2019-6-17, NET #66, Machiventa


New Era Transition #66 – Epigenetics; Ultimatonic Energy; Spiritual Receptivity – June 17, 2019 


Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager



Epigenetics in national populations

Planetary Managers in training

Management of Urantia is difficult

Epigenetics in totalitarian states

Sharing the Teaching Mission and celestial communications

The establishment of the new free web site

The web site is for those seeking, curious individuals

What needs to be in the new archive web site

Should our questions be asked personally?

Can our questions in our meditations be heard?

How are our prayers directed to the correct person?

Question on ultimatonic energy and other energies

Different methods of getting free energy

Developing Craig’s new battery design

This has been a co-creative project

Proof points of our progress

Will the cataclysms increase spiritual receptivity?

When will everyone have to make a choice?

What alternative did the rebels propose?

Are black holes really dark gravity bodies?

Question on when Christ Michael was created

A question on the Akashic Construct process of healing

This is a time to ask questions about your growth

The celestials are here on an educational mission


TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD


Members present:  Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Sherille Raphael and Stéphane Labonteé (in absentia).


Invocation:  Roxie


June 17, 2019


Epigenetics in national populations


MACHIVENTA:  Good morning once again, this is Machiventa Melchizedek.  Today for my opening statement I will review a piece of work that we had discussed some time ago that has to do with epigenetics, but this time we will apply it to national populations.  On one hand you see that there are a number of democratic nations with billions of people who enjoy democracy and the freedoms that it provides and the liberty to pursue their own agenda for their lives, at least as long as it does not jeopardize that of others.  This is akin to the original nature of humanity of your species.  It is the state of organized social existence with the constrained liberties and freedoms that your ancient ancestors enjoyed hundreds of thousands of years ago.  You see in this long history, those values—the 7 values we have spoken of—are innate to your species and to each one of you.  The freedom and liberty under laws is something that you have come to enjoy because the fundamentals of democracy are innate to your own being.  Many dozens of nations have come to become democracies; some are emerging, some are developing and some are developed.  Yet each one of those democratic nations still exists in a state of original formation of its founding; none have progressed to the third state of democracy, which we encourage you to pursue. 


Having said that, and setting that aside for a moment, we need to discuss totalitarian nations.  We would include Russia, Venezuela, and China.  There are other nations around the world in various continents that emulate these same totalitarian, dictatorial, and autocratic formats.  When you see the news and see the violence in Venezuela, and you recognize what happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989, and you see what occurred in Russia in 1989, you now see that these nations have regressed to the states of autocracy.  How is that so?  And why and how is it acceptable by the majority of population to let this be?  The answer to that question has to do with the ancient establishment of autocracies and totalitarianism in those nations centuries ago—many centuries ago.  As you may recognize from your Russian history, Russia was governed by Czars and Emperors and Empresses for many centuries, and with the middle ground of the apparatchik, and then the lowly serfs.  Though the serfs constituted well over 90% of the population of Russia, serfdom was a governed service.  It was like being in indentured service for the rest of your life that you work at the behest of landowners, the nobility, and everyone at the direction of the Czar.  As a serf, you knew no other opportunities, you were not given the opportunity to open your own business or to farm your own land—though there were some exceptions to that—and that in the main, this sort of service between those who governed and those who were governed became embedded as behaviors in their DNA. 


You also remember the history of the 1800’s and the late 1700’s with the rebellion of the United States Colonists and the Jacobinites in France in 1789, and then the revolutions in the 1800’s, and finally in 1917 the Russians had their own revolution and the Romanov family was killed.  Now when it comes to China, their history of autocracy, totalitarian dynasties is millennia old; it has existed and is embedded deeply, deeply into the genetic structure of behaviors of its population.  It is something that the ordinary person has come to expect and anticipate as part of their own life.


Now, opposite that, you will see what is happening in Hong Kong.  [For 157 years Hong Kong was a colony under British rule, followed by 13 years of joint governing transitional era.]  Citizens were granted the right to vote, and so on.  Their DNA became embedded with the behavior of the freedoms that they had enjoyed, the same that their ancient ancestors had enjoyed many millennia ago.  Now you are seeing the open rebellion/revolt in street demonstrations in Hong Kong of millions of people who are opposed to extradition to mainland China for prosecution.  It is a matter of opposing the extradition policies of the Governor of Hong Kong where individuals who were charged would be taken into Mainland China to be prosecuted.  This is adamantly repugnant to Hong Kong citizens who have enjoyed and appreciated the freedoms that they have enjoyed under British rule and which expanded under their own enclave.


Planetary Managers in training


As students in training to become Planetary Managers, this is something that you must take into account in your policies that you develop for the re-education of citizens so that they want to follow the Will of God, and will to do God’s Will in their lives.  Now, you also have wondered why the Days of Light and Life haven’t begun already.  What is it that is keeping us from that?  Well, dear friends, you are one; you are one population of this planet and it is necessary that the populations of this world fairly well progress together, and that we augment and enforce and recommend and suggest to the minds of individuals who make those decisions that doing the activities of oneness is something that would be good for your whole planet and for the advancement of your civilization.  Yes, as you know from the Urantia Book, there is another planet that has two continents: one continent is advanced and the other is not.  However in this case, there are really only three landmasses on your world.  One is North and South America, the other is Euro-Asia, and then Australia.  There are large islands about, including Greenland, which has almost no population, not to discredit those individuals who live there.


Management of Urantia is difficult


So you see, working as a Planetary Manager on Urantia is most difficult because you have populations that are geographically juxtaposed with a common border.  How to advance one nation when another one is lagging so far behind is difficult.  There is a “however”—the however is the people who are under the subjugation of totalitarian rule, do see and appreciate those individuals who have their freedoms and can pursue the fulfillment of their own lives’ potential, acting out in peaceful ways of the 7 values of social sustainability that are innate to your species.  In that regard, what is essential is the education by one means or another to educate those individuals who are behind the enclosed walls of totalitarianism.  Radio Free Europe was one of them, and there have been others over the decades in the past.  Now you have the Internet with the ability to broadcast to foreign nations from satellite to assist them in knowing what is going on in the world and what they are missing, and how to appreciate the advancement even at the sacrifice of their own lives to achieve a like standard of living as other nations.


I provide this little discussion here today to help you appreciate the status of your world, the incredible transition you as a world are going through.  You have huge societies that are now in transition, yet there are many regimes and social institutions that are crystallized, archaic and holding back the progress of their nations, even within democratic societies.  This too, as you know if, you are a student of Planetary Management, that this will change because people are enjoying the values that are innate to their heredity, and that when those are restricted by one form or another by their government, then they will resist that.  As a Planetary Manager, what would you suggest?  That is both a rhetorical question and a practical question.  The answer to the rhetorical question is that you would bring about some process that would resolve these difficult, archaic, antiquarian social institutions by presenting a manifesto, so to speak, that offers those individuals a possibility, with instructions and processes, to not only recover what your former generations and forefathers enjoyed, but that would in fact advance their values and their democratic and political process to the point where there would be no other opportunity but to evolve or devolve.  Your most democratic nations that are fully developed are now regressing; they are devolving into more authoritarian forms of government, even within your own democracy.  We also say not to incite anybody’s anger, that the elections you hold every 2 years are truly a façade for the control of the masses.


I am sure that George Orwell and Buckminster Fuller would have much to say about these comments as well.  I am now open to receive your questions.




Epigenetics in totalitarian states


Craig:  Would it be the case then in these totalitarian states that the majority would be imbued with epigenetics of being in a powerless somewhat slave-like state while there would be a small minority of families that have epigenetics that say that, “We’re superior and have to control the masses”?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes and no.  I agree with part of what you are saying, but the reality for nations that have experienced some forms of democracy in the past makes the revolts easy to come by and the willingness to sacrifice their lives a willing necessity as well.  In those nations—such as Russia and China—they are totalitarian and that yes, they are in the main their epigenetics is toward accepting higher authority.  However, what occurred in Europe and Russia in 1989 and onward through the disintegration of Russia into its original states gives people an idea of a democracy, and as you can see in the Ukraine where there is tremendous resistance to Russia.  In China, you are right because the difference between nations that are democratic and nations that have experienced democracy is the fact that there are large populations in some autocracies which accept being subjugated, being subject to the rule of the authorities, with only a small minority who are in control.  Those who are in control accept totalitarianism as a necessary part of their own ego-state.  I believe I have left something out here, but you are welcome to ask questions for clarification.


Craig:  As usual, you have given us a lot to think about and I haven’t thought about what might have been left out.


Sharing the Teaching Mission and celestial communications


Liz:  Machiventa, I have a good friend who is a long-time Urantia Book reader and she vehemently denies the Teaching Mission and any form of celestial communication, and that breaks my heart as I know it does yours.  I’m wondering how to approach her or others because the approach that I tried did not work.  I think she’s on the verge, but I don’t know.  Do you have suggestions for me?


MACHIVENTA:  Certainly.  Thank you for your question.  First, it is always best to compliment their belief system and then you would ask them or say, “Well what about all the passages in the Urantia Book that speak to evolving revelation, and revelation in the current generations?  Are those exceptions, or are they just an aberration, or are they a mistake by Sadler and the crew in the Forum to leave those things in when you think they should be removed?”  And so you play the angel’s advocate here trying to lead her into light.  That is one technique. 


The establishment of the new free web site


The other technique which we are now appreciating more and more is the establishment of your free web site which will have articles on revelation from the Urantia Book that support the development of the Teaching Mission, and in fact are that part of the “quivering on the brink,” quoted from the later pages of the Urantia Book.  We always play the long game; we follow the long arc of cultures, of which even the conservative Urantia Book readers are a part of that arc, and that arcs are always self-reinforcing that deny that possibility of growth and evolution and positive social change even belief change.  Those always give way through the reasoning power, intellectual power of thinking readers, whether that is a book by Tolstoy, or whether that is the Urantia Book, and also whether it is the Bible or the Koran. 


The web site is for those seeking, curious individuals


There will always be those individuals who are enlightened and who are open to new thinking and new paradigms of interpretation of the old text.  The wonderful thing about you humans is that you are very curious, and you like to have things at peace, and whenever there is destruction in your ideology, you seek answers.  Your job here in the web site is to provide those answers to those seeking, curious individuals who want to more clearly identify their ideologies so they more accurately fulfill doing God’s Will.  We too, know that they will to do God’s Will and that they are fervent and active in this, but they truly have not thought through the assumptions of their conservative ideology; they must begin to examine that with new eyes, and this is where your guardian and your Thought Adjuster come into play. 





What needs to be in the new archive web site


The Most Highs come into play in the development of your web site and other organized processes of disseminating the full truths—not the partial truths—but the full truths of the Urantia Book.  And of course those full truths include continuing revelation, and then that opens the door for the question, “Well then, what is that revelation?  Is there a consistency?  Is there integrity?  How do we know that this is true and this is true revelation?  What are the primary precepts of discernment to know truth?  And what is truth?  How do we know truth?  How do we validate this truth in these revelations?”  These are essential factors of your own ideology within the Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission.  You must be able to provide those same critiques of your material that you would provide critiques to their material.  And so, you are subject to your own rules, the rules of validation, the rules of trueness and straight agreement that complements and is in alignment with doing God’s Will and Christ Michael’s Correcting Time and his life as Jesus.  With those guidelines in mind, you have powerful tools to develop and teach your readers, even skeptical readers, to know how to reinterpret their founding documents.


Should our questions be asked personally?


Liz:  Thank you for that answer.  I have a couple of other questions, maybe not quite as weighty.  When we can’t be present on this call in person, should we send our questions in to be asked by someone else, or would it be more advantageous for us to wait and ask them personally?


MACHIVENTA:  We always appreciate your personal presence as you bring your own personal energy and aura with you, and we know that.  Having a surrogate ask your questions is acceptable; we know the sincerity of your questions that are behind the written words that are read, and so we know in greater clarity what your intentions are, even though we do not use all of our faculties to understand your thinking where you are at the present moment.  That would be taking a lot for granted in our relationship, and in the authenticity of your questions.  Though we can answer your questions more fully by doing so, we more authentically can answer your questions when you are here in person or when they are read by someone else.  It is your choice, dear one.


Can our questions in our meditations be heard?


Liz:  If I speak to you personally in my meditation, can you hear me?


MACHIVENTA:  (Chuckling.)  Oh, ho, ho, dear one I have been listening to your words for so many years!  You are here because we have long prepared you to be here, and you have chosen to be here.  Yes, we do try to influence your thinking by giving you options, but we never deny you the opportunity to say, “No I do not want to be there,” or “I do not want to do that.”  But here you are!



How are our prayers directed to the correct person?


Liz:  But I don’t understand how that works.  How do our prayers and our thoughts, how are they sorted so that they go to the person to whom we direct them?


MACHIVENTA:  Oh, good question, but it has been answered numerous times in the past and the answers are these:  First of all, as you know what Christ Michael said in the Urantia Book, “God knows you from your heart message.”  It is not your verbal words that are listened to, but to the intent and what is in your heart.  Your intent is highly important to set the tone of receiving what you are saying.  If your intention is to simply recite simple prayers that you learned in church, then those are not heard very clearly; however, the song of your heart that supports those prayers is felt and is known.  We truly want to have a conversational relationship with you, and that you know clearly what your intent in talking to us is about, why you are doing it, and that you are sure of your intention and the spirit of your heart in asking those questions or making those statements. 


There is so much repetition in the religions that is of no substance to us as being meaningful—they are relevant, but they are not meaningful—and there is a big difference between those two words and the prayers that are given.  If you want to beseech God, you can do that if you want to.  If you say, “Dear Father, this is your child, (so and so), know that I love you from the deepest parts of my heart and my intention for my life is to emulate your own spirit of generosity and love in this world, both for myself and for everyone around me.”  And you might ask too, “And I ask for your guidance in how to become effective without becoming gullible, so I can be of greater assistance to Christ Michael and Nebadonia and Machiventa in the management of this world.”  You see the difference?  Do you feel this?  (Liz:  Yes.)


The intention and the heartfelt vibration emanates from within you, and this is what your Thought Adjuster has been seeking and trying to teach you over the years.  You know when you hear the truth around you, when it resonates with your Thought Adjuster that you get a shiver in your body, or you get goose bumps, or something like that.  Those are validators of authenticity.  When you hear the recitation of the Hail Marys and the Rosary, and it does not raise goose bumps, then you might think of some other wordage.


Liz:  Thank you very much.


Question on ultimatonic energy and other energies


Craig:  I have a couple of questions on the topic of energy.  The first one is I’ve been thinking of the short-space rays that have a lot of energy that shine down everywhere all the time, and I’ve also heard the phrase “ultimatonic energy” go by a few times.  I’m wondering, are we talking about different sources of energy, or the same one just expressed differently?


MACHIVENTA:  Fundamentally they are the same whether you call it free energy or “adamic” energy [from “adamant”—ever-persistent], ultimatonic energy or short-ray energy they all are conceptual ideas that are striving to emulate the ultimaton energy, the original source of energy in the infinite universe.  You realize that ultimatons can be totally energetic, and they can be material as the molecules in the paper, pen and ink that you use today to write with, and there are various other forms of energy that ultimatons take on.  They are the energies that emanate from the Eternal Universe and transit back and forth between the Eternal Universe and the Infinite Universe.  The scientific assumption that an eternal universe does not exist is the major factor that impedes the conceptual development, even theoretical development of advanced quantum physics.  The acceptance that there is an Eternal Universe would greatly help quantum theorists and physicists to understand the mechanisms and the medium of their thought.  Given that, this should help you simplify your devices that you strive to generate this “free energy.”  It is free, it is all around you, it is everywhere.  You cannot use it up!  And it is one of the reasons why your Infinite Universe is now expanding tremendously and far faster than it was anticipated by physicists just 5 years ago.  I may have missed your question, but you are free to ask more questions if you wish.


Different methods of getting free energy


Craig:  Okay, I guess the focus of my question was perhaps—and thank you for that answer—but are we discussing that there are completely different methods of getting this energy?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, of course.  Just as there are various ways of developing electricity there are various means of also capturing—we will use the phrase “free energy.”  Thoughtful, ingenious and intuitive thinkers and inventors will think of many ways to do that, not just one means. 


Developing Craig’s new battery design


Craig:  Thank you, and my other question, I guess, is I seem to have hit a break-through in my battery redevelopment research, a low-cost, long-life battery chemistry or design and I was wondering if you had any specific or particular recommendations where I might go with that from here?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes, certainly.  You could use the same old method that we have recommended for so many years and that is to enter into meditation once you are out of bed and made your first cup of coffee or tea, and sit in your chair and have a very clear mind to meditate.  Open yourself with the intention of receiving guidance for your product development.  You have received many insights this way already.  It is a process of receiving more and being able to see this as an evolution of conceptual thought and for the downloads that come to you for developing your concepts into practical applications.  It can also assist you in understanding the devices that you invent and create in your laboratory or your shop that you use to make them more effective.  Remember, that even when you are working in your laboratory that you have activities that take your mind aside from the linearity of your conscious mind, that you take a moment aside to clean the windows, for instance, without a thought about the product you are working on, so that you go into a “Zen space,” a null-zone of thinking while cleaning the windows, or sweeping the floor, or tabletops or your benches, and so on.  It is just a simple process of letting your creative intuitive mind loose so it can then download to your conscious mind what needs to be done.  Does that help?


This has been a co-creative project


Craig:  Yes, thank you.  And by the way, I will acknowledge that this has been what I would expect is a co-creative project from start to finish; I wouldn’t have started it without leadings to do so, and I wouldn’t have got anywhere without them too.


MACHIVENTA:  Thank you for acknowledging that.  Now, let me give you one more intellectual and conceptual idea to conceive of:  Now, can you think of a containment device that you would call a battery for free energy?  That is something for you to ponder in years to come.


Craig:  (Group laughing) That would take a lot of battery!


Liz:  Sounds like an assignment, Craig.


Roxie:  I have 4 questions that Stéphane sent in.  His first question is: 


Proof points of our progress


Q1:  As we progress with our work of the correcting time for Christ Michael and the Triumvirate, people will be looking for proof points. One of those will be the progress of the cataclysms. Can you expand on what proof points we can expect as our work progresses? 


MACHIVENTA:  Most certainly.  The cataclysms truly are not proof points; they may be proof points of predictions of what is anticipated by us that we simply observe and interpret from our observations over centuries of your world, and of the inevitability of the cascade of cataclysms that have begun.  Now the true proof points that we are here and that we are making contributions to your world are not in the cataclysms, because those are natural events, but in the development of sustainable options for not restoring, but recreating your societies into societies that are materially and socially sustainable, and that includes all of your social institutions in a means that supports the ongoing sustainability as an ongoing operation of every democratic society.  So you see, those proof points will begin in evidence as concepts to be held as proof points when those developments occur.  I would ask, do you understand, but as Stéphane is not with us, it is necessary that he should know that what we will be presenting in months and years ahead are the standards or the criteria for the proof points of our presence and our contributions to the sustainability of your world.


Will the cataclysms increase spiritual receptivity?


Q2: You've described cataclysmic vectors coming from atmospheric (weather), geophysical and biological perspectives. As these progress, are we to expect an associated increase in spiritual receptivity to the Correcting Time from the remaining population, from those that might have otherwise rejected this?


MACHIVENTA:  Yes.  I qualify that as I interpret your question and your statement that this increased spirituality will occur after, or begin before the very end of the cataclysms and will grow with the evidence of the reconstruction, the creative transformation of your societies into those that become socially sustainable.  Mortals on your planet, as in mortals on other planets, require substantiations for their beliefs, and so they can use public opinion to do that, they can use personal self-observation, self-formed conclusions and so on.  The development of friendly, peaceful, stable—politically, socially and economically stable societies is something that has never been known before on Urantia, and then when these begin to take form and people see that these are working, and that they want to emulate this and develop these in other venues of human life, then their spirituality will increase. 


Others will still remain adamant and staunch in their belief that it was just happenstance and God was not involved, and it was just through the tremendous ingenuity of mortal minds that created those things.  Yes, that is a little bit sarcastic, but you are well acquainted with that as a teaching method as well, to show the opposite point of view.  It is important that your web site and these ideas, even the reconstruction, the reformation, the creative transformation of your societies and their social institutions become known now, as those will be helpful for individuals to be more accepting of the solutions that we co-creatively present to your societies in the near future.  It is our hope that people would be into alignment with their 7 innate values and in their humanity, and in their understanding of what is occurring to accept that something extraordinary is happening on the world that is beneficial, and perhaps that is the product of God or providence’s presence here on this world.


When will everyone have to make a choice?


Q3: You mentioned that at some time, everyone will have to make a choice similar to the 7 years following the onset of the rebellion. What is required for this to happen? Do we need more proof points to materialize or will this be a pure faith decision?


MACHIVENTA:  It is the former.  That is part of the Teaching Mission followers are all about to do now.  You are developing the web site and the educational materials on the web site to help people rationally understand what is occurring, and in order to make a decision made in awareness of the possibilities.  Your site truly is an educational site; it is not a propaganda site; it is not a marketing site.  It is what it is: it is a teaching site; it is an educational site; it is a place for self-education for inquiring minds that come to your web site.  When you format or design your web site with that in mind, your work for developing a site into its fullness eventually will be much easier and you will have a much more focused approach of what you are doing and why you are doing it.  We wish the site to have valid educational materials that are on there and available for individuals.  But we also wish that there be expositions, expository thinking by individuals on interpreting those lessons, so that those who are reading them for the first time can get another person’s opinion.  These expository writings are the best when they are written co-creatively between the individual and their visiting Melchizedek or Celestial Teacher.  Rational decisions cannot be made in the state of ignorance; those must be made with awareness of the options involved.  The site that you provide and are inventing and creating must provide those options of insight.


What alternative did the rebels propose?


Q4: The rebels questioned the reality of the Universal Father and the Thought Adjusters in the human species. They questioned the ascension plan. What was the alternative they proposed?  Was their stance to disprove the benefits of benevolent spiritual influences in human evolution? I am trying to link this historical imprint to existing behaviors we face as we progress. 


 MACHIVENTA:  We will decline from answering your question.


Are black holes really dark gravity bodies?


Roxie:  That’s all I have from Stéphane, but I have a couple of my own that are off topic.  This has been a burning question for a while:  Our scientists just filmed a picture of a black hole.  My question is: are there really black holes or are they as I think solid dark gravity bodies?


MACHIVENTA:  They are the same.


Question on when Christ Michael was created


Roxie:  Since you have been so kind to answer a few personal questions about you, may I ask you one about Christ Michael?  (Machiventa:  Certainly.)  I’ve made an educated guess about how long ago Christ Michael was created.  My estimate is that it was at least, if not more than 400 billion years ago.  Am I even close?




Roxie:  Can you tell me how long ago it was?


MACHIVENTA:  We decline from answering.


The last two questions have been declined due to their lack of relevance to your life now.


Roxie:  It was just curiosity in terms of getting to know our Creator Father a little better; it was just my curiosity in what I’ve studied about him.


MACHIVENTA:  I suggest you do that in meditation with him personally.


A question on the Akashic Construct process of healing


Roxie:  This is another one entirely off topic:  In regard to your discussion concerning healing, can you enlighten us about the Akashic Construct process that George Barnard teaches?


MACHIVENTA:  You would then need to read his material.


Roxie:  That’s all I have.  Anyone else?  (No)  We are ready to close then.


MACHIVENTA:  Liz, I have a question for you.  What’s for dinner tonight?


Liz:  As always, beans and rice.  (Group laughing.)  Would you like to come over?


MACHIVENTA:  I have been there many times and have enjoyed through your own sensory perceptions, thank you.


Let us close:  On behalf of myself and the team I work with who are here, as our collective “we”, we appreciate your humor.  We enjoy this light relationship we have.  Your heavy questions of curiosity serve no purpose to ask whether you are asking us or you are asking your grandchildren; these are questions that can be delayed until after your morontial years and perhaps even when you become a Finaliter.  For now you are here in this living world; you are among others; you find the kinship within yourself, which is hoped for and which we guide you to develop, enjoy and appreciate as you grow into your fullness spiritually and emotionally. 


This is a time to ask questions about your growth


We thank you too, for your presence to abide with us, to learn the things that you have always wanted to learn but never knew how to ask the questions.  Now you have the time to ask the questions and to develop questions from our answers, and so the process of coming into consciousness, conscious awareness of these options for your life become known to you and give you greater ease to make the decisions to either follow God’s Will and the will to do God’s Will, or not.  Yes there are skeptics even among our readers.  We do not have a problem with that for your skepticism will be resolved in the morontial realm, and if you totally disbelieve it at that time, then you will have the option to exit the universe as though you never existed.  This is a stark answer for us to say to you, because it is one of those ultimate realities which we yearn for would never occur, but they do occur.  There are those individuals who are so cynical about the life they had as a mortal, the difficulties and the punishments and the pain and the anguish that they had, they cannot reinterpret their lives now as being one of developing into joy, fullness and satisfaction and the ultimate thrill of knowing God personally. 


The celestials are here on an educational mission


We are here on an educational mission—you call it the Teaching Mission and so it is—it is our mission to teach you the realities of the universe, and particularly teach you about the realities of the relationship that you have within yourself to yourself, responsibilities to that relationship and to your children and grandchildren and so on to all future generations.  Only in this way will they be able to enjoy the Days of Light and Life which we are preparing you to fulfill at its basic foundational level of spirituality and the social realities of living with social institutions that are still immature and in some ways very retarded.  We are here to help you to not reconcile that difference but to correct that difference, and so you have the heart of the Correcting Time set before you.  Know always that we love you, we care for you and that we appreciate your love and adoration and friendship as well, that light hearted friendship that you have with your friends and the joyous moments of your camaraderie as companions and life partners, and so on.  We thrill in the joy of your growing, just as you thrill in the joy of your grandchildren growing as you see them occasionally over the days and months and years to grow into full individuals.  And so we give thanks for your presence today.  Good day.


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