

Nebadonia: Yes, very much. This is what you call feedback - without which
there is no connection, for them, between what they do and its effects on
others. This is what everyone needs most of all so there is not a
disconnect between attitudes, behavior, and desires, and what these do to
others. For if there is this disconnect, especially with the young ones,
they have no way of telling where to go, how to behave.

So share your life as fully as possible with them so they don’t get a
distorted and only partial view of what is happening. Otherwise, events can
suddenly overtake everyone with an enormous shock - because the foresight,
even the apprehension, is not being shared. It is difficult sometimes to
share your fears and confusion and simple human inability to penetrate the
future. But in the sharing itself there is a great spiritual value of: no
matter what happens, we’re in this together. Even if the future should
rightfully bring about separation, at least let us be together now.

All this experience will become a part of each of your souls, and the more
you can share and give to each other at each moment, the stronger you all
grow. I will not judge the specific behavior or recommend any to you. I
don’t think you need it. I think you are correct in your feelings about the
part you play in this situation, and so if you feel the need to be a brake
upon otherwise overly hasty, arbitrary decisions, then express this - and
welcome a true and honest response from them. Your being open is the
greatest leadership you can offer.

Student: And being honest about my feelings and being open to what they
have to say. C knows how unhappy I’ve been recently about things, and
that’s not how God created me to be. That is not His intention for me.

Nebadonia: Well, My son, continue on! As long as you feel within yourself
you are not merely procrastinating or putting things off, then take the
time. Ask the others in the situation what is being asked of you. I’ve
tried to convey this evening the notion of shared responsibility, shared
burden, shared honesty so that each person knows what they are asking of
others. This then becomes the foundation by which you will each know one
another, and this is what you will base your decisions upon. Consider these
things, read them over in the transcripts, and share them if you feel it is
appropriate. And be in My love.

(Very long pause)

Nebadonia: Well, My children, you are a quiet group tonight. I know I have
given you much to think about. I do so partly because you do have the
ability to record this and read it over as many times as you desire.

There is a great peace here in Michael’s presence. He is always with us as
much as we wish.

Student: Thank you, Mother, for our teacher and friend Welmek, and for
allowing me to chose the adventure of life as opposed to the burden of life.

Nebadonia: You are very welcome, My son. Your ability to choose between
these - you see what a great gift this is? These choices are not always
easy in so far as they are not always transparent. A real part of your
human life is in the appreciation of the courage it takes to choose when you
cannot see all the ramifications of that choice. But to stay open - then,
and to continue to learn - to accept these ramifications of your choosing:
this is truly a triumph of spirit. And be in My love.

Student: Thank you, Mother.

(Another long pause)

Nebadonia: What a marvelous stillness…then the next moment comes…and the
next. We part and yet we take a little of each of us with us. Good
evening, My dear ones. Be in My love.

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