2021-02-08, RRS #2, Machiventa

Rapid Response Solutions #2


Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager




World Economic Forum simulations

Feeling the Love

Spreading the Love

How individuals experience love varies

Helping the political situation

The importance of discernment

Using discernment

Your world is extremely cranky, but…

A new hope

Sharing the Progressive’s Handbook

Praying with the angels

Competing factions

Idealism of the 60s and millennials today

Voter turnout

State of the media today

Twilight of The Urantia Book

The “why” question

Celestial expectations

Garner the wisdom of these days


TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD


Invocation: Jeff




World Economic Forum simulations


Machiventa: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. We will begin with questions if you have any.


Jeff: Good morning Machiventa, this is Jeff. Are you familiar with the World Economic Forum and their sponsored subforums?


MM: We are aware of many economic forums around the world. That would be one of them, but please go ahead.


Jeff: I’m seeking a comment, if possible, on a past simulation event that they did, and on one that is coming up soon. The first event that I’m asking about is the event they called event 201 which preceded the Covid crisis. Can you comment on that?


MM: No, I cannot. Do you have further information to provide to my team?


Jeff: I’ve sent information to JT, and if it meets with your approval, I’ll ask him to send that to the group and I’ll ask my questions at the next meeting. [JT:  Jeff asked me to share with you a link to the subject matter of his question today for Machiventa. Here it is:  https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/from-event-201-to-cyber-polygon-the-wefs-simulation-of-a-coming-cyber-pandemic/ just published an article titled From "Event 201" to "Cyber Polygon": The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber Pandemic."]


MM: Certainly. Is there a particular question you had about it, or a general question about some situation?


Jeff: My understanding is that event 201 was a simulation that was entered into in September of last year [JT: 2019] dealing with a worldwide pandemic and miraculously, after that the Covid crisis came up. Cyber Polygon is the next scheduled event in July, and it is basically a simulation to see how robust the security systems are against a worldwide cyber-attack on banks and financial organizations all at once, and I do not know the intent of this group—whether it’s malevolent or friendly. I’m just seeking some guidance.


MM: Thank you. We look forward to having This One and others read the material. Thank you.


Jeff: Thank you. That’s all I have.


Feeling the Love


Rick: So, Machiventa, my wife Liz (who’s here today with us as well with her computer,) has, in my life, shown herself to be a deeply, spiritually resonate person and she picks up things that I, being a reasonably bright, intuitive, and artistic guy miss. And she shared with me (not for the first time) recently that she feels this very strong spiritual, celestial power in an unusual amount being poured upon the world. My question is 1, is it true, and 2, is there something that we as individuals can do to enhance and support this power?


MM: Certainly. Number 1, we completely affirm and confirm her perception of tremendous outpouring of spiritual energy and love upon this world. It is important that those who are receptive to this energy and love receive it, feel enlightened, and [are] willing to contribute to the good of humanity no matter which nation or location they are in.


Daniel: The second part again?


Spreading the Love


Rick: The second part was: What can we do to individually, and I think actually you are answering it, to support and help this manifestation? And I do have a third part too, but let’s finish with the second.


MM: Yes, it is important that the individuals…. There are several factors involved in making receptive individuals highly effective. One, is to be open and ready to receive and to see themselves as receiving. Two, is that this is an empowering process for them to expand their consciousness and to then send their consciousness that reflects this love and energy out onto the world of other people. This way there is an amplification of Spirit’s outpouring of love and this vibration or energy upon the world. Your third question?


How individuals experience love varies


Rick: The third part is: In March of 2017, I started feeling an overall irritation, anxiety, and so forth. And a year and a half later, you mentioned in one of your posts you said: Yes (18 months ago was your reference) that there was some sort of change in the energy and so forth. And I apparently felt that as anxiety. I don’t feel it as much now, but I still feel it. And maybe if I were a more highly spiritually-evolved person, I would see this as positive and [uplifting,] but my question is: “Are there those of us that are experiencing this energy surge as (I’m searching for the word) anxiety for lack of a better word?”


MM: Yes. There literally millions of people who are feeling this. Your interpretation depends on your own emotional, energetic imprint upon yourself. If you tend to be an anxious person or curious about what’s going on and feel insecure, then you will interpret it that way. However, other people feel that it is exciting, exhilarating, uplifting, and that it is like a shot in the arm that is good for you—no reference to the vaccination. So, you and millions of other people are participating in this mostly unconsciously, but we would prefer that people be conscious of this, recognize it, and then want to do something with this energy.


Rick: Thank you.


Helping the political situation


Craig: Good morning Machiventa. I’m thinking at the moment about things we can do to help with the political situation it there’s anything that can be done. I guess for each person the answer is different. What can I do? I was kind of wondering if you had anything specific for myself that you thought might be valuable in the coming weeks to be trying to accomplish?


MM: Certainly. There is something specific for you and that is to… You have a very active mind, a very capable mind. You have a great background of intelligence and you’re very inventive. We ask that you also be highly discerning which is what I will speak about next—that you be open and receptive to alternative ways of thinking. Be a possibility-thinker and discern what works and what does not work. We know in saying that, that you can interpret that in many different ways about [what] works and what does not work. You can interpret that to be applied to households and families, or you could apply that to the social peace of a community or of a nation and state. I think with that I will close that statement. Do you have other questions?


Craig: I don’t think so. Thank you. I’ll keep my ears and my mind open as much as I can. I hope I can contribute.


MM: Certainly. We certainly appreciate your participation in this group. You bring something that no one else does and so it is unique, particular, and even peculiar to you and we have a great appreciation for that. We know that you do not say much, but that your mind is always active and open, and you are presenting many other factors for us to take note of as we sense your thinking. Thank you.


Craig: Thank you.


The importance of discernment


MM: I will now launch into my discourse—my lesson—which is not very detailed, but you may have questions afterward.


The aspect of discernment is highly important to your situation now in America and the world. The difficulties that democracies are having is a topic which has been almost foremost in the minds and thinking of everyone who is attached or working with your planet, the populations, and specifically individuals and groups of individuals. We took note of the conversations and the writings and questions of individuals who responded to last session’s topic material. There is a very important lesson here for everyone. It does not matter if you are pro-anything or against anything. This is useful as you are a human being on a planet that is very controversial even among celestials and so on. The point is this of discernment: Let us take media. And before I begin the topic of media, let us examine an illustration that I have for you. You are Newton back in the 1700’s and you are working on the theory of gravity and the mathematics of gravity. You, as Newton, realize that all objects are attracted equally without distinction to gravity. Every object in identical circumstances would fall to the earth at the same rate of speed as any other object and take just as long to reach the bottom as any other. The first experiments that began testing this were those who used a small cannonball and they dropped it and sure enough they discovered that over numerous experiments it took…


Daniel: Is it 16 feet/second/second?


JT: It’s 32 feet/second/second here.


MM: [Gravity] attracts all objects. So, they dropped a feather and of course it took a lot longer. They realized that the feather was somehow being obstructed by something which was air. So, eventually they had the means and mechanisms to create a perfect or near perfect vacuum and they dropped the cannonball or a small shot in a vacuum cylinder and it dropped at a known rate. They then put the feather in the same cylinder with the air evacuated and it fell at the same rate as the shot. This proved that under observation that these two objects obeyed the laws of gravity that Newton had determined. Now, the observers there actually saw this, and you can duplicate these experiments in your own home. All you need is a small vacuum pump, a clear plastic cylinder with stoppable ends, and you can duplicate the experiment. [JT: See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7tEA8Vtc0o ]


Now when you see this, you will say “I see it as true.” And so, someone who was not there may question you and say: “No, that is just not true.” And even people today in the 21st Century will say the same thing. There are people who are not aware that objects under similar conditions fall at the same rate. Nonetheless, so this person says: “Oh, it’s not possible.” So, one person says: “Well, I observed it happen. I tried it with a shot, and then I tried it with a feather.” And so, the one person says: “It’s true. It is true.” And the other person says: “Nah, it’s not true. You’ll have to prove it to me.”


Using discernment


So, when you set this experiment to the side and you then go to your media that reported on the confrontations that occurred on the 6th of January at the United States Capitol, the only people who were there, who actually saw it, were the only people who actually experienced this difficulty. And so many hundreds of others who were there and reported on it. Others reported on the other persons reporting. And so, you ended up with first, second, third, and fourth validated, hearsay evidence.


Now until you, as an individual, actually witness and see with your own eyes and hear what is being said, you lack a total comprehension of what occurred. So, what would the discerning mind do? The discerning mind would, first of all, read several sources—those they agree with and those they don’t agree with. And then they would go to other further sources that seem to be indifferent to the whole situation and are objective observers. The next thing you would do would be to read the criteria of honest and authentic reporting—reportage—of news and happenings that occurred so that you would then have the same criteria in mind as those who wrote the ethics of reporting so that you could judge and estimate the articles that you had been reading. Nonetheless, we know that some will say that those which are in agreement with me were correct, and those which are not were wrong. However, the discerning mind would take all options into account to assess on their own the validity of what they have read and what they’ve seen. Remember, that even when you see videos, the person who is operating the camera is directing their attention of the camera towards that which they want to report. And some will show videos of only the things that they want to report and neglect the other things. They will neglect recording those individuals who speak in ways that are contrary to the beliefs of the cameraperson. And some will point the camera toward those who are speaking “your-speak”—what you want to hear and what you would like to say yourself.


So, when you hear these things—particularly now in American reporting and media of all types—there is a high influence of fallacy in all regards. You must be discerning. The person who has a discerning mind and is challenging all fronts of news and media sources, they would then report, then wait upon the passage of time and history to give a full accounting of what occurred. Remember that every report will be interpretations of what someone saw even though the videography that records sounds and sights can be highly biased due to the thinking, values, beliefs, preferences, and prejudices of the camera person.


Factual and ethical reporting in media is something that has been going on for many decades, many decades. It is something that has been questioned over the centuries. Even the patriots of the founders of the United States democracy knew what reporting had to do to help win their side of the confrontation with the British. So, you see that prejudice, bias, and opinionation have been common throughout the history of all humanity whether it’s reported or not. The town crier who rang the bell at certain hours and provided the news of the day had the same option for doing so to imprint the populous with the bias of either the king or the revolutionaries.


Your world is extremely cranky, but…


Liz: Good morning Machiventa, this is Liz. It’s good to be with you today. I’m wondering if you would tell me what the temperature of our world is. Are we feeling better, or are we still cranky?


MM: (Chuckling) Are you referring to the temperature as in disposition?


Liz: Yes.


MM: The disposition is extremely cranky. What we are finding however, is that there is a growing population of people who are experiencing joy. They are experiencing pleasant relationships. They are experiencing their neighbors anew—meaning that they are discovering that people they have not talked to, seen, or shared coffee with over their “fence” have rediscovered them and have a kinship towards those in the grocery stores and elsewhere. As we have said before, there is a continuing separation of those who can and those who can’t or won’t. So, the disposition of the world now depends on where you are located, the nation you live in, and your own personal circumstances. There is still no great settlement that we can see in the “temperature” that you speak of. There is great anxiety/angst among populations around the world concerning the economy and concerning the prospect of contracting Covid-19 and sharing it with their family and witnessing the deaths in their own families as they witnessed that of friends, neighbors, and people in the cities and places where they live. No, we cannot say that your world has changed tremendously towards the positive, but there are those who are very indicative of a highly positive nature for which we give great joy. It is our hope that this would be shared with others as they greet strangers in the grocery stores, the parking lots, or in the queue somewhere for whatever purpose. There is now a commonality among all humanity which is in despair. The positive side is that this commonality has brought about the sense of oneness that “we’re in this all together so let’s be friendly until something more drastic happens or it all gets better.” Do you have a further question?


A new hope


Liz: I do and thank you for that. I am feeling a sense of hope in people that I have interactions with. Perhaps it’s because of the movement toward vaccinations or I don’t know why, but I’m feeling it, I appreciate it, and I was hoping that it was worldwide. I know that the “mousetrap” plan that you and your team had has been changed, and I wonder if you would share with us your current ideas about your activities.


MM: Yes. The “mousetrap” is a project which we have set aside. It is not invalidated; it is still workable and can be put into implementation very quickly. What we are working on now is the tragedy of the democracies around the world. Not just the United States and its turmoil from before January 6th and afterwards, but democracy around the world is in deep trouble. We are speaking specifically of mature democracies—such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and the whole group of mature democracies around the world. Those democracies that are called “emerging democracies” and “developing democracies” still have their challenges ahead even to become mature. What we have found in mature democracies is what we call “feral democracies.” They have taken a turn backward. They have become feral in that they will fight over every possible scrap of positive news and positive economies to take advantage against others—politically, economically, socially, and otherwise. There has always been a competition between non-democratic nations and democratic nations as you see with Russia, China, and others. It is most difficult that they should do this as those nations have so much more in common than they have in opposition. As you are well aware, nations do have a “personality type.” Some have a disposition towards competition, some have their own xenophobic nationalism, and some have an openness which is friendly to everyone. The xenophobic competition usually stems from historic orientations and to [the] ego personalities of despots, dictators, and others.


The work that we are now investing in is for mature democracies to fully recognize their desperate and disparate situation where they alone will fail, whereas they also have commonalities that, if these are recognized, they will find their oneness and cooperate more fully. We have shared the manuscript—the document that Avalah and This One have created called The Progressive’s Handbook for Reframing Democratic Values that is an important handbook for those individuals who want to know what a more mature form of democracy looks like. This form of democracy is an evolutionary stage that progresses out of the Stage 2 Democracies such as we have listed a moment ago. “Stage 3 Democracies” involve a new way of thinking about almost everything. The orientation is towards values rather than objects. The old way of thinking was object oriented and the new way of thinking is values oriented. This then translates the value of a human from a quantity of 1 to a quality. What are the qualities of a contributing person in a democracy? That is more important than that person has, as a person, of 1 of a larger population of citizens in a democracy. This valuation will be something that must come into existence as the objective, empirical, object-oriented ways of thinking that are historic throughout many, many millennia must give way to a more advanced way of thinking and living.


You live in a social environment. You are one person among many even in your locale. In the cities of the world, you are one of many, and in many, you bump into individuals—literally and figuratively—at stores, on the internet, and in other places. However, if you see them as just one person you want out of your way, then you are thinking the old thoughts. If you are thinking this is a person who has some value, beliefs, and ideals that may be akin to yours, maybe you, together can generate something highly positive for both of you. And this is the orientation of Stage 3 democracies and this evolved way of thinking.


We have shared the Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission with you for decades. We have introduced you to the 7 innate values of homo sapiens, of your race, of your species within the last 15 to 20 years. This now will give way to applying those values and subsequent ethics and morality of those values into your social environment. This must occur in order for your nations to become peaceful, to become stable, to become friendly environments to citizens at home and to citizens abroad and nations everywhere. This is necessary. You must necessarily learn how to cooperate locally before you can do so abroad and among nations. So, what we are introducing are the very necessary steps of behaviors that you as individuals, families, communities, societies, and nations must exhibit before the early phases of the Days of Light and Life will arrive. It’s as simple as that.


Social evolution is a necessary part of life and living on any planet. Even the non-decimal planets must go through this process of social evolution. It is more easily managed because they are non-decimal planets; however, as a decimal planet [it] is all experimental. Let’s see what the natives will come up with. So, it may be positive things that will help all populated worlds and new worlds in the whole Grand Universe, or it might be just those worlds in the local universe. Nonetheless, wisdom is wisdom and is appreciated throughout the whole universe and gaining that wisdom, as you know, is a very difficult process. Wisdom only comes from experience—positive or negative—where lessons are learned, lessons are reflected on, and you sum that up and squeeze the wisdom out of those experiences. This is your job, this is your work on a decimal planet, and you are now suffering some of the worst casualties of society and civilization at this present time in a highly overpopulated world. Only better times come ahead though you will see even worse situations arise in the not-too-distant future. Thank you.


Sharing the Progressive’s Handbook


Liz: Well, that was a very comprehensive answer, and I appreciate that. Would you suggest that I/we send this Progressive’s Handbook to our local elected representatives at the city, county, state, and federal level?


MM: My team and I have discussed this a number of times, and we always come up with the answer, and it is “no.” The individuals you will want to share it with are the local alderman/alderwoman, the local politicians in your community who have an affinity towards humanitarian, liberal perspectives. As you read that paper, you will find that there are liberal and conservative perspectives involved there. If you read the brief paper called Societal Morality, you will find it is highly positive, but has some very conservative perspectives in it that will require individuals and whole societies to make decisions about their society—who to promote and who to assist and who not to. The problem with sending it to elected officials and so on is that they will really not have a clue what you are talking about. Almost none of them will read it through and may hand it to their chiefs of staff if they have one, who will hand it to a student who is on loan from the university or so on. This is where you will find greater assistance. We would suggest in that vein that you provide this to millennials, to universities—particularly to student bodies who are interested in the new way of thinking. Remember that the millennials, the 18 to 28-year old’s, and 28 to 38-year-olds are not very fond of the old man politics of Stage 2 democracies and regimes, yet they do not have a workable alternative. These are the individuals who will literally inherit the reins of leadership in your nation and other nations. By sharing it with these young people and the leaders of these young people in their discussion groups, you will have more influence on the future of what they devise for their communities and their nations.


Praying with the angels


Liz: Well, thank you for that. That gives all of us actual things to do. I want to just make one other comment of a personal nature and that is that I have long prayed for better contact with the celestials that are in contact with me and the other day I read a George Bernard 11:11 Progress Group post that said that the angels love to be invited by us to pray with us. So, I’ve been doing that, and I have to say that my prayer life has never been more wonderful or fulfilling and deeply gratifying. I just wanted to put that on the record. Thank you so much Machiventa for your time today.


MM: You are most welcome. You see the effectiveness of your inviting the angels to pray with you is that it gives them access to your mind to pray with you as you pray. And as they pray with you, they will also be instructing you about your prayers subtly and non-invasively. You will find, just as you have, that your prayer life grows and becomes more embellished and more fulfilling. Thank you.


Are there more questions JT?


JT: We have some and Stéphane has joined us. We will go to Craig next.


Competing factions


Craig: Good morning again. Maybe this is just an observation or a perspective, and maybe it relates to the object orientation verses value orientation. I’m thinking of our institutions of all types, and it seems to me that what’s been happening is that each institution seems to be acting more and more for itself wanting to have more preeminence, power, recognition, profit, or whatever it is and that these institutions aren’t working together, and they aren’t working for the benefit of society, and that more and more our nations are splintered into competing factions owing to all these competing organizations. Do you have any comment on that idea?


MM: Yes, surely, I do, and we do. You are perfectly right. You are correct. You have assessed the situation remarkably accurately. It is the unfortunate situation of this nation, for example, that competition is highly sought after. Money is highly sought after to gain advantages legitimately and illegitimately. This type of thinking has invaded the minds of individuals— individuals at home, individuals on boards of directors, and trustees. It has invaded the thinking of high executives and even people on the assembly line. This is a malicious malignancy within the social confines of a democratic society. It is one of the things that we are striving to correct.


Our work as we have answered earlier, is to now invade those domains of control, power, and authority so that they become aware of this new way of thinking. This is a project we have been working on for a number of decades, and, as we have said recently, these current times now offer themselves grandly to the scheme of Christ Michael, the Most Highs, and to planetary managers all over Nebadon. Thank you.


Craig: Thank you. That’s it.


Stéphane: Hi Machiventa, how are you today?


MM: We are fine. Thank you, Stéphane. It’s good to hear your voice once again.


Idealism of the 60s and millennials today


Stéphane: Thank you very much. I was late coming into the call, but I heard some of your comments in the last 20 minutes or so, and I’d like to challenge a bit what you said about how the millennials need to hear what we have to say about Stage 3 Democracies and will be able to move forward in the next generations with these ideas. I think back to the 1960s and the days of challenges that the youth were presenting to the world—against the wars, against the establishments, against the ways of those days—and I must admit, I do not see the massive improvements that were idealized in those days being materialized today. Do you see a difference between the ideals of those generations back in the 60s and 70s and the ideals of the millennials today?


MM: First of all, thank you for your statement and question, and yes, we do see a difference. The ideals of the young people in the 60’s and 70’s were group ideals. They were cultural ideals. They were wonderful ideals that were shared by millions of people, but as the Vietnam war ground ahead and the wheels of industry ground ahead, these individuals were caught in that machinery and squeezed out individually and as groups. Many people—what you call old hippies—are still around, they still have the same ideas and ideals, and look [for] means to express that. The millennials—both of the groups I mentioned—have those ideals and higher, and more pragmatically so, but they see from their parents and that generation and the previous generation, that is virtually neigh on to impossible, and in fact they have classic symptoms of societal depression—of seeing the situation as hopeless and helpless, that their lives are dictated by old men in control and [in] positions of authority and power, and that they are now working the only means they know how to gain power and authority to work out their own ideals for their own personal lives and that is through the acquisition of huge amounts of money.


Nonetheless, they have no ideals as how to spend that, how to share that to help break the great divide of the 1% and the 99%. We agree with you and we see that there is hope for everyone under the right conditions. One of the things that is hardest to kill is hope among individuals and groups of people. You might look to the Jewish people who have throughout history been stomped on, squeezed out, killed, murdered, and brutalized by genocide. However, they have succeeded in being identifiable as a culture and as a people. They had hope in themselves to some degree to remain visible, existent, and perhaps eventually even powerful in the world. They are not the only people who have that. There is a wide swath of the population of individuals in middle America who have the same hopes, the same angst, and daunting feelings of never achieving those desires. [Later notation by MM: What the wide swath of individuals in middle America do not have is a cultural identity to unify their energies.] This is most unfortunate, and it is our hope to overturn that. Thank you. I didn’t mean to obfuscate your question. Do you have clarifying questions you’d like to ask?


Stéphane: Yes, thank you. I see the difference between the two generations that we’re speaking of. One of the big events that happened in-between, of course, was 1987, the abdication of the rebellion and all of the events that have happened since then also. And when you talk about hope, can you quantify that hope by saying that we are aspiring more for a better world today than we were then? We have more tools at our [disposal] for our aspiration to become a reality.


MM: Yes, we agree with both of your points. Thank you.


Voter turnout


Stéphane: Machiventa, another question I have is, you mentioned around the getting more involved with our democracies. I’m’ going to take an example of the last US election just as an example, but I think it portrays what goes on around the world in general. Even though 20 million more people voted in the United States in the last election than the previous one, this only represents 2/3 of the eligible voters. If those 80 million people did not vote were to vote, where do you think those votes would go? Would they improve the outcomes? Do you think that more involvement in the election process would be a step in the right direction?


MM: There is no simple answer to your question as it is hypothetical at its extreme. How it would change is dependent upon the constitution for the demographics of the 80 million who did not vote. I can only speak from our perspective rather than from a hypothetical situation and that is that we understand and know that active people in the political process make a difference, and it makes a difference when they are committed with their heart as well as their mind. It is important that individuals become more engaged in that which affects them so heartily from day-to-day, month-to-month, and year-to-year. The interest must be more than just ideology, it must be some of the pragmatics of family life, making a living, raising children, and seeing to the future of those children. I know I’m taking your answer to the side, but the direction and guidance of politics and policies are highly skewed towards the financial, object-oriented qualities of a democratic society. This must change as the economic divide will become wider and wider and then you will end up with an economic revolution as occurred during the French Revolution in 1789. It is important that that not occur. We are totally for evolution, not revolution. Anything that we espouse must take the “r” out of revolution to become more realistic in addressing the needs of humanity as a whole rather than a very small percentage. I know that it probably feels like we’re playing handball in a handball court with this topic, but I hope you see our perspective on these issues.


State of the media today


Stéphane: Thank you Machiventa. One last question is around the pandemic. It forces us [into] lockdown and of course different communities are in different stages of lockdown, but it forces us to have more access. The only access is through media—be it social media or television media—for our views on the world. And of course, that is not always healthy for us to have just more exposure to media, and I would think that that is decreasing our ability to grow as individuals. So, my question is: “As an effect of these pandemics, which are only going to increase, are we to be more and more reliant on media or does this just mean that we need to be more focused on local communities rather than media as our lives become more and more locked down in nature?”


MM: First of all, you seem to be reading my mind this morning. The topic you’re talking about now on media has to do with the next topic I was going to bring up in [four] weeks, but I will reveal part of that right now. Media is one among the social institutions of society, whether it is a democratic society, a communist society, or a dictatorship society. Media is a social institution, and were you to do sociological, cultural, and anthropological research, you would find that all social institutions have gone through phases of development, evolution, and maturity. In the case of family practices, these are well established, but have not been well documented so that they are not taught in public education. You have insurance as a social institution. It has been well researched and put under the guidance of laws and so on. And it’s the same for justice which means the police, courts, and corrections.


As for media, media is a bad boy so to speak. It is working too much on its hormones of profit making and influence pedaling to those who are the highest bidders. It is a throwback to primitive social institutions that used to be, which have matured. This is now what is occurring in some of the thinking individuals in your society—that they are striving to promulgate rules of conduct for media, that these be enforceable, and that there would be a punitive effect at the same time that there is an educational effort upon media to become better behaved and that it is responsible for the status and the condition of society as a whole. And that this becomes then a societal, moral obligation as other social institutions have, towards the good of society—for its safe conduct, for its maintenance, and for its good working order. Right now, media is a rabble rouser, a riot maker, and a faction seeker. We wish to assist all efforts to civilize this rampant misconduct. That is as much as I will say about this at this time. There is more to say in the future, and I will leave it to another occasion.


Stéphane: Thank you Machiventa. That ends my questions. Thank you so much for your reply.


MM: You’re welcome.


Twilight of The Urantia Book


Rick: My question is actually related to Stéphane’s original question about the hippie generation and values. The first Teaching Mission group I attended was in February 2001 called Celestial Nights in Florida. In fact, Daniel Raphael attended some of those and I went for a number of years. The first year I was there, there were, as I recall, 55 of us and I was struck by the fact that everybody seemed to be the same age. So, I made it my business to go around and ask each of the 55 people what year they were born, and, as I recall the statistics, of the 55 people 52 were born within a five-year span between 1948 to 1952. And I thought the statistical probability of having 55 adults show up and well over 90% were born in a five-year period was extraordinary. So, the thought occurred to me that there was some sort of spiritual planning by you guys during that period of five years. Could you answer that question for me please?


MM: Gladly. And yes, you are correct. We have introduced many of the spiritual influences into your societies and you cultures at specific times due to the receptivity of those individuals who make contact with these new ways of thinking spiritually and planetarily. It is intentional. Our work here is definitely intentional, and we do take advantage of streams of thought, changes of cultures, and so on. It is important to do our successful marketing. We do market research ahead of time which may seem very business-like, but the spirit for Christ Michael and everyone is our business. It is important that people become cosmic citizens of the universe who get to know who they are, where they are, why they’re here, and what is in store for them along the way. [Daniel during editing: MM is alluding to the revelations of The Urantia Book.] We of course want people to be receptive to that. Does this answer your question?


Rick: It answers my question, but it leads me to question 2 which is: One of the things that is deeply, deeply, distressful to most of us UB readers is that we’re aware that we’re all a bunch of old people. I turned 70 recently. We’re also aware that there are very, very, very few people in their teens, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or even 50’s who are following the UB. In other words what we see, is that it’s dying out. And it’s not for lack of effort. I was a teacher. I gave out I think a little over 50 copies (I’ve written down the people’s names) and I didn’t just hand them out helter-skelter. I handed them out to people who I thought it would resonate with, with very, very little positive response. And when I say positive, I mean them becoming UB readers. I know Fred Harris started a group ____ directly related to fostering young people and I think, from what I know, there was very little success there. In other words, it appears that UB followers are dwindling as we die, and that’s deeply sad and distressing for both of us. So, my question would be: Why didn’t you continue seeding after 1952?


The “why” question


MM: (Chuckling) Thank you for your question—put very bluntly. As you know, the “why” question is always offensive to us as it requires justification as we never ask why of any mortals. It requires a defensive response, and the answer is that this was necessary at the time and to be carried no farther. We admire the individuals who have taken that book and shared it to many thousands of people around the world. They have been seeding the world over and over again with the book in many languages. This is the responsibility of those who read. As a marketer you would say that obviously this book no longer feeds people and that people are no longer interested in it and that it does not serve to publish it further. However, the book does contain those ultimate responsibilities, obligations, privileges, and honors to move forward with the grand ascension scheme of the universe. This will never change. There are many tomes in history that have been lost and forgotten for centuries and then became well known and republished to great success. This too will lay as a seed among humankind in many societies (perhaps not all societies) where it will be discovered once again. It is one of those esoteric sources which fascinates people who enjoy and appreciate esoteric communication such as what we are doing today. Do you have a response to that or a question?


Celestial expectations


Rick: Yes. So, the UB was given to us as a seed for future generations. It was not expected to be a worldwide success during its first 100 or 200 years.


MM: From the celestial perspective, expectations are null and void. It is important to plant the right seeds at the right time for the greatest success, and then to see where it goes. Remember that Urantia is a decimal planet, it is an experimental planet and so it requires experimental applications of celestial and divine insight to be shared with mortals there to see what they do with it. It is important for us to see this process work out and to make adjustments as necessary along the way over the decades and centuries so that the truth of that book is not lost. Thank you.


Rick: Thank you.


JT: Machiventa, do you have a closing?


Garner the wisdom of these days


MM: Yes, a brief one. We thank you for your attendance today. These are difficult times which require excellent minds to appreciate and to garner the wisdom that is here to be taken, to reflect upon what’s occurring in your world, to be patient as it unfolds and to garner the wisdom that applies to you and which can be shared with your family, community, nation, and the world. It is important for us that you have been here all along over the years. It is important that you hold these things in mind as we move forward. You can anticipate that there will be further breaks in our communication via This One in the future though that is not an immediate answer at this time. We know that you seek a conversation with us in many regards, a place where you can ask questions—those that are difficult, those that are easy to answer and to ask. We thank you for your intelligence here and your participation with your hearts, your minds, and your souls. We wish you good day.


