[tmtranscripts] Manotia 9-24-17

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 07:30:52 PDT 2017

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

www.ctrforchristcon.org <http://www.ctrforchristcon.org/>

September 24, 2017

Topic: Seeding Michael's Sovereignty and His Divine Plans for
Transformation into the Power Grids

T/R: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we center ourselves in Spirit, may we be
united as one in your presence-one heart, one mind, one will, as we gather
to collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim for the healing and
transformation of Urantian consciousness. We offer you our heart energy.
We offer you our focused intention and we trust that how you guide us today
will produce the fruits of the spirit and many areas of planetary
consciousness. We thank you for this opportunity to serve and may your will
be done now. Thank you.

MANOTIA: Greeting one and all, my dear brethren! This is Manotia. Today,
we take great delight in joining with you once again to minister into the
circuits of Urantian consciousness more of what you might consider to be the
plans for the upstepping of Urantia. As you know, there are many circuits
encircling and embracing this planet. The complexity of this circuitry is
quite marvelous to behold. The light streaming into your world from the
higher realms is having an impact here now. And it is in keeping with this
expanding impact that we invite you to center yourselves in that intention
for more of the divine plans of the planet to be encircuited into the
existing grids of power all around the globe.

There are many, many helpers assisting us in this endeavor today; some of
what you might know as the Power Directors are stepping in, and there are
other personalities, whom you may not know yet, who are participating with
us to infuse these circuits with more spiritual current that more change and
transformation may occur here. This is a universe undertaking. It is
something that you do with us of the Seraphic realm, but there are many
others who are also joining with us today to help your world outwork the
legacy of the rebellion and step into her bright future-a bright future for
all humanity and one wherein Michael's sovereignty will be revealed.

As you settle into your hearts now, take some deep breaths. Allow the
desires of your heart for more of Michael's plans of correction to embrace
this world, to be encircuited into the power grid structures of the planet.
This intention is particularly helpful for the Angels of the Races to
promote understanding, cooperation, and tolerance among the various racial
strains all around the world.

What we ask of you now is to simply feel your love for your world and for
your brothers and sisters. And if it is helpful to envision your heart
emitting a line of energy to embrace the globe, let the words DIVINE PLANS
OF CORRECTION to spiral around the world in that counter-clockwise rotation.
As you do this, we will come close to you and minister what we can into
these circuits. Feel your desire for these energies of the divine plan to
embrace the grids of power all around the globe that these circuits would

Allow the energies from your heart to intersect into this grid of power that
more of MICHAEL'S SOVEREIGNTY and His LOVE for this world to have more
presence and space in Urantian consciousness at these lower circuits. There
are great truths that are waiting to be revealed to these circuits all
around the globe, and the world must be ready; the circuits must be primed,
as you might say, to receive these frequencies and the truths they contain.
What you provide to us is that human desire or willingness to receive these
energies of change and transformation to support healing, growth, renewal,
and redemption, and that more hearts and minds may open to the presence of
the Father and know the love of Michael and Nebadonia for themselves and for
this world. Do your best to remain focused from your heart into that
circuitry all around the globe, especially into the power grids that more of
MICHAEL'S SOVEREIGNTY may prevail. (Pause)

Father Michael's plans for Urantia are very wide in its scope. There are
certain objectives to be achieved at certain stages over the course of the
plans manifesting in human consciousness. Much of what you allow us to do
is to plant seeds-seeds of truth, seeds of ideas that can stimulate human
imagination and help people in the implementation of these plans in the ways
they are being guided. Much of what you are helping us today is for the
future to establish a firm foundation upon which the divine plans can
proceed then with greater purposefulness to manifest in the Father's WILL.
This entails a change of not only conceptual frame of reference. but the
emotional outlook and the attitudes of love and compassion and tolerance to
build more harmonious and unified relationships among humans.

This is where the Angels of the Races come into play to foster that outcome
that more love and tolerance would grow in racial relationships, more mutual
respect and understanding to flourish. And then there is the actual means
by which these energy circuits flow and are encircuited into the denser
levels of the constructs of your world which are the physical circuits and
the other higher frequencies that are necessary to support change. So let
your hearts swell with desire for these energies to increase and to take up
greater space within these constructs all around the globe. (Pause)

I invite you to turn your attention slightly to the Angels of the Races.
Appreciate their efforts on your behalf. Send them your love. Let the
energies from your heart be used by them to seed in more tolerance and
acceptance, peace and harmony all around the globe. (Pause)

Feel your desire or willingness for their influence to penetrate into those
grid structures wherein there may be resistance to their energies and your
desire for more healing to occur in these areas; more transformational
energies to expand into these spiritual currents that they carry and can
feed into these circuits for racial harmony, peace, and tolerance to
prevail. (Pause)

If you can, in your mind's eye, invite MICHAEL'S SOVEREIGNTY to prevail in
these circuits as well, for more of His plans of correction to go deeper,
deeper into these circuits, creating more space and place for the divine
plans to manifest. (Pause)

Allow yourselves to open to more of MICHAEL'S SOVEREIGNTY that you may grow
in loyalty to Him, and bring your energy systems more into harmony with His
WILL. We take all these circuits and we add our energies into them for this
greater foundation to take good root and grow, establishing the divine plans
for the transformation of this world to continue to manifest. (Pause)

In your mind's eye now and through your heart centers, hold an image in your
mind's eye of Michael's GLORY bathing this world. If it is helpful, see the
words MICHAEL'S GLORY embrace the world in high frequencies of light.
Invite these energies to go deep, deep into all circuits of the planet, into
the core of the earth. Let us hold this focus for several minutes while we
move in these circuits now. (Pause)

My dear beloved brethren, we do so appreciate your focused efforts as you
join with us to bring the heavenly ways and to have them function more fully
upon this world. Truly, you are cooperating and collaborating with us in a
monumental undertaking. One day you will be able to reflect upon your times
in these calls where you placed your desires and your willingness for the
Father's WILL to prevail, and you will marvel at the energies that you have
all transmitted in a unified manner. Though your numbers may be small,
there is mighty spiritual energy being generated.

One day this world will perceive Michael and His GLORY and all Urantians
will know of their universe place in our family of LOVE. That time is
approaching and we encourage you to keep up the spiritual focusing from your
heart centers that these energies we collaborate with you to develop.
Continue to see this world awakening more hearts, illuminating more minds
the glorious plans of the Father and how Michael is implementing them
through His great LOVE and through the actions of your Holy Mother Spirit.

Remember to spend time in stillness, inviting us to come close to you that
what you generate may be placed in the collective and help build more love
and light upon Urantia one day at a time.

We have completed our objectives for today, and on behalf of all the
Seraphic corps, I thank you. As we take our leaving you in this way, may
you feel the LOVE of the Father coursing through your veins, uplifting your
minds, soothing your hearts. Live the love that is within and know that the
Father is always with you, helping you achieve your own personal greatness,
and we support you as you go about your daily activities. Enjoy your growth
process and let your hearts be light in the joy of knowing that all things
are returning to the natural order of the divine plans for this beloved
world. Good day.

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