2019-12-30, NET #80, Machiventa

New Era Transition #80 –

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager




Unique opportunity as planetary manager

If you were planetary manager

Step one: People and not people

Step two: Commonalities of personhood, gender, and group identification

Commonality of decision making according to values

Need for code of decision making oriented toward unity

Morality, ethics and the seven core values

The four primary values are not enough

The Three secondary values

Christ Michael’s mandate and its audacious implementation

Implementation of plan now underway

You are part of this at ground zero

Correcting Time as your opportunity

Transforming social institutions and becoming

Start with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

Programs must benefit the individual and bring world toward oneness

Programs to be all inclusive by design

Acting for benefit of all humanity and each individual

Difficulties of Correcting Time and a grand opportunity

Little boys with sticks

Time for Urantia to realize the larger realm – a subtle approach

Functional social institutions

What we have done is not working

You are the seed group

Close of one era, dawn of a new

Not despair, but hope


NOTE:  www.bigmacspeaks.life is now up and running.  It contains all of the NOCO sessions since mid-2001 and is totally searchable in many parameters.  Enjoy! 


TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD


Members present: Daniel Raphael, PhD., Sherille Raphael, Liz Cratty, Michael McCray [MMc], James Travis


Invocation:  Liz


December 30, 2019


Unique opportunity as planetary manager


Machiventa: It is a pleasure to be here. I enjoy this as an opportunity. This is an opportunity for a planetary manager that has not come along very often. Planetary managers who are in the flesh or incarnate, on the other hand, do have this opportunity. But for a planet that has come out of the quarantine – two hundred thousand years of darkness - and now to be engaged in ongoing conscious and intentional conversations between ourselves and material mortals is a phenomenon that is remarkable in all regards, particularly for this correcting time program that Christ Michael has initiated. It is not that this has not occurred before, but this time it is co-creative – highly co-creative. And it is a process by which we teach mortals how to live life conscientiously, peacefully – with social, political, and economic stability – that is of course the initiation into the Days of Light and Life.


If you were planetary manager


I want to once again play, not a game, but I want to play “let’s imagined.” We played this with you approximately four or five years ago when we said we wish you to design a program that would be of benefit to people – very general. Now this time, after your training of the last two to three years as a prospective planetary manager, we wish you to imagine that you are a planetary manager, that you have taken an oath of office with Christ Michael, and that you are committed to the program that he has set before you. And that program is to bring the world – all the world – into the Days of Light and Life. The question that we have for you today, in this play which you imagine that you are a planetary manager, is this: What programs would you develop as a planetary manager that would include all of humanity? That’s the question.  The comments are that you would have unlimited resources, particularly of people, particularly of celestial input, and that whatever else you needed would be provided to you. The second question is: Where would you begin? Would you begin with a particular race of people, a particular gender, culture, or ethnic group? Would you begin with some particular religion, political party, or some economic formula for the world? Where would you begin? How would you lead the world – all the human population – into understanding its role for future generations and settlement of this planet? I know that this is a huge, very huge, program of the work that you will eventually share with us.


Step one: People and not people


Now, let me lead you through this. Historically in our work with you we began with the basics. And now we want to go backwards, and we will do deductive reasoning. The first step that we used before was inductive, and so now we will start deductively. So, if you take the planet – this is step one – you take the planet, what is the first step that you would undertake in this sequence of logic? The first step would be to determine to make the logical statement that on this planet there are just two things:  those that are of people, and those things that are not of people. So, in other words, you have already divided the world into two categories. Now, you know, and we know, that these are not mutually exclusive, but that they are interdependent. For our concern about the Days of Light and Life, our primary concern is people – individuals – and their progress in their evolution as individuals and their personality, their soul growth, and as they evolve to become the morontial individuals whether here on earth or when they make their translation.


Step two: Commonalities of personhood, gender, and group identification


Now, of people – step two – we will discuss this (and I have already given that to you): there are people. There are men, and there are women - two genders. And of those two genders they are of a race, they are of a culture, they are of an ethnicity, and they are of some social group, and so on. Now we change the tactic in this sequence just a bit. So, we have divided this down to people and their commonalities. The greatest commonality is that they are people. The second commonality is that there are two genders. The next commonality is that they belong to various groups that identify themselves as separate from other groups.


Commonality of decision making according to values


Now, in this next stage, we are seeking another intuitive, logical sequence step. That is, what behavior is common to all people? What is common to all people is that they decide – they create the future? Obviously, (it may not be obvious [to you], but it is obvious to us) that all people make decisions. Even children make decisions. And everyone who has a mind eventually makes decisions. What we are doing now is drilling down into the territory of logic to get to the point of those commonalities of all people. What are the commonalities of decision making? The commonality of all decision making is that all decisions are based on values. Values always underline all decision making. There are no decisions that are made without values that underly those decisions. And herein, at this point, we have a great divide. The divide is between groups of people and their belief systems, and their value systems.  They express these values in decisions that continue and maintain division rather than seeking commonalities that join groups together.


Need for a code of decision making oriented toward unity


Now, if you as a planetary manager had a universal, global training and education program that taught people about these values and how to use the values to underly all their decision making, believe it or not, you’d still have great division in the world. They would use these seven common values to underline their decisions that would maintain their division and separation from others. And so, in your thinking in this logic sequence, you say “ah-ha! ah-ha!” We need a code of decision making that is uniform across all humankind to assist people to make decisions that eliminate division and creates union and oneness. As an insight, you know, and we know, that these seven values are common to all people. And so, we would want a decision-making code that was common to all people and applicable to all people, and that the function for this code is to provide uniformity and commonality to all people. The insight of that is that we would be using those same values, because of their universal characteristics, to write a code of decision making. Now, as an aside, you would say: “Well, yes, I agree with that Machiventa that yes, there are matters that are common to all life. And so, we would want to have this code useful to maintain the life of people, and groups of people, all people. And secondly, we also know, as you know Machiventa, that this leads to relationships. Humans are social creatures and being social, we have relationships.”


Morality, ethics and the seven core values


As you can see from this discussion and this make-believe dialogue, we have gained great insight into the future. So, we have gone from a world of things that are of people, and things that are not of people. And we have drilled down to the point where we need a code of conduct in relationships and in human life. As background, historically you know that most morality deals with life. It has been confused with ethics, and ethics has been confused with morality. But for the purposes of this discussion and our education of you and all people in the future, morality has to do with maintaining the lives of others - their physical life, their social life, their intrapersonal life, their interpersonal life, their quality of life, and so on. And in this division, we have ethics. Ethics deals with the ethical behavior that maintains relationships. Right decision making that deals with maintaining good relationships - not hostile relationships, but good relationships. And so, as we have shared with you before, your creator has created a wonderful process within you, within your genetic structure, that these seven values come in primary and secondary modes. The four primary values - to be redundant – are life, equality, growth, and quality of life. And the three secondary values are empathy, compassion, and a generalized love for humanity.


The four primary values are not enough


You will see that the primary four values are used to sustain the species. And these are used to maintain your quality of life. They are fundamental to the growth of civilization, nations, societies, communities, and families. And these are what have promoted and brought your civilization, and societies, and nations to the present time. Yet, you see your world is in tremendous turmoil and difficulty. And that even your developed democracies are now deteriorating, and will soon decrease in effectiveness, disintegrate, and if that trend continues, they will collapse and disappear.


The Three secondary values


All of the work we are doing is to assist your world to come into the Days of Light and Life. We are not necessarily involved or interested in your politics. However, we are definitely involved in the social structure of your world and the conduct of your social institutions from the family through the democratic process and including your newest social institution – that of media. This is where the three secondary values come into play. It is necessary that organizations begin to use not only the four primary values, but the secondary values to sustain the organized social existence of your nations and your association of nations, your societies, communities, and all social institutions and your families especially.


So the primary values are sufficient to sustain your species and to initiate the progress and growth of your societies and nations, however they are insufficient to provide for the developmental progress of your social institutions and your organizations that support the continued existence of nations and association of nations, cities, states and so on. The three secondary values are primary to your humanness. You have been taught and know that your species is an aggressive animal that will destroy others to control the environment. You also know that your humanness includes your capability to be an ennobled being – one who expresses kindness to others and is benevolent. And in the infinite empathy of reaching out to others and sensing their situation, you, as a human, are compassionate enough to reach out voluntarily, without coercion, to help others in their plight, or to share in their enjoyment of life. And so, in the greatest expanse of your humanness, using the three secondary values, you reach out in your great love for humanity, you project your consciousness of love and integration of wholeness and oneness to all the civilization of your world.


Were you to exercise these principles and recommendations in your lifetime, with the total dedication of your will to God’s will, and your subordination to do Christ Michael’s will for the development, construction and transformation of your world into a world that is settled in Light and Life, then you will have achieved the commitment I have made to Christ Michael.  You would then, for all intents and purposes, as a mortal, become a planetary manager.


Christ Michael’s mandate and its audacious implementation


Now, let us review the work of Christ Michael, myself, Most Highs, Monjoronson, and all those who are on the council for Urantia. Having received Christ Michael’s mandate, he asked us to come together as a team of individual groups, individuals as leaders and executives, in groups of subordinates with their executives, to develop a plan that would correct the faults that came about through the rebellion and the default of your former planetary manager. Remarkably, delightfully, and enthusiastically, these individuals developed what is known as the “correcting plan.” An auspicious, incredible, even audacious plan that included the participation of mortals in the co-creative transformation of this world. When this was first proposed, and before it was accepted by Christ Michael, (chuckles) many throughout Nebadon, Orvonton and Uversa were agog. They were what English people called gob-smacked. In other words, they couldn’t say a word and they put their hand over their mouth and were agasp at what they were reading and what they were hearing. And they too began to discuss this. And they discussed it in parameters that not only included the planets that were recovering from quarantine, also Nebadon, and all sectors of Nebadon, all constellations of Nebadon, and how it would repercuss in Orvonton, each of the seven great universes, and even in Havona, and in Paradise. Well, my mortal friends, it took centuries for the eventual decision and uniformity of decision making and commitment to reach the point where the vast, vast, vast majority of individuals throughout the whole realm of the Grand Universe agreed that this was a most audacious project – one that would have incredible, outstanding, astounding, and profound repercussions and results for God the Supreme, and for the progress of all Creator Son’s local universes to engage other future, probable rebellions.


Implementation of plan now underway


Now, stand back from what I just said in the first part and the second part. Stand way back. Give yourself some distance from this. Because, when you grasp your position now, all those who are committed to the teaching mission, magisterial mission, and to the Urantia Book, that this is not a possibility, but a probability. And, in fact, it is now ongoing. This program of the correcting time has been engaged. It has evolved. It is developing. It is a program that will eventually transform the worlds in rebellion into worlds that are one with the progressive, spiritually aligned planets of all Nebadon.


You are part of this at ground zero


And you, my friends, are here at ground level - ground zero – of the light that will encompass you for the rest of your life and all your progress through the eventuality to when you become a Finaliter. You are totally integrated into this program to the extent that you are committed to it. And commitment means accepting and using those values of love, oneness, humanity – you know, the big values that Christ Michael would give you if he were speaking to you now. Plus the human values that are necessary to sustain your species and the values that are necessary to sustain peace on your world.


Correcting Time as your opportunity


Now, for some of you this is overwhelming. It’s time to lay down, take a nap, and think about this. That would be good advice. It is not so much a burden to you, or a responsibility you assume, but that this is an opp-or-tun-i-ty for you to take on and assume (meaning take on) the accountability to participate. Remember the actions are yours, the consequences are the Father’s. You, however, will always be accountable for your actions. What would you choose? Would you choose personal joy and enlightenment, a purpose, and enduring, infinite meaning in life? Or would you cast that aside and let things fall as they will, and see what happens, and decide later. Either case is you are accountable to make a decision. And failing to make a decision is, in fact, a decision.


Well, this is not Machiventa Melchizedek talking to you like a stern father, a stern mentor, councilor, or advisor, but one who wants to present you with an enticing opportunity that will last for the infinity of your spiritual life. Thank you.


I am open for questions regarding this and also other questions that you may have generated over the days and weeks since our last session and even before.


Transforming social institutions and becoming


Liz: Good morning Machiventa. A couple of things came up for me while you were presenting this to us this morning. One is that humans seem to like these lists – seven core values, twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, ten commandments – and so, it seems that once this is presented on a grand scale it should be something that humans would be willing to adopt. They’re quite different of course from the ten commandments. The ten commandments have had many years of public relations behind them, and perhaps that’s what the seven core values needs is a public relations promotion.


MM: Is that a question?


Liz: Yes, am I correct?


MM: (Chuckles) Yes, you’re correct Liz, it is a question. And here’s the answer: All the things that you mentioned are lists except for Alcoholics Anonymous. The way to engage people into accepting these values and this oneness is to engage it as a process. It is important that people learn the process of becoming human – fully human - based on the seven core values and the ethics and morality that emanate from those values. Therefore, it must be a program of education - pragmatic experiential training - to learn how to work this process for their benefit. We have learned from observing human nature since the beginnings of pre-humanoid individuals that there is not much convincing individuals - even in the 21st century, in any nation - of what they ought to do, or giving them a list and saying: “Here, now do it!” That is a recipe, for failure. Those who know, those who learn teach. Therefore, we are your teachers, we are your mentors, we are your guides, we are your individuals who give you insight in how to develop these processes. Eventually you will learn that each social institution (family, education, healthcare, political structure, religion, finance) you will learn, eventually, that, in order to transform your nations and your societies, that you will need to transform each social institution.


Therefore, each social institution will have a program, a recipe, a developmental process, where you do this and do that, you add this, and you add that, and you end up with a transformed social institution. You know, and we know, that there will be staunch resistance to any persuasive language that we or you could make in [public relations] to convince the resistant populations into accepting this process, these values, these ethics, and this morality. And that’s where you find the divide between those who become, and those who don’t. To be-come is to be and come into your fullness of your personality, your soul growth as an individual, as a family, and as a society. Becoming is a process. Therefore, when you engage the transformation of social institutions you will see this as a process of becoming – becoming whole, becoming complete, becoming operationally, socially, politically, and economically functional, so that the policies assist others. You might say to yourself: “Ahha! Machiventa, this creates a divide.” Well, my friends, you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. It is not that we are against anyone – surely not! The old dictum of “You’re either for me or against me” is false, it is abhorrent, it is destructive, and it causes separation in itself. But when you present your programs - your processes of becoming - for transforming of social institutions you include everyone. And it is their choice to come along or not. As we say, we are not against anyone, we are for everyone, and we are for their happiness, their fulfillment, their contentment, and that involves lifestyle, standard of living, and quality of life - from the individual and the family, to communities, and the whole civilization. That’s our policy, and we’re sticking to it.


Start with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?


Liz: Well, thank you for that answer. When you began challenging us with where we would start and if we were managers of this planet and what we would do, I immediately went to the idea of Maslow’s hierarchy, and realized that there are many people on this planet who are busy scrambling and scraping everyday just to exist. In my understanding I am privileged, so, I only know what I know from reading and newscasts that there are many in poverty and they have hardly any quality of life at all. It seems like that would be the place to begin. Would it not?


MM: I’m not going to disagree with you. It is a place to begin, but I would ask you this question: Are there any programs that are now trying to assuage that problem?


Liz: Yes.


MM: And how is that working out for you?


Liz: Not well.


MM: And why is that?


Liz: Because I think that there coming at it from the wrong direction. One of the programs that I am familiar with loans people in Africa, for example, loans them money. Well I don’t think putting them in debt is the first step. And yet, these people who are loaning them money to start their businesses, or to buy a cow, or whatever, they think they are doing the right thing, and for a while I thought they were doing the right thing, and now I think they are off base.


MM: So, I’ll ask you again. How’s that working out?


Liz: Yeah, I don’t think it’s going well.


MM: So, can you answer your own question then? You asked me, “Is the place to start with observing Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and satisfying the needs of people?”


Liz: Well, I still think perhaps yes. But, coming from a position of the three secondary values instead of just trying to raise their standard of living…  I don’t know. You just presented this to me a few minutes ago. I haven’t had a chance to take a nap and think about it.


Programs must benefit the individual and bring world toward oneness


MM: I was trying to have you work yourself into a hole. Not to be mean, but to help you understand your logic and your reasoning as being faulty. Remember, you are a planetary manager in this scenario. And it’s your responsibility in the end, that the end that approaches the times of the Days of Light and Life where individuals are capable of making decisions for their own good or not. That ultimately, you are responsible, in all your programs, that this benefit the individual as a growing soul to become more mature, and more complete upon their graduation from mortality. That gives them entrance as a capable candidate for the morontial schools as the first step of their morontial career. That is the primary mission of all the correcting time. Of all that Christ Michael has ever been involved in - in his mortal incarnate mission and for all time. The proviso that I had to buy into was that, in order to do that, we must bring the whole world - as a collective of nations and disparate societies, political groups, races, and ethnicities - into accepting the oneness that is common to all people.


MMc: What you are saying is: You can’t do this with one small population. You have to do it with everybody.


Programs to be all inclusive by design


MM: Correct. You may start with one population, but the programs must be designed at their very earliest initiation to include all of humanity. Let me give you a very graphic and painful parallel to your work as a planetary manager. In this parallel you are general Macarthur. You have just had your pants beaten off by the Japanese. You have waded off into a boat leaving the Philippines on their own and to the machinations of the invading people, and you must devise a plan that would eventually sacrifice the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers from many nations to accomplish the goal of capturing that island, nearby islands, all the islands, and then forcing the dominant nation – the aggressor – to submit to your control and to live in peace.


Acting for benefit of all humanity and each individual


Now, in this parallel, remember, you are a planetary manager. Though you have - under the name, and in the name, and on behalf of, and in behalf of Christ Michael - in your station as planetary manager the capability to completely transform whole societies in the blink of an eye, would you? That is a fundamental question. Would you do so? Would you deny the Grand Universe the privilege of understanding the concept of co-creative transformation? Would you be willing to engage this program knowing that you cannot address every need, or even a single need of a day’s worth of food for every individual on this planet. That is a spiritually existential question. Where would your ego leave off for you to become a planetary manager and a Creator Son in your own right in this small realm? I have not presented this very difficult presentation to you to beat you about the ears, or to scold you, or to pain you in any way. I am striving to teach you how to think, how to speak, how to design, and how to act for the benefit of all humanity. Of course, we are primarily concerned about you, the individual. You, Liz, and everyone else who reads this transcript, everyone who ever hears this transcript, and everyone who is ever born on this planet, we are concerned about you individually.


Difficulties of Correcting Time and a grand opportunity


Now, what I have done – painfully done – with you is to present you with the difficulties of the Correcting Time. The difficulties at a personal level are the same difficulties that I live with, my consulting team lives with, the Most Highs live with, and all others. As you know, you’re multiple God-centered religions have presented the fact of God worldwide. There is probably no one on earth, or very few on earth, on this planet who have not heard of God, and who have either disregarded the message, who have engaged the message, or denied the message, or absented themselves from any commitment. This was the first part of the Correcting Time that began so long ago beginning with Abraham and the teachings he had, and others had before him from the time of the Melchizedek. It is a choice to go out and strike your neighbor, take his wife and his children and turn them into slaves, and to harvest his crops or not. That is still going on today. What we are doing through this painful presentation is giving you an appreciation of the largesse of Christ Michael and the Correcting Time of your spiritually moral responsibilities to assist us in this project. This is not a message of joy, but, my friends, this is a message of grand, grand, profound, personal opportunity. If you engage this from that perspective, you can see the joy you will have from understanding the message and the work that is at hand. And the work that is at hand is close to coming to fruition. We have teased you, we have taunted you, we have given you tidbits of what is to come and that time is drawing to a close. It is now time for action on your part, and time for action on our part, and when you see this it will be self-revealed to you what this is all about.


Little boys with sticks


Liz: I think that one of the things that we in this group, and those of us who read this transcript, the advantage that we have (and those who read the Urantia Book) is a grander vision. We have a cosmic idea of who we are and where we’re going, and what it’s all about that most of humanity does not have. There was a book written a long time ago called Lord of the Flies about a group of children marooned on an island and they had their own government and their own wars and, as readers, you got so caught up in their society that you forget they’re just little boys with sticks. And this last week I thought of our congress as just that - so wrapped up in what they are doing they are completely blind to the larger picture - they’re just little boys with sticks. And I’m thinking what the world needs is a greater vision of who we are and what we’re about. Is there a way we can begin to accomplish that other than disseminating the Urantia Book?


Time for Urantia to realize the larger realm – a subtle approach


MM: Yes, peripherally. First of all, I wish to congratulate you, thank you so very much for your presentation about the cosmic point of view. And that you have a special view of the universe from the mortal perspective and what is to become. Secondly, you are correct about these august bodies of little boys with their sticks creating wars and creating friction between groups of individuals. Yes, there is a means of augmenting the work of disseminating the Urantia Book. And we so much admire, respect, and thank those who have been involved in that.


You have, unconsciously, alluded to a development that we have been working on Liz, and for those who are thinking along these lines. That yes, it is time for the Urantian civilization – people, individuals – [to] begin to realize that there is a larger realm among them. That there is something that is ongoing which is enabling the continuation of your world. And that there are, in fact, celestial teachers, angels, Melchizedeks, archangels, and many others, unnamed, who are here on this planet who are here as part of the spiritual administration of Urantia. What begins that process is a spark, a curiosity, an awareness that, perhaps, we [mortals] are not alone. And I’m not referring to the presentation of extra-terrestrials and their spaceships, and so on. That has been done as well without any progress among mortals. But this must be subtle. It must not be a smack in the back of the head to wake you up and say: “We’re here!” No, it must be subtle. It must be so subtle that the individual, without speaking to others, begins to realize to him or herself that we are here, and that “there are others here with us. And these are benevolent. They want the highest good for us. They want to lead us out of our closed mind thinking, our linear thinking. They want us to encompass the magnitude of who we are and do so with them.” Your question alluded to this insight of what we are doing. And it is so subtle that many of you will be unaware of it until you turn around one day and say, “Oh, my gosh! They are here. They are active. I believe in God, I’ve read the Urantia Book, I’ve read these transcripts and, they’re here! I can see their footprints.” Yes, it will take that kind of subtlety to win the minds and souls of individuals across the world for us to do our work. 


Liz: And so, what do we do to help you?


MM: You are doing it now. You are engaging us with meaningful questions on behalf of the audience that is growing ever larger. You are doing it for us. You are doing it for them. You are participating. You are projecting your consciousness of love and oneness onto the world, and in your individual efforts you are assisting others to know how to help themselves. Be of service where you can. Be of information where you are able. Be of sharing of a kind heart to the surprise of others.


Liz: Thank you for all of that. That was quite wonderful.


Functional social institutions


MMc: I am very interested in what you are having to say today. The question you put forward to us initially…. Let me run through some of my thinking and see if it equates somewhere here. First thing was that, in order to do what you are looking to do, you needed education. In the western educational system, it is basically geared to produce employees. It’s not here to induce higher thinking – basically you memorize a bunch of stuff and regurgitate it back at test time, and you’re supposed to learn your ABC’s to read and write and do arithmetic so that you make somebody a very good employee. But that lacks a great deal for those of us who would become thinkers. And so, for myself, I was completely out of college, about ten years out of college, before I turned around and went to medical school. And I didn’t do well in school - all the way through. We don’t ask questions. We’re put in positions where asking questions is a hinderance to the class, and so, we stop. But you will need to educate people, and when you talk about educating people, basically, the system that is in place now is archaic. Can we re-introduce your value system to young people in school and carry it all the way through? Would that be a way of starting?


MM: To truncate your presentation, go back to what I said some time ago this morning when I said it will be necessary to transform every social institution into one that is functional. That is the key. Now, as you know, the family is the primary social institution. Education is a secondary social institution as is healthcare, as is religion, as is the democratic process, etc., etc. Now, I just gave you some insight into how to transform them (those social institutions) when I said you would want to transform them into functional social institutions. In this regard, what is a functional social institution? And here is where we must use the illustration of the priorities of decision making to sustain a society that we developed with This One some years ago.



The first priority of all social institutions is to sustain the species. And there are other aspects of that as well. The secondary importance of a functional society is that it supports the sustainability, the functionality, of organized social existence. Now, when you take those two aspects into account, which are huge, and that will take at least two centuries to accomplish, you have begun to see our efforts. And as you and Liz have stated, you must first make people aware of what the situation is. If people are unaware, they cannot develop options for choice making, they cannot do choice making, decision making, or action implementation. The first part is to make people aware.


What we have done is not working


Now, to go back to two sessions ago and last session we mentioned that sometimes we create problems that require individuals, and groups of individuals to make a conscious decision of which way they’re going to go in the future. And yes, we sometimes tie your shoestrings together so that when you stand up and try to walk you fall over. That is a perfect metaphor for the situation developed democratic nations today. Now, what is the insight that we want people to become aware of concerning their political situation? The simple insight and awareness is this: This isn’t working, is it? Or the simple statement: This isn’t working. And that statement begs the question: What’s not working? And, as I explained before, the five steps of Kurt Wright in his book Breaking the Rules, first of all, you want to become aware that your educational system isn’t working. And, in fact, you’re almost to the point where you are saying: “Really, this is not an educational system at all. It’s actually just a linear process.” And then you’d say again: “This isn’t working” you would ask, “What are the resources we could use to improve this to make it a process? And what philosophical base should we use?” What is the intention of education, of all education? whether it’s from diaper daycare to post-doctoral work. What is the function of education? I’ll leave you with that question. It may sound like a rhetorical question, and it is for this discussion, but it is a highly pragmatic question that must be answered and will be answered in order to [transform] your societies into sustainable societies. I know that some of you are wondering about this – thinking about this. You are going: “Oh, my gosh. This is connected to this, this is connected to that, that’s connected to this over here. It’s all integral,” but it’s not a process.” And so, the primary element that is missing from these linear systems is learning, learning from experience, learning from the experience that those linear processes not working, learning that it requires humility, deep humility to say: “I don’t have the answer, we don’t have the answers. What we’ve done is not working. What do we do? Who can we call in to help us? Are there existent programs that may have some use to us?” And so, that’s a beginning. If organizations are not transformed into learning organizations, whether it is a small do-it-yourself sole proprietorship, a mega-corporation, a national government, or any other organization, your societies will fail, your democracies will fail, your civilization will fail. And we are here to help you prevent that. And yes, it may require somebody standing on the street corner saying: “The world is at end.” And hopefully someone will step up to you and say: “Please explain that.” And that’s where you begin.


You are the seed group


And so, my friends, everyone who is listening, everyone who is reading this with curious minds saying: “How do we do this?” We know that Christ Michael (Jesus) is our master. He was the ultimate exemplary individual for us in our life, our living, our families, and our personal lives. Now, how do we do this for our societies, for the sustainability of our social existence? That’s the beginning. It’s the beginning of being able to learn – to get over your ego, to get over your gender, to get over your age, to get over your beauty, to get over your ugliness, to get over yourself – and move on. It is to be fully human to help others help themselves. This is why we’re here, and you are the individuals who have given us hope. You give us hope that we’re on the right track. You are the seed group to carry this forward. What you are yearning for is some august moment, some incredible change of direction in the winds of civilization to assist you to say what you want to say to everyone else.


[No reader-questions this week, as Daniel was quite drained of energy.]


Close of one era, dawn of a new


MM: this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your planetary manager. It is my pleasure and my opportunity to be with you today as I have been so many hundreds of times before, and in the decades, centuries, and millennia before. It is a pleasure to be here with you to share these words with you. Those of you who are global thinkers, those of you who started with the beginning arc of these discussions so many years ago and are present today, you’re going to see that arc and come to the realization that “hmmm, something’s changed. The content, context, and tenor of these discussions, these presentations, have changed tremendously.” That’s an insight. And what can you learn from that? You have your own intuition, your own insights, your own conjecture, and speculations about what this is all about. This is all about an era of your civilization and nations that is coming to a close. It is necessary that this ancient era does come to a close. And, of course, as I’ve said, with the closing of an era a new era begins. And so, you who have been reading know that this is the New Era Transitions, and this gives way to a new era within that transition of what is to become.


Not despair, but hope


I do not apologize for being the presenter of this difficult message. It is necessary work. One that I do not joyously engage, but responsibly accept. It is one inherent, inseparable aspect, part of my role as planetary manager. And as always, we will not leave you in despair, but always leave you in hope that you come into the fulness of yourselves as individuals, as parents, as growing souls, ones who have the hope of engaging the morontial career fully apprised of what is to come and ready for the first school in your morontial career. You have our love, our appreciation, and our deep respect. Good Day.
