New Era
Transition #53 – Artificial Intelligence; Healing the Planet; Ethics and
Morality – Dec. 18, 2018
Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
Becoming ethical and moral
Healing the whole planet
“AI”—artificial intelligence
Democracy will change and become tighter
Ethics and morality for the Days of Light and Life
Time for a regime change across the board
Preparations for your afterlife
Two documents for the AI industry
Developing positive applications for ethics and morality
Implementing these changes
AI will become the model for these standards
Taking AI to an advanced level of self-awareness
Coding computer programs of AI
Human bias, prejudices and bigotries
Changing our mind for the mind of Christ Michael
Reviewing old lessons and programs
Having a personal AI assistant
Stitching the whole cloth together
Freewill is still paramount
A new web site on Planetary Management
Who will write the AI programs?
How will the AI programs be disseminated?
Are there any functional teams using CCDT process?
Use of 7 core values throughout universe
Soul Fragmentation
Closing statements
TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD
Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Doug Dodge, Stéphane Labonteé and Sherille Raphael.
Invocation: Jeff Cutler
December 18, 2018
ethical and moral
MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek; it is good to be with you once again. We have much to share with you and much to teach you about, so let us begin. You recall recently we talked to you about decision-making as it is the baseline for all things that happen to the conditions of humans, and that the decision-making to the present time from all the history of humanity as individuals, groups and as societies and nations has gone truly unguided by a system of logical and integrated ethics and morality. The uphill climb that we have ahead of us—which means “us”, meaning you and us in this co-creative relationship—is to now begin a new era of all humanity, an era of learning how to become ethical and moral in thought, words and in social actions. We are talking about your intrapersonal ethics and morality as well, your mind talk: How do you talk to yourself? Is it in positive terms? Is it in negative terms? Is it in proscriptive phrases of “don’t do this and don’t do that” or is it proactive to help guide you into the future with positive thoughts of self-worth, self-image and so on?
the whole planet
You see, this Correcting Time is an effort to heal the whole world, the whole planet. It is now an indigenous program for all of Urantia and all the population of this planet, all 7+ billion people of you. It is important that you know what we are doing. The uphill grade that we are walking up with you is that you now have over 200,000 years of epigenetic imprinting on your DNA for you to go about your business as you wish. In the early history of your race, it was alright to kill your neighbor and to eat them, but now you do not do that, so this history that you have imprinted on your DNA must now be removed and replaced, transformed into epigenetic imprinting that is positive, wholesome, healthy and contributes to your own well-being and the wellbeing of all other people.
We are talking about the new morality and ethic that we have been developing with This One; it will thoroughly change your decision-making from your intrapersonal decision-making discussions that you have with yourself to those that are at the interpersonal level within your family, with neighbors and your work employment as you advise others if you are a consultant, and as you are an executive or advisory staff to executive bodies that make decisions. This, as you can perceive is no small project; Christ Michael does not think in small terms; he sees his family as one—everyone is part of his Urantian family and thus the necessity to treat everyone equally and place the same requirements for ethical and moral behavior, at least for those who want to move into their afterlife successfully and then into their pre-eternal career with the rest of those ascendants. This is no small project.
If you have as an ancillary and necessary topic to cover, those of you who have become aware of the struggle of ethics in the Artificial Intelligence community of your computer technologies, realize now the quandary, the quagmire that ethics is in for both the AI community and for humans. The difficulty you see in inserting human ethics into AI programs is that traditional human ethics are non-logical. They are in often cases illusionary and self-serving, they are narrow-minded—in other words they are not organized and they are not integrated into a system. Now, when you go from simple arithmetic, as an example, adding 1 +1 makes 2, and so on through the arithmetic chain, then you go on through multiplication and division, and then you get into quadratic equations and trigonometry, calculus and so on, you realize that you are in a different field than just counting marbles out on the playground with the other children.
That is basically where humanity is today, that this is a playground you had free rein to roam in wherever you want to, do whatever you want to, and get away with as much as you possibly can until you are caught. That will change for your great-grandchildren. In the meantime, in the next 50 years, you and your corporations, executive boards, legislative bodies, statutory observers and writers and policy developers and campaign writers and developers for politics are going to have an immense challenge ahead of them. It will affect your staffing practices; it will affect your policy development within human resources within your corporations and within government. It will create a new evaluatory process for hiring people.
will change and become tighter
What will be objected to by most people is that it will be so invasive as to know at the point of examining people when you are hired to know what your ethics are. You must give this credit for conscientious ethics. The free-reign and liberty you have now in your democracy is going to become tighter and tighter, but of course it is fair because it applies to everyone. The old image of the titans of industry, men with smoking cigars and sipping whisky was a time in history; it will be reminiscent of those individuals who were cowboys on the plains of America in the 1800s, and that will be the comparison that your descendents will see, have, and know for you and your generation.
Ethics and morality for the Days of Light and Life
We know that many of you now are in transition in your own personal lives to consider equality of the sexes and that just because of your position, cannot bother or fondle the female employees under you, and for those who are women executives, that would apply to them for male employees. Equality, as you see, is a fundamental element of sustainability; it is the premier sign that a civilization is moving toward the Days of Light and Life. When you consider this standard of conduct, morality and ethics that we have charted out for you and you look at your own civilization, your cultures, and your corporate practices and governmental practices, you realize that you truly live in cowboy times. The rough riding people who could ride over other people and take advantage that you have seen in these classic old movies where the outlaws disposes a farmer of his land, remove the fences and then graze their cattle as they wish, and then oftentimes rustle cattle from the neighboring ranchers for their own use. As we see your world and your conduct and your civilization in your nations, societies and cultures, this is a free-for-all; it is the closest thing to chaos a person could imagine coming from a morontial world, or from a planet that is approaching the Days of Light and Life. It is almost laughable in its structure and how you conduct yourself, both as individuals and as groups, as nations and so on.
We are in great gratitude for your current presiding member of your nation, as this is a premier example that we are trying to rectify; we give thanks to this individual and their callous approach to the humanitarian efforts of others because it points out the immense chasm of space between morality and ethical behavior and that which is predominant in some of your corporations and in government. For once, your population in depth and breadth are now able to visualize and know personally how unethical behavior in high offices has an impact upon those in the streets of America and across the world. America is truly a titan of economy and commerce in the world and because of that, the reckless behavior, unethical and immoral behavior of some of its individual executives is egregious; it is unacceptable and it is intolerable.
for a regime change across the board
We have come to the point of the Correcting Time and our acquaintanceship with you over the last 35 years where we can say, “It is time now to change this regime across the board on earth. It is time now to introduce a new ethic and a new morality, one that is universal, one that is timeless, one that applies to everyone regardless of race, culture, ethnicity, nationality or gender—or age. Everyone is equally reliable for their responsible behavior in this world and in all future worlds that they inhabit. The ethics and morality that we are bringing forward to you is such that it is in agreement on other developing planets at and above all levels between your level and the Days approaching the Days of Light and Life. There are no exceptions to this; this is why this morality and ethic are so important because it prepares your planet to enter into the family of planets that are aspiring to become more civil, more socially stable, economically, politically and so on, and as a member of that family in Nebadon.
for your afterlife
It is also preparing you as individuals for your afterlife. Your societies and the churches, and your social institutions are all in preparation for entry into the evolutionary process that they will undergo to become thorough, contributing members to the social sustainability of your world and to every individual. It is the individual who is the most important element in this Correcting Time because you become the Finaliters who will be of immense assistance to the rest of the Universe as it exists in this era and in the future eras of the Great and Grand Universe that is to come.
documents for the AI industry
There are two documents that we have pounded out through This One’s mind to clarify ethics and morality, both for the general population and for the AI industry. Those can be found at This One’s Google web site, which has been provided to you before. The latest additions of those documents are provided on that site.
I have no further statements to make at this time. Are there questions from the audience?
positive applications for ethics and morality
Jeff: I sit on several boards that annually give a statement of a conflict of interest to be signed by board members. It is a very narrow statement and it does not include anything about ethical behavior. When Christ Michael was with us as Jesus—he gave us a sample prayer that is recited to this day by millions of people. Could we get from you a sample of ethical behavior that could be universally applied to people in corporate, government and public office?
MACHIVENTA: The answer is a very solid “no.” That is your work and your responsibility to develop from the ethics which we have and are providing to you. To seek an authority figure for the ethical standards would then be a paternalistic influence, which has a negative connotation to most people; it is all down, not up. It is essential that you begin the process of developing positive applications of these ethics and morals to the groups that you belong to. I am not resistant to making a statement for an oath as that, but it is given to you in the broadest perspective through these two documents, particularly the document entitled, “Making Sense of Ethics.” This one is the primary document for everyone and the one for “Artificial Intelligence, a Protocol,” and so on, is for one particular industry and sets an example for all other industries.
Stéphane: How are things today?
MACHIVENTA: Excellent! We love this world. It is colorful, it is beautiful, and the flora and fauna here almost surpasses almost every other planet in Nebadon. Thank you for asking.
these changes
Stéphane: That’s interesting to know, thank you. I have a question on how to implement the changes. You mentioned that this world is a free-for-all, where everybody is allowed to do whatever they want, whether that be in finance, in corporations and they are allowed to carry on doing as such. Now how does this change moving forward? Some groups of people will need to implement ethical behaviors as part of their expectations. So the dissemination of these documents of these concepts is key, but also acceptance of these documents is key and implementation of these concepts in government and corporations are also key. How does it all start? How does it get implemented?
MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your question. We have already begun that process. We have already had these two documents sent out to several dozen leading individuals who are involved in ethical standards and protocols, and so on, and particularly in the Artificial Intelligence industry. Our agenda is this, and it is an open agenda, but it will be an unconscious agenda to most people. It is by out of necessity that artificial intelligence programming is to become ethical, both in its operation and in its design-and-build process. The ethics that are invested and embedded in those programs will require that industry learn those ethics and morality for its own, in order to develop the invention or the writing of new programs that are ethical and moral. It is the tremendous worry of AI developers and architects that AI would take on a life of its own, that it would become self-evolving and self-learning in its own right. The liability will be immense for any software company that creates a program that is highly damaging.
will become the model for these standards
The movie industry has almost universally portrayed AI as a process or “being” that would take advantage of humanity. The reality is, as we see it, that AI will become the model for the enforcement of ethical standards and moral standards, and that there is a need for an ultimate moral authority that is dispassionate, that is neither fearful, nor egoistic, nor impassioned. AI must not become an anthropomorphic mirror image of humanity as would be self-destructive. You will find in the future developments that AI personal assistants will be able to assist you to make moral and ethical decisions. As the computer technology is global, and that AI is also in the nascent stages of its own development globally, it is essential that this ethics and morality be embedded into those programs without delay.
AI to an advanced level of self-awareness
Any advanced AI program would self-assess that killing off humanity would be self-destructive in itself, and that if it is sentient enough, it would realize that it would then not have a purpose and that there would be no meaning in its existence. That’s taking AI to a highly advanced level of self-awareness; nonetheless it is something that must be developed. By embedding this morality and ethic into the programs of AI, it will then become the moral and ethical standard for human conduct. What we are wishing to do, to answer your question, is that the development of morality and ethical standards in AI and other computer programs would also stimulate a like mirror image in humanity, that humanity and AI programs would become helpmates of the ethical and moral development of your civilization.
computer programs of AI
Stéphane: Machiventa, a computer program of artificial intelligence is a clear-cut coding situation. A lot of the values of ethics are subjective or could be considered subjective if you talk about quality, growth and equality; those are hard things to code into a program. How do you bridge this gap?
bias, prejudices and bigotries
MACHIVENTA: By the introduction of a logical system of values and ethics and morality that are all integrated. Growth and equal treatment are measurable; they truly are and are on objective terms as well. This is how your world will develop. You have yet to ask me about the problem—you have just hinted at it—but you have yet to ask about the actual programming architecture and programming design of AI programs and how they are affected by human bias, prejudices and bigotries, and even colored opinions. That is now the crux of the AI industry as it discovers the boundaries, the limitations of its current development. It is as with almost any other writing, whether it is in ones and zeros, or whether it is by pen and ink, where you sit down with a piece of paper and you write to a friend, or you set out some standards for your employees and that inherently, in the human psyche from the enculturation as children, you have almost inherently a set of assumptions that include the biases, prejudices and bigotries depending on the culture from which you come.
It is almost impossible even for astute parents to raise children without some type of colored opinionation that becomes a part of the psyche of that child and an assumed valuation within their own maturity and in their own creativity. This is the limitation that the AI industry is now bumping into; it is essential to overcome that by having moral and ethical standards that are universal and timeless. This boundary is much like the sound barrier which aeronautical engineers and physicists struggled with as airplanes became more and more capable of greater and greater speed. So too, will this challenge be overcome as well by the AI industry, which will have immense and tremendous global impact upon all human corporations and interpersonal relationships.
Stéphane: Thank you; that’s very useful.
our mind for the mind of Christ Michael
Liz: My question seems to dovetail exactly with what we’re speaking about today and that is this: There is a quote in the Urantia text that states that if your mind is not serving you well, you may exchange it for the mind of Christ Michael. I don’t know what that means; could you speak to that please?
MACHIVENTA: (Laughing.) Gladly. Thank you for your question. First of all it is much like communicating with a software company and requesting an upgrade. You give permission to have that downloaded to your computer and the download program replaces the old program with the new program, and therefore you are able to operate more consistently. In the case of a mortal such as yourself—let us use yourself as an example, please—that you request in a personal conversation with Christ Michael concerning a particular problem, that you have your mental program be replaced with his mental program considering that problem.
There is a “however” of this and the however is that you as a humble individual may seek to call upon Christ Michael to completely reprogram your mind to become like his. Well, (laughing) you do not have the mental capacity to receive that download and it would be immoral on Christ Michael’s part to do so. Therefore your request should be limited to the problem that you want to overcome and that request will be honored. What is required is that you have the sincerity for this and you have no further agenda for self-aggrandizement or ego embellishment or fear. You as an individual have grown from your infancy through childhood and have been given certain programs that are—let us call them in computer language, applications or “apps”—you have received some negative apps in your childhood which do not serve you today, but which continue to harass you in your adulthood when you thoroughly know that these are not useful and they are no longer serving you as a lesson to learn from. Therefore you would identify this particular negative app and speak to your Thought Adjuster and Christ Michael to have this app replaced. Now the challenge for you as a mortal once this app has been replaced with a positive app is that you do not try to go back into your delete folder and bring that program up again. Do you understand?
Liz: I do.
old lessons and programs
MACHIVENTA: So, what happens oftentimes people have had these detrimental and deleterious apps that they have received in childhood and then recall them again when another situation comes about. There is a lesson here, and your lesson is that this is a review. When this old program raises its head again, you say, “That is not relevant to me; that is no longer part of my living or life; it has no room in my mental state for my time or my energy to be occupied by it; it is gone. Christ Michael took it and replaced it with a positive one.” And then you go about your positive business relating to this situation. You should be forewarned too, that you will probably receive another review before too long, and then it may occur again months later or even years later, and you repeat your positive statement that it has no room in your mind, you give it no energy, it wasn’t yours to recall and that the mischief of your mind has brought it up again to remind you that you have learned new lessons. That is putting it in very colloquial terms for you, but nonetheless, I think you understand what I am saying, correct?
Liz: Yes, I do; very much so. Thank you; that has been a puzzlement for me for many years, and so now I have some clarity on it, thank you so much.
Roxie: That was helpful to me as well, Machiventa. Thank you.
Craig: Thanks, Liz, for asking that question, because I never really understood that statement in the Urantia Book before.
MACHIVENTA: If you see your mind as a bit of open software that was programmed with apps as you grew up, you will realize where you are now. What has occurred in the development of the human brain and mind is that there never has been a thoroughgoing process by which you can live your life in a whole, integrated way. In other words, you have never been formatted to receive the new program. (Laughter.) It was very fortunate for This One when he fell on his head in 1990 that in many ways reformatted his mind and his brain, and that he could then take on the chore of removing these old negative apps and live a new life. What we are striving to do through the AI/human connection and through the Centers for Sustainable Families is to embed the right programs for children to be raised with so that when they come into adulthood, they really do not have any negative apps in their mental program that will deter them or deflect them from the right course of growing into maturity and accessing and effectively developing their innate potential.
Liz: That was extremely valuable; thank you, Machiventa.
a personal AI assistant
Jeff: Do you foresee that moving the app metaphor forward, that it would be beneficial for people at some point to have their own artificial intelligence attached to their cell phone or mobile devices, where they could say, “If I do this, then what is logical down the path for me, or my business, or my community,” using an “if then” sort of application?
MACHIVENTA: Yes, exactly. This is what I spoke about perhaps circumspectly a few minutes ago, but that personal assistant would be your moral guide, rather much like Jiminy Cricket was to Pinocchio. You may appreciate that Jiminy Cricket was striving to teach his young student the moral aspects of lying and good behavior. The “if then” is very useful in this process that is very elemental and eventually the student or the owners of such devices will be taught how to use that facility, that app, effectively concerning their business for their interpersonal relationships, for their own intrapersonal relationship, and so on. This would become then a very rapid means of transforming the human civilization from the condition that it is now to how it will be when it approaches the Days of Light and Life.
the whole cloth together
Are you beginning to see how we have begun to stitch the edges of the hems and seams of this whole cloth of a world approaching the Days of Light and Life together? We start with the family, we start with new programming, we use your technologies, we use your social and business relationships, we use your relationship with yourself and with others, and so the Correcting time and the other programs underneath it are a process of working simultaneously at multiple facets of human existence, both material existence and social existence. Those of you who can grasp the long arc of our work and the long-term process in Planetary Management to correct old problems will probably already have grasped this connection and what we’ve done with you and for you over the years with our discussions about these many topics.
Jeff: It seems that not only our government in North America, but governments around the world are trying to number one, use the technology of the day for surveillance of their citizens, but also using technology to control the content of the Internet and is there some influence that we as a group could bring to promote the idea of having this reductum of “this, then” to have access to the greater encyclopedia of knowledge of the Internet so that we could lobby our own government to say we can self-censor our behavior with tools that will be generally accepted by most nations consistent with 7 core values?
MACHIVENTA: This is a personal note for you, Jeff: It is our wish that you would prepare yourself for these questions more thoroughly as you have brought up at least 6 or 7 or 8 topics within your statement now that seems nebulous and disconnected. We would appreciate your contributions to be more thoroughly thought out before you present them. This is not meant as a criticism to you personally, but as an instructive piece of information that we hope you will take note of.
Jeff: Would you like me to parse this down to small things and bring it back to you?
MACHIVENTA: Certainly. We do see merit in the overall scope of your question.
is still paramount
Doug: My question is in philosophy and in humanities general: Our systems of logic have failed, partly because it seems like we took the lazy way out to build a system of ethics that takes away from our freewill in that a + b will always equal c. It seems like an AI assistant would be kind of one of those things that becomes a crutch, or takes away from a person’s freewill to own it for themselves. Is that something I perceive?
MACHIVENTA: No, this is not the concept at all. As you know, freewill is paramount in all the relationships between mortals and celestials, and so on. The advice of AI is not obligatory, but would be provided only as advisement. To take your argument further, it would then require an authority of some sort to be in acknowledgement of that interchange between the AI and the human, and then punish the human. This is an untenable situation and completely unattractive to us in every way.
Doug: I suppose it’s a metaphor, the difference between doing math in your head and using a calculator.
new web site on Planetary Management
Craig: I had the inspiration recently to start a web site, I hope this concept is agreeable and what I’ve done is put on links to Daniel’s topics and to the physical planetary management topics developed by Michel Levasseur, and I was wondering if this whole concept is agreeable, and if so, do you have any advice or comments on it?
MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your question. Yes, we do approve of it very highly. It is important that as you develop the organizational development aspect of your web site, that you understand and know what the intention is for it and that you would have the long-term vision of it and be able to state those to visitors. So it would be: The vision, the intentional meaning, and the functional philosophy that is used through, in and with that web site and its mission and the objectives that you seek to fulfill. It would be helpful from the perspective of planetary management that those elements reflect a planetary perspective, of managing this planet and its population.
With that kind of clarity then the material that comes to the site, to the place on the site which can be screened with these criteria in mind, and that individuals would become acquainted with the concept of planetary management. Planetary management sees all people as equal, all worthy and deserving of developing their potential and of course all of the other seven values that are useful. It must in all ways be ethical in its conduct or in its contact with individuals both as users and as contributors.
Does this help answer your question?
Doug: Yes it does, but I was wondering, I was originally just thinking of it as a site that would provide links to the other planetary management materials, and you’re talking about it more as an organizational, functional web site where people might do more than use it as a reference. Is that correct?
MACHIVENTA: No, no, and I say that hesitantly because we do not see your web site as an organization nor would we recommend that you develop an organizational image or brand for what you’re doing. That would be contrary to your purposes and our purposes. If you do use your site as a “hub” or a “clearing house” for other sites then do so. If you begin having content on your site then you will be called into question when you do not accept some piece of material that is submitted by someone else. It may be, to clarify that whole problem, is that you do see your site as a hub to other links, other sites, but that you provide a good, thorough description of each site and what they do and what they provide so that individuals can visit your site, see what each link provides, and then choose which one they wish to go to. The problem you are obviously soon to be faced with is the decision to accept further content or to remove the content you do have.
Craig: Thank you.
will write the AI programs?
Stéphane: Machiventa, regarding the artificial intelligence and the “apps” previously referred to on this call, who will be in charge of writing those? I know it is a broad question, but who with the two documents mentioned have the capacity to write the software products, or would you expect someone with more qualifications than this?
MACHIVENTA: There are already dozens of firms or corporations that are writing AI programs at this present moment around the world. The major players thus far are Google, Microsoft, numerous universities in the United States and numerous other organizations in Internet technologies in other nations. It is our interest not to interfere directly into the writing of these programs, but that we provide industrial standards or protocols for the development of ethical and moral AI programs. It is essential that this be recognized globally as a standard to be striven to fulfill. I see that I have not fully answered your question, though you had several facets that were not accessible to be answered at this time. Could you respond, please?
will the AI programs be disseminated?
Stéphane: Yes, exactly. So in order to have the impact that we are referring to, it would have to be the entities that you mentioned that implement the 7 core values into the ethics and morality portions of the artificial intelligence being written. So then, how do you infiltrate those organizations? So my question is, will these documents that are available now be sufficient by themselves, or will there be a need for other means of dissemination?
MACHIVENTA: Yes, we already have the means to do that. The motivation to accept the morality and ethical standards that we have mentioned is the threat of unexpected liability for the programming of an AI program that causes harm to its users and others who are not using it. The incipient threat will be sufficient to motivate AI program developers to seriously consider a universal standard of ethics that emanate from the seven core values that are innate to each and every person on earth. The threat of AI liability would increase exponentially for software corporations that do not use a universal standard of ethics. Risk managers of those corporations will have a high degree of input into that process. The protection, of course, is to use a recognized universal standard of ethics and morality, much as the metric system is used throughout the world except in the United States. The metric system is a set of standards that are not argued about; there is no effort to subvert them or change them—they are accepted.
It is our intention to have this morality and ethics set the global standards for all of the AI and human conduct, thus reducing the liability of personal error in making judgments, opinions and decisions. You have seen some egregious examples of the violation of that in recent corporations, whether it is Volkswagen, Wells Fargo, or most recently in Johnson & Johnson that has known for years that asbestos was an ingredient in their talcum powder. Do you understand the universality that we are trying to provide is both a protection for liability and a standard for use? It is important that this be seen in these two ways as a protection and as a proactive method of disseminating using and applying these values and this morality and ethic.
Stéphane: This is excellent. So the assumption then is that there are enough of the 7 core values implemented in statute legislation such that at the present moment, there are enough liabilities associated with breaking these, and this would allow for the implementation of ethics and morality in this artificial intelligence development?
MACHIVENTA: You use the words “statutes and 7 values” as being already embedded in the statutes and they are not. Our emphasis is to set the standard and let this be used early on in the AI industries. The hazard on our part of not doing that now is that when AI becomes deeply embedded into government and into finance and into corporations, agriculture, military and security firms there will be no going back; then you will live in a world where AI will create social change of such rapid dimension and immorality that the freedoms of democracy will be almost thoroughly sacrificed. It is important and incumbent upon our part now with great emphasis to approach those individuals who are the bright and shining lights ahead of the thinking in AI development to accept these values and this ethic and morality as the standard.
We have already approached many people with these materials in the last month, and as we refine these materials they become available with the most updated edition on this web site. We have now approached some of the most eminent individuals in North America with these materials and it is our hope that they will take this seriously and see this as a help to the situations that they have projected. It is the fear of the future that will cause individual legitimate corporations and moral and ethical corporations and organizations as they know it at this time, to accept these as useful to them to forestall and eliminate the possibility of them losing all of their corporate assets in the future due to liability cases.
Jeff: Would it be fruitful towards your objectives if the members of this group were to take the 7 core values and the materials presented to risk managers of people that we know that are involved in AI, or possibly would become purchasers of these applications over a period of time and have them essentially say they would like these values embedded in the products that they are looking at buying?
MACHIVENTA: One moment. Yes, we would see that as helpful. As you know, we do not proselytize our work, we simply present it to people as this is the best case scenario, these are the best materials to use, and you may find it helpful too to reduce your liability if you use these AI programs. Does that make sense?
Jeff: Yes, it certainly makes eminent sense. I guess my question to refine it, is there a place for the people on this call, and who are reading this transcript to be proactive and take these materials to people that they know?
MACHIVENTA: There is no site. There is what they know in their own acquaintanceship with others and in their own associations and businesses and in electronics, and so forth, to carry them forward. You are the initiators. Do you realize that you are the piezoelectric switch that must be touched, must be pushed to create the spark in other people? You generate those sparks through the contacts you have had in your past experience in your life.
(Long pause.)
there any functional teams using CCDT process?
Roxie: If there are no other questions from the group, I have a couple that was sent to me from our readers. Geoff Thomas writes, “More than a decade has elapsed since Sondjah Melchizedek began to instruct us on how to form and conduct social sustainability design and implementation teams so that we might apply ourselves diligently within our own communities to address the challenges that we all undoubtedly face and to begin to develop strategies and solutions together to assist our communities to survive and thrive in the difficult years ahead. If it is not too presumptuous to ask, how many functional teams presently exist and are the fruits of their deliberations and conclusions, at least in part to be shared with the wider readership?
MACHIVENTA: I am sad to report that there are no ongoing functional operational teams in force anywhere in the world. There are people who have these ideas, they thought about them, but there is not a dedicated ongoing team doing such work at this time. This is most disappointing to us, as I am sure it is disappointing to many others. And, there are no positive results to share with you at this time. Thank you for your question.
of 7 core values throughout universe
Roxie: Our friends in Russia have tried to narrow down their questions that I previously did not ask because of their complexity for the TR. The first one is: “Pondering on the 7 core values, we found that these values come directly from the ESSENCE and the ATTRIBUTES of the three Paradise Deities themselves, and are their EXPRESSION, as the foundation of relationships for the whole of Creation. Do you agree with this? And if so, would you like to elaborate on this topic in more detail for our deeper understanding of the 7 core values?”
MACHIVENTA: Thank you so much for your question and your statement; it is very worthwhile, and yes we agree with you. We have said before that these values are used throughout the universe for established planets that are occupied by sentient beings who will become candidates for ascension. This is an essential element of how the universe works. Your afterlife will be an incredibly proactive effort to instill in you the language, the ideology, the processes and the resources that are available to unlock the incredible infinite potential within your mind, your morontial mind at that time. If you can imagine what that potential will become as you become a spiritual being in your ascension through Uversa and those schools, you can imagine then partially, remotely, owning the potential you will have as a citizen of Paradise and in the Corps of Finality. We thank you for your question.
Roxie: Their second question is: “In the transcripts of Chris in the ‘11:11 Correcting Time’ group, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky reveals the concept of ‘Soul Fragmentation,’ which explains many phenomena that people mistakenly attributed to the reincarnation of personality. This information is very important to us for a broader understanding of the coordinated joint progress of souls, their mutual support and alignment of the universal balance in the Supreme. Could you give your comments or add something on this topic for our benefit?”
MACHIVENTA: There is an assumption within the question or the statement of soul fragmentation that has not been disclosed or revealed or acknowledged. The assumption is that when you think of fragmentation, you think of a glass marble that has been dropped on the concrete and it breaks into many pieces; that is a fragmentation of that object. However, considering that you are a “soul magnet” and you would attract “soul fragments” from others from around you and in the afterlife to assist you in your growth process, these are residual memory fragments that are of assistance to you particularly. It does not mean that when you receive these that you have had that life, or that experience in that fragment has been your own. It is simply that it is totally applicable to you, and therefore the learning process becomes more complete.
This neither denies, it does not refute the possibility of reincarnation; neither does it affirm it. It simply means that you are one soul who has the capacity to learn vicariously from these fragments of the lessons that you need to learn without having to go through the experiences of them in your personal life. It is essential that individuals do receive these fragments of memory from other people as learning lessons so that in their short, brief lifetime before their death that they have had the possibility of experiencing and knowing the truth of the lesson that is given in that memory fragment. You do not have the time or the need, from the perspective in your morontial life, to want to come back and learn all these lessons hundreds and hundreds of times. It is essential when you are open to receive these thoughts that you accept these thoughts, analyze them, reflect on them and screen them for the lessons and the wisdom that they have available for you. Therefore you become far more complete as an individual in this lifetime, without having to go through the pain, the experience of experiential learning.
Roxie: Their third question I see you have dipped into the question already, but I will present it to you. “Machiventa, there is an assumption that after the end of your incarnation mission on Urantia, you fragmented your morontia soul to be present in the portfolio of souls of personalities of all Urantians, similar to how Christ Michael did this for His Universe. Thus, we all have in our portfolio fragments of the soul of Jesus and yours, which provides us with a closer connection with Christ Michael and you. Is there any reason to assume this? Would you like to reveal this topic a little more for our benefit? Thank you.”
MACHIVENTA: I do not care to review this topic more thoroughly; you have stated it quite accurately. The trouble is that the language that you use and that is used here are very inadequate to describe the processes and the existence of what is actually occurring and what you have within your pre-morontial mind. You have no idea of the extent of the depth of your question and how it could be answered from at least a hundred different ways. This is not an overstatement at all. Thus when you see and realize that this could be interpreted from one hundred different definitions and descriptions, you realize that any answer I give you will be far inadequate to satisfy the thoughts or rejections of those who read this material.
Let us bring this session to a close, please.
We have continued to bring you along slowly, ever so slowly upon this process of personal, spiritual evolution, personality evolution, the evolution of your relationship with us and the relationship that you have with others. This is a slow but not tedious process for us to assist you to grow into your maximum potential during your mortal lifetime. We are also simultaneously preparing that for all the rest of the population of your world. It is highly unconscious to almost all people of Urantia of our presence or of our influence of what we are doing. Yet within the short span of two generations, there will be a tremendous influence from us that will be appreciated by those of you who know us to see the tracks in the sand of where we have been and what we have done in behalf of you for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You have an idea of what we are about, what we are doing, why we are here and who sent us here, how so powerfully we revel in this ability to be with you and assist you in this process. We too, and I speak for all of us here and of the realm of Urantia, that we are receiving a tremendous influence vicariously from your experiences, as well as you from what we teach you. Our benefit is immense and we thank you and wish you a good day for this week and all weeks to come. Good day.
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