[tmtranscripts] NET PMG #15

James Travis upwardinward at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 15:24:50 PDT 2021

*2021-10-04, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #15, Machiventa*

Planetary Manager’s Group #15– (Find this and previous PMG’s at:

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


*Phronetic leadership and co-creative relationships*

*PTSD and becoming*

*Learn to T/R—ask a question*

*A dialogue with Spirit*

*Ask the right question*

*Draw yourself into the future you want*

*Draw the arrow to the bullseye*

*Present Status of Machiventa Melchizedek*

*The dark place of egos*

*The sadness of atheism and agnosticism*

*A new and larger T/R symposium?*

*Beneficial to the Correcting Time*

*Fewer NET sessions*

*Become an operational Spirit asset on the ground*

*Phronetic leadership—there must be room for becoming*

*On becoming a T/R*

*You are the qualitative essence of the God presence within you*

*We need lots of T/Rs*

*Powers and Privileges of the Kingdom*

*Begin with yourself*

*T/Ring is like riding a bicycle*

*You are needed—become all you can be*

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Invocation: JT


*Phronetic leadership and co-creative relationships*

*Machiventa: *Good morning. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and it is a
delightful pleasure to be here with you this morning. We so much appreciate
your minds which are quiet, which are still. That allows us to clearly view
you in your mind-activity. Today my team has given me a number of items to
talk about. My agenda seems to be quite full, but nonetheless we will
always have time for questions and answers.

We are now finally able to introduce you to a leadership style that is very
friendly to us and which Christ Michael has used and it in fact parallels
the work of the First Source and Center for the creation of mortals. On
this planet it is called phronetic leadership (and it's spelled P H R O N E
T I C.) It comes from the Greek word *phronesis*, and it has to do with
common wisdom, common sense, and so on. It has been reactivated in time by
the Japanese. Two particular authors have been very good at this and have
written an article for the Harvard Business Review in the May 2011 issue.

The reason for presenting this to you is that it dovetails very well with
the co-creative design process—the co-creative means of instructing mortals
to be partners with us. And I'll answer the primary question that most of
you have repeatedly asked over time and that is: What can I do to assist
spirit in its work? For now, the relationship I alluded to last time is: In
this co-creative relationship, Spirit will present you with opportunities
after you have dedicated your will to do God's will. And that direction is
further enhanced for you and your life's path when you ask Spirit to bring
opportunities to you for your growth. Now that is a wide-open process,
isn't it? It could mean many things to you. It may require you to move
geographically. It may require you to quit your job and start a new one, or
it may be such that you have a holiday, sabbatical, or time off for some
reason and you learn to be of assistance to others in one way or another.

This process dovetails very well with the phronetic leadership style. It is
used by senior strategists in corporations, governments, and so on.
Basically, the way it works is that you are given an assignment by your
superior and you are told to work to fulfill this as best you can. Well,
that gives you a very free hand, doesn’t it? [You can] launch out and
contact associates, subordinates, superiors and others in your company,
your corporation, government, or wherever you work, whatever you're
involved in, to begin to form the future. And as you come upon those
difficulties and you are stymied to move ahead productively, you sit in the
quietness of your life, and you ask Spirit to assist you in resolving this
stymied situation—that you need to make some progress towards this goal.
And yes, another opportunity should be coming your way, and when you first
start off in this process and you're just a new beginner working so
co-creatively with Spirit in this intimate dialogue, it may take a few
days, a few weeks, a few months and hopefully not a few years to receive
your answer. A lot of it depends on how stuck you are with what you think
ought to occur. And so, when you are totally flexible, the answers, the
avenues, the opportunities will come your way.

This is the phronetic means of leadership, and it is a phronetic means of
management. It is values-based. It is quite different from the
materialistic object-quantity based theories of objective and goal
management and achievement. This allows the individual to grow into the
challenge of fulfilling the assignment. And so, just as God—the First
Source and Center—has created mortals to learn how to become perfect in
order for that mortal to return to Paradise over time, following their
ascendant journey, so too does Christ Michael use the same
possibility—whether it is for a decimal planet or whether it is in the vast
majority of normal planets and their ascension plan. In other words, you
get to express the potential within you that is akin to fulfilling the job
assignment. So too, it is important to know ahead of time what this
challenge is all about, both for you as a mortal as you strive to become
perfect, as Christ Michael as Jesus told you to do, and as you wish to do
for your own life today. And so, you find the means—the avenues and those
learning situations—that assist you to grow into the potential you brought
into life as an individual mortal with parents and social existence, and
also as a spiritual being who is growing into the early morontial stages of
their spiritual maturity. This phronetic management and leadership style is
very comfortable to us and for us, and it works for morontial beings as
well as it does for those who are spiritual beings in Uversa, the seventh
universe capital.

*PTSD and becoming*

I mention these things because we want you to *clearly* understand and see
what your life is all about—what you are seeing. You should have challenges
in life. They should not be of such depth and trauma that you are given a
post-traumatic stress syndrome of symptoms. You should, however, have the
means to overcome that. Many of you have been through many PTSD
experiences. And so, it is a challenge then to find your center, your
balance, and your groundedness. The spiritual person sees this as a
challenge to *become*. You may *be* a victim of PTSD, but to *become*
normal and to *become* able to see through the trauma and that you have
overcome that, is a tremendous achievement for earning your morontial
wings, so to speak.

*Learn to T/R—ask a question*

Now, getting back to how you can be of greater assistance to Spirit,
there's really one objective that you should be concerned about. The
unfortunate aspect is that some of you can achieve this, and some of you
cannot. Some of you may struggle with this for many years before you
finally achieve. What is it you want to achieve? What *we* want you to
achieve is to assist us more directly and capably in this grand dialogue
that you will have with us; this conversation of life, its purpose and
meaning. That is to learn to T/R. You have a wonderful T/R in your midst
who has been writing consistently about how to take the steps to learn how
to T/R. The 11.11 Group has published these directions and guidance for
your assistance. [https://correctingtime.org/#top] We have one suggestion
that has always proven to be a great benefit, whether you were a monk in
the kitchens of the abbey many centuries ago or whether you are an
individual now in your life. When you have those moments where you're
alone, when everyone has left the house for instance, or that you have the
weekend to yourself, you would want to putter around to keep your hands
busy and while you're doing that, you would ask spirit to assist you to
understand how to T/R. We have said this many times. The instructions are
still consistent and that is to ask a question as simple as: “Dear guardian
angel, do you love me?” Well, my friends, you should hear an immediate,
resounding, loud proclamation of “YES” or some affirmative answer to that.
And so, you begin by asking these almost self-evident questions and so on
until you are able to have questions and answers, questions and answers
back and forth between yourself and your celestial teacher, your guardian
angel, or your Thought Adjuster.

*A dialogue with Spirit*

Now that is up-stepped sometime when you are doing the same kind of menial
activities, keeping your hands busy and your guardian angel or celestial
teacher or Thought Adjuster asks *you* a question. Now that changes the
game tremendously, don't you think? And so, This One remembers very clearly
the day that that happened in his life, and that is a momentous occasion
that says that the spiritual entity trusts you to ask and talk in
meaningful ways that are not disrespectful, either to yourself, to others,
or to the spiritual being. This is the beginning of initiation by the
spiritual entity where you have initiated this dialogue on your own, maybe
days, weeks, months, or years ago by asking these questions. And as you
persist, we give you the picture of a child in the grocery store with their
mother who is going down the aisle looking for breakfast cereals and the
child is not fully conversant to say what they want, but they can point to
the box of cereal that they *do* want and they say over and over again:
“Mommy, mommy, please get that for me.” And as she goes on her way up and
down the aisle at the grocery store, this little one continues to request
the same thing until finally she relents, goes back to the cereal aisle,
and buys the box of cereal that the child wants. And so, this is an
opportunity for the child to enter into dialogue with the parent and the
parents can then ask the child questions in return. And so, it begins the
process of socializing and enculturating the child to be a good,
responsible, capable, and caring citizen or participant in society. Your
situation is almost identical to that. The process is the same with mortals
and the spiritual entity.

*Ask the right question*

Now, you can extend this same metaphor similarly as the child. We have
heard many, many times—hundreds of times, if not thousands of times—from
some individuals, “Oh dear God give me, dear God give me, dear God give
me.” You know the pleading and the beseeching. “I *need* this. I *want*
this. I know it's good for me. Please God give this to me.” And so, we as
your assistants for growth, are patient, let you stew in your own juices of
anguish and wait for you to realize that it is the wrong question. That it
must be the right question. And what would be the right question? Well, as
an adult, you're pleading for what you want. You would then ask: “Pease
help me understand what I need to know, how to ask for this material, and
how to understand what I need to understand and that is why it has not been
provided so far?” Well, my friends that will lead to great insights of
understanding both for you and for your spiritual assistants. This is a
slow process of beginning to wean the mortal child or adult away from the
things of materiality to the things that are meaningful, and which will
contribute to their spiritual growth and ascension. It is not that material
things are withheld to hold you in anguish, but that these things are
forthcoming when the eventuality that your life becomes more complete and
understanding what it is that you really need, and you become open and
receptive to something even better than what you asked for. It's that

*Draw yourself into the future you want*

Now, I'm going to shift gears here for a moment. You have been following
the discussion about sustainability. This is 2021 in your time frame and
sustainability has been a topic with increasing importance since the
mid-sixties. It has become even more so as time has progressed. Now it has
become even more important to your world. Looking at the long arc of
history and the long arc of the development of civilizations and nations,
we have the observation that sustainability seems to be an answer to a
question that has never been asked. I’ll pause to let that sink in a little
bit for you… Now, what would that question be? Well for us, who have seen
civilizations come and go on many planets and [seen] the successful ones
finally ask that question and *answer *it sufficiently, that they become
sustained as an ongoing process of existence well into the centuries and

The question is basically two questions that This One has quaintly named *The
Quintessential Existential Questions for Democracies of the 3rd Millennium*.
And the primary question that must be asked and answered by every citizen
of a nation and particularly of your global civilization is this: Do we
want to sustain our living into the future for decades, centuries, and
millennia for the benefit of all future generations? The answer should be
yes. As this question has not been explicitly asked and must be asked, many
people will be in befuddlement, and they might ask the question of “What?
What's that about, huh?”—and so on. You see, once you become aware of your
vulnerable situation as nations today (and I've told you often enough that
you know that your nations are now in a very tenuous and vulnerable
situation) that having the consciousness to ask the question is primary to
developing plans and designs for the future you *do* want to live in.

Efforts to blindly stumble ahead with sustainability—whether social
sustainability or material sustainability—will just be fraught with many
difficulties as there is no point in the future drawing you toward it. You
cannot push yourself as nations and individuals into sustainable existence
if you don't know where you're going. You must draw yourself into the
future. This requires a mature consciousness on the part of your leaders,
as part of all citizens and middle managers and statesmen and so on. This
is the question that corporations must be asking themselves now. When you
are a part of a very large mega corporation that has many trillions of
dollars of assets, that question is vital to its continued existence both
as a conveyor of dividends to stockholders and as an active agent that is
assisting a society or many societies move into the future. This requires a
mindset which is much different than exists or has existed in the
materialism and materialistic object-quantity orientations of nations thus

This change of consciousness is important, and it's important for you as an
individual. We see you who are listening to this today or reading this
material in the future as vital to leadership. You may not believe it, but
you are in a cultural position of leadership. You may be called in the
future to be of assistance to help people understand what's going on; “Why
aren’t our plans working?” and so on. When you project, say, or share a
future, you are creating a future that you want to live in. And as one of
your sages and contemporary business people has said: “You create the
future you want to live in,” or words to that effect.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Alan Curtis Kay, 1971, at an early Palo Alto Research Center meeting.

(Also attributed to Peter Drucker and Dandridge M. Cole.)

*Draw the arrow to the bullseye*

Let me give you a nice, clean metaphor. You are an experienced archer. You
have a wonderful bow, and you have these very exactly manufactured arrows
and you have the objects that can transfer the arrow to the bullseye in the
distance. Your job in training yourself to become the activator and creator
of multiple bullseye hits must put your frame of mind in place of seeing
you at the [point of the] bullseye drawing the arrow *to* it. Yes, this is
a metaphorical reference that has a tremendous, powerful effect on your
mind to help you control your muscles that will send the arrow, with the
aid of the bow, to the target. In other words, you are energetically
drawing the arrow to the bullseye as you are at the bullseye point,
figuratively. So, when you ask about sustainability, what is its purpose?
What is this for? Why should I recycle my beer cans, my soda pop bottles
and cans, and other plastics? What good is that doing? That is part of
hitting that bull's eye. It is one small act that draws your
great-great-grandchildren into a future that they want to live in. Right
now, the future that your generation is creating is one that very few
people would want to live in—particularly the Millennials and their
children who are so much aware of the wrong direction of the cultures they
live in.

So, if you take all of these items together that I have spoken about this
morning, they all weave together very nicely. And the “very nicely” is that
you have within you, innately, the urges, the motivators—which you call
seven values—that urge you into a future that is socially sustainable,
where there are good relationships between people, between communities,
neighbors, and nations. All of these things are integrated, and this is not
by accident or happenstance. It is simply part of the grand scheme of how
you as a spiritual being were designed by the Life Carriers in their
laboratories who had particular specifications to fulfill in the creation
of your species, and that there has been no stone left unturned to assist
you to do that, albeit you do have some anomalies in your gene structure
that cause disabilities and diseases and so on. These in time will be
corrected by your own scientists as they strive to remediate those genetic
problems. Those efforts, by some human laboratories, to create another
human being are misdirected. They must first understand the genome that
they were given and to understand that and how to manipulate the gene
splicing so that parents are able to generate whole children without those
anomalies. I am open for questions if you have any from this session or in
a previous session or some future sessions. Thank you.

*JT:* I’ll open a question-and-answer session. And we've got Rick.

*Rick:* Yes. Good afternoon. Machiventa, how are you today?

*MM:* Excellent. Thank you for asking.

*Present Status of Machiventa Melchizedek*

*Rick:* You're welcome. I have two questions. My first is regarding a quote
from *The Urantia Book* Chapter 93. The title of that chapter is *Present
Status of Machiventa Melchizedek*. And the quote reads: “Recent rulings
handed down from the Most Highs of Edentia, and later confirmed by the
Ancients of Days of Uversa strongly suggest that this bestowal Melchizedek
is destined to take the place of the fallen Planetary Prince Caligastia. If
our conjectures in this respect are correct, it is altogether possible that
Machiventa Melchizedek may again appear in person on Urantia and in some
modified manner resume the world role of the dethroned Planetary Prince, or
else appear on earth to function as vicegerent Planetary Prince
representing Christ Michael, who now actually holds the title of Planetary
Prince of Urantia.” My question is: This is a fascinating UB quote
regarding you and your possible future on Urantia. Would you like to

*MM:* This is Machiventa. I will leave your question as it is. The
statement in The Urantia Book is, in my opinion and [that of] my
assistants, complete as it is. There is more that could be said about that,
however we believe it would be a distraction to answer your question
directly at this time. Thank you for asking though.

*The dark place of egos*

*Rick:* You're welcome. My second question is: From you, from our last
session, you said the darkest place is within a person who has no hope or
light of knowing God personally. And so, my question is: This dark place
you refer to, is it A) about people not capable of knowing God because of
their genetic inheritance? or B) Is this referring to people who are normal
minded and have a Thought Adjuster and the opportunity to know God but
choose to be atheistic or agnostic?

*MM:* It is the second. That dark place is the place of egos, where egos
self-proclaim it is right and that it is correct. There is no darker place
than that, my friend, Thank you.

*The sadness of atheism and agnosticism*

*Rick:* Okay, thank you. That leaves me, with your permission, to a third
question and that is: In my life, as I think most of us, we have known
people who are both atheistic and agnostic who are good people and are the
authors of good deeds. Is this sadness that you refer to—this dark
place—does it also exist in atheist and agnostics, true from my point of
view, good people who perpetuate good deeds?

*MM:* No, there is not darkness in that person as they do have the light
enough to promote and to act in positive, beneficial ways for themselves
and for others. The sadness generates from us. It is sad to see such
magnificent individuals who are humanitarian totally and who do good works
and good deeds and have good thoughts. The sadness is that they are
intellectually bereft of the will-decision to believe in God to then
augment their own survival into the infinity of time and beyond. The
sadness is what, to paraphrase, a magnificent individual this is. We wish
and hope that this individual would become God knowing and God committed.
Hopefully that will answer your question. If not, you can ask a sidebar

*Rick:* I appreciate your answer to the third question. It does answer it

*MM:* Thank you.

*Liz:* Good morning Machiventa. It's so nice to be with you today.

*MM:* Good to have you here with us.

*A new and larger T/R symposium?*

*Liz:* Thank you. I was very interested in the first part of your opening
statement today about receiving tasks. And Machiventa, I have to say that
when Sondjah Melchizedek through Daniel spoke to our small group here last
May and I was in the room to feel that energy, it was a life-changing
experience for me. This was the first time I've ever been in the presence
of someone channeling and it was *profoundly moving*. Now a couple of years
ago I talked to you about a greater gathering of people who read these
transcripts and who are on this call. But then of course the pandemic came,
but now as things are beginning to ease, I feel like I have been tasked to
facilitate that type of experience for many other people, but my vision
this time has expanded. I've quite suddenly envisioned a weekend symposium
where we bring together three who I deem to be trustworthy T/Rs and through
them invite you and perhaps teacher Vutia, Monjoronson, Christ Michael,
mother Nebadonia, and maybe others to speak to an assembled group on the
status of the correcting time. As you stated in the last session, there's a
synergy among the different T/Rs and having several of them host several of
you as you address a group of maybe 100, perhaps even 300 people might be
very fruitful. Do you agree?

*MM:* I agree in part. You have stated many things which I hold an
exception to, but I agree [with] the need for that. I would caution you,
however, being the initiator of this idea. We are more oriented towards the
audience expressing their unified need. We have seen many times at 1-1 a
personality pushes an idea forward that it gets pushed in directions that
may not be comfortable for others, or it may not be complemental to the
needs of the larger group. We know that you are capable of making this
happen. You have done so many times in the past with other events and we
would hold that out for a while to see how this proceeds. We invite you to
be patient with this idea and not to immediately enter into finalizing or
setting up plans to do this. We do believe, knowing facts that you were
unaware of, that there will be a possibility in the not-too-distant future
when there will be many people in the audience who say “Yes, we want to do
this.” And it is much like polling, in that you poll or survey a population
to see who may be interested and who isn't. We want those who are
interested to come forward and participate and to experience first-hand the
energies that are conveyed that are not necessarily conveyed through the
T/R, but that which the spiritual entity fills the space where you are
holding your event. Do you have questions now?

*Beneficial to the Correcting Time*

*Liz:* Well, I understand very clearly what you're talking about, and I
appreciate the clarity. I do not want to push this forward to the detriment
of the vision that I have. I also know that it's just *my* vision and not
*your* vision, and I would far prefer *your* vision. The other question I
had about this is: Would this be of benefit to the Correcting Time or am I
thinking that this is just going to be a wonderful, personal experience for
those who attend? Of course, I want to be of assistance to the Correcting
Time, so I would appreciate your comment on that.

*MM:* Certainly. The Correcting Time is a program. It is a developmental
program. It wants to promote the social evolution of Urantian societies and
individuals—spiritual evolution. As far as such a gathering assisting the
Correcting Time, you must then look to the program of the symposium to be
such that it would complement the plans of the Correcting Time, that its
intention would be to broaden awareness for the purposes *of* the
Correcting Time and all the projects underneath that large umbrella. Is
this clear at this point?

*Liz:* Yes, yes, it changes, I guess I might say, the trajectory of the
focus a little bit because I'm not sure that I had a focus except that I
want as many people as possible to have the amazing spiritual experience
that I had, but I understand what you're saying here about putting the
focus on the correcting time. Then I will stand back and continue to
contemplate this, and I want you to know that I'm ready, able, and willing
to zoom into action when we think that the time is right for anything like

*MM:* Thank you. This is Machiventa, and your talents, efforts, and
dedication will not be wasted. Thank you.

*Liz:* Thank you.

*Jeff:* Good morning Machiventa.

*MM:* Good morning, Jeff.

*Fewer NET sessions*

*Jeff:* I want to thank you for the trajectory of the material that you
have been presenting over the last several years. It gets meatier and
meatier, and it gets more intellectually satisfying, and I just want to say
thank you for that uplift that you're bringing. In our last session I was I
was a little startled when you said that the time that we are spending with
you may lessen or the program may change a bit so that we may not meet
quite as often, and I, just personally, was “Oh my, you know these are my
friends, I'm going to miss this.” Is it appropriate for you to give a
little more color on that statement?

*Become an operational Spirit asset on the ground*

*MM:* Gladly and thank you for your compliment. What we have been striving
to achieve over time is that as we move closer to the presence of
significant developments that we would be able to reveal these things more
and more accurately to you in a timely manner. As far as the decrease in
the times that we meet, that is a matter of circumstances of several
things. First of all, you know, as we do, that This One has work to do.
There are times when it will be necessary for us to take This One away to
do more work that can be applied pragmatically to your societies. I know
that those are fuzzy words that are euphemistic and that if you were an
attorney, you’d call these *weasel words*—that I'm trying to tell you a
message without being too direct. And that is my response at this time.

This One has other work to do which will take him away from these immediate
activities though we will make every opportunity available as possible for
This One to meet with you on our two-week schedule. Taking This One away is
not meant as a punishment, but it certainly has an intention of urging
those of you who want to be T/Rs to become those T/Rs that will be needed.
This is one of the reasons why I have addressed the questions that have
been asked repeatedly by many people “What can we do to assist Spirit?” You
can assist us by becoming operational spiritual assets on the ground who
can receive instructions, dialogue with us on a daily basis, make
corrections in the odd ground programs, and to seek direction for yourself
as you proceed doing so.

*Phronetic leadership—there must be room for becoming*

Now this is very overt. It's no longer covert. We want to be out in the
open and to be seen as a blessing to everyone. When T/Rs begin this
process, they become extremely valuable to us. We have very, very few
people in the world who operate on a conversational basis daily and work
with a particular program that we have developed for them to proceed. The
development of these individual projects is such that it will call the
person to grow—to grow into the resources and to the person they need to be
in the future. This is why we mentioned this phronetic leadership. It is
desperately needed in materialistic, hardcore, scientific, fact-based
societies. There must be room for *becoming*, and that your sciences would
acknowledge that, and that this would be a part and parcel of management,
of supervision, and so on. Do you see my point, Jeff?

*Jeff:* Yes, I do. And if I may I would like to ask a different question. I
have tried several times in my life to try to T/R. I think the first time
was right after the Woods Hole people showed up in Los Angeles, and the
second time was at the gathering last spring. I have failed. and I am not
certain how I can personally try again to be that T/R assistant that you

*On becoming a T/R*

*MM:* I appreciate your anguish dear one. You are trying too hard. We would
advise you first of all not to try to T/R with a group of people. Beginning
to T/R is a very intimate process. If you cannot trust yourself to T/R and
hear a message, then how can you expect anybody else to? You must begin the
process between yourself and your guardian or Thought Adjusters, or
celestial teacher and overcome your fears of receiving inaccurate material.
We have told you in the past that the way to begin is by asking a sincere
question, remain open for an answer, wait—and do something else if need
be—for the answer to come to you and then proceed. Once you have received
an answer, you accept the answer and then discern it. It is important that
you totally be open to receive an answer to your question. If you are
hesitant, if you're guarded, if you have an unspoken bias against your own
capability of T/Ring, then you will truly never receive an answer. We need
to have you accept whatever comes through you and *then *discern. If you
are judging the message before it's received by you then you have
failed—abjectly failed. You must have faith in yourself, my friend—your
faith that you do trust God, you do trust your Thought Adjuster, and that
you're worthy and deserving of receiving an answer to your questions.

*You are the qualitative essence of the God presence within you*

There is a caveat and that is that perhaps your training as an individual
through your mortal lifetime, through your occupation, through your mental
habits and inner disciplines *of* thinking get in the way. We have found
that people who are accountants, who are engineers, those people who are
laboratory assistants, or managers who go by analyses and by
evaluations—qualitative and quantitative—that they hold the same objective
standards for their own inner thinking. Well, my friend, that is certainly
patently unfriendly. You are far more than those processes and procedures
of a profession or activity. You are a living being. You are the
qualitative essence of the God presence within you. You determine how good
the quality expresses itself through the acceptance of God's messages
through you. We're not asking you to accept totally any message that you
*do* receive, but that you accept *receiving *it and then discern the
message. Does that help?

*Jeff:* Immensely. And I hope that that helps many of the readers of these
transcripts as well.

*We need lots of T/Rs*

*MM:* We need you. We need T/Rs. We need *lots* of T/Rs. It is our wish
that we would have over 100,000 active T/Rs in any given nation who have
the same kind of conversant dialog going on throughout the day,
understanding that guidance, and if that person has questions, they ask
another question about what is happening and where they're going. It is no
different from you being given an assignment at work to design and improve
a process which you then present the problems to your team, group or your
thought group, examine that, and then proceed further on. You do that with
the team that you have with you—those individuals who are unseen to you.
They want you to be successful, they are *urging* you to be successful.
They're striving to draw you into a successful future, and this is one of
the earliest most basic parts of doing so. If you think you can't then you
can't. If you judge yourself as not being worthy of it, then you can't. If
you think the messages will be tainted by the “evil” in you, then you can't
either. We know that you have a good heart, and you have good intentions.
And remember, it is by your intentions that you are judged—whether you
survive or not—in the long term of your grand ascension program. Thank you.

*Jeff:* Thank you very much. I really appreciate this.

*Powers and Privileges of the Kingdom*

*JT:* We have a couple of reader questions. Tom references a paragraph in
paper 170 of The Urantia Book, a paper titled *The Kingdom of Heaven,* and
it says: And so, for centuries the Christian church has labored under great
embarrassment because it dared to lay claim to those mysterious powers and
privileges of the kingdom, powers and privileges which can be exercised and
experienced only between Jesus and his spiritual believer brothers. And
thus it becomes apparent that membership in the church does not necessarily
mean fellowship in the kingdom; one is spiritual, the other mainly social.”
He says: “Some of which stated in this paper 170 was taught to me in my
early days of Christian teachings, but most if not all of the rest of this
paper I have felt or has been confirmed over my years of study and even
more so in the study of The Urantia Book. However, this thought, outlined
above, genuinely puzzles me. Again, what powers and privileges are being
referred to here.”

*MM:* Thank you for your question asking for clarity. The powers and
privileges which you have in hand are already existent in you. It is simply
a matter of being in oneness with your Thought Adjuster within you. When
you are in oneness with your Thought, Adjuster, then you are totally in
tune with Christ Michael's will for your life and for all his mortal,
ascendant spiritual brothers. You have within you the capacity to move
mountains. That has been said before, has been written, and with much
disbelief by many people. However, that would be a test and, of course,
spirit will not be tested. You must hold yourself to a standard which is
accomplishable by *yourself.* One of which is simply being able to hear the
voice of the small quiet voice within you that is your Thought Adjuster
speaking to you in times of need, in times when you need guidance. The
powers are many: the power to heal, the power to see and avoid a
happenstance in the future which would be detrimental. You may be thinking
of psychic powers. We would too. However, this has been aggrandized in many
inappropriate ways and it has been commercialized to the point of being
irrelevant as an asset to a spiritual being. To know that which is
inevitable is a blessing for sure. It is one which can be used for guidance
of individuals, groups, and whole nations let alone the individual
themselves. To know ahead of time which job avenue would be best for them
is something that would be akin to understanding the presence of the
Thought Adjuster *leading* you into a new occupation.

These are many things that are available to you. The requirement is that
you wholeheartedly believe and trust in the experience of knowing God
personally which you know—have been told—to *know* something is to have
experienced it. When you have experienced God within you, experienced God
talking to you, then you have achieved the level at the end of the hope
continuum that ends in trust in knowing. Then you become one of experience
with the capability to experience those undisclosed powers and abilities as
stated. Thank you.

*JT:* Russ asks: Since much of our life is affected by global corporations,
won't some of our solutions be more global than local? This transcends
individual democracies.

*Daniel:* JT Is that a question?

*Begin with yourself*

*JT:* I’ll read it again. “Since much of our life is affected by global
corporations, won't some of our solutions be more global than local? Is our
recovery plan multistage five-year, ten-year, twenty-year … plans, [Are
they] super idealistic plans? Wing it as we go?” That’s what he says.

*MM:* This is Machiventa. Once again, you as a reader and listener are
leaping to the grandiose rather than beginning with yourself. No, the
answers are not global to start with. They are the end result of right
thinking by billions of individuals. It is important that individuals form
the future that is needed—not to present an alternative global plan. You
may have global plans, but you must implement them at the local level. You
must begin with yourself, and if that's working then you would share it
with someone else, and so on. The idea is to continue to see the wealth of
productivity as it evolves. As far as one-year, five-year, ten-year plans
are concerned, the plans of men are always undone in the developments of
time. It is best to let Spirit lead the way, and therefore the closest you
can ever become to Spirit is right there within you with your Thought
Adjuster. Learn to dialogue with your Thought Adjuster concerning those
global plans. Certainly, we as representatives of the totality of Spirit do
have an interest in the global developments of your world—your
civilization. It is necessary that individuals grasp that unto themselves.
No matter how humble you may be, how impoverished you may be, how
intellectually challenged you may be, you can make a contribution beginning
with your life—to be at peace with it, to live easily with those
requirements rather than challenging yourself with developing plans for
other people to fulfill. Thank you.

*JT:* And we'll finish up with a question from Recca.

*T/Ring is like riding a bicycle*

*Recca:* Thank you. Good morning, Machiventa. Good morning, everybody here.
I'd just like to make a comment. I don't have a question Machiventa, but I
would like to follow up on your answer to Jeff. And I'd like to encourage
Jeff, just to remind himself that when you decided to learn to ride a bike,
Jeff, you scraped your knees a lot, you had training wheels, and then you
learned how to do it. Then you might not have ridden a bike for a good many
years, but you do remember how to do it when you get on a bike. You don't
have to go through the whole, same process again. So everything that you've
tried before, when you thought you might want to try to transmit and
receive—to T/R—is already in place in you and you can just go forward from
here and just get on that bicycle again and take the advice that Machiventa
has given us about just being, and pausing, and being in the stillness and
accepting what it is that you're listening to. So I can vouch for that
riding a bicycle. That's all I have to say.

*MM:* Thank you. This is Machiventa. Are we ready for benediction or

*JT:* Certainly.

*You are needed—become all you can be*

*MM:* This is Machiventa Melchizedek, your planetary manager. Thank you for
that metaphor, Recca. Once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget it.
And the same can be said about swimming and other talents. So too it is
with the ascending mortal and the development of their will—that those who
come into compliance of Oneness with their Thought Adjuster would almost
never think about deviating from that Oneness. And that to remain in
communion with your Thought Adjuster becomes a daily activity. It becomes a
living prayer. And more than prayer, it becomes a living meditation—a
joining of hands across the space of time and the infinite universe. You
are all capable of doing this. You all have the power. You are needed. We
continue to tell you that you are needed, and that the urgency is only that
which you make it. We ask you to be at ease, to be at peace, to accept
yourself where you are, and that your intention is to become all that you
could become. And this is one of the most magnificent dedications of life
that you could ever make for yourself, for your Thought Adjuster, for
Christ Michael, and Nebadonia. We thank you for your presence today and
your dedication to continue this journey with us. Good day.

*JT:* Thank you Machiventa, and thank you Daniel.

Link to Harvard Business Review on Phronetic Leadership:


Link to the 11:11 Group 5 part writings by Chris Maurus on T/Ring
entitled *Experiencing
Conscious Contact*: https://correctingtime.org/#top

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