[tmtranscripts] Lightline Teleconference 2011-04-28

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at gmail.com
Wed May 4 08:18:12 PDT 2011

Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2011-04-28
Teacher: Inner Voice, Michael
T/R: Henry Zeringue

Prayer: Father, we come here this evening in a circle of gratitude,
open to be connected to a greater awareness of spirit this evening,
the intent of spirit, the energy of spirit, and the love of spirit.

Inner Voice: Greetings this evening my friends, I Am the Inner Voice
here to acknowledge the existence and presence of of such within the
human mind. It occurred to me in an ongoing relationship with the
human mind, that the human mind possessed qualities which foster a
greater recognition of the Voice Within and also facilitates the
prompting of the Inner Voice. Qualities within the human mind can be
stated such as a state of being, a state of consciousness, a state of
presence, or a state of mind. What qualifies this state is the ability
to keep the mind in a neutral position; a neutral position is one of
equanimity. It allows you to confront a situation by not overreacting
to it, by observing it, and through the observation process you will
have a greater capacity in dealing with the situation.

If it is an immediate situation there are aspects of the mind that
instantly take over like the adjutant spirits, intuition, courage,
understanding, and knowledge and the physical counterpart of adrenalin
usually in extreme emergencies. But staying in a state of equanimity,
a balanced neutral state, the mind is in observation mode. At that
point it is easy to access the consciousness of ones own self in a
contemplative way. I say this because a lot of what the Adjuster is
doing in the mind is bringing the mind consciousness of itself, how it
affects the body physically, materially, how it affects the person,
how it affects those surrounding the person.

We all know what an unbalanced state of mind is, a mind which is
tremendously fearful, a mind which is over reactionary, a mind which
assumes too much, a mind which takes everything personally, these are
aspects of a mind not in balance. So you think, well, how do I get to
the place where I can enjoy a balanced mind, balanced neural response?
This is a very good question. There are a few general specifics and
there are processes which work better with certain minds than other
processes. To actually know what is better for oneself you just simply
ask to be shown and gradually this is revealed to you.

But one of the processes which has a tremendous effect on balancing
the mind is meditation, the process of quieting the mind and paying
attention to very little. This is why many times it is good just to
focus on the breath because you are breathing in and you are exhaling
and the ability to just observe the breath, the inhale and the exhale,
is like a grinding stone in which it is turned and you put a blade to
it and it sharpens the blade. This is what the observation does to the
mind; it sharpens the mind, it clears the mind of any residue, clears
the mind of chatter, it accesses trauma in the body, it balances the
nervous system.

At first it is a continual challenge between thought and just
observing because there are aspects of the mind which are not
comfortable without some sound going on within itself, some thought
process, some thinking, some reminiscing, something that usually is
non-creative. So part of maintaining a balanced mind is a conscious
human effort. It is a human effort to access a process which brings
the mind for this quality to bear upon it. There is no magic involved
here. It is like being conscious of anything; it takes an effort, an
effort which eases over time and practice but an effort nonetheless.

What this allows is, in a certain sense, it allows a freshness within
the mind. It allows you to keep a lot of the blanks empty because the
mind is quick to fill in the blanks. But allowing the blanks to remain
empty creates a situation in which spirit can fill in that blank.
Spirit can begin to interact on a greater level because you are not
defining or expecting or assuming, you are just observing. This
process has a greater impact on the quality of life which is
available, the quality of mind to the greater discern spirit, the
purpose of spirit, what spirit has in store for us, how spirit helps
to bring in the future. Instead of trying to relive the past or repeat
mistakes, spirit is constantly trying to bring in something different,
a fresh way of looking at something, into your mind, in that sense,
constantly showing you corrective measures within yourself, correct
decision, albeit some of them may be courageous.

So this balanced neural mind also has to do with habits, it has to do
with diet, it has to do with activity. So this body in a certain sense
is like a temple and there is a sanctuary in the temple, this is the
mind, and this sanctuary is consecrated. This is the balanced part,
the neutral part, poised, ready to seize spirit, that which is being
brought in by spirit. It is the decisions you make today which secure
the future and bring in the future into the present. True, the future
can come quite by accident and many times the future does come in
quite by accident but the mind which knows what it is and what it
wants and is comfortable with what it needs, accesses a greater
capacity to bring in the correct future, making decisions today to
experience the consequences tomorrow. This is where this is leading.

It is like planting seeds. You plant a seed in fertile soil and as it
is constantly being nurtured it begins to grow until it reaches a
point of bearing fruit. This is similar to the future; by making a
decision today you are actually planting that seed. There is a time
lapse between the planting of the seed and the fruition, the yielding
of fruit. This is very true in a spiritual sense. The decisions you
make today and the work that you perform today also secure tomorrow
and the future in a way which gives you more control. It is ironic
that the more you are able to control yourself the more control you
have over things which are consequential to you in your life. If you
have any doubts about that, just practice it. Begin to take control of
your mind in whichever way you are so directed.

The great number, the dimension of spirit, is on some levels
incomprehensible yet spirit has taken this into account by placing
within you an aspect of spirit which is not only revealing yourself to
you but it is also revealing a greater part of the universe to you, in
little details, in opportunities, in potential. In a certain sense,
God the Father desires to be just as much a human as you desire within
yourself to be a God. And where both of these desires meet there is a
balance in common ground in which God is down stepping an aspect of
Himself and you are projecting an aspect of a human to God, that part
of yourself which is dedicated, consecrated, that part of you which is
qualified in a spiritual sense, qualified in the soul which is brought
into being by the action of the human mind subjugating itself to the
will of God.

And you don't have to worry, God will never actually be a human and
you will actually never be a God, but both share of the same essence.
God yearns for the experience to be a part, an intimate and integral
part of human life, as you desire to be led into something greater and
to experience more fully, life and all that life has to offer and its
continuation of life in multiple and many life experiences beyond this

I am giving you a lot of raw material this evening, raw material which
you take back with you and think about. You find something within the
material which strikes a chord within you and you research it, you
look how you can achieve this, you all the more begin to test your
faith and begin to trust. Don't trust what I am telling you, trust
what is being told to you within your own mind, observe what your own
inner consciousness has to say for all truth is customized to the
individual. This is one of the qualities of the Adjusters, to
specifically customize material for the indwelt experience.

This is all I am going to say about this subject this evening. I thank
all of you for your presence and your attention this evening. I send
the energy of love out within this circle to strengthen all who are
here and all who will come here, all of the blessings for a good week
and I will step aside that others may also use this platform. I thank
you all, good evening.

Michael: Greetings to you this evening, this is your Father/brother
Michael. It is good to be here in your consciousness, in this circle
of consciousness, circle of energy. I fill it with my love and my
devotion to you as humans, my Urantian family. The time you are in on
the planet is in remembrance of my life and the end of my life as I
lived on your world. In all aspects I am thankful for the full
experience I achieved while living on your world. The times I lived in
are not much different than the times you live in now except for the
fact that now as humans you are living in a time in which there is
great consequence of the error of human decisions that was not as
present as the time I was here several thousand years ago.

But in terms of human nature, there is a similarity. There are still
only a not very large number of people willing to pay attention to the
correctness of truth in their lives. It is so easy in the modern
material world to get lost into the tasks at hand and it is also easy
to dismiss that there is tremendous suffering when you yourself may
not particularly be suffering at that moment. There is a tremendously
diverse nature of personality on your world. It needs the unifying
principles of a greater gospel; not the gospel of self ambition and
personal worth, but the gospel of social celebration, celebration of
the kinship of humankind and the relationship to our Father.

Unfortunately, the events which took place surrounding the crucifixion
scene traumatized my disciples tremendously. They actually were not
prepared for what came down. It became easy for these humans to get
sidetracked into the mystery of my death and my resurrection. It was
all too easy for my disciples to take the kingdom for granted, and the
shock of the crucifixion and the resurrection began to create a
tremendous mystery. But my death and resurrection here is not a
mystery anymore. It is just a fact, while what exists in the family of
man these days certainly is a mystery.

Many of you have the correct understanding of my teachings and what I
attempted to convey while I was here. I was not conveying some
seasonal message. The message of the Fatherhood of God and the
brotherhood of men and women is an eternal message. It is the way of
being in the universe, it is the relationship. It is all seen by the
all knowing Father and it is constantly being revealed to you my
children from within, from within your mind. So let go of the
struggle, let go of the confusion and accept that the greater
challenge of this life is just serving my word in the kingdom, the
will of the Father in heaven and its worship by all of the mortals on
this planet.

Build not lasting structures externally, build those lasting
structures internally, the ability to bring your mind to a greater
awareness and understanding of who you are, why you are here, and what
to do while you are here. All the world is quick to celebrate my death
and resurrection and not so quick to take on the responsibility of my
words. I do not hold this against you but I do pray to receive the day
in which my word will have a rightful place within the hearts of all
men and women on this planet.

So those of you who can, take up my word, take my banner and proudly
wave it. Take my words to the heart of another and one day we shall
all rejoice when all hearts become one, all hearts can beat to the
same eternal divine rhythm. Again my friends, I thank you this
evening, allowing me these few words. Go now in peace. Cherish your
lives and begin to live up to the greater capacity which lies within.
Thank you and good evening.

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