2016-12-5, NET #08, Machiventa

New Era Transition #08 – Correcting Time; Overpopulation; Protests; Media – Dec. 5, 2016


Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager



Progress of the Correcting Time

Consciousness separates this time from human history

Economic calamities are an example

Finding kinship

Correcting Time is long-term

The co-creating element is essential

Begin the process at the local level

Global dissemination of this material

Global strategy

The problem of overpopulation and immigration

The USA, Europe and NATO

The protest at Standing Rock

The resistance to dialog and compromise

Ancient, archaic and antiquated democratic process

Former predictions are still in place

Speeding up the process for change

What is a service driven economy?

Using the 6 core values

The ethics of media


TR: Daniel Raphael

Team members:  Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Michael McCray




[Note:  Our Dear Friend and team member, Suzanne Couch, who wished to be called “Student,” out of humility, graduated to Mansonia on November 28, and we miss her greatly.  Liz Cratty has become our new team member.]


December 5, 2016


MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary Manager.


Progress of the Correcting Time


I have been reporting to you on the progress of the Correcting Time, and the development of the work that we are doing.  You know that we began at the social level with individuals, to bring them together in the Teaching Mission, then the Magisterial Mission to find commonality among you and to take on projects if you wish to.  That effort continues and will not go unattended ever; it is a continuing project that will not stop.  It will become more and more successful as time passes and the awareness of our work becomes more known.


We have next begun the work on the political/democratic improvements.  This will take much time and it will eventually require the efforts of individual citizens coming together to reinvent their democracies, whether that is in Japan, Korea, United States, Colombia or France, England, Germany or Italy—or any of the other democratic nations of the world.  As we have said, those were “First Stage Democracies” and most of those are at the arc of their development and progression, and they have become more and more incapable of producing answers to the many problems and situations that have developed in the democratic process and the governance of their populated nations.  They are not dysfunctional yet by any imagination, but still could use great improvements in how they deal with the public and how the public can participate more effectively in the generation of direction, vision, and missions of their nations.


The last area of concern, the Economic, will be one of the last that gets remedial attention.  This will come about as a development of the social and political awareness that the economic processes aggrieve the inequalities of the world, and that basic functional changes need to be emplaced so that fairness and equality and opportunity abound again.  As you are well aware, overpopulation of the world aggravates the social, political and economic situations.  If you are a student of history, you may have come to the conclusion that all of history has presented your world now, today, with a great deal of experience of ‘what not to do.’  On the other hand, there are not many solutions as to ‘what to do.’  It is apparent some of your scientists and your historians and other individuals are aware that it is time to assess that wisdom and apply solutions to your world.  There is enough experience; there are enough lessons learned and wisdom to now institute changes in those three major areas of societal and social maintenance.  What is needed is a general awareness that you do have the ability, you do have the history, experience, and lessons learned to now figure out that there is a necessity of making improvements. 


Consciousness separates this time from human history


What separates this time from all of human history is consciousness.  What we are envisioning for you—and you should envision for yourself—and what some of your cultural leaders have spoken about is cultural evolution.  Cultural, social, political, and economic evolution must become conscious in order to have a future that you can move towards.  In other words, installing conscious evolutionary practices is a means of transcending the ancient process of learning by mistakes.  The unfortunate process of large nations and large bureaucracies and hierarchies is that even when mistakes are made there is no learning that has occurred.  Thus the lessons that have occurred in history will be repeated without learning how to prevent them. 



Economic calamities are an example


Your economic calamities are a very clear example: the dynamics of finance and economics are all keenly and accurately measured.  The problem that exists in your society, particularly in the United States, is that large moneyed corporations and organizations have embedded themselves so deeply into the political processes that they resent the right working, or social evolution, to correct the causes of these financial calamities.  It is the dog chasing its tail once again, and it is much like the dog chasing its tail at the edge of a cliff—it goes around and around and pretty soon it slips and falls over the edge and you have a recession, a national depression, or a global depression, which is the next coming financial and fiscal situation that the world will bear.  The causes of these calamities are well known; the ability to correct them comes about because there is no intestinal fortitude, no courage, no strength of character to correct those faults.  Economics and finances become a game to those who can make the greatest profit margin and who can amass the greatest amounts of money.  It has become simply a game rather than a necessity, and then you are into a different league of maladjusted social existence at the international level of finance and economics.


Finding kinship


As you know, we have brought many of you together in the past, and you have enjoyed this very much.  Now, you have found your kinship among others in other nations that you enjoy similar ideas and similar projects to work on.  So too, at the larger macro level of the world, we are bringing together organizations and associations that are guided and led by individuals who aspire to the values that we aspire to for you.  These groups and associations will soon become apparent to you and you will see their national/international presence become known.  This is a very slow process as you know, simply because there is an experiential deficit, which is a kind way of saying that we—the celestial realm—do not have experience in these processes of the Correcting Time, as Christ Michael has asked us to pursue.  This is not a problem, it is simply a matter of us observing you, and working with you co-creatively and drawing you into opportunities that give you a way to move forward that assists us in leading your nations forward again.  As we lead you individually, which of course as you know, is the foundation of all spiritual developments, even that of a social and societal nature, we will bring groups—your related associations and organizations—together to produce direction and guidance for coming generations.


Correcting Time is long-term


Some of you who are greatly humane and have great empathy for those who are impoverished in spirit and materially in food and clothing, who seek opportunities to improve themselves, may think the Correcting Time is cold-hearted, that it does not seek to address the immediate needs of individuals on a material basis.  We, however, do provide them with the spiritual understanding of their situation as it exists for them.  The Correcting Time is a long-term, on-going developmental and evolutionary process of correcting the faults of the past 200,000 years and more.  It is a process of changing the cultures of your world from war and desperate difficulties to one that is positive, constructive, and humane in all regards.  It is a multi-generational process, and in a multi-generational process our conscious efforts will bring your world eventually into the Days of Light and Life.  You will see this more and more if you are a young person, and if you are of age you will see even more difficulties than you see today before you see improvements. 


The co-creating element is essential


I apologize that this is not a more encouraging report to give to you; however, we do not frost these statements in sugar coating so that they are acceptable to your intellectual palate.  We, however, will be quite transparent to you and offer you a clear vision of what is and what is to become.  The past is only useful as the lessons that it presents to you, to us, and as we are able to engage the wisdom that we get from those lessons with you co-creatively.  This co-creative element is essential to the progress of the Correcting Time, and the remediation of your societies and democracies.  No, we have not forgotten these societies and nations that are not democratic; those are on an intellectual artificial course of values that are dictated by the founders of their states and nations.  Those are more difficult to work with.  There we work with individuals to receive information from the free nations, so that the individuals can make conscious choices within their lives that are in agreement with the good of your world and the good of their lives and their families.


Begin the process at the local level


You, as This One, are anxious to begin the process at the local level.  We support any efforts that you choose to engage.  However, because of the timing and circumstances of your world at this time, we are working towards a rapid and global dissemination of the information and suggestions that these programs will produce.  When you think of global change at that level, you must also think that we are addressing the Internet, media in its various forms, whether that is the social media, or whether it is the print media, television media, or movie industry media and many others.  It is a process by which we will bring to the world all of these changes.  Our strategy is this: that you will see across the world all of the information about how to reconstruct nations and societies that are destroyed during these eventual changes.  This does not say that we will wait until those occur; we will disseminate this material globally so that individuals and groups and associations and organizations can immediately begin to institute these improvements so that they can be ahead of the curve of what is to come.  It is important even if you are a fiscal manager to know the changes that are coming ahead, to know where to invest to protect your assets and to know where they are most likely to grow in the future.  It simply makes sense to look ahead to the future. 


Global dissemination of this material


We are doing that for you and for the world population, and the world’s civilization.  It is important that this information is disseminated globally, worldwide, with attention to its is usefulness to those who understand the values behind this.  As you work with each other, and you work with organizations, you may become aware that you are being drawn to individuals who have a similar value base as yourself, individuals who see more in the world than its religions, but rather the spirituality of kinship that causes another to be drawn to yet more people.  We are able to work more easily and readily when two groups come together who have similar value bases and who see that there is a holism and a synergy that is greater than all the parts.  You can attribute that synergism to our presence, to the presence of spirit and the energy of like-mindedness to bring about concerted like-minded, constructive, enthusiastic, and holistic answers and solutions. 


Global strategy


When you are with those who are antagonistic and have different views and different goals, it is going to be a waste of time and effort on your part to convince them to become one of our kind—that is a personal decision on their part, which can affect many thousands of people if they are a CEO of a major corporation.  So, through this long monolog, you have seen our tactics at the local level you have seen our strategy at the global level, and you are seeing only a part of what is going on behind the scenes.  What you don’t see is the clumping together of those ideas and concepts through the intuitive intellect of individuals, who bring those concepts into higher fruition and development and productivity.  It is only in this realm that we can make rapid progress.


Thank you for your attention to this long discourse.


Roxie:  That was very helpful, Machiventa; thank you!


MACHIVENTA:  You are most welcome.


Roxie:  Does anyone have any questions on the opening statements?  (No replies.)  How about the topic of improving our democracy in general?


The problem of overpopulation and immigration


Craig:  I have written down a few things.  I want to say I can see how the overpopulation is an incredibly thorny problem because in the more advanced societies the population growth has dropped to nil or even below replacement levels, and the more undeveloped societies, where people don’t seem to have “things together,” they are still having lots of kids, and those get exported to the developed lands which aren’t particularly, or wouldn’t be overpopulated if it wasn’t for all the importation of more people.  Of course,  it is the more spiritually aware people that realize that we are overpopulating, and so we get a [growing] population that tends to become less and less spiritual, because those are the people having all the kids.  Any comments on that?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, thank you for your statement.  What you are seeing is the influx of immigrants to developed, democratic nations that have relatively stable economies and political and social structures.  What is missing from the program to receive those immigrants is a means of enculturating them in the ways of democracy and social sustainability.  They do have enculturating and indoctrinating means for citizenship, but the social maturity and social structure is not passed on to immigrants.  The reason this is missing is because it is essentially missing as an instituted program for their own indigenous populations, their own citizens.  Do you understand that so far, Sir?  (Craig:  I believe so.)  Then what is needed in order to amalgamate or include those new immigrants into the stable society is a program of social enculturation and training and education.  This may seem obvious to you, but when it does not exist for the citizens of those nations, then it becomes not so obvious, but of necessity for survival for those hosting nations.


When a million new citizens are brought into a nation—even a nation of 50 million people—that has a highly diluting effect in that population.  It causes much disruption.  The old method of social, economic and political assimilation that has occurred in past decades and centuries in nations, such as the United States, which was populated by a very few million people—the North American indigenous populations—the assimilation that they had when new immigrants came was a process of accepting the same values of opportunity, acquisition, and development of their innate skills and potential to make improvements in their quality of life.  Those were sought after by those immigrants in free nations.  They are still sought out by immigrants into populated nations as well.


However, what is missing because of the density of existing populations in those nations is a conscious process of enculturation and a conscious effort of assimilation so that these new citizens learn the folkways and mores and means of social etiquette, and so on, of conducting themselves in ways that are productive and not disruptive to the existent populations.  We have, as you know, been working on the principles and concepts of social sustainability and the principles that we hope will be taught to immigrants and to existing populations.


The USA, Europe and NATO


Craig:  I have some comments on situations that it exists now.  One of them is that NATO and the militarists in the USA seem to want to justify their own immense power and existence at any cost.  Peace and International cooperation and order would make them much less relevant and shrink their budget allocations, so seeing the USA and NATO appear to many to have taken an unwarranted hard line towards other countries, in particularly demonizing Russia, trying to turn them into an enemy, whereas Russia seems eager to work with other nations for International Law and economic cooperation and agreements and that’s being thwarted by the militarists.  And now, you’ve got trade sanctions against Russia, apparently hurting Europe economically more than anyone else.  And some speak of Europe acting as sort of a vassal state of the USA as far as its foreign policies go.  They toe the line of the USA and NATO and in this sense, European nations and Europe as a whole, in forgoing its own sovereignty in order to have a greater unity of a sort, a solidarity with the USA, so now we see Europe putting together a European Army.  Is this a response to being told too much what to do by the USA even when it runs counter to their own interests?


MACHIVENTA:  I have no comment to your statement.


Craig:  Okay, I’ll drop that line.


The protest at Standing Rock


Liz:  Machiventa, this is Liz Cratty; I am honored to be here to speak with you today.  I have been quite taken with this situation that happened over the pipeline at Standing Rock.  Protestors apparently prevailed yesterday in stopping this pipeline of oil through their sacred lands and what strikes me about this in particular is how we have become an argumentative society.  I don’t remember that happening before the Internet, but now anytime anyone puts forth an opinion, there are people who agree with it and there are just as many people who disagree with it.  Part of this has to do with our 24 hour media, I think; they have to have the dissenting opinion all the time, and this was an example of the grassroots coming together and really affecting change.  I was so heartened that there were no dissenting opinions!  I guess the only dissenting opinions were those of the oil companies, and they have become the ‘bad guys’ in society.  My question to you is how do we bring our people together around important matters?  It seems like it has to be a big thing with huge media attention in order to affect this type of change.  When I think of small things or community things, all I hear are dissenting opinions.  It seems like it has to be something big that everybody agrees upon and I just… I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time formulating a question around this, except that our path forward has to do with these large things that bring the spiritually minded people together, and they just don’t seem to happen very often.


MACHIVENTA:  I understand.  As we have been saying all along, “need is the mother of invention.”  Also, “might does not make right.”  These are platitudes, but they are workable platitudes.  When there is sufficient need and an aggrieved need as you are seeing with the Native Americans in that situation, they have come together in solidarity, even from other nations and from all over this nation.  They have come together to protest the violation of their sacred ground.  There is unanimity among them and this is the key to moving forward and to established compromise.  Sometimes the “argument” requires that individuals who have strong feelings about something come forward en masse to protest what is occurring.  In the principles of grassroots, right action is something that this nation is founded on; it is something that is inherent and intrinsic to any operational and functional democracy. 


The resistance to dialog and compromise


The great problem that you are seeing across your nation and the resistance to dialog, resistance to compromise and fair play is that many millions of individuals have become complacent in the parental care of big government to their needs.  A sense of entitlement and privilege occurs in many people that cause great laziness on their part to come together.  The changes that must occur in your nation and in your democracy are historic, at this point.  Your nation is at least 50-60 years past its arc of effectiveness in resolving democratic issues, such as the one you are seeing.  It is time for a non-aligned agency or organization to come to the aid of the nation’s citizens individually and in groups to test and define their sentiments regarding various issues. 


You have recently had an election this last month in November and there will not be another election that will occur in such dimensions for at least 2 years, and then 4 years.  (There are some local elections that will occur every year, however.)  There is far more need for individuals to find commonality more frequently than just every 2 years.  You have the technological means by which to assess ongoing sentiments of the public and to provide unbiased objective information and materials to the public to teach them what the issues involve.  It is unfortunate that you almost come to the collapse of your democracy before instituting new democratic processes that are advanced and needed by the public. 


Ancient, archaic and antiquated democratic process


You are seeing a very ancient, archaic, and antiquated democratic process trying to address the needs of hundreds of millions of citizens on a daily basis, weekly or monthly basis.  This is simply impossible; the staid processes that were instituted in 1789 to 1791 in this nation, have now far-passed their “shelf life.”  It is time for a revision, a revision that does not need to be revolutionary, or to be upsetting to the status quo.  You may think that I am asking a great deal of you, and I say that you should ask the same of yourselves.


Liz:  Thank you, Machiventa.


Former predictions are still in place


Roxie:  In Christ Michael’s message at our last session, he said that his forces would “quell any major global social, political or economic disruptions that would hinder our work” in bringing the implementation of our work together.  What does this mean in terms of earlier projections that our government and economy would suffer downfalls along with the times of cataclysms?


MACHIVENTA:  Those former predictions are still in place.  The Triumvirate and the Management of this planet have the capacity to delay many social, economic, and political disruptions, and it is our intention to delay those as long as necessary to be sure that the implementation, as I mentioned earlier at the global level, is accomplished.  This does not preclude the ability of some irrational individual at a national level taking independent action to the contrary.  As you know, we will not abridge or violate the self-will autonomy of any individual, or the decisions that they make; those can still happen, which would be most unfortunate.




Speeding up the process for change


Roxie:  You mentioned that you can delay some of these things from happening until a more appropriate time.  Can you also speed things up in order to create a faster change in our society?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes.  This is where the co-creative relationship becomes involved.  Through serendipity, coincidence and happenstance, and the intuitive and conscious awareness of individuals who see what is happening around them, we can bring that about.  It may be that, as a recent example, you may be on an airplane flight and you have this feeling that you should move from one seat to another.  You are not sure why, but you simply take notice of that and change seats.  And soon, another passenger arrives in the seat next to you, and soon you are discussing your work and your plans, and suddenly you both realize that you are talking about the same kinds of work, and that your work can be combined and shared and become productive between you, or between your associates. 


This is how we work this process of speeding up the right action.  As you know, angels are the experts of relationships and of bringing people together.  It is what we spoke about some weeks ago where I spoke about the Thought Adjusters being on the same page, so to speak.  That is a rough analogy, but they are reading from the “same book,” and understand what is going on and assist their individual mortals to become aware and to act in ways which are helpful to the planet.  Of course, Thought Adjusters are not coercive, never have been and never will be, but they will continue to drop suggestions to you where you have this niggling feeling, or this thought, or this idea that maybe you should move to another seat, for example, and so this occurs.  It may be that you decide to go down to the library, which you may not have visited in weeks, or months, or years, and you sit in a chair and soon you become the center of a large group of people who are talking about the same subject.  You hear what they are speaking about and make suggestions to them, and they to you. 


The processes of the question that the individual asked about the Native Americans gathering over the oil pipeline is very similar—bringing people together who know that something is right and the opposite is wrong, and this is a violation of “what is fair,” –so that you are brought together with others who have like feelings.  When you have the capacity to do this electronically with millions of individuals, then you will have a great process, a powerful one, to make wonderful changes in your world.  There is a caveat to that—and this should be easily available to you—and the caveat is that there will be individuals who “own the media” who will want to sway you and your opinions to take action according to what they want, and so this will make you a “dupe,” or a person who is easily influenced to take action that is not in the best interests of everyone.  You are in the nascent, very, very early nascent stages of the development of a consciously evolving society and democracy as one nation.  And when you consider dozens upon dozens of other democratic nations that are in a similar situation, you realize that you have so much work to ahead of you, and so many decades to fulfill that.  Nonetheless, we will make progress when you assist us, and we thank you.


What is a service driven economy?


Liz:  I am no economist, but I remember hearing something, or reading something in one of the transcripts about economics, and it has stuck with me and it is changing from “a profit driven economy to a service driven economy.”  I have talked with many people trying to understand what that might mean, but we are so wrapped up in the “profit driven economy” that no one seems to be able to see outside of that box.  Could you, perhaps, enlighten me a little bit as to what a “service driven economy” might look like?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes.  First of all, you cannot separate profits from service or from products.  There is a need for profit-making to sustain the organization that is providing you the service, or the product.  In a hotel, or a restaurant, or a dry-cleaning establishment, these organizations provide a service to the public, yet they must make a profit on that to stay in business.  What is important in your ideation about service is the development of standards that are measurable.  Your question is important.


To answer your question another way, from another angle:  When you research the development of a product, you always look for best practices, both for the concept of the product you are going to make, and the processes to make that, and that it has a measurable improvement over previous editions of that product.  Whether you are in ancient times, a flint maker, who is knapping flint to make arrowheads and spearheads and knife edges, or whether you are sewing leather garments together, or you are learning how to heat and bend steel and form steel against a hard object; or whether you are involved in the process of moving from vacuum tubes in old radios to transistors to micro-circuits, and so forth; and whether you are moving from iPhone 5 to iPhone 6—these are all material innovations, and there are measurable standards by which you can manufacture and measure the improvements of that product.  It is very measurable, and there are very different standards in the material realm of innovation, development, and invention. 


Using the 6 core values


However, in the time of the existence of your species, which some estimate at a quarter of a million years, there has never been known a standard of performance that is universal, is irreducible and is innate to your species.  That standard was undiscovered until approximately 8 or 9 years ago, when the values that have sustained your species over the eons, became known.  Your species has always searched for an improving quality of life, and in that, you have gone from flint knives that break easily, to steel knives and then stainless steel knives, for example.  You have improved the quality of your life from moving out of rock caves into nice comfortable homes that have central heating and so on.  You have had to grow into your potential to make these improvements, and you have challenged yourself, and you have striven hard to invent new means to improve your quality of life.  Of course, you wanted to do so equally as the next person who had more capability and more resources.  In compassion you help those who had less than yourself, because you had empathy and you have a regard for all of humanity because you have a regard and love for yourself and you extend that to others.  The three primary values are universal to all people; these are the criteria of actual measurement in social processes, activities, and organizations as performance standards for budgets and for programs.  These values have never been used this way before because they were never known, and they were never disclosed.  When you want to make improvements in your organizations, for instance in your human resources departments, you would look to using these values in a measurable way to make those improvements.  I have gone far afield to answer your question and I am curious to see if you see an answer in these statements? 


Liz:  That was not an answer that I was expecting, and I am quite taken by your answer.  That’s going to give me a lot of food for thought and food for discussion with other people who are very economically minded, so thank you for that!  That furthers the discussion tremendously.


MACHIVENTA:  Thank you.


The ethics of media


Craig:  We just had the media mentioned and how they seem to be from a measure pursuing false narratives in order to lead the public to certain [unwarranted] conclusions.  And we also have the alternative media, which has written documents on the Internet and people speaking on YouTube, and we actually see the so called mainstream media trying to censor those, and they appear to me to be a much more unbiased—of course everyone has some bias—but what these people are doing [is] out of their love for the truth, and not for profit motive.  Do you have any comments on that?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, this is part and parcel a part of a very innocent, naïve, and young democratic process.  The aging of thought and maturity has not occurred in the institutionalized organizations of your nation.  You are seeing where the freedom of speech and freedom of media are rights that are embedded deeply into the values of democracy and they are necessary for the right functioning of democracy.  What is missing, however, are the standards, the criteria where those false statements or those that are inclined to a position or opinion that abridges right thinking and good judgment on the part of everyone.  There has been no means by which your society can curtail or curb or correct those sources of media that are not aligned with truth and unbiased reporting. 


We have seen the vast extreme of this in dictatorships where a media is immediately halted, where the police go into a publication and destroy their means of publication.  This is not a good solution, as you would well think.  However, there are no bodies, no judges, and no independent organizations to make an opinion in a rapid manner to correct these faults.  The judicial process to do so in your courts is far too slow and the damage is far too immediate, and the means of correcting the problems are not sufficient enough to make an impression upon the executives and the owners of those media outlets.  You are seeing in this early, young democracy of yours, which is perhaps one of the oldest ones in the world, that you are seeing many problems that need correcting, but you do not have the mechanisms to do so.  These are all integrated and must come into existence eventually, even if they do so by piecemeal means.  The problem you present is not correctable at this time within your societies for immediate correction.


This is Daniel:  I’ve just about reached the end of my “tether” here.


[Note:  Daniel has been recuperating from a very nasty head cold and his energy is drained, so we are ending the session and there are no closing remarks from Machiventa this time.]

