[tmtranscripts] Fw: Nebadonia 11.1.2010

john kimble spirit4ya at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 15 22:38:04 PST 2010

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: john kimble <spirit4ya at yahoo.com>
To: JERRY LANE <nytrayn at msn.com>
Sent: Tue, November 16, 2010 12:36:37 AM
Subject: Re: [tmtranscripts] Nebadonia 11.1.2010

Well, Thank You Mom and Dad for clearing this whole mess up for once and for
all. And, your apologies are accepted for me and my mother and my father and
for anyone else that may have been "damaged" by those "mistakes", especially
those persons of color.

Now, if you could do one more "little" thing for all concern: Give the Urantia
Foundation the authority they will need to restate or delete those damaging
"mistakes" so future readers and generations of the UB will not be harmed in
anyway. That, in my opinion, would pretty much correct the mistakes. That's if
the intent is for ALL of the races on this planet to read, study and embrace the
UB as the Revelation that it is. And, I do believe that IS the intent.

My preacher father has written over twelve books himself and occasionally he
will get a message from the editor or publisher concerning a misspelled word or
error or mistake that need to be corrected. He simply makes the corrections
needed and forward them to the printer for the next printing of his books. Now,
if a mere human can do this, surely the Gods can too. I'm just saying.

An acknowledge "mistake" that is acknowledge to be doing "damage" by the very
Gods that authorized the book, should not be left in the UB. Seems like a no
brainer to me.

So now, I will pour myself another glass of wine as I head back to my closet,
leaving the door open just a bit, so I can see how my family on the tml channel
handles this "Truth" from our Divine Parents.

Always with Brotherly Love


From: JERRY LANE <nytrayn at msn.com>
To: Richard Voss <xroadtec at qwest.net>; Colyer DuPont <cldupont at gmail.com>;
Jacqueline Faber <jacquiefaber at yahoo.com>; Geralyn Gendreau
<Geralyn.Gendreau at gmail.com>; David Jacobs <Davidpjacobs at hotmail.com>; Claire
Miller <claire.miller111 at att.net>; Valerie Cantrell
<musicvalgal7 at sbcglobal.net>; Charles Hicks <Chrlshic at yahoo.com>; T & S
Hollingsworth <timshirleyh at sbcglobal.net>; Byron Belitsos
<byron at originpress.com>; Mary Hedberg <mhedberg08 at gmail.com>; Marguerite
Rigoglioso <info at cultofdivinebirth.com>; Susan Marie <susanpmarie at me.com>; Ron
Besser <aronolac at comcast.net>; TMTranscripts
<TMTranscripts at circuit1.teamcircuits.com>
Sent: Mon, November 15, 2010 2:27:40 PM
Subject: [tmtranscripts] Nebadonia 11.1.2010

Nebadonia—November 1, 2010

Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U. S.A.


(The colored races of Urantia)
(Mistakes in the Urantia book)
(Collectives and individuals)
(Jesus’ emphasis on the individual)
(The origin of the error)

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Once again we bid you a hearty welcome.
Come be with us. Come fill our hearts and our minds and our souls with your
wonderful words. We do enjoy seeing things from your point of view. It helps
us see ourselves and our situation in the light of your undying, beautiful life

Tonight I would ask you to address a question that’s come up about the Urantia
book. It seems to rather baldly state that certain of the colored races of our
planet are superior or inferior with respect to one another. Would you comment
on these statements? They seem, at least on their face, to be rather
unmistakable and yet at the same time incomprehensible if, from no other point
of view, other statements that God is no respecter of persons. It also states
in the Urantia book that things like racism, or sexism, or cultural-ism--any
kind of hubris, arrogance, and looking down on ones’ fellows--only serve to
produce social smugness in those supposedly favored or luckily born, and a
sense of social resignation in those who are made to, or even feel themselves
to be inferior. So we ask you to please address this question. Amen.

NEBADONIA: Good evening, this is Nebadonia, your Mother Spirit. Michael and I
are pleased once again to acknowledge and embrace your welcome with all the
mind and heart and soul that we have. We most joyfully welcome your request,
and let it be known from the outset that I am speaking for Michael and myself,
for on this issue there is absolutely no disagreement between the two of us.
However unique, discrete personal beings we are, we are also of a spiritual
unity with each other far, far beyond your comprehension. We’ve teased you to
imagine an old married couple who have been together now for some four hundred
billion years, and proud parents to nigh onto four million inhabited worlds
somewhat similar to your own.

(The colored races of Urantia)

So let us look at the colored races on an evolutionary planet. As you have
been informed, the Life Carriers hailing from the Constellation level of Local
Universe organization and hierarchy of creative authority, by the phenomena of
universe reflectivity-spiritual communication across dozens of dimensions of
reality, are fully in touch with each other in different Constellations. And
so when life is started on an evolutionary world they have the history of the
whole Local Universe’s life-evolution riding along with them. What was
initiated here on Urantia was the culmination of all these billions of years of
life experimentation and result. You can use your imaginations and get some
feeling for what happens on an evolutionary world and just how precious we
consider this implantation of life to be. While not the only purpose of the
universes of time and space, the creation and evolution of your order of living
being is one of the major ones. Indeed, you’ve been informed that a great deal
of the activity out here in time and space is devoted to your creation and your
development on toward Paradise.

So think of this gigantic ancient context, my children, when you think of the
Life Carriers coming to a planet and starting that original DNA which, after
evolving through the plant and then the animal kingdoms will, after a billion
years or so, eventuate in a creature of will dignity very similarly on millions
of worlds. This is a controlled evolution by way of the Life Carriers and my
own Mind/Spirit Adjutants—the dimensions of my own consciousness, so that when
your first human beings, Andon and Fonta, made contact with my adjutants of
worship and wisdom and received their Thought Adjusters, the fact registered
instantaneously many light-years away. Yet within this gigantic context of
consciousness and control involving so many dimensions of reality, there is
also the working of the Unqualified Absolute rendering each individual planet
unique and a bit unexpected in its life development for all our proposed plans.

Potential within Urantia’s original life implantation was the eventual
segregation of the aboriginal human beings into different races of color.
I.e.—this was fully intended and provided for and is nearly universal on the
evolutionary planets at a certain stage of their human development. Different
races of color will begin to emerge quite naturally, usually taking place over
thousands of years and under the guidance of a loyal Planetary Prince and his
corporal staff. As each new color comes along with its unique essence and
different qualities to add to the planetary stock, these are foreseen, planned
for, and welcomed, for the essential purpose for these divisions into different
racial characteristics is for the variety and wealth of the whole humanity.
Each different color adds something unique to the mix.

But Urantia is—if you will—extra-unique in that this diversion into different
colored races did not occur over thousands of years but within a single
generation! This was somewhat, but not totally, due to the fact that your
world, Urantia, is a decimal planet, the one evolutionary world in ten whereon
the Life Carriers are permitted a larger degree of experimentation in advancing
the qualities of personal life in our Local Universe. And so in one generation
you had all six colors emerging at once. As you’ve also been informed, once
these different colored groups multiplied to the large-tribal stage, an
incessant warfare broke out that eventually obliterated several colors as
distinct types and lead to the dispersal of the others across the world. You
recall our many lessons on the ferocity of these primitive peoples and their
innate distrust and territorial possessiveness with regards to their neighbors,
some of which still persists to the present day. On Urantia, as contrasted to
other worlds where each new color was welcomed and incorporated into the
others, the different races spread out away from the areas of conflict and more
or less self-segregated up until recent times in the so-called Age of

Yet also keep in mind, my children, the original diversification was five
hundred thousand years ago and, except for rare bands who were early on totally
isolated, there has been a wide degree of inter-racial mixing due to not only
warfare and its attendant capture of slaves who were subject to indiscriminate
sex and interbreeding, but also through the peaceful intermixing of peoples due
to travel and trade, and the enormous migrations back and forth across the face
of the earth.

(Mistakes in the Urantia book)

Within this context of original life-implantation intent and subsequent world
history, the statements in the Urantia book about inferior and superior races
are more than unfortunate; they are grievous errors, absolute mistakes with
respect to the connotations given them. Each colored race has something
special to offer, and this is the main purpose for racial diversification in
the first place. There are no inferior races just as there are no inferior
personal beings. You as a human being are not inferior to a midwayer, or a
seraphim, or a Melchizedek. You are not some random mistake of nature but a
part of not only God’s plans, but of Michael’s and my own. There is a hierarchy
of abilities and perceptions of reality across the different orders of personal
beings, but referring to differences within the human order as inferior or
superior implies a qualitative differential of personality itself that is
indeed not only—as I said—unfortunate, but open to endless misinterpretations
of historical/cultural differences in the human family as well.

We would also like to discourage any notion whatsoever that this mistake was
deliberately put in the book to test you. While we applaud those of you who
more or less disregarded these statements, or saw them for the mistakes they
were—so much in conflict with what you noted in your introduction, you can
trust that these were not in any way intentional falsehoods if only because of
the entire rest of the book; i.e. a hallmark of wisdom being a sense of
proportion. Beyond that, any deliberate inclusion of a falsehood in an epochal
revelation would be a terrible mistake on a whole higher level of intent and
one that, frankly, would never have occurred to the spiritual authors. In
addition, the Urantia book itself states it is not to be considered some kind
of absolute truth, some lifeless dogma, but on the contrary; every written
expression is limited to its unique moment in time and place and the
development of language and concept in which it appears—in this case, late
1930’s America. Its purpose was and is to expand as best it can those very
limitations by introducing new words and concepts in a trustworthy,
cosmos-broad context that will resonate with the mind/spirit sensibilities
within you as valid information.

The greatest damage of this unintended mistake is that it has discouraged folks
from continuing who might otherwise have gained a deep soulful resonance with
the rest of the book. Think of the dozens of human disciplines of thought and
spirit that were included in order for the book to be self-validating. We were
fully aware when we included so many things from theology to geology, to
cosmology, to physics and chemistry, to philosophy and planetary history; on
and on through the evolution of life and humankind, the family and government,
culture and religion; the day-to-day, year-by-year unique account of Jesus’
life among you and the world in which he lived: you would have to trust not
only us but your own deepest instincts, understanding, and values to realize
why we would never, ever, deliberately include a falsehood in what was and
still is meant to be an epochal revelation to all of mankind’s races—literally
inaugurating a new epoch of understanding somewhat comparable and allied to the
four previous: the coming of your Planetary Prince, Adam and Eve, Machiventa
Melchizedek, and Jesus of Nazareth.

As Michael said in his last lesson, there has been a long historical evolution
in terms of the specialization and concentration of authority and power along
social-cultural, political, religious, and territorial lines; yet these
authorities are slowly giving way to a wide-spread blossoming of individual
liberty and responsibility. We gave a lesson one time on how this progress is
contra-distinct from your familiar saying, “You can’t see the forest for the
trees.”—i.e. you can’t see the whole—the forest, for all the individual trees
in the way. Whereas each of you—individually, personally—evolved your
understanding of people the other way, from a limited number of close
individuals but from your immediate culture’s notions of human differences.
For while you were born into a specific cultural encompassing, only one at a
time did you meet and include more and more individuals into your life. Your
progress was from the cultural attitude you were given, to each individual; from
seeing in terms of inexperienced adolescent generalities to being able to see
individuals through screens of prejudice and outworn cultural traditions and
relationships; i.e. you couldn’t at first see the trees for the forest. Yet
your soul-reward was and remains those very people you came to know as

You’ve only to think of the obscene horrors and spiritual slavery that have
been committed in the justification of these generalities of race, sex, and
culture to appreciate what it takes to see and accept, to wholly relate and
respond to whomever it is standing right in front of someone. Ironically, with
respect to race, it’s only recently that people in general have been able to
perceive the spiritual unity of humanity within each person across these
prejudiced differences. In the initial contacts between peoples of such
different cultures based on vastly different technologies, locations and
climate, there occurred a near maximization of the illusion of racial
superiority and inferiority. Almost all of what were considered differences in
race were only—but profoundly—differences in separate cultures evolved over
tens of thousands of years. Add to this the universal assumption that might
made right, that whoever was more successful in warfare was unquestionably the
superior race with the superior deities at their back. Even this too still
prevails among those who resort to violence to demonstrate—they feel--the
superiority of their faith.

So, my children, Michael and I invite you to see in both ways of looking at the
present human situation. See the differences between cultures and beliefs for
their intrinsic uniqueness, for this is the wealth of your entire planet’s
history. Your modern technology permits you to capture these intrinsic
qualities for all future times even as they are profoundly changing due to
increasing contact with each other. Glory in the enormous diversity of the
human race. Yet while you see these various collective associations of
people—the forest in our analogy—strive also to open your heart and your mind
to register the soul and character of the individual or individuals you
contact, either personally or through your media. Be able to relate as
individuals of spiritual equality for all the soul-wealth that this promises.

(Collectives and individuals)

Whenever you contemplate people in any collective sense—politically, socially,
religiously, culturally, racially—whatever—be humbly aware this perception is
largely your creation from your own point of view, however it may be shared
with others of a like mind and position. Obviously such perceptions change
with the point of view: from within or without, in contention or agreement,
inherited or personally acquired. Take responsibility within yourself for own
position and how it may be affecting your vision. Strive to be truly
independent, what you call being your own person. In spite of what consensus
your group may be inadvertently or deliberately trying to enforce, your own
self-conscious and humble opinion, derived from your own unique history, is
what is needed the most. It’s what your world needs now, this blossoming of
individual liberty and responsibility, especially with the destructive power
such collectives as nation-states, or even smaller groups, possess.

This is what is happening now with the coming of international, instantaneous
communication and response across the oceans and continents, across the
hundreds of little mini-cultures, across the races and the sexes, across
societies, political parties, economies, and religions. As Michael teased you
with the idea of the Renaissance which is upon you, it is indeed a topsy-turvy
time of all this new interaction. But my children!—if you could only see the
spiritual glow of the earth beginning to blossom like never before. This is
where your perceptions of each other as individuals, each a unique creation of
God’s, each with a unique background and experience, and soul, and character:
this is the promise and the fulfillment of the ages. This is the world’s
soul-wealth being presented to you, yours for the response-ability you bring to

So joyfully respond, my children. Fill your souls with each other. Glory
that the potential for these different races of different cultures was part of
the Original Plan—the variety of humanity that has eventuated for you to
embrace. Feel my presence deep within you. Heal yourselves of all the fear, as
well as the arrogance and hubris you might have entertained once upon a time.
Grow out of it into an appreciation and respect for all that is. And be in my

If you have any comments or questions this evening, this is my delight.

Student: Thank you, Mother, for clearing up that one point in the Urantia
book. That’s all I have to say.

(Jesus’ emphasis on the individual)

NEBADONIA: Thank you, my son. It needed to be put in context and stated.
Michael and I, as Mother and Father Spirit who oversaw the book, do apologize
most sincerely for all the harm those few, terribly mistaken sentences gave.
One purpose of Michael’s teachings as Jesus was just this, this emphasis upon
the individual at a historical time in which what you were—what tribe, whether
slave or free, rich or poor—was so much more important than who you were. This
is largely why his teachings were so immediately taken to heart and welcomed by
those who had so little social power or material wealth; to know that though
they might be a slave or menial worker being treated as an animal, they too had
a soul and eternal prospects just as the emperor. And be in my love.

Student: Thank you, Mother.

Student: I don’t know what the error was. Was it human, or what?

(The origin of the error)

NEBADONIA: It was a combination of both human and spiritual author, not human
as it was originally given but as it was later wrongly taken, yet also that the
authors did not catch it in the reactions of the first people to read it in
time to correct it. They were just too easily glossed over—the statements of
inferior or superior races.

The degree to which individuals are more or less blessed in innate abilities
with respect to racial heredity has been misinterpreted all throughout your
history across the enormous divide of different cultures and customs. Within a
few generations, if not immediately, the native intelligence of any race can
adapt itself to a completely different set of social/technological
circumstances. Beyond this, the differences in abilities between individuals
within any one race--whether physical, mental, or spiritual/creative—overwhelm
by far any differences between the races. Yet historically this has been a
very recent, and not altogether accepted, discovery just in the last century or
so when there were more and more individuals of different races born and raised
in cultures not originally their own.

In your own country’s history, look at pictures of the first European settlers
as contrasted to the Native Americans they met and consider the differences not
only in appearances but also in language and customs that derived from vastly
different notions as to what was real—no less. Now contrast those pictures
with ones of individuals from both European and Native American backgrounds
when both are wearing identical, modern suit-and-tie with the same hair style
and accessories, speaking the same language equally well and sharing the same
assumptions about reality. You might wonder: where did all the racial
difference go?

The associations and connotations given those unfortunate words in the text are
pure mistakes, and recognized as such by most readers. Our mistake was in not
anticipating the wrongful conclusions these words could engender, especially in
those who would consider the book to be an immaculate pronouncement wherein one
mistake would invalidate the whole. Perfection is something we all aspire
to—even Michael and I. It is part of the general evolution of the cosmos. But
it is the better part of humility to see it as a goal rather than a
possession. Again: every manifestation in time and space is conditioned by
those very uniquely occurring dimensions which give each living event its
equally unique signature and glory. You are learning to evaluate events from
the point of view of their own time and place. This is the further evolution of
wisdom we see coming into fuller bloom.

In this critical time as previously isolated great cultures of the world come
into ever more intimate contact, we see the hearts and the minds and the souls
of people all over the world opening to embrace their planetary neighbors and
perceive what has always been there: their transcendent common humanity right
in each and every one.

So rest well, my children, with something to sleep on, something to look
forward to tomorrow: all those folks out there all so strange, so different.
Can you see that great one thing in their eyes? Can you see the character in
their faces? Can you feel your own heart reaching out to them? Then you are
truly blessed. Either way: you are in my love. Good evening.

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