[tmtranscripts] Mother Spirit Lightline 4.27.17

Jerry Lane nytrayn at msn.com
Thu May 11 09:06:58 PDT 2017

Dear Friends, please excuse the delay in getting out Mother Spirit's lesson. My computer was down and away for a while. Jerry.

Mother Spirit on April 27, 2017.

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, we want to thank you for all your many lessons over

these years. We do treasure them. Listening to them and then reading them adds an

extra dimension to our lives. Tonight I would ask you to give us some help on how to

recognize yours and Michael’s presence day to day, since it does occur to us. We do

know you and Michael both ask us just to say hello with, “Hi Mom. Hi Dad. Hi Grandpa,”

--our mutual Father. So any help you could give us along these lines would be much

appreciated. Thank you, Amen.

Nebadonia: Good evening, everyone, this is your Mother Spirit. I am glad to be here

with you, and with your recognition--what you asked about this evening. Michael and I

are always right here with you, right along with our mutual Father, and we do

appreciate that you wonder about us, and wonder about what we are doing in your


We have given so many lessons on that, we are assuming that what you ask is not so

much an intellectual understanding, but how do you contact us? How can you be aware

of us? For of course you can check out all our previous lessons on exactly what it is we

are doing.

Think of Michael’s presence and his Spirit of Truth. One of the old fashioned names for

this is the Paraclete--the Comforter—for nothing is so comforting in your human life as

truth. This is so closely tied in with another expression: You shall know the truth and

the truth shall make you free. A corollary to that would be that falsehood, or the wrong

kind of ideas, or simply not being interested in what is true, can definitely bind you up

in so many ways.

Michael likes to talk about his Spirit of Truth being an orientation. It is how you orient

yourself towards the reality all around you and right within you. This is especially true in

your social realms, the people you interact with and all those you catch on your nightly

television news programs. It’s all the political and social life you are involved in. What is

true? How do you find it?

Obviously the most important thing is to be interested, to be curious about this, to be

oriented toward it with the humble notion that you can never have a grasp on Truth

Itself. Truth is more an encompassing that surrounds you and penetrates you. It is

essentially everything. So be open to everything, especially in the social and political

realms of all the folks you interrelate with. Treat Michael’s Spirit as an encompassing

by realizing that whatever you can express—even to yourself or to others, to share,

are only small fragments of the whole thing.

As you orient yourself to everything, be open-minded. To be willing to entertain

anything that comes your way to get a feel for it. This is what liberates you. This is

what keeps you from being narrow-minded or stuck in a certain ideology and becoming

what you call an ideologue--where everything has to be twisted and bent to fit a

certain shape just to reassure you that what you have thought and believed all your life

is always going to be true. This is the supreme ego-arrogance that you already have

Truth Itself and you needn’t go any further.

Being humbly aware of this orientation will give you some feeling of Michael’s presence

all around you and within you. Cherish a desire to keep growing because truth

encompasses you like the material world’s horizon for, ironically, the total truth of all

that is constantly recedes as you get more and more of it. Yet in a funny kind of way,

while not being satisfied you have the whole larger picture, you can be content with

those facts you’ve ascertained and you can be sure of because they’ve become a part

of your soul. This whole search for truth is actually what feeds your soul. And your soul,

my dear ones--as both Michael and I have said so many times—your soul is your one

true eternal possession of your human experience.

So keep that experience broad and accepting. Take things in and let them sort

themselves out in a free and open-minded way.

Both of us, both Michael and myself; we do enjoy it so much when you talk with us

in your mind and your meditations. You say hello and share your life with us. Ask us

questions just as you do with the presence of God within you, your Thought Adjuster.

So it helps if you recognize the origin of spiritual input into your life that cannot be tied

down to your own creativity. This is difficult. This is what takes a lifetime of maturity--in

a sense--to know the origins of things, because you yourselves, my dear ones, you

yourselves are creative spiritual beings.

Most of what you experience is your own interpretation of physical phenomena in the

realm of physical facts, all the matter and energy that surrounds you and forms

your own bodies. Then you have several more realms of meaning and spirit--meaning

being all your mind-relationships, the way you understand and remember things. Your

spirit registers value--what has importance to you, or what might have been important

at one time in your life. You can look at your old childhood treasures and realize

something has gone out of them. They no longer have quite the life, the spirit they

once had for you.

This is the realm of spirit, obviously so tightly correlated with meaning; which is why my

own help, my own little boost within your human reality, we call my Mind/Spirit

Adjutants. They are the mental-spiritual boost I am giving you as we go through your

day. And so of course, I too, like Michael, I appreciate when you say, “Hey--thanks

Mother. Thanks for helping with all this meaning and value in my life.”

This could be a great part of your meditation. For truly the meaning and spirit of

worship is gratitude, thankfulness directed to God our Father for existence itself, for this

mysterious condition we call living. What is it to be alive--with the promise that this

condition will be yours for an eternity, if you so choose?

This is what Spirit is, and to be able to perceive it takes a kind of reflection, especially if

you are totally caught up in what you are doing in something outside of yourself--that

wonderful way of losing yourself in a project or in another person. Remember your

reflection is that “two-hundred percent-ness” of life of not only doing things, but

reflecting on them.

Open your eyes and see how--shall we say in your own home around you--how

everything has meaning and value for you. This is spirit. This is where I’m literally part

of you. This is another way you can be aware of what I am doing, for you are living

right within me, right within the space of my Local Universe here.

This is why it is such a delight for me when you reflect this awareness back to me. You

become a star in my firmament glowing away with all your appreciation, with all your

worship to Michael, myself, and to God that you have this meaning and value in your


Remembering this appreciation is what helps you in those times of mental and spiritual

exhaustion you call depression, when you’re being squashed in a way that seems as if

all the meaning and value of life has drained out of things. You look at some tender

dear old object of yours that you have treasured for years, and it seems to be only

purely physical, just some object there. You wonder where all the value went.

At times like this you need to relax and exercise your faith. Just totally relax.

Be not afraid. Know that both meaning and value are so precious, they too can be

temporarily exhausted. Just a really good deep night’s sleep and some reflection can

restore your word back again to you.

And so, my dear ones, while you may not be really aware of origins, you don’t

necessarily need to be aware of Michael, or myself, or even our Father. Just be aware

of the value of things and people in your life. Be aware that you yourself are a spiritual

being, co-creating everything you experience. This too can fill your soul and make you

feel very blessed indeed.

Now if you have any questions or comments about this or anything else, they are my


Student: Yes, Mother, I have a question. When one receives a revelation, like I had the

other day, it really seemed to re-calibrate my entire thinking, my being. Of course I was

filled with utter gratitude for this, but I didn’t know who exactly to thank.

I believe The Course In Miracles says just to put it all under the umbrella of the Holy

Spirit. But as you were saying, your participation in our lives is every day. So when

something grand happens, some marvelous insight, is it you? Is it Michael? Is it our

Thought Adjuster? Does it make any difference?

Nebadonia: Yes, my son. I’d be inclined to say it makes a great, enormous amount of

difference; but at the same time, you don’t really need to know the origin. It’s the

thing-in-itself, you might say: it’s the revelation.

Usually if it is extremely well articulated, it comes right from your Thought Adjuster

because that is God’s unique ability to put very discreet ideas in your mind. Where for

Michael and I it is more like an orientation or a subtle nudge, for so much of it comes

by way of us. It’s origin is right from your Thought Adjuster within your mind, but as it

gains articulation, we are all involved with that--with my adjutants of understanding

and meaning. As I said tonight, the value the revelation has for you is something both

Michael and I are involved in. In this way we really are all together. You don’t need to

know the specific origin, but it is very important that you recognize it is coming from


Now, all that being said--all that being said!--keep in mind that you are a spiritual

being. Your own personality is so co-creative, you are often be the origin of these

insights, even the very profound ones that, as you say, change your whole outlook on

things. They are something that you too can generate.

Again: Michael and I are only augmenting something that is intrinsically yours, right

from your Father, or the infinity of your own personality. Since you yourself are

endowed with creative spirit, you need to be aware you are co-creating everything you

experience--and take responsibility for that! Be able to respond to what is happening to

you because it is partly yours!

So keep that in mind. This is why the origin of these marvelous flashes of insight—

that tie so many things together--can be a combination of all four of us. You are

involved, especially, my dear one, especially with the appreciation you give it.

Student: Yes!

Nebadonia: It becomes a kind of continuing glow. There is this flash of insight, but then

the way it continues to glow, and enlighten and inform you; that is a lot of your own


Student: Well, yes. This is definitely the nature of something that needs to be worked

on, needs to be developed and kept track of--to grow.

Nebadonia: This is that “200 percent-ness” of reflection, like what we are doing now,

reflecting on things that happened to you. You not only have your life, but the reflection

of it too.

It’s the enjoyment of your own soul by being aware, from time to time, that your soul is

not exactly your memories. It is a million times greater than your fleeting memories. So

open yourself to yourself, to your soul, to events that have happened to you as God

sees them as well, because God--as you know--is the co-author of your soul.

Opening to your soul is a way of tuning into his presence. Let former times just swell

forth and reflect upon them now at this later date, with your greater wisdom. This

kind of reflection is such a wonderful part of your human reality. Sadly, so many

folks who are dashing pell-mell through their life without reflection miss this--unless

they may be get caught up so hard against something they literally have to sit down

and think it through.

Student: OK! Wonderful! Thank you.

Nebadonia: Thank you, my son. Be in my love.

Student: Thank you.

Nebadonia: Well, my dear ones, if there are no further questions or comments to share,

let me reflect a moment on this evening’s lesson.

To be aware of spirit--the subtle realm, the subtle dimension of your human life—feel

for the importance of things. And be not to be afraid of that, but really feel what moves

you, even in times of a strange kind of exhaustion, being so terribly bereft of any kind

of movement at all. Do not panic at such moments, but sit down and meditate. Be

unafraid to just let—whatever!--come forth, even if it is a huge galloping nothing at

the moment and you seem totally empty. Just relax into that, unafraid. Just feel.

This is such an important part of your appreciation--not to deny anything, but

recognize these moments too have great meaning and value in the total. Let these

hopefully rare moments of exhaustion, let them too inform you.

Let these moments of trial be part of your soul, for they also are what give you

strength. They give you the tenacity to hang on, and hang tight, and be unafraid. So

open yourself to whatever!--especially in the social realm of all your interactive life

with your friends, and even with the strangers you pass on the sidewalks of your cities.

All of that--welcome it all, for it is all partly you. It all leads to your recognition ability—

to re-cognize--to know things again.

Because here it comes, my dear ones, here comes your life. It’s not only what you have

inside you but, as your wonderful Urantia Book reminds you, your life is so much of

what happens between you and everything else.

Remember: all that “everything else” in your life, my dear ones, that too is your unique

reality. No one else, no other personal being has that same “everything else,” and this

is what makes your life truly yours. This is why God’s gift of your personality--this

infinite part of you--is truly such a gift, even if it leads at times to an abject kind of

loneliness. It is because you too--like everyone else, even like our Father--you too are

unique. So enjoy it. Thrill in your own power of creativity of all that fills your soul.

Now, Good Evening, my dear sweet children. Don’t forget to say hello now and then.

It’s so much fun for me when another one of the little personal stars in my firmament

has a bright glow of appreciation. For that Michael and I thank you.

Good Evening, and be in my love.

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