[tmtranscripts] Manotia 1-28-18

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 17:35:12 PST 2018

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

<http://www.ctrforchristcon.org/> www.ctrforchristcon.org

January 28, 2018

Topic: Angels of Enlightenment and Enhancing the Spiritual Gravity of the
Planet's Consciousness

T/R: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for connecting us as one in this
circuit of your LOVE. We are ready to join once again with the Seraphim of
our planet to assist in the upliftment of the constructs of consciousness,
that this world may be full of light and life and love and alignment in the
Father's WILL. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve. Our hearts
are open to you and our Seraphim now, and we thank you for your WILL
prevailing in this call and may it be done now. Thank you.

MANOTIA: Greetings, my dear brethren! I am so pleased to be with you once
again. This is Manotia. In our last time together we began to engage with
the Angels of Enlightenment. We will continue in this manner today. And as
you deepen in your own minds and bodies into the spiritual energy that we
are now making available to you, we invite you to focus on the energies of
SPIRITUAL GRAVITY. Set your gaze on these words for a few moments. Take
some deep breaths. (Pause)

SPIRITUAL GRAVITY is a movement of Spirit throughout the circuits of
planetary consciousness. You might call it an upward and inward trajectory
to help the circuits of this planet ascend to higher circuits of cosmic
relationships. As you focus on this term and energy dynamic today, the
Angels of Enlightenment will use this to infuse more spiritual pressure into
the circuits of planetary consciousness to elevate the circuits of mind all
around the globe to receive more of the light that is being made available
to this planet in all of its various frequencies and attenuations.

So take some deep breaths and continue to focus on this term and dynamic.
The Angels of Enlightenment are ready to engage now. All we ask is for you
to feel that desire for more SPIRITUAL GRAVITY to move within the circuits
of the planet as the Angels of Enlightenment move in our energy
configuration. As usual, if you wish, you may use that familiar
visualization of spiraling these words around the globe, counter-clockwise
as they move in what they can provide to this world. Let us join as one in
this circuit of intention and unfolding. (Pause)

Spiritual energy operates in various circuits all throughout the planet's
system of mind. As you hold this focus, keep the desires of your heart
strong and centered on the desire for more spiritual vitality to draw the
circuits of mind upward into the domain of the universe of Nebadon's
currents. This planet may receive more of that higher type of mindedness
that renders your thinking and feeling and experiencing Spirit to greater
depths and heights and breadths of the overall planet's circuitry. You
might consider this as an upliftment process underway as the Angels of
Enlightenment imbue these circuits with what they can provide, creating
another matrix of energy to pull human thought to higher realms of divine
ideals and ideas. This will also provide more fertile soil of the mind for
more people to perceive that there is something underway on the planet that
is highly beneficial and constructive to their minds; even though they may
still feel a chaotic response within them as the change energies continues
to move through the circuits of Urantian consciousness.

This infusion today is designed to provide more of that spiritual momentum
that is part of the gravity movement of light and love and life for your
world to transform. All walks of life upon Urantia are undergoing
transformation. Much of what you see is the first steps of transformation
as the long entrenched belief systems are now opening up to new concepts,
fostering more unity and harmony for collective thought to align in the
Father's plans of evolution. The Angels of Enlightenment are here to pull
you toward those higher frequencies, as you might say, to actually help the
circuits of human mind perceive the higher divine ideals that render human
life much more positive, healthy and liberating to all. Continue to focus
on SPIRITUAL GRAVITY as we continue with our ministrations. (Pause)

Today's infusion of SPIRITUAL GRAVITY with the Angels of Enlightenment
provides more light and space to move through the lower levels of human
thought, especially those still operating under the influence of the
rebellion. This creates more, of what you might call, polarization between
that which is good and that which is evil and sinful. This will help people
to make more of that conscious choice more organically as their minds
perceive the higher spiritual emanations from their own indwelling Father
Fragments conveying more truth and goodness.

This is a time of decision making at the human end, and more people are
being awakened and impressed with these higher circuits that they may choose
the way of Spirit and perceive that the sophistries of self-centeredness are
no longer serving them. Many people live in a state of flux, wavering
between choosing good and still resorting to error and evil. It is not that
they are intentionally, consciously doing this. It is their minds
fluctuating with these changing energies on the planet. SPIRITUAL GRAVITY
provides a greater means for the human mind to calibrate to the higher tones
and notes and frequencies of Spirit.

What you are doing today is anchoring these energies at the human end for
more light to penetrate into those shadowy veils that still constrain human
consciousness. Continue to desire this SPIRITUAL GRAVITY to take up more
space all through these circuits, even down to the denser levels of human
consciousness where more change and transformation is required, that more
LIGHT may pervade these circuits and more TRUTH be imparted upon them.

Over time as these circuits become more operative within the overall
construct of Urantian consciousness, more minds and hearts will flow to the
Father's bosom. More spiritual information will then be imparted to the
human mind that more people may choose the way of the Father and all that
brings to the satisfaction, creativity and enjoyment of human life. So many
of the individuals of this world live with such emotions as anxiety and
fear. But I tell you, my dear brethren, there is so much joy to experience
as you cast off those deeply embedded shadows within you and experience that
upliftment within your own systems to the SPIRITUAL GRAVITY now pulling you
into the embrace of the Father. Truly it is wonderful to behold the inner
lights sparking greater internal luminosity within the human mind. The soul
light gaining strength one-by-one as each individual responds with SPIRITUAL
GRAVITY operating in each person.

We encourage you to see this transition time in this way, and we will help
you as will your own Spirit provides you with that perspective to see this
time of change through the lens of joy and creativity. So let this
SPIRITUAL GRAVITY circulate in you and that you may continue to send it
outward into the planet, letting more circuits harmonize, unify and align in
Father, that the evolutionary plans of ascension for Urantia can proceed
according to Michael's objectives and Mother's LOVE. (Pause)

Many areas of your planetary system of consciousness are being mended. This
vast interlacing of circuitry contains all different kinds of
frequencies,and through this upstepping today more spirit vibrancy is able
to infuse these, what you might call, lower circuits that still harbor much
darkness that confuses the heart and mind. But know this! The outworking
continues and it will continue for some time to come. But the great
correction is underway now and it is unstoppable. Do your best each day to
maintain your own connections to Spirit and gain greater trust and faith in
what is occurring as Mother embraces this world and provides the means for
all life to be healed.

On behalf of the entire Corps of Urantia Seraphim, I thank you. We have
completed our objectives for today and we will be with you again in two
weeks to continue. We are grateful for your participation, and we encourage
to speak about what is occurring upon the planet when you feel moved and
motivated by your Spirits to share this with your friends and family. If it
is not too much of a stretch for them, invite them to participate on these
calls that they may begin to perceive within themselves the beckoning of
Spirit Within calling them to a greater life adventure of discovery of the
WILL and the ways of Father. And they will receive much help to make this
change in their own understanding and perception and encourage them to open
to what is underway upon Urantia.

We will leave you now in this manner but you may continue to stay in
meditation and receive your own upliftment through these circuits of
SPIRITUAL GRAVITY. May the LOVE of the Father stir your souls, gladden your
hearts and elevate your thoughts that you may perceive more from your own
indwelling Father Fragments and grow in grace and beauty. Enjoy your days,
my beloved brethren. They are yours to use as you will but hopefully more
fully aligned in Father each and every day. Good day, my dear ones.

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