New Era Transition #45 – Convergence; Individuality; Education; Animals – Aug. 13, 2018


Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager




The “clumping” of like-minded individuals

The immense self-interest today

Individuality and personal dominance in males

Males and some females are highly competitive

Are women more collaborative then men

Can the “penchant” for individuality be changed in a generation or two?

The current system of education is flawed

There isn’t much interest in reforming the educational system

What is missing in our current curriculum in our schools?

What balance should we strive for in education?

The lack of discipline in schools

What can be done today to improve our educational system?

The question of Life and how it applies to animals

Nutrition with and without animal flesh

Lessons to be learned from the movie Avatar

A question about Jesus eating meat

Do democracies need to rely on a party system?

Is it possible to develop all systems in cooperation with spiritual evolution?

What is the cause of cancer spreading more now?

A problem reaching a consensus in a project team

Machiventa’s closing statements


TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD


Team members present:  Roxanne Andrews, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Michael McCray and Stéphane Labonteé in absentia


Invocation:  Jeff


August 13, 2018




MACHIVENTA:  Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary Manager.  My immediate topic today will be “Convergence.”  The work of Nebadonia and her vast corps of Angelics/Angels has been effective to increase the “amperage and voltage” of the spiritual energy and consciousness on Urantia.  This has been going on for many years and we are beginning to see the results.  In this convergence there is a polarization that is taking place that those who are of the light are coming together with those of the light, just as the people who have goodness in them are coming together as well.  There is also the negative side; those in the darkness, those who are predators of various sorts, those individuals who are immoral and unethical—and you know them as abusers and violent people—whether that is through the subterfuge of finance or through a hammer; nonetheless, people are injured by them.


We of the light have a tremendous advantage over the darkness because we, the Planetary Management Team of Urantia, Christ Michael and his many teams are organizing the efforts of those groups who are of the light and coming together.  These individuals and groups are converging on each other.  They oftentimes do not know each other, but find themselves in familiar company according to values, interests and topics of discussion.  The efforts of those who are in the positive side of our universe reality on Urantia are that we will succeed; it is inevitable that we will succeed because we have a consciousness of oneness; we have a consciousness of goodness.  You as mortals have a consciousness of goodness that is deeply embedded in the 7 values in your DNA; you have an affinity for those things, issues and topics and people that are moral, ethical and who express those values in their lives and in their actions, businesses and their associations. 


The “clumping” of like-minded individuals


While for us and you to co-creatively bring together these groups into larger and larger groups, you however need not take much effort to work on this.  Just simply be one among many and express your opinions and values of light with others, and soon you will find you have an interested group around you.  This is what is happening throughout the world, not just in this nation, and all other nations throughout the world.  People are “clumping” together much like red blood cells clump together to form the healing substance in a wound, and so that is a fairly good metaphor for what we are doing with your world in the social, political and other realms of human existence.  This is a process of healing wounds and then moving on to invigorating the body of the public and all people to move in a common direction. 


The immense self-interest today


What will be the catalyst that is working to bring those together and to understand who they are, what they are and what they value are the values that are innate to each of you.  These values and the subsequent morality and ethics that evolve or emanate out of those values will become attractive to everyone.  It is a matter of millions and millions of people coming to recognize that these values are part of everyone and that these are the original cause of human motivation.  It is in the interpretations of those seven values that human goodness is evident when they are expressed for other-interest.  The crux of the world at present is the immense self-interest interpretations of the primary value “equality”.  Some people view equality as “I want to be equal to those who have what I want.”  Their self-interest expresses in their position, authority, and power so that they say with self-justification, “I am more equal than you are, and so I am more important than you are and I should be able to take what you have when I need it and want it.”  That may seem severe, but nonetheless we see that occurring in large numbers of professionals as well as the common thief, burglar, and shoplifters.  There is a tremendous need for this commonality of the values to enter into the stream of human consciousness on a global level.   And that is the work of Nebadonia and her angelic corps. 


Your work today, and our publications with you and through you are doing just that, to build a growing number of people who are converging upon each other unknowing of their acquaintanceship and their commonalities. 


I am open for questions, if you wish, to continue the discussion of morality and other related and unrelated questions.


Individuality and personal dominance in males


Jeff:  If I may, I’d like to start.  Machiventa, in our last meeting, I was asking about the Golden Rule and where it should be—or if it should be—part of our classroom exercises.  You said the Golden Rule was not part of our DNA, and then you said you were waiting for my next question and I didn’t have one. (Laughing.)  So you offered some, “fundamental information of education” to kind of help me along and I have been ruminating upon that.  In those remarks, you stated, “… the penchant for individuality and unique personal dominance that most males exhibit is no longer useful to the maintenance of your society and the interaction of your nations together.”  If I may, I can’t formulate a good question, I’d like to ask a couple of smaller questions.  (Machiventa:  That is preferred.)  Thank you.  The first one is, is the “penchant for individuality” that males exhibit a natural trait, or is it a learned and deliberately nurtured trait?


Males and some females are highly competitive


MACHIVENTA:  It is both.  It is one that is natural to males as they are highly competitive.  It is also expressed in women when they become competitive.  Men also learn this in home situations from fathers and other dominant males as they are being raised.  It is not a matter of it being good or bad, ethical or immoral, but it is “what works and what does not work” that makes dominance, competition, and the high degree of individuality that is a layer on your society, simply does not work to contribute to the social stability and social sustainability of a family, community, work group, or the whole of a national society. 


Are women more collaborative then men


Jeff:  My next question on that thread is: are women naturally more collaborative than men, or if this a learned or deliberately nurtured trait?


MACHIVENTA:  Again, it is both.  Women are naturally cooperative and collaborate immensely because that is the history of women throughout all human history.  Women are the bearers of children; they are the initiators of family; they are those who stay home and take care of the children.  In a tribe or clan, they go out together—one group takes care of the children while the others go out and pick berries and dig roots.  That is a natural trait that is now deeply embedded in the DNA of women.  It is women who keep the clan together as a socially knitted group; it is men who keep the group together politically and economically.  Their roles are much different, but through the socialization in the family process, everyone works together.  High degrees of individuality by women or men are detrimental to the civility of the tribe or clan or society.  It is necessary that women raise children, boys and girls, to understand both roles; and it is the role and necessity of males to teach their children, boys and girls, the morality of leadership, leadership that does not discard individuals who are not as adept at being competitive to seek dominance and control. 


Can the “penchant” for individuality be changed in a generation or two?


Jeff:  Can the “penchant” for individuality present in nearly half of the world’s population be reformed and/or changed in the span of a generation or two?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes.  It certainly can be.  It is important to have those social/societal roles and boundaries in place that recognize individuality as unique, but individuality that is isolationist and develops into a solipsist sort of individual philosophy is detrimental to the cohesion of the larger group.  The individualism as an ideology of the Western Civilization, particularly in the United States, is highly detrimental to the good of the many, that those who are not competitive are kicked aside to the curb, while those who are in the mainstream of society excel immensely.  There is a necessity in advanced cultures and societies to recognize the individual as a working asset of the larger group, and that failing to develop their innate potential prevents society’s larger good harms from coming into existence.  Failing to develop the innate potential of individuals prevents the larger society from advancing its sustaining interests. 


Jeff:  Okay.  If the 7 core values based decision-making model that you have presented to us is the key to changing the “penchant for individuality,” that is an obstruction to social progress.  Are there any other avenues for us to pursue as an introduction to this to the world that we are not yet considering?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, there are many other options available.  However, we—particularly you, you as those individuals who are interested in the good of the world—have enough on your plate to do with what we have given you already.  Giving you more would only obfuscate or confuse the situation and your philosophies and personal missions in life and your group missions as well.  We are beginning at the individual level for individuals within their families to bring significant change to your culture and to your societies, and particularly to the organizations and the operational documents on which they rely.  When these 7 values and ethics and morality begin to be embedded in organizations, whether a sole proprietorship or a mega corporation, that is a sure sign that you as a society and civilization are on your way to accept more responsibilities for change in your world. 


Jeff:  Thank you.


Roxie:  Stéphane is not able to be with us today, but he did send us some questions on the subject of education.  Perhaps we can add onto some of Jeff’s ideas here.

His first question was:


The current system of education is flawed


Stéphane:  The current system of education seems to be flawed.  The practice of teaching, practicing and testing is not conducive to long-term learning.  Can you discus how this can be improved for more effective learning?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, I would be glad to respond to that.  It is primary to not reforming or fixing the problems or to repair the rents in the cloth of education across the world, particularly in the Western world in the United States, but to create an educational system that works.  When we say, “what works,” the answer is anything that contributes to the sustainability of the individual and family and expresses the individual as an equal of all others, and is valued to receive equal treatment of education throughout their life so that they grow into their innate capability to the capacity that they brought with them, and to improve their quality of life.  The quality of life, growth and equality are essential to the measurement of the effectiveness of what works in education.  This would require a major adjustment of the vision, intention, the operating philosophy, mission and objectives of public education and private education as well.  These have never been given their due appreciation or attention in view of sustaining a nation into a long and distant future. 


Education will morph immensely, meaning it will change its form immensely and the courses that are taught and what are taught to people and students whether they are in preschool, K-12 and through public education at the Junior College and University levels.  When one sees education through the lens of social sustainability in the terms of centuries and millennia, then it becomes an easy process by using the “Schematic for Validating and Designing.”  It provides a mechanism for examining the values reflecting the interpreted values and policies and curricula against the values and ethics and morality of education.  This may seem tedious, but remember you would be designing education for the next 250-500 years and for millennia.  It is a grand scale initiative that requires the attention of thoughtful individuals who have empathy for others, and a willingness to be compassionate to reach out and assist the vast number of people in the world who are not expressing and developing their innate potential.  Public education has a tremendous responsibility to the welfare of individuals as social assets of their society.  Education has a moral responsibility and an obligation to satisfy those demands of the individual to address the social sustainability of the larger society.



There isn’t much interest in reforming the educational system


Jeff:  I think most thoughtful people recognize that there are problems with the mechanics and the structure of educating people, and there doesn’t seem to be much of a crusade or groundswell at the grassroots of this country to reform the educational system.  Is this something that is only going to happen through a traumatic incident or a calamity where the awareness that the system must change because it cannot survive in its current form to be functional for society?  Is it going to take a trauma or a calamity to do this?  What in your opinion is going to make the changes that everybody can see, but there doesn’t seem to be any initiative at all to make these functional changes.  We seem to allow a large percentage of our population to become ineffective members of society and to just kind of float through life, not really contributing to society at all.


MACHIVENTA:  You are correct in all of what you have said.  The trauma of catastrophes you see as needed are occurring all around you.  You see it in the individuals who are killing other people en mass through their uneducated and uninformed balance with themselves in their world.  You see these catastrophes in the way people are hired, and you are seeing them in the #MeToo movement that has erupted around the world and needfully so.  What is needed is an organizing catalyst that effects the right outcome but without itself being affected.  A crude metaphor would include the process of electrolysis to recover silver.  Old antiques with silver plating are placed in a vat with other silver plated objects.  The solution begins to dissolve the silver plating while the electrolysis process moves the silver ions toward the electrical pole of its native preference.  Yet, neither the solution nor the poles are affected. 


The catalyst we are using to awaken individuals is for them to come into the conscious awareness of the organizing factors of the 7 values, morality, and ethics.  The catalysts of ethics and values of morality are subtle; they do not need to be pounded into people’s heads through government regulations.  People will have a natural affinity to programs that express these values, and being attracted they will create success for those programs.  The organization of your societies and organization of social institutions will become spontaneous, though rather slowly to begin with, by accepting and applying these values and ethics.  This is our hope and Christ Michael’s plan for the Correcting Time.  The process of introducing these values into the consciousness of humanity around the world has already begun and will continue on before the cataclysms, through the cataclysms, and particularly during the New Era.  The efforts of all the Correcting Time is to introduce all of these factors to the world before the cataclysms so that after the cataclysms the social context of your world can be recreated in a way that sustains people into an indefinite and peaceful and thriving future.


What is missing in our current curriculum in our schools?


Stéphane:  What is missing from the current curriculum from the age of 6-18 in our schools?


MACHIVENTA:  We knew eventually this question would arise.  The answer to that question is that there are so many that need to be examined, and when they are examined and put in a list, then there must be a priority order of those classes in the curriculum that are most important to be taught first and at the earliest ages.  We would suggest this discerning and sorting begin long before k-12, to be included in preschool and in daycare situations.  This is work that is completely in the realm of human capability to discern and sort using the Schematic.  It is a useful tool for doing that.  It becomes of human discernment to then give value to that which is most critical to the survival of individuals, families and of the larger society.


What balance should we strive for in education?


Stéphane:  What balance should we strive for in an educational curriculum?


MACHIVENTA:  One should be this:  One is an overriding concern for the moral and ethical welfare of the larger society; and secondly, allowing for the development of the

unique abilities and capabilities of individuals.  Individuals who are age 5, for example, are not all the same.  Some may need to be advanced in some ways, while others may need to gain skills and those knowledges earlier.  One grade does not suit all; there must be the discernment of sub-groups within a group of 1000 5 year-olds, for example.  It is necessary that the uniqueness of individuals be developed in positive and constructive ways that also contribute to the larger social sustainability needs of the dominant society.  Education has a moral obligation and responsibility to prepare the individual to become a more effective individual within the family as parents and as children.  Those responsibilities are necessarily a course in themselves and to give credence to the 7 values, ethics and morality, a working knowledge on the scale of individuals and in families, which will eventually be carried over into organizations of all dimensions and sizes.


The lack of discipline in schools


Stéphane:  The lack of discipline seems to be rampant and worsening within the educational system.  In the name of human rights, are schools and universities meant to be much more disciplined then they currently are?


MACHIVENTA:  The answer is yes, but they are not the family, they are not the parents of children or pupils at any level.  Schools are the adjunctive partner with families; families are the original disciplinarians, the ones who provide boundaries in families and for personal behavior.  Parents are the ones who discipline the child to learn their boundaries and to become self-disciplined.  Discipline in Western societies, particularly in the United States, is a factor that is almost absent from the grand percentage of people.  Self-discipline is a factor which coordinates the progress of families and societies, corporations and government.  When there is little self-discipline it is as though the backbone has been pulled out of your nation.  You end up with people who cannot make effective decisions that contribute to the welfare of all, and bound to the self-interests of those who they can persuade.


What can be done today to improve our educational system?


Stéphane:  What can be done today to improve our educational system?


MACHIVENTA:  One moment.  Of all the options that are available, this is first:  That those individuals in the community, whether they are grandparents, parents, children or local teachers, begin to take responsibility for their educational system and for their curriculum.  Secondly, this group of individuals must not bow down to the arrogant self-serving expertise of educators at any level, whether that is national, state or local.  It is not that “we know best” is wrong as a philosophy of professional educators, but that it must also include that “we the people” are also knowledgeable about what we need.  This group and the professionals must recognize that each of you have the 7 values and the operating ethic within you that you know what is good, what is fair, what works and what does not.  It is essential that the community begin to form its own priorities of classes and curriculum in answer to the prior question. 


It is important that parents and participants in the community not see themselves as ignorant compared to educational professionals.  It is important that these 7 values and ethics and the topic of social sustainability within the family and the nation begin to be a topic of education for this local group.  You might in fact, begin to see this local group fragment into several associated and complemental working teams for the creative design of a new educational system, including the subjects of instruction, and secondly, to validate existing curriculum and standards and practices and policies.  It is time that the citizens become more responsible and disciplined to become co-creators of a highly evolved educational system.  There is a moral obligation upon individuals who are aware of these problems to seek—not recede from the problems—but must seek others to help them and assist them to create solutions where there are no solutions now, or an ineffectual system of education which needs to be not only remediated, but must be recreated.


Roxie:  Thank you.  I’m sure that Stéphane will be pleased with your answers.


I also received questions from the Ukraine and Russia, but if any of our group members would like to jump in here and ask some questions, you may.


The question of Life and how it applies to animals


Liz:  I have a question.  I am still drilling down on the idea of Life being the primary value and you have given me many answers that have helped me to understand and define exactly how I need to think about this value.  My question today has to do with animals; they live, they respond to the Adjutant Spirits and the idea of factory farming is so abhorrent to me that I have been vegan now for over 6 years, because I refuse to participate in that horrendous soulless industry.  My question to you is:  Does this value of Life extend to all animals, or some animals?  Are dogs, for example, more precious than a cow?  I guess my question is:  Does the value of Life, as we are beginning to define it, we have talked about the beginning of Life, we’ve talked about the ends of Life, we’ve talked about eliminating predators and so I’m getting clarity with regards to defining this value and I would like to know how to think about defining this value of Life as it comes to animals?  I hope you can add to my clarity.


MACHIVENTA:  I would be glad to.  And we too have been anticipating your question.  All life is valuable, whether it is the cricket that bothers you at night as you sleep, or whether it is your children, or whether it is your cows, dogs or animals in the slums of some city.  All life is valuable; all life has value; all life is deserving of respect.  Dogs and cats are not valued in our estimation more than cows or elephants or guinea pigs—they are valued the same.  They are deserving of your respect and admiration.  The taking of lives of animals is one that is seen as an event that only occurs when it is necessary to feed you as an individual or your family. 


What has occurred is that the farming of domesticated animals in pens and so on, and mass killing of them for slaughter, for sale of their meat has caused the problem to be quite skewed.  Nonetheless, there is an honoring that must take place on using the products of those animals for your intake and for your diet.  It is an honoring that the indigenous people have always respected, that the animals are free in the world to roam as they wish, and are either captured or killed by individuals to feed themselves, their family and their tribe.  We have discussed this a number of times before, how the animals are dispatched is a matter of practice that is worthy of also being respected.  Similarly, when you consider the death penalty as it is experienced, used and applied, in nations that have a capital punishment, having capital punishment statutes is also worthy of being humanely done.  Dispatching individuals in a violent way and as a spectator sport of the old Roman Era is disgusting, should be disgusting to you as it is to us.  The individual, no matter how heinous their crimes against humanity as a predator, or other violent cause, is worthy of receiving the respect of a peaceful death.  It is easily done considering the chemicals and pharmaceuticals that are easily available to do that.  Confusion of the death penalty and how that is applied is really quite an ignorant process on those who should be well acquainted with peaceful means of death.


Nutrition with and without animal flesh


Liz:  Thank you for that answer.  I appreciate that.  It seems to me that my nutrition is just fine, in fact it’s better without eating animal flesh and without consuming animal products.  Am I correct in that?


MACHIVENTA:  Not necessarily.  What we also oppose is the arrogance of those who kill animals for sport and then eat them, as is the arrogance of individuals who say they are vegetarian and spout that to other people.  We do respect your opinion and your non-use of animal flesh, that is a personal choice but one which many people cannot accept for whatever reasons.  It is not necessary to eat only vegetable matter for good health; you can have good health with animal flesh as well.  This is part of your DNA; this is part of the digestive process that has been developed over hundreds of thousands of years of your species.  It is natural to consume animal flesh and is not a despicable habit of ignorant people. 


Liz:  Thank you very much.


Lessons to be learned from the movie Avatar


Jeff:  In the movie Avatar, which became very popular, there was a scene that perhaps is the hat tip to the indigenous aboriginal humans’ respect for the life of either the wild game they were hunting, or the herds they were managing, where they had a ceremony respecting the life of the animal that was being harvested for human consumption. Was that an effective subliminal message to the population to inject some respect for the source of the protein that was being harvested, or was that just some interesting Hollywood stunt that was not meant to go any farther than the screenwriters’ opinion?


MACHIVENTA:  It was a combination of all of that.  It was not a stunt; it was written into the script intentionally with a subliminal message of the ideology of advanced cultures and societies.  The movie Avatar was an expression of a future situation in a social context of an advanced civilization.  It was a good gesture and we acknowledged that and it is the product of a number of spiritual beings of influence on the writers and those who designed the production.


A question about Jesus eating meat


Jeff:  If I may I’d like to ask a follow-up question to that.  In the Urantia Book of which I am not a very good scholar, but I do remember there is a discussion that Jesus of Nazareth when he was out on his mission, it mentioned the fact that while he did not serve meat at his own table, when he was a guest of others, if animals were served, or fish, he respected the decision of the host and was willing to eat meat.  Was that just a statement of fact, or was that a purposeful insert into the Urantia Book to be an example for us?


MACHIVENTA:  First of all, I would advise you not to pursue this too far in the questions about how the writers of the Urantia Book did their work, but yes, it was a meaningful presentation of Christ Michael’s life as Jesus and the courtesies of the culture that he stayed with, and that he had no problem digesting meats.  It is something that you might call a factor of being an advanced Buddhist, where life is respected in all regards.  They too, as guests honor their hosts in a similar manner.


Jeff:  Thank you.


Roxie:  If there are no further questions from the group, I’ll go back to the questions from our readers.  As to the questions from the reader in the Ukraine, his first 3 questions I think might be considered more in the realm of curiosity, so I’ll leave those to the end if we have time for them, but I’ll ask his others.


Do democracies need to rely on a party system?


“How much is possible in modern conditions, the development of democracies that do not rely on party systems?”


MACHIVENTA:  It is very possible that democracy can develop without a 2-party system.  It requires the agreement of social, political, economic and other leaders to let this happen.  It would be a democratic process that involves grassroots participation through working teams to develop the qualities or fundamental elements of public policy development and voting system of the populous of the nation that agrees upon that policy.  It would then be to the work of a group of individuals, whether you call it a legislature or not, to then devise statutes that would allow and include those preferences of the public. This would be a much advanced system, far past the bicameral legislative process with 2-parties and of electing leaders.  It would require a much educated population to participate in this and to contribute in this.  You have seen your way into the future in the evolution of democratic process.  You have approached and viewed one of the final phases of democratic evolution in a society and nation.  It is a good vision that you have and we encourage you to pursue it.


Is it possible to develop all systems in cooperation with spiritual evolution?


Roxie:  His next question is:  “How is it possible in practice to realize the unity of development of all systems of society: economic, financial, political and social in cooperation with spiritual evolution?”


MACHIVENTA:  What you have asked about is now in process.  The “how” of it is what we are doing, and that is to begin investing in your societies and in social, political, economic and other processes the 7 values and ethics and morality.  To fail to do this co-creatively, which represents the last part of your question, would be one that could also be done secularly.  However, to devise a socially sustainable society that moves into the Days of Light and Life without the spiritual enhancement that is available through spiritually evolved individuals would be very, very difficult, if not impossible.  The development of a society into the Days of Light and Life requires individuals who in fact are working co-creatively and personally with celestial beings.  In the early era of that process celestial influence becomes aware through insights and ideas, and through development of those ideas into factual documents and policies and procedures to then help bring about those sectors that support the social infrastructure and structures of a working functional society.  As you have seen and examined in your own mind at this time, there is immense fracturing and separation and disorganization of the elements that constitute a functional society and a functional world of societies.  It is necessary that we begin by introducing the value system that is common to all people, and by which the human species has used for over 200,000 years to sustain its survival.  These values are beginning to become the influence for the convergence for the good working order of your societies from the family level to the local community at this time.


What is the cause of cancer spreading more now?


Roxie:  The first question from Russia is:  “It is known that our feelings, emotions and moral attitude to the surrounding life affect the occurrence of disease.  In the 70’s of last century, cancer was a rare disease.  How do you see, from your spiritual point of view, the cause of the widespread spread of cancer on the planet at the present time?”


MACHIVENTA:  There are several, at least 2 factors which can address that.  One is that the incidence of cancer has been prevalent throughout the history of all humanity, for the duration of its species.  It has become more widespread because of the improvement of diagnostic techniques and knowledges that have helped medical specialists identify cells that are proliferating and causing the death of individuals.  The association with individuals in stress and moral turmoil and ethical living is a major cause of cells to go awry.  Having peace in oneself, having their thoughts organized to being in good relationships or working relationships and to removing themselves from non-working relationships is essential to the maintenance of the body, so that the cells work in order.  Your bodies and the energetic system that supports them is a holism; it is a holism that is affected by outside factors as you have mentioned.  The prevalence of increasing stress and abuse and disorganization and chaos in a person’s life has become more and more widespread throughout civilization, thus you see more and more incidences of cancer.  When one practices meditation to be at oneness with their Thought Adjuster, to be at oneness with humanity that is within each individual and to absence themselves from the chaos around them is a major factor in being at peace physically.  Cancer is not a preferred operation or accepted within your body when the mind is at peace, when the energy is at peace and particularly when there is a connection with the God Presence within them.


This is not to say that those individuals who are highly spiritual do not get cancer, for you know and we know that they do.  And it is not a testament to their violation of their life at all, or to the tenets of morality and ethics and the values of social sustainability.  It is sometimes one of those factors that arise through heredity and the tolerance and the acceptance of foreign substances and molecules in the body which helps promote the growth of cells that go awry.


A problem reaching a consensus in a project team


Roxie:  The last question from Russia:  “How can consensus be reached in the local community when there are differences of opinion among the Project Team, which received its result and the results obtained by voting which is the majority of the community members?”


MACHIVENTA:  Even when there is a majority that has voted for a bill or some project, does not mean that even within the approving votes there are no dissenting individuals.  In that case it means that the individual has weighed the situation and has seen that there is a greater good in what is occurring.  Of course this too may be skewed by self-interests in some way.  For the minority vote there may be many individuals who have other ideas about what should be done and have their own opinions about what should occur.  Those individuals also constitute the whole of your public and of the voting public.  They are not excluded from the rest of the work of the team that is cooperating under the new policy or statute. 


It is essential in a democratic process that dissenting votes and opinions be recognized and acknowledged and voiced.  In democracies when dissenting votes and opinions are excluded simply because they are different the majority becomes a majority of ignorance which will lead to the demise of the larger group.  Dissenting individuals may have creative and ingenious ideas that are foreign to the majority; it is essential that those ideas be expressed so that they are shared with other individuals who may have like opinions about that, which eventually may arise to the sub-group becoming the dominant group and going the way of good for all.  It is the situation where dissenting groups become violent and exclude themselves and become isolationists where a society and community breaks down.  This is not a good working democratic process and it speaks to the lack of good enculturation of children and socialization of children in the early years to become working, contributing members to a functional local democracy.


[This is Daniel:  I need to wrap it up.


Roxie:  Okay, I will save the rest of the questions for next time.


Machiventa’s closing statements


MACHIVENTA:  As I am not only the presiding member of this team, this NOCO team, but also other teams around the world that TR and bring these messages through.  You realize, do you not that you are having immense influence upon our work just as we are trying to influence you and the rest of earth’s population.  Your input to us gives us a reality check on where we are as to our progress in the minds of individuals and the collective human mind and the consciousness of this world.  In that regard, I report that you and we are making an impact, though minor at this time, on the global consciousness of humanity.  It is beginning to change and you are beginning to see that reflected in the influence of the Angelic Corps through Nebadonia on this planet.  Through the coordination of the Angelic Corps, the Correcting Time missions and the work of myself and the celestials and all involved on this planet, we are having a positive influence.  What is not reported in the world to you is the decrease of violence in many places, the changing of minds of those who are abusive, those individuals who are bullies and so on.  You can see this in the #MeToo movement and we salute that effort.  That is certainly a thorough effort of the work of women, particularly of the Angelic Corps.  The feminine side of angels has had a highly positive influence on those women to come forward, even in their embarrassment to reveal what they have been subject to as victims.  We salute every one of you of this team and the readers and listeners and those other individuals who are of the light.  There is a convergence that is going on and it is you.  Thank you.
