[tmtranscripts] NET #28, Nov. 6, 2017

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 16:38:30 PST 2017


*New Era Transition #28 – Christ Michael’s Address; Variety of Questions –
Nov. 6, 2017*

*Christ Michael and Sondjah Melchizedek*


Personal lives and shared responsibilities for the Correcting Time

Partner with Christ Michael on projects

Each individual must participate in process to heal Urantia

World is cloaked with energy, light, understanding, wisdom and love

“Ask and you shall receive”

Discerning what problems to put energies toward

A subtle means of procrastination

Planetary Changes document

A question on developing teamwork

What is the macro nature of the Correcting Time?

Transcendence of an educational organization

Can the tax code be changed through the 7 core value model?

Using a Legislative Bill for an example to the Honor’s Class

Is the 7 core value system too complex for beginning classes?

The collapse of political parties and their future

Further suggestions to present to Honor’s College Head

Compensation for a workman’s efforts

Understanding mental/emotional vibrations of energy

Sondjah’s closing statements

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty,
JeffCutler and Doug Dodge


*November 6, 2017*

*Personal lives and shared responsibilities for the Correcting Time*


[Speaking in Spanish] “Buenos Dias, mi Niños, estoy Christo

I am here with you today to share some wisdom that I wish you to engage in
your personal lives and in your shared responsibilities for the Correcting
Time as co-creative partners. Recently I was engaged in a conversation
with one of my children, who you are acquainted with, and I told this
person, “I cannot do this work without you; it will not be done without
your participation with me.” And the child, this person responded, “And I
cannot do this without you either.” As your Creator in Nebadon I engage
you; I am here to motivate you; I even *urge* you to co-create with me the
work that needs to be done. This is a message I have shared with you,
Machiventa has shared with you and others have shared with you many times
and we will share this with you many times in the future until you
understand the message and begin to act on it.

*Partner with Christ Michael on projects*

If you see that something needs to be done on Urantia, and it is too big
for you to accomplish alone then I ask you, I *urge* you to contact me, to
ask me if I would participate with you in the completion of this piece of
work that you have seen that needs to be done. Then, you would describe
this work and ask me, ”Christ Michael, would you assist me in the
accomplishment of this work?” and I will answer you and you will hear me.
Then your part is to move forward to assist me to do this. Your part also
is to ask me to move ahead to accomplish this for *us*. I know some of you
are deeply devout; you are incredibly humble and you are receding from the
power that I have given you. I ask you to recede no further but to now
turn around, move forward to assist us in this work.

Urantia, its civilization, its nations, its people, societies,
organizations, and families will not be accomplished in this work until you
engage it and *will* to do this with me. If there is any part in you which
has fear about this statement of the work that needs to be done, or if
there is some ego involved in seeking self-aggrandizement or some egotistic
return to you for this work, then this command, this “will” statement will
not work. I have said that the meek shall inherit the world, [but] that
does not mean that they sit idly by with their hands out; it means that
they will seek to do good; they will seek to become Planetary Managers in
their own right as individuals responsible for the guidance of their life,
the initiation of that guidance for their children and the guidance and
leadership of your families with your partner. This is easy work, but it
is not for the timid.

If you have in the back of your mind the thought, “How will we accomplish
this—we will need this and this and this to do this work,” then you have
betrayed your will command and my participation. It is not your work to
provide these means; it is simply your work to identify the problem that
needs to be resolved and engage with me in the resolution of this problem.
Bringing it to my attention, you ask if I would participate in resolving
this problem and when I say, “yes,” then you say, “Christ Michael will you
please proceed to do this and I will assist you as I am able to.” Do not
worry about the “if and how”—that is really not in your venue or in your
jurisdiction of authority to control or manipulate, or to provide—you
simply identify the problem, present it to me, ask the question and ask me
to move ahead to fulfill that, as I ask you to assist as you are able to
also fulfill the resolution of that problem.

*Each individual must participate in process to heal Urantia*

Surely, your world will not be healed, will not come into the Days of Light
and Life until you—each of you individually—participate in this process. I
am not talking about you as a congregation of a church doing this. I am
not talking about you as a group of people, because groups and
congregations have no soul. Groups really have no will. Groups really
have no extension of their existence into the morontial realm — YOU DO. So
it is your responsibility as an individual to actively participate in this
work. This question and answer of the identification of the problem is not
a prayer, it is simply a discussion you would have at the kitchen table
with your family, as you would with your family or a friend where you meet
over coffee and discuss the problem and you both agree to work on this
problem to resolve the problem, or create a solution. This is a friendly
relationship that we have.

I know that you are respectful, you hold me in high esteem for I am your
Creator—I understand that. You must understand that you are my children.
You are my sons and daughters and that all that the Father has is yours.
Can you accept this? Can you then accept responsibilities to participate
in the command of the resolution of these problems? You must say “yes” to
partner with me, for without that partnership your world will remain as it
is. It is our responsibility to be accountable for the outcomes, not
you—you are the action takers. You are the initiators of the
implementation and for this

I give great thanks and I am very grateful for all of those individuals who
have revealed my presence in their lives and for others. I am deeply
grateful for all the TRs and channels that bring forward the beings of
light to help guide your world, both as individuals and as a whole world
civilization. Know that my partner, Nebadonia, has spread her blue glow
around your world to fill and surround each one of you with that light so I
ask you to open yourself, consciously and deliberately open yourself to her
light of guidance and healing.

This is your Creator, Christ Michael of Nebadon, good day. (Group thanks
him warmly.)

*World is cloaked with energy, light, understanding, wisdom and love*

*SONDJAH:* Good morning, this is Sondjah. It is a pleasure to be here
with you. It is rather astounding to follow the voice of Christ Michael.
The presence of Christ Michael engaged our small community here, and at the
same time he has cloaked this world with his energy and his light of
understanding, wisdom, and love. If you have questions concerning his
message, I would be glad to answer them as best I can. If you have
questions related to other topics, I would be glad to engage those too. I
would ask you a question first: Do you understand the message of Christ
Michael and is it as simple as he has presented it to you and to me?

*“Ask and you shall receive”*

*Doug:* Good morning. My question is concerning the admonition “To ask
and you shall receive” that in my own self, why am I afraid to step forward
to do those things? It seems that the culture or comfort or something
keeps me from stepping out and doing the things that I see that I need to
do. How do I overcome that limitation?

*SONDJAH:* (Chuckling.) That is a supremely excellent question, Doug. It
is the question that should be on the minds, lips, and hearts of everyone
who loves Christ Michael and who sees their life as something to use to
move themselves and our work ahead. To paraphrase one of your metaphysical
New Thought, New Age writers, “You may be fearful, but do it anyhow.” It
is like jumping out of an airplane with a parachute—there is a risk
involved, but it is so negligible as to be irrelevant. At the heart of
this situation, Doug, is self-discipline, the self-discipline to convince
yourself that you will be doing the right thing by taking this action and
making these statements and these actions to ask for assistance.

Self-discipline is probably the missing ingredient for your nation to truly
become a transcendent nation of democracy. Self-discipline is the element
which tells the soldier on the front line in WWI to climb out of the
trenches and proceed through the barbed wire even knowing of the risks that
are ahead. It is self-discipline to move ahead raising your children as
best you can, knowing that you have an incredible deficit of wisdom. This
is what you must develop within yourself; only you can develop your
self-discipline. Self-discipline is doing one small thing at a time. It
is a learned ingredient of your character. If you have no decision-making
and self-motivation to engage your self-discipline then you will amount to
far less than your potential. In other words, Doug, you must engage your
self-discipline, motivate yourself to make this decision, and take action
to address Christ Michael as easily as he addressed you. In this way, your
greatness becomes known to yourself and to others.

*Discerning what problems to put energies toward*

*Liz:* Sondjah, good morning. Along those same lines of Doug’s question,
there is so much to be done! There is also trying to prioritize and figure
out where would my talents be the most useful to the Correcting Time.
There was just another horrific shooting in Texas yesterday and I feel that
something must be done about that, but that doesn’t seem to be within my
skill set, yet there are so many things that must be done here in my
community. So, when we are looking at all these problems, how do we
discern which is the one for us to choose to put out energies toward?

*SONDJAH:* Dear Liz, you don’t discern, simply see a problem and ask us to
address the problem as best we can through you. There will always be
tragedies as occurred in Texas. There will always be tragedies in other
nations that you never hear of, but it does not affect you because you did
not hear about it. While those individuals were being killed in Texas,
throughout the world there were thousands killed in a similar manner. You
must focus your attention on those things that you can affect in the
greatest degree. Christ Michael has asked you to partner with him. He
asked you to identify a problem and bring it to his attention and ask him
to participate with you in resolving that problem. It may be that the
answer, and your [part] to do that, will never come. Maybe it will be
through another person. Maybe it will be done through your association
with other people as you motivate them.

*A subtle means of procrastination*

The problem you discussed about all the problems is in a way a subtle means
of procrastination. It allows some individuals to see some area of
problems as being too big, and then do nothing. It is a situation where
the individual sees so many problems and sees how ineffectual they are to
do anything about those big problems. But!, you have a motivation within
you to partner with Christ Michael and he is the source of your authority,
your discernment and your power. If you are sincere about this you will be
guided into the best avenue to use your talent, your skills, abilities and
your knowledge. It may be, in a way that you would never relate to
resolving this problem. Remember too, that what we are working on is
Planetary Management on a macro scale of centuries.

These problems that you talk about, these massacres, did not arrive just in
one day. The development of the personality and the character of the
individual who pulled the trigger and killed those people began generations
ago. This individual is a culmination of many wrong turns in the lives of
individuals raising their children. Your life now is not a 60 minute
episode on television where the problem of great magnitude is resolved
before the last commercial. You are working on the long-term problems with
us. This is where we have asked you to participate. We ask you not to get
distracted by the many things to the sides of your vision and to the focus
of your efforts and our efforts.

We ask you simply to stay the course, and Christ Michael has asked you to
maintain a consciousness of awareness of the problems that need attention
and bring this to his attention, sincerely, honestly and authentically—and
yes, Dear One, you may be in prayer all day long with him as you recite all
the problems that are apparent to you, and this may go on for days. Know
that you have been called to this forum. Know that you are present here
today because you have a pre-destination to be here—you are not
foreordained to be here, but you have a destiny to fulfill if you wish to
participate with us. We ask you to hone yourself to be effective and use
your own self-discipline to focus your attention on the things that you can
truly address. Do you have further questions concerning this?

*Planetary Changes document*

*Liz:* Well, I have a very specific question in regards to this, and that
is it has come to my desk, a document 20 page long, called “Planetary
Changes – Times to Come” and it came through September 2017, authorship:
Machiventa Melchizedek. I am asking for authentication of this document
first. If this document it in fact from Machiventa, how shall I proceed in
disseminating it as widely as I can, or is it for certain eyes only?

*SONDJAH:* One moment. Your first question lands on deaf ears, as we do
not provide a judgment as to the message that is given by TRs, either the
message or the source and so on. This is a matter where your discernment
can be useful. Does it sound like Machiventa? Does this represent him as
something he would provide as a Planetary Manager? Questions of
discernment are important to ask. Does this document cause fear in
individuals? Does it cause a return to the TR as a means of
self-aggrandizement in the public regard? The processes of discernment are
known to you, have been shared with you and you would do well to use this
as a lesson, as an instrument to examine the process of discernment more
closely. In doing so with others, you will find that you will learn a
great deal about the messenger, the message, and the source. Then we would
be glad to discuss with you in ways and means by which is not embarrassing
to anyone.

*Liz:* Thank you for that answer.

*A question on developing teamwork*

*Craig:* I had a question and I think it was partly addressed by Michael’s
talk, and that is I’ve been engaged I’d say co-creatively, to my belief,
for a decade now in renewable energy and electric transport, and I’ve put
out a monthly newsletter, “Turquoise Energy News,” and I’ve sort of jumped
from one thing to another, to another quite a bit and whenever I start
thinking about engaging with other people, helping them help on the project
or anything like that, I keep getting the message that it’s better to do it
myself. This somehow seems in conflict with one of the lessons we need to
learn in this life is teamwork, so I guess the question is: Is this sort
of a project that is on the radar screen as being probably one of many
things that are to be brought together in the fairly near future, and is it
going to take any direction towards becoming sort of a more organized thing
at my end than just alone as a new inventor working on new things?

*SONDJAH:* Your insight is accurate that the way forward is through
teamwork. We would ask you to take the courageous step to put out an
announcement for inviting others to participate with you whether that is
from individuals on the island, or whether it is through the Internet and
that means. It would be best for your process if you were able to work on
this in person with other individuals, sitting around a table or in your
shop or in your facility discussing what you are working on. There are
individuals around you within your community who are brighter than you may
realize, who are more knowledgeable and capable of engaging these questions
with you. And it may be that it is not so much the technical problem that
needs to be answered, but the approach to answering those questions and
those problems. Sometimes inventors miss the obvious when they are so
close to the problem. Overall this is a challenge to you to engage
others. It is the wish of your teachers that you bring others into your
fold to discuss this. In some ways it is not so much a matter of the
invention as it is so much the invention of your team.

*What is the macro nature of the Correcting Time?*

*Craig:* While I have the floor, so to speak, my other question was that a
few weeks back Machiventa expressed some disappointment that there hadn’t
been more questions about a macro nature about the Correcting Time
program. I was wondering just where to kind of get a handle on this. Are
there subject areas or topics that we might be addressing that we’ve been
missing and could ask questions that become more of a macro nature?

*SONDJAH:* Certainly, let me give you some guidance. When we speak of
macro topics it is truly the top of the food chain and the financial chain
and political chain that we are discussing. Consider a large global
international corporation organization, whether it is insurance, or
whether it is petro-chemical, or whether it is finance or something else—or
education—is that you would ask questions in a way that involve yourself,
“Is there a way of addressing a large international corporation in such a
manner as to gain their attention concerning sustainability into the

What we have seen in the course of many organizations, and I will use
“corporations” as an example, is that many times the corporation is a means
to line the pockets and the power of individuals who are executives, or who
are investors. They see the corporation not as an instrument of good, or
even of its continuity into the future, but of some immediate return. Now,
wouldn’t it be amazing, and wouldn’t it be quite a change in the culture of
corporations that they would take on the conscious transcendence of their
existence beyond the needs of individual executives or investors or board
of directors, that someone within the corporation would see the corporation
as a mechanism for maintaining its existence into the future? How would
that be done?

Therein lies the question to be asked that raises the consciousness of
corporations to the point where they think beyond the next quarter, or the
bottom line, or the cents on the dollar for the next quarter’s dividends.
If there is no transcendent consciousness within larger organizations then
they will eventually decline and disappear into history as many tens of
thousands of other organizations have done in the last 10,000 years or
more. That is a macro question, and that is a macro situation. That is
something to be examined. This would have an immense impact upon the
forests in Brazil, for instance. It would have a tremendous impact upon
the preservation of species in Indonesia, for example. The repercussions
from corporations beginning to think in transcendent terms will go far
beyond the next quarter, far beyond their ratings on the Stock Exchange,
and so on. This would change the course of your world immensely. It would
have a social impact, a political impact, and an economic impact on
everyone. Such a change of motivation within a corporation would be huge.
This type of thinking requires that sustainability be implemented at the
very lowest levels of thinking, decision-making by all employees, and
particularly by those on the board of directors and those chief executives.

*Craig:* Thank you. And I guess we might feel that would apply to other
types of organizations, as well, social and political organizations.

*SONDJAH:* Exactly!

*Liz:* Educational.

*Transcendence of an educational organization*

*SONDJAH:* Yes. If I may continue, the transcendence of an educational
organization has not even been dreamt of. To do that, it must have the
consciousness to develop a vision that encompasses that transcendence using
a set of values and philosophy and morality that is supported by the values
that can make those decisions to transcend into that future. Of course,
anything that once transcends must in itself become a servant to those who
would live out that transcendence in its service population and all
students and all people who graduate and who enter the work force and the
academia, and so on. We appreciate your thoughtfulness for raising the
question of education.

*Liz:* Thank you.

*Can the tax code be changed through the 7 core value model?*

*Jeff:* I have several questions, Sondjah, but they are not sweeping
macros looking at long-term sustainability for institutions at the moment.
They relate solely to the course work that Liz and I are working on. I
feel like I am looking at the cul-de-sac that we talked about 2 weeks ago;
I’m not in there, but I’m looking at it. So my first question for you is
this: Recent evidence of attempts at minimalist reform in our tax code,
basically reveal that our current “tax expenditures,” as they call them in
Washington, and public entitlement systems have become totally ossified to
virtually unchangeable public policy. The question is: Can any of these
be successfully changed through the examination of the 7 core value model?

*SONDJAH:* One moment. Yes, they can be. It is a difficult situation.
It is not a conundrum, a problem, or question but rather a situation. It
is also a situation of investiture of power, authority, and control. Those
individuals who could make those decisions are highly vested in their own
personal positions with their associates in the organizations that support
them. The way forward, as we have discussed in the past, is through the
grass roots. Solving the problem by addressing the top authority
decision-makers is not conceivable or possible at this time because of
those investments at a personal level and organizational level to maintain
the status quo. It will only become possible when those directions become
impossible, when there is a seeking of sustainable, meaningful
contributions for a change in policy. You will find in education that it
will continue as it is for quite some time.

The work that you two are conducting is very valuable for the Correcting
Time. You are chiseling away with a hammer and chisel at a Mt. Rushmore
size of power structures. Yet when you pound your hammer against the
chisel on a mountain the size of Mt. Rushmore, there is an echo and it does
make a resounding sound throughout those who are in listening distance.
Part of the situation that you need is a receptive audience to receive
these values as possibilities for sustainable decision-making. You have
begun at that level and we encourage you to continue. We ask you not to
attack or present this to the bastions of authority directly, but let those
you present this to to at the local level carry that message forward for
you and for us.

*Using a Legislative Bill for an example to the Honor’s Class*

*Jeff:* I have a second question that follows along with that: This is a
survey course, just the very beginning of what Liz and I hope will become a
four-year study and bring some scholarship to this. Would it be
appropriate to bring a proposed bill that was set before the Oregon
Legislature to this 317 Honor’s Class for study next year? Something
pretty simple, but live. Would that be of value?

*SONDJAH:* Explain further.

*Jeff:* What we are going to assess is either a political situation, or a
family situation through the 7 core value model. Would it be helpful next
year to have a live bill that has been presented to the Oregon Assembly to
bring to the class to say, “Alright class, here is a proposal from the
Legislature, let’s put it through the 7 core value model to see if it is
really a sustainable idea?”

*Craig:* So you want to bring in a real life example?

*Jeff:* Yes.

*SONDJAH:* We would most definitely support that. It is an excellent
idea. You are beginning at the local level examining questions and
policies at the State level. This will have a great effect upon your local
politicians and administrators. This makes our work more visceral to
individuals who would be affected by the passage of the bill without that
examination. This is something that we would definitely support and we ask
you to participate by asking us and your teachers and your spiritual team
if they would participate, and if they agree, then asking them to move
ahead in this work, just as Christ Michael has advised you.

*Is the 7 core value system too complex for beginning classes?*

*Jeff:* I have an additional question. Trying to bring all of these
thoughts of the 3 core values, and 7 core values to a beginning class,
seems like trying to swallow the elephant all at once, so I prepared at the
family level, just a question for a family and I wrote it out on the
schematic board for a family sustainability, using simply life, equality
and growth, and the intention that I wrote for an example for the class to
think about at the family level, I wrote, “My intention is to find a weekly
mean model that will provide both nutritious and affordable for my family
as our budget becomes increasingly stressed with rising housing,
transportation and medical insurance costs.” As a model for the family as
a whole, who try to wean themselves off of inappropriate expenses for
nutrition in times of the inflation that is coming. Is this a workable
idea in your opinion?

*SONDJAH:* It’s a good beginning. You would be in fact teaching parents
how to share that decision-making with their children, so that the children
grow up to be able to make those decision-making processes on their own,
and to weigh the benefits of expenditures in view of the values and how
those expenditures sustain or do not sustain the family. Your process that
will need more working time and thought, you will most likely need to
explore this in a developmental team process first, don’t you think?

*Jeff:* So what I will do then is I will submit this to the group as just
a beginning proposal looking for some co-creative thoughts about how to do
this. It seems to me that for many people, dealing with 7 concepts at a
time may be too many, and that if nothing more, if we want to take this to
a lower level, such as high schools, etc., maybe just 3 concepts at a
time, and the family does not need to focus on its love for humanity at the
dinner table when they are having budget problems.

*SONDJAH:* In presenting this, you yourself have been consistently using
the 3 secondary values to explain this project, because of the humanitarian
need to do so. You can develop the 3 primary values—the quality of life,
growth and equality in terms of survival. The humanitarian compassion,
empathy, and love of humanity perspectives will always be present. And you
can hope that when you present the primary values, that someone in the
audience will [say], “Well, how about other people?” and so there you see
empathy beginning to play out. Then there must be an answer that is
compassionate to the question and to the people the individual has asked
about. Does this make sense?

*Jeff:* Yes it does—everything.

*SONDJAH:* You are most welcome to begin with the 3 primary values, but do
not lead yourself astray with thinking you can consciously ignore the
[secondary values] because those secondary values are wired into people in
their DNA and they cannot help but ask questions relating to that.

*The collapse of political parties and their future*

*Jeff:* Okay. I have a question—it’s not a curiosity question. Last week
there was a political commentator named Ian Welsh and he wrote a piece on
his web site stating that when political parties—and he was speaking of the
US and European mainstream political parties—collapse, those people who
step forward into the leadership try to pick up the pieces, literally look
at ideas that are then lying essentially on the ground trying to find
something different to bring cohesion. He was speaking particularly about
the collapse of ideas in the Democratic Party and I think the collapse of
the morality of the Republican Party. In any event, my question is this:
Is it the expectation of the Magisterial Mission that during the collapse,
whatever that is, or whenever that comes, if this is the case, if this man
is right, what sort of ground around should we be leaving the 7 values
model on?

*SONDJAH:* Excellent question. You have already been teased by one of
those dots that you want to connect with other dots. You are looking at
the macro scale of political movement and evolution. The ground to leave
those ideas on are all around you and you will be looking for those
thinking individuals as Mr. Welsh to share that with, that these are ideas
that are useful and can be used into the future. They are totally
humanitarian. You will be looking for those individuals who do have a
humanitarian perspective to their thinking and to their audience. You
would want to play this to those individuals who would regard what you are
doing as a useful idea and that they would carry it forward.

What you are looking at, as we have looked at, is the propagation of these
ideas of sustainability into wider and wider audiences. Any individual who
has a media audience of some sort, and who has similar values and concerns
for humanities as we do and you do, is one you would want to connect with
and leave these notes and ideas at their doorstep and perhaps have a
conversation with them if you can.

*Further suggestions to present to Honor’s College Head*

*Jeff:* This is my last question—sorry to suck up all the oxygen today—I
am meeting with the Head of the Honor’s College in a few hours to give him
a very brief update on where Liz and I stand on our progress. Do you have
any suggestions of topics to update him on at this time?

*SONDJAH:* I will tie in with what was said earlier about the
transcendence of organizations, particularly in education, is that this is
a means for education as a social institution with global representation in
all nations to provide the direction into the future. Doing so, what you
are presenting is larger than a single class, but a means for your nation,
your world and other nations to proceed logically, rationally into the
future, based on the values that have sustained your species for so long.
If you get the gist of Christ Michael’s presentation and what has been said
here by myself and yourselves, is that we are asking people to move away
from self-interest to humanitarian interests, to organizational interests.
And in order for organizations and social institutions to survive and
thrive into the future, their existence and survivability must be tied to
the organic values of the people it serves, meaning that as education
supports the survival and transcendence of communities, states and nations,
education will survive as well. Does this make sense to you?

*Jeff:* Yes, and then I would ask an additional question, Sondjah, Daniel
put a thought in my head recently about looking at the book recently
published called, “1177 B.C.” which is a discussion of the end of the
Bronze Age, describing—I haven’t read the book yet, I have it in my
presence but I am not there yet—but there seem to be similar reasons that
all civilizations have collapsed and so there has never been a truly
long-term Urantia based model for transmitting values from one generation
to another. Is there something special in this book that I should be
looking for and incorporating into this class work?

*SONDJAH:* If you read the Introduction and the first 30 pages of the
book, you will have sufficient knowledge to proceed with your project.

*Jeff:* Thank you. I’m done; I appreciate the opportunity to ask
questions of Sondjah.

*Roxie:* I have questions from a couple of our readers. The first one is
from our Webmaster that is designing the new archive site. He says, “So
far I have invested more than 6 months of my full-time effort on this and I
expect once the phase 1 is released, I need some financial support to carry
on the rest of the development.” His question is: Can there be some
assistance with the funding for this Teaching Mission Portal that he has
been working on?

*Compensation for a workman’s efforts*

*SONDJAH:* One moment. There is no question that you will and are
supported even now. The extension of yourself for these many months
without being compensated is a remarkable sacrifice on your part. The
value of a workman’s efforts needs to be honored, as you know and you will
be compensated for this. We cannot reveal more than that, as it would
cause greater confusion than it would resolution of even the problem that
you speak about. Thank you for your question and in your case, we ask you
to stay the course a little longer if possible.

*Roxie:* Thank you. He has a second question. He asked you once before
about moving to Shillong so that he has a better place to do this work for
the Correcting Time and he made a visit to Shillong and decided that it was
not a place that he liked and gave several reasons. Now, he’s thinking
about going to Goa, India. He wants to know if this would be a good place
to take his family. He’s wondering about it being a coastal area on the
Arabian Sea and if that will be a problem?

*SONDJAH:* We would wish to answer this in a private conversation with
him, either through our moderator here or through another individual.

[This is *Daniel:* I about at the end of my course here. I have an
obligation to attend to pretty shortly in another location.

*Roxie:* My last 2 questions are from our friend in So. America. Would
you like to leave those for the next time, Daniel?

*Daniel:* No, let’s go ahead and cover those.]

*Understanding mental/emotional vibrations of energy*

*Roxie:* He says, “I would respectfully like to ask what opportunities we
have to better understand, specifically with reference to: ‘It is the state
of emotional thoughts of being that affect the frequency and oscillation of
the vibrations of energy.’ Could you expand this concept, please?”

*SONDJAH:* Thank you for your question. Yes, the emotions are an area
that are not that complex to us, but need further clarification. The
thinking, the mental/emotional state exists when you are thinking about a
situation that has occurred, or one that you anticipate will occur, and so
your emotional state changes as you think about this situation. This is
far different than being confronted with a problem immediately that is
physically in front of you, or you are involved with. To have an emotional
reaction to a physical situation immediately is a reality that you can have
legitimate emotional reactions to, but *emotional reactions to thinking*
sets a vibration that can cause great difficulty in your life.

In most cases, it is a matter of mental/emotional vibration attracting the
situation that you have developed in your mind. This One lives in Colorado
where diamondback rattlesnakes on occasion can be found, and so if it was
on his mind that he would be walking down a path in his imagination and he
would be fearful of this occurring, then you can fairly well predict that
during the warmer months he will probably be confronted with that. This is
the reflective projection of a mental/emotional state through the
vibrations of thinking that is fired by the emotional spheres that can
cause the world/universe at the quantum level to bring that into existence.

This is the basis of all metaphysical thinking. Spiritual metaphysics that
was exemplified by Jesus are the best examples possible, and so it has been
reflected by Buddha as well, “What you think, will be reflected in the
outer.” When you put that in quotes and you think about it, you realize
that the mindal/emotional state is incredibly powerful. What do you want
in your life? Do you want snakes in your life? Do you want harm to come
to you? Do you want illnesses and sicknesses and accidents, and so on, to
come to you? Do you want to have situations that you engage in and receive
a big “no” from those people who you are involved with, such as when you
apply for work? Or do you see yourself as being successful? *You set the
mental/emotional vibrations into the universe as you think *and as you move
forward. When you make decisions with an unclear intention, then confusion
can come about through your mental/emotional projections. It is best to
have a joyous frame of mind, have very clear intentions for good outcomes
and then engage them in the mental/emotional projections.

*Roxie:* His last question was, “Could you please use a metaphor or
somehow clarify what concerns ‘emotional thinking?’” But I think you’ve
already answered that.

*SONDJAH:* Yes, it should be very clear from my earlier statement, the
metaphor with several examples.

*Roxie:* I have one more question but I can hold it until our next session.

*SONDJAH:* I wish to bring this to a close today unless there is some
eminently pressing question or situation that needs to be resolved. (There
are none.)

*Sondjah’s closing statements*

The Celestial Team and I, personally, give thanks for Christ Michael’s
presence here today as he spoke with you. He sets the example of what you
can perhaps become in the eventuality of time and eternity. You have a
course in the destiny of your spiritual ascendancy that will vary from that
of a Planetary Manager to a Creator of Universes. You have an obligation
to engage this vision, whatever it is, this vision of your life according
to your life plan, which will take you from this mortal sphere to the very
depths of Paradise and the embrace of the Creator. It is your choice to
follow this, or not. It is your choice to be receptive to opportunities
that come to you to lead you in this direction. You must have the courage
to decide and say, “I want to do this,” and when you accept the
opportunities and challenges that lie before you, they will lead you in the
right direction. For this we give thanks to you for being here with us
today, for you have followed yourself to participate in this forum and for
that we give thanks and wish you a good day.

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