2016-9-5, NET #03,
New Era
Transition #03 – The Tao; Integration; Intolerance; Climate Change – Sept. 5, 2016
Melchizedek, Planetary Manager and Planetary Prince of Urantia
Tremendous frustration in self, nation, and global situations
Seeking the pattern of Oneness
Integrating your material life with your spiritual evolution
Where to start in this Transition Era?
Interactions with others in learning process
Why did the Caligastia 100 leave their Thought Adjusters behind?
The conditions needed for Light and Life
Curiosity is an “inborn and divine endowment”
Fighting terrorism
Bigotry in politics
Socially, are we too tolerant of intolerance?
Effect of video games on some children
What are the more mature cultures in the world?
The distinction between progress and growth
How must the global economy change for sustainable global
Is marijuana detrimental to the health of an individual and
Becoming Planetary Managers
Understanding heritage and culture
The climate change and its effect on society
There is a plan and someone is in charge!
TR: Daniel Raphael, Ph.D.
members: Roxanne Andrews, Michael
Lanier, Michael McCray, and a Student
September 5, 2016
frustration in self, nation and global situations
MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa
Melchizedek. It is good to be among you
and with you once again. Just as the
snow flies in the winter in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, there is a
flurry of activity here on your world and in the morontial realms concerning
your world and its development now. Many
of you see a lack of hope; you see tremendous frustration in your own life with
the national and global situation as it is in so many places that seem to be
disintegrating like sand from under your feet when you are standing on the surf
and the waves come in and wash back out.
Howsoever, our activities continue on unabated and increase in activity,
in fact. What is most important about
those activities is not the scattered-ness of them, but the coordination of
them, that when you see Divine Order and Development in your life, this too is
the way of business in the morontial and spiritual realms of the universe. It is a fact of order that runs the universe;
you are so acquainted with the lack of order and patterns in your lives that
you take it for granted and see it as, “this is the way it is.” But it is not the way of all life after your
ascension. The morontial realm will
slowly bring you into that oneness, that flow of continuity, that pattern, and that
the pattern of Oneness
Ancients, the Taoists have called this the “watercourse way,” and This One has
been reading a book of Alan Watts called, “TAO: The Watercourse Way,” put together by his friend
Al Chung-liang Huang. You would do well to understand the Tao of the universe
for this is the flow of the oneness of all that is. It is unnamable, though you must call it
something, so it is the Tao, the Divine Order; it is the Divine Development and
Divine Purpose, Order of things. This is
what you seek in your life in all regards and when you see it in your life you
know that you are expressing the pattern of oneness in your own life as one
part of the universe. This is a most
wonderful development, for sure.
you are living in chaos and you see turmoil in your life, that is because there
is no order or pattern in your life, and you have not chosen to have that. It is important that you as an individual
have an intention for your life. You may
not know what the life plan is that you brought with you, you may not have
identified that, but you have one, and a few of you have received the awareness
that you have a destiny, something to fulfill.
In every case, whether you are aware or not, you must come to the point
of your life where you say, “Why did I come here?” “What was I to learn?” “Now, what is the intention for my
life?” And once you mull that over and
you have identified at least one purpose in your life for being here, you can begin
to find meaning as you consciously move your life along to evolve into the
individual and the being that your Thought Adjuster is guiding you towards.
surely, that your Guardian is here to assist you, and your Celestial Teachers
are here to assist you in your mortal career, to understand how to fit in, how
to produce, how to have meaning and purpose.
It is through the union of this order that your world will become into
the Days of Light and Life, where the lives of millions of individuals express
this Taoist spiritual way of living. The
“one with the whole and the whole with the one,” where you make a contribution
to the whole and the whole makes a contribution to you. This sounds like it is so much mumbo-jumbo,
does it not? because you now live as isolated and
separated from your society; your society seems so separate from you. We see so little of the supports for your
life and the continuity and development of your life plan, whatever that may
be. And so you see what kind of work we
have in front of us to bring this about.
your material life with your spiritual evolution
larger question for you who are religionists and who are evolving spiritual
beings on your world is how to integrate your material life with your spiritual
evolution, and how to use your material evolution, your material life, to
support your spiritual growth and development along the course that is guided
by your Thought Adjuster. Of course, the
first thing to do is to release yourself to God, to pray to do God’s Will, and
then start making decisions to fulfill the purpose and meaning in your
life. When you say, “I want to do God’s
Will, please reveal to me, God, what your Will is?” it is much like calling up
L. L. Bean and asking them, “Please send me what you think I need.” It does not work! You know the right way to live, and so you
make a decision to do so. You must
estimate your life on what is moral and ethical according to your social
is the reason why we have revealed these 6 core values of social sustainability
to you now; these are the final criteria to validate your life as being ethical
and moral, for caring for others, to not only “do unto others as they would do
unto you,” or the “pay it forward,” but to initiate the good continuously in
your life for the highest purposes for yourself and for others. It is of particular interest to you as
parents as you see your children grow up.
How have you prepared them to live a life of an improving quality of
life to grow into their potential and to do so equally as others? It is important that the future generations
reflect the wonderful heritage that you now have an opportunity to impart to
Where to
start in this Transition Era?
Student: Machiventa, regarding the chaos in our world
around us, during the Transition Era of what we are going through, by bringing
in and working more and more with the social sustainability and the 6 core
values, that’s going to bring order into our lives. I would like to see more and more people start
to work on the 6 core values consciously, and reaching out to people in their
communities to start to bring this order into their lives so that they can
direct themselves as to where they are going.
My question is, and I am sure it was for a lot of people, where exactly
do we start? I know we start with
ourselves, but this reaching out to start in our communities, or just amongst
our little groups, could you please go over that once more for me?
MACHIVENTA: Most certainly. It begins with yourself, that you ask
yourself, “What have I done to improve the quality of my life?” And you do not need to worry at this point
whether it is due to materialism or to your higher values that are social and
spiritual in nature. When you evaluate
how you have improved your quality of life, you need to examine your own
thinking. Do you berate yourself? Do you chastise yourself? Do you call yourself bad names when you do
something wrong, or something does not work right, or you have forgotten
something that you were going to take with you in your car, and you are one
block away from your house and you call yourself names, and so on, for having
forgotten? Whereupon you need to return
to your house and retrieve what you had forgotten.
you have questions about how you have improved the quality of life of your
children? Have you berated them? Have you called them names? Have you called them stupid, and “what is the
matter with you?” Or asked them
questions that are shame based, so that these children come away with a shame
based evaluation of themselves as being worthless and having no value? It is important that parents get “right with
themselves.” You would want to be “right
with yourselves,” so that you can be “right with your children.” The 6 values, of course, must be applied to
yourself in your own life. How have you
shown compassion to yourself? Do you
have empathy for the child that you were once before in years past? And as you reach out to that child and help
that child in your mind, to rectify the problems whether they were berated by
their parent, or whether it is by some other cause? If there is wrong doing in your past and you
still feel shame and guilt and embarrassment by that, then that needs to be
standard that was given to you in the “Life of Jesus” is surely one to strive
to emulate. A most difficult task,
particularly now in a most difficult world where there are so many people
bumping into each other, causing even more and more pinball reactions to each
other as the cascade of emotions flows through you during the day. How do you come to stillness? How do you make yourself at peace? We have said repeatedly that it is essential
to meditate once or twice a day—once in the morning and once in the evening—for
a period of time. It need not be an hour
or 3 hours, or anything of that sort. It
simply means to take time apart, whether it is 20 minutes or 15 minutes, to
come to stillness, to still your mind, to still the rattle of “rocks in a
shaken box” that makes so much noise, which is what we hear when we tune into
your mind many times. Come to
settlement; come to peace; come to balance; come to centeredness; become
grounded; become one with your true nature, with your Thought Adjuster. When you know that you have your Thought
Adjuster within you, that is the place to start, to be still, to listen in this space of “no thought.” This is where you begin. You can be of no use to others if you have
not striven to assist yourself to grow into the fullness of your own Christ-like
with others in learning process
Student: Thank you, Sir. Our interaction with other people also helps
us correct ourselves and to find the things that are wrong with us. As we go about our daily life, we have
learned that situations that come into our lives with other people and most
often a learning experience, and if I may share, I had a moment the other day
in which I learnt—I have always thought that the people that come into my life,
maybe it was to teach me something, but this experience was different because I
didn’t have any feelings of negative or positive with this person, and so
therefore, I just accepted it the way it was.
And then with talking to other people, they both got this negative
response. Then, I thought to myself,
wow, it wasn’t necessarily for me to learn, maybe it was just for the other two
people to learn. Do you understand where
I am coming from, Sir? (Machiventa: Yes.)
It was quite an eye-opener because I have never looked at it that way,
that even though I was there. It wasn’t
necessarily for me, but it was because I learnt that it was for the other two,
as well. I hope you don’t mind; I had to
share that.
MACHIVENTA: But you did learn something, did you not?
Student: Oh yes, I certainly did—another way of
looking at it. Thank you.
MACHIVENTA: You are welcome. The differentiating factor, the discerning
factor in your contacts with other people, and they with you, is whether you
have the capacity to be observing of yourself.
If you can be in a conversation with another person and monitoring
yourself at the same time, much like an alter-ego, or an out-of-body
experience, you have the opportunity to evaluate your progress in the
conversation. If they say something
demeaning and you react negatively to it, then you would want to know that you
did react negatively to it, and then later after the conversation, you could
reflect in your mind upon the causes within yourself that gave you a negative
reaction. What was it in you that
reacted negatively to what the person had said?
Student: Yes, yes.
So can you correct that thought just by sending them a good
thought? Does that make sense?
MACHIVENTA: (Chuckling.) It makes sense but it is not
always possible to do that. You are not
God, and you are not a manipulator of people, as God is not, and so you would
want to pray for their highest and greatest good and ask their Thought Adjuster
to reveal to that individual the right way to live and the right way to speak.
Student: Uh huh, yes, Sir. I have no more questions at this time.
MACHIVENTA: Are there other questions about any other
Why did
the Caligastia 100 leave their Thought Adjusters behind?
Roxie: Yes.
Last time I asked this question that was from one of our readers and you
asked me to table it until the next session.
Actually, it is a two-part question that I’ll present as one because it
fits that way. “Given that many planets
in our system did not go into rebellion, what are the benefits of the Planetary Prince’s staff leaving behind their
Thought Adjusters when embarking on this service?” And also, “In what ways would the presence of
the Thought Adjusters have interfered
with the service in the Prince’s staff?”
MACHIVENTA: I will take the first part first, as I believe
it will answer the second part. First of
all, let us discern what occurred: All
of the 100 came to Urantia without their Thought Adjusters. Therefore it was in concert an agreement among
the Thought Adjusters not to be with the mortals. Would you agree with that? (Roxie: Yes.) So that the Thought Adjusters wanted the
highest outcome to occur while the 100 was here on Urantia. From that, you may discern with more
reasoning that individuals, with their Thought Adjusters, tune into their
Thought Adjusters for guidance, and for lessons to be learned. In this case with the 100, it was essential
that they all work in concert, very much like a hive of bees, that they are
quite literally almost operating on ROM memory that was given to them prior to
their arrival here on Urantia, to act out, to work together in fulfillment of
the plans for bringing this world into its social evolution, preparatory to
everything else that would develop after that.
is essential that in a group of individuals that they work in concert,
particularly in the very beginning phases, that they work as one, and that they
can be apart from each other and still know how what they are doing fits
congruently with that of other individuals.
Yes, it is possible for them to do that with their Thought Adjusters
present, but there is a dedication of mission and service by Thought Adjusters
to the mortal that requires a greater fluid relationship between a Thought
Adjuster and the individuals. In the
case of these evolved beings coming to Urantia, they would have an ongoing
conversation, so to speak, with their Thought Adjuster in the conduct of their
life. It was not so much that they came
here to learn how to grow into their own being through this service, but how to
be of service without—“interference” is not a correct word—but without someone
joggling their elbow for their own growth.
That is a very poor analogy, I admit.
This One does not have a very good library of analogies. Does this help you understand what occurred
and enables you to understand this situation better?
Roxie: I don’t know how the reader will take it, but
I think you have been very clear.
MACHIVENTA: The second part of the question?
Roxie: Was the negative aspect of that: “In what ways would the presence of the
Thought Adjuster have interfered with the service of the Prince’s staff,” and I
think you did answer that. (Machiventa: Yes.)
conditions needed for Light and Life
next question, in the Urantia Book, I was studying Paper 12: 6.1. It says, “The universe is nonstatic. Stability is not the result of inertia but
rather the product of balanced energies, co-operative minds, co-ordinated
morontias, spirit overcontrol, and personality unification. Stability is wholly and always proportional to
divinity.” I realize that this is
speaking of stability in the universe, but must all of these factors also
always be present for social stability on Urantia in order to reach Light and
MACHIVENTA: Those conditions are the conditions of Light
and Life on a planet. It is the
evolution of growing into that state and stability that takes planets so long
to accomplish. In the case of Urantia,
it should now be well invested in the very early stages of Light and Life, but
it is not, and as you see that the Divinity of Christ Michael as Jesus, who came
here, has had a very stabilizing effect upon your planet. This is an important development for your
planet and all other planets that were in quarantine and even for those planets
now evolving that are part of the 90% of planets that have a design plan for
them that leads them into the Days of Light and Life. Much has been learned through this experience
with your planet and the other planets.
is an “inborn and divine endowment”
Roxie: Curiosity is part of our “inborn and divine
endowment” and some of us have been well endowed in curiosity. Is there a time during our morontial career
when we will have a chance to satisfy all of our curiosity questions concerning
our natal planet?
MACHIVENTA: Most definitely. And according to your own development at the
time, and your need for this information as it would contribute to your
evolving maturity.
Roxie: It seems like a lot of my curiosity questions,
though I don’t see how they affect my evolving spirituality, but there are just
questions that come up that seems like our history is lacking in information,
or has faulty information, and that’s also true of the scientific era. That was the reason for my question.
MACHIVENTA: You must realize that you will have 1/3 of
your time for recreation and rest, and that you will have time then to peruse
the libraries of wisdom that are available to you at all times and all
places. You will have much like what you
call a “tablet,” a small computer that you carry with you that has access to
the total archives that are appropriate for your awareness. That device is self-limiting as to the need
to know basis for answering your questions of curiosity, but your questions are
most elemental and you will have them answered very quickly once you become
settled in the morontial realm.
Roxie: Thank you, that’s very interesting and
helpful. I had never heard about that
heard a Mid-Eastern Sociologist say that “The more the groups fight and win,
the more they grow, therefore if no one fights against them, they lose all of
their opponents and cannot continue winning, which is what drives them
on.” I find this rather simplistic, but
is there any truth to it in solving the growth in terrorism?
MACHIVENTA: The proposition that the author presents is
accurate for an aging society, that is very much akin to the rules of martial
arts, that when you oppose someone, you are giving them your energy, and vice
versa. Therefore, the practice of
accepting the thrusts of your opponents and using that against them is the best
way to proceed. However, you can see and
measure the primitive nature of your governments and your governmental
policies—particularly foreign policies to other countries and to the protection
of sovereignty has been so important to the progress of your world, but that
same situation now works against the maturation and evolution of your global
Roxie: So, is the fact that our military
establishments are so involved in the Middle East, should they be learning a
lesson about that and back off?
MACHIVENTA: It is not necessarily the military that must
learn the lesson; it is the individuals who execute the orders to send the
military to those areas, policies that underwrite those decisions. Again we go back to the values that underwrite
decision-making, and that those values are very much different than the values
of social sustainability, do you not think?
Roxie: Yes.
Thank you very much.
in politics
the subject of bigotry, do the majority of the United States voters actually
see the candidates accurately, or as their political parties wants us to see
them? Are there enough true thinkers to
make the voting public make the better decisions for the good of the country?
MACHIVENTA: My goodness, you have many questions within
your statement! (Roxie: My curiosity going
wild again.) It goes back to a statement
by one of your wonderful cultural leaders who said, “You will see it when you
believe it.” And this is the same, that
what you perceive in the outside is what is in agreement with your own beliefs
and your own value systems, that these first direct and guide what people see
and how they interpret what is given to them.
There are individuals who can read the Gettysburg Address, or the
Proclamation of Emancipation and come to totally different understandings and
conclusions about them. It is important
that the populace be well informed and educated in order to make rational
decisions. When they have not been
trained in the arts of inquiry, discernment and reflection, then they come away
with answers that are in agreement with their tradition or in their peer group,
or in their own warped thinking—or in their wonderful thinking. It does not necessarily always have to be
negative. And as we are striving to be
of greater influence all the time in your world to improve the positive outlook
on the world, this is proving to be a crucial element in this campaign, if you
want to mention this specifically.
Roxie: My concern is just what the majority of
people these days think, because I don’t have access to the whole like you do.
the intense partisanship of conservatives and liberals, are we born with this
are we too tolerant of intolerance?
Roxie: Thank you.
Are our social groupings being too tolerant of intolerance? For example, is our nation too tolerant of
bigotry in our society?
MACHIVENTA: That is an excellent question and thank you
for presenting it. Bigotry and those
thoughts of bias against other people stem from the fact the individuals have
not been enculturated or socialized with a consistent set of values and beliefs
to assist them in thinking clearly in their life. You are now looking back at over 10,000 years
of global civilizational history to the formation of your race thinking in your
minds, whatever nation it may be. And
only within 10 years have these 6 values been revealed to you, and there are
only less than several hundred people who are aware of these values as the
final arbiters of ethical and moral behavior.
Therefore, these values have not had time to make an impact in changing
the thinking as reflected by individuals as they live in their world. This is the main factor that has caused great
difficulty in human history that there have been no final arbiters, no final
criteria, no final foundation upon which to build social behavior, whether it
is intra-personal or inter-personal or social or global thinking.
Effect of
video games on some children
Roxie: Thank you very much. It seems that our children spend more of
their time playing video games then they spend with their parents or elders in
this generation. Do video games beget
violence in our youth that destroys their sense of morality?
MACHIVENTA: Yes, in some it does. There is, as you have alluded to, there are
proclivities, predispositions towards violence in some individuals due to their
genetic history.
Roxie: That’s all the questions I have. Does anyone else have any?
What are
the more mature cultures in the world?
MMc: I have some.
You talked to us last time about there are more mature cultures in the
world than the United States. Would you
give us some examples, please?
MACHIVENTA: We have discussed that and I shared with you
those nations.
MMc: I don’t believe you shared what nations you
are talking about. You simply said that
there were more mature cultures in the world than the United States. What cultures are you talking about?
MACHIVENTA: That was in #02, last time. Yes, there are more evolved cultures in the
world. These cultures are not nominally
national in character; they can be trans-national and cover several nations or
within a single nation. You will find
that in some Inuit cultures in the Arctic regions around the world that these
are highly peaceful individuals, and that they cooperate with each other
because of the harsh nature of the environment in which they live. It is necessary for them to cooperate and to
share the best cultural assets that they have, whether they are social or
material artifacts. This has also
permeated into some of the northern cultures, whether it is in Finland, for
example, or the Nordic countries, and some in the marshy low lands of Northwestern
Europe. There are other cultures that
are peaceful that seem to be quite an anomaly among cultures and nations in
Africa, and you will find the same thing in Asia, that there are small
groupings of individuals who are peaceful in nature. You might also identify some religious
cultures, which also exhibit elevated and evolved social existence as well.
distinction between progress and growth
MMc: Thank you.
When Monjoronson was speaking with us, he said, “Do not mistake progress
for growth.” I don’t really understand
the distinction he is making here. Can
you explain it for me, please?
MACHIVENTA: Yes, progress is usually measured in the Western
civilizations in technological, materialistic means, and yes there has been
tremendous progress in technologies and how you live your life materially; you
can now be transported from one place to another many hundreds of miles in
hours or less. Progress does not equate
to growth, which is the inner growth of the individual, the intra-territory
within an individual or the social and moral growth of your societies. There is a tremendous mistaken identity
between these two words in the Western civilization, that if you own more cars,
a more expensive car, faster cars, you have made progress, but this is not
growth. The same primitive individuals
can ride a mule as they ride in an automobile.
Does this help?
How must
the global economy change for sustainable global civilization?
MMc: Yes. I
understand the differentiation now, thank you.
How must the mindset of a global economy change in order for a
sustainable global civilization to exist?
MACHIVENTA: In one word, “extensively.” Again, it harkens back to the value system
and the beliefs that emanate out of those values that are essential to the growth
of your societies. The central
organizing element of Western civilization has been material and it has
experienced and developed the context of that progress almost to the final
extent. The last means is the zero-point
energy and interstellar travel. These,
as we have said, are being prevented from being given to your civilization as
you are still too primitive and you would carry your aggressiveness into other
worlds. Were you to be able to cross
light years of time within minutes, you would bring your violence to other
worlds as well, and you in return as a world would possibly be eliminated by
those who would not tolerate your intrusion.
I hope this perspective answers your question.
MMc: Interesting perspective, yes. Thank you.
MACHIVENTA: Let me continue, please. The major element that is troubling to the
mindset is one of exploitation. As you
see, even in companies that have very humane hiring policies and strive to have
equitable treatment, they are nonetheless exploitive, and this is a much
refined perspective that companies and organizations and businesses have not
fully understood yet. Whereas,
eventually, when the employees are the owners, then they would have to become
self-educated through their organization to teach them so they learn how to be
equitable and not exploitive of themselves or other people.
marijuana detrimental to the health of an individual and society?
MMc: Thank you.
I’d like to return to a question that you posed: “Is marijuana detrimental to the health of an
individual or to a society?”
MACHIVENTA: In a word, “yes.”
Planetary Managers
MMc: I’m not clear about what you mean that you
encourage our audience to become representatives of the Planetary Government,
specifically, Planetary Managers. Would
you comment further in what it means to be a “Planetary Manager?”
MACHIVENTA: Yes, it is to see the world as not something
to be exploited, but something through which the social assets, the individuals
can live their lives with greater quality of life and to grow into their
potential equally as others. As a
Planetary Manager you would want to organize the social structures and social
institutions of the world so that they are systemic, that there are systems of
social institutions that work together, that there is a flow from one to the
other, that the information and results from one would become the input for
others. As you see now, even in well
developed nations, if you examine the intention for education, it is fraught
with many difficulties and has become almost meaningless in your United
States. The intention needs to be
unified by a global policy of the betterment of individuals to improve
themselves as a means of improving their quality of life and to grow into their
potential. When you begin to see just
one social institution, as education as part of a system, that empowers all
other individuals to become whole within themselves in their lifetime. Now you have no system at all.
MMc: Thank you.
I have no further questions at this time.
heritage and culture
Student: I’d like to ask a question, Machiventa, on
the “Transition Era” that we are now going through. In looking over all the different areas, when
you talk about transition, you can break it down, and break it down, and break
it down, like emergency services, you can go to hospitals, medication—you can
go on and on and on. What I am trying to
pull together, and I’m thinking of this as a “me thing” of a group of people,
to do with the social sustainability and the 6 core values, and specifically to
maybe zero in on one small area of transition that we can work with. What I would like, Sir, please, is a
suggestion from you as to one area we could maybe start working on?
MACHIVENTA: We have covered this material in the past
with you, and given you answers to your question. You live in a culture with a heritage, and we
have guided you to understand that your heritage and your culture will be lost
eventually if there are no clear intentions for the existence of your culture
and your heritage, and how it can be useful to next generations, and how the
way of life that this heritage and this culture has existed, may be a useful
and wonderful choice for next generations to choose and support on their own. The work that you have ahead of you, of
course you know, that this culture, this heritage has espoused many of the
values of social sustainability already.
It is now necessary for individuals on the islands to understand what
that heritage and culture gives them and whether they wish to live with that or
not. It is important that your elders
and those who are administrators and executives of your cultural heritage now
come to a clear understanding of what they give to future generations, and why
the repetition of historic events and developments are so important to a
peaceful way of life.
Student: Thank you, Sir. I have no more questions right now.
climate change and its effect on society
ML: It is somewhat protracted so, I ask you to
bear with me. In the context of what we
are experiencing in the United States and elsewhere around the globe that is
financial and social inequality, and the apparent growth of divisiveness
between what we used to call “the haves and the have nots,” and in the context
as well of what some to believe of “pending global financial breakdown of
fortunes far beyond what we experienced lately. Added to that, the issues of climate change,
whether or not one believes that it’s all going to get warmer and continues to
get warmer, or the more evolutionary view that says we are entering into an ice
age colder than has been recorded in history. In all of that, is there not from a higher
perspective a building of tension, a building of awareness of all of these
factors, such that they represent a critical transition in the socio-cultural
economic milieu in which the globe resides?
This is a foretelling of pressures from many sides, or some major
transition. In this context, if we are
even close, and we don’t need to be ‘right’ here, we are looking for your input:
What can we do on a pragmatic basis to
propagate the method that can best be used to sell the message of the core
values that you speak of? How can we get
people to know about this, and to begin living according to them? I apologize for the protracted statement and
set of questions, but I’ll take whatever you’ve got!
MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your statement and it was well
organized and well represented and accurate in its insights. To answer your questions succinctly, it is to
be open and receptive to new ideas that you can make a difference. Our work is ploddingly slow in terms of human
activity and human timeliness. We
operate on a generational and century basis for moving societies into new
cultural territory. The climate change
and all these great tensions that you see in the world that are occurring now
are natural and they are manmade as well.
The point that can be made from that, which is not necessarily their
cause or the reasons for their existence, is that it must come to mind of the
individual that they, as an individual, are having an effect upon the world,
and that this has been building up, and building up for many decades, and
actually began with the earliest eras of the industrial revolution.
are seeing in the climate change the increase in temperature, but also the
front of the cold as well. This is just
a stark understanding of the extremes that are occurring in your world. Your summers will become more horrendous as
you are seeing now in the Southern and Eastern parts of this nation of North
America, and you will also see tremendous cold advances of snow and ice in the
winter time. This is the process that is
now occurring as your climate world is in transition into a warmer
climate. When you see the end of this
violence of summer and the violence of winter then you know that your world is
in for a long era of stability where it may not be as friendly as it is now, in
the support of a huge civilization, or a population of over 7 billion people.
must be an awareness that individuals make a difference, and many individuals
make a huge difference, and that millions and billions of people make an
awesomely—to use your words—“humongous” difference is actually an
understatement, because what you are seeing is the natural milieu, environment,
atmosphere and all the meteorological conditions along with tectonic changes,
is in the process of having a huge reaction to the billions of little “ants” on
its surface, who have had a tremendous effect upon it. What you can do is to now be open to thoughts
and ways of living that support the correction of behavior of many people. We have been slow to do this, but we have
made immense progress within the last 30 years through the spiritual influence
that is begun with the Correcting Time, Teaching Mission, Magisterial Mission,
and now this Transition Era.
personally, can be a part of what is to come by saying, “yes” to participate in
programs that become evident, that are in agreement with your thoughts, which
support everything that you have said in your fore-statement to your
question. I cannot be more specific than
that at this time, as individuals, groups of people begin to build beliefs and
expectations, which would collapse upon themselves if they were not
supported. Therefore, the things that we
want to accomplish require your
agreement and your participation, and your willfulness to assist us in this
project and this work. You will see
these in your lifetime, and we ask you to support them when they come along.
ML: Thank you.
There is
a plan and someone is in charge!
MACHIVENTA: Let us have a closing now. Thank you for your attention and your
questions, your reserved-ness to come to a decision of asking questions that
add substance to these transcripts. We,
too, are in a close situation too, where there is not much outward activity of
interest to you that is meaningful and that you can grasp onto, that you can
“put on and wear like a coat,” so to speak, and move about in this information.
This is, as we have said, is a still
time in the Transition. And I say, “if,”
which is a word that is not used very often in our realm, these developments
and programs which we have projected, and which we have put into motion, begin
to express in your world, you will definitely see the results of our programs
and developments. We cannot say more
than that, other than to have hope my
friends. We are here with you and there
is a plan, and there is someone in charge.
Thank you and good day.