From: Sonny (by way of Marty Greenhut <>) []

Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:51 AM


Subject: [lightenlife] [tml] Norson on Urantia History and why we need



  Aloha Friends


Here is one of the lessons on Urantia History that our group leader, Norson

(possibly Norsen) blessed us with way back when. Hope you like it!



Norson (T/R-David): 7/16/93.




Good morning to you one and all, you are much loved, you are truly very






Life on planet Urantia is VERY different than that existing on any sphere


yet to harbor human life in our universe. Extremely difficult and


drastically unusual. It has not always been so. Life on every planet is


differently composed from the evolutionary experiences of its inhabitants


and the universe events which timely arrive to fulfill the patterns


projected by our Creator, our Divine Paradise Son, Michael, Nebadon's


unique Planner.




No world is ever the same as another, each begins with "built in"


differences, yet as I refer to Urantia being an extreme example, I do so in


an attempt to reveal the deepest reaches of this dissimilarity. It is of


significant importance that you begin to picture more clearly, have a


fuller understanding of the conditions of the reality into which you have


been born and are now consciously, distinctively beginning to live and grow


morantially and spiritually.




I shall first address the physical history through which your ancestors


evolved, bringing all mankind to this moment in time where you now grow and


develop. This road of day by day experience on which the children of Earth


traveled to arrive at the present, is not like that of any other planets'


path. Observing from here, we see that the evolutionary development through


which Urantia has passed, and now grows, makes it forever impossible for


anything even REMOTELY similar to your experiences to ever again occur.


Your world, a decimal planet, one on which our Life Carriers had a certain


degree of freedom with which to introduce slight variations in the physical


evolutionary process, initiating things untried but nothing extreme. There


was no substantial divergence from their preplanned life planting


procedures. Your early beginnings were quite routine and normal, different


yes but not unusual. The first rare development, a rather infrequent


happening, took place when all the races of color originated in one family.


And all in one generation. This was a somewhat rare event, yet one which


occurs with sufficient frequency that we are familiar with a number of such


histories. The arrival, organization and basic functional activities begun


by your Planetary Government some half a million ago was not unlike the


early developmental experiences through which each of the planets in


Nebadon must pass. Minor differences are normal. Drastic directional


changes did not begin until the Satania System separated itself from the


fold. Lucifer declared to Michael, that Satania was no longer to be


considered part of the family of systems under his guidance and


supervision. Lucifer chose to remove his slightly more than half evolved


system out from under the loving care of our Creator Son, departing also


from the far reaching plans of perfection being willed by our Heavenly


Father, the true source of all life. But for this Primary Lanonandek Son,


the actual existence of God the Father was not quite clear. This once


brilliant being, this high ranking Third Order Local Universe Son was


unsure of the Most Real of All Realities. God and God's plans, if such


things really existed, were not ones which Lucifer and those closest to


this self centered and self deceived son wished to follow. This faulty,


long harbored free willed decision to withdraw, was the first big bump


pushing you off the course planned for your planetary development. The


secondary Lanonandek Sons, Caligastia and Daligastia, in command of affairs


here on this yet young sphere, immediately devoted and dedicated themselves


to following in the shadow of their errant leader Lucifer and his top aide


Satan. They gave their allegiance, vowing to support and uphold the


proposed plans for independence. Other systems have rebelled before, this


represents but a very small number who have deviated from our Creator


Father's plans for evolution. Default is not common, yet instantly, as this


occurred, your forefathers were squeezed onto a rapidly narrowing road; it


would now forever be your destiny to meet many unusual experiences and be


tested by trials which so few have had to face. Escalation of separation


began, deviation from normal accelerated; confusion fear and discord become


examples which your early ancestors continually experienced, evolving them


into a distinctly rare category of humans, destined to grow in a disturbed


darkness for which there virtually was no alternative available. One


exception to this being the brave few who began believing by virtue of


Van's example of steadfast courage, his absolute certainty of faith.




It is my sincere intention that I may in an uncomplicated way, using


certain words a little loosely, lead you to a simpler understanding of how


evolution very slowly proceeds to effect the growth structure of each


living organism, plant, animal or human. I attempt to add light to your


understanding, to clarify how environments affect the way in which growth


takes place. The little lizard and the large alligator evolved from a


common ancestor, all their very observable differences are due to


variations of environmental conditions to which they were exposed. As man


develops his thinking, extends his consciousness of himself and his


surroundings, his thoughts are evolving him; gently, slowly changing him


all the time. This growth is reflective of his mental environment. "As a


man thinks, so he becomes", this is real, this is the entry spot where man


may begin to consciously control or at least give some guidance and


direction to the life he is recognizing as his own. The mental environment


which came into existence as a results of the Rebellion, was to provide


your kinfolk, living then and immediately thereafter, the most severe blow


yet inflicted upon your planets population. Fear was instilled into man s


conscious thinking; continual exposure to fear deepened the ruts in his


mindal environment, distorting the pictures he holds of reality. Fear


reigned and ran rampant in man s unconsciousness. Fear became the focus and


foundation for your future evolution when faith should have been. Faith was


nearly nonexistent, never exercised and exhibited for your adaptation.


These were certainly "sad days" for our universe. Many of us watched


virtually helpless to change the terribly events we could not "understand",


the near disastrous activities tearing at the heart and soul of Michael's


youngest children.




Here began the most substantial deviation from normal evolutionary


activities yet witnessed in Nebadon. In this isolation, by this separation


you have been destined/compelled to live within these extreme limits. You


have taken on the unique characteristics and abilities which are "reserved"


for very, very few. Though your struggles must seem most dramatic,


radically different, extremely difficult, and often destructive, yet even


these drastic detours, in time will be considered among your greatest


blessings. Those of you blessed with a good sense of humor are able to


enjoy even now, the absurdities of some of your situations. You are, to a


certain degree removed from suffering such sadnesses because you recognize


that "other realities" for which you thought you needed to wait are already


here. Your faith has led you to begin living now what seemed most unlikely


for you to live until later.




The next event of planetary significance which sharply and further narrowed


the already limited opportunities for normal growth on Urantia was the


failure of your Adamic pair to complete the biological upliftent of the


evolutionary races, this ended practically before it began. It was a near


complete abortion of their original plans. This Adamic couple had taken on


other responsibilities most important to mans growth at this critical


juncture in his evolution: to help deliver to the tribes being up stepped,


the vital information which would bring balance to their lives and bring


joy to the hearts of those hearing and accepting this revelation. Just to


see Adam and Eve standing beside the average human of that day would make


it near impossible to conceive of them as being anything other than "Higher


Beings". In most instances, difficulties arose from the fact that they were


viewed as gods. If all had gone well for them, had they not defaulted their


mission so early, they would have become ambassadors, delivering not only


themselves physically, but in their living of this life, they would have


been the proof positive of the good news they were to usher in: The truth


and reality of the Family of God and the overwhelming joy that all of us


are united and vital members of this eternal relationship. That failed to


become the reality for you Urantians; the Highway to Heaven diminished to


what now appears as no more than an overgrown trail through a shadow


drenched maze. You each have become more individualized, each more


radically unique. Yet, if from that point of development, your experiences


had then followed a more normal course there would still be quite a number


of other humans in our universe with similar beginnings and similar growth


peculiarities. The single most profound and unique happening in all of


Nebadon was Michael's living his day by day life as a mortal, as a man. He


really and truly was Mary's son, Joshua Ben Joseph of Nazareth. And though


subject to the same negative misconceptions and a quarter million years of


misguidance and backward development, he was still able to become all it is


possible for man to become. In addition to this he lived a life radiating a


light unequaled in its brilliance, unequaled in its perfection of Father


portrayal. He was and still is your blessed brother, savior, teacher, and


friend Jesus. His doing of all these things on Urantia has made it forever


impossible elsewhere, to live anything quite the same as you are here and


now living. It is no wonder you are ever watched, you are on the forefront


of uniqueness, you live, walking and balancing on the tight rope, high


above the center ring of life's circus, where Michael is "Ring Master" and


most of the eyes in his universe are focused on you 606ers, the most


outrageously unique death defying, life distorting activities ever to be


witnessed. Hurry, hurry, get your tickets, get your programs and take your


seats, the show is about to begin. The circuits are open and his majesty


`sir stillness is soon to silently speak.




Setting your humor aside for the moment, Urantians must actually consider


their lives to be normal; you have known nothing else, there is nothing


with which to compare your evolution. Life for you IS normal. We who


usually come to tell you of all the wonderful blessings and gifts which you


share in common, share with nearly all of your kind, come now instead, to


help you become aware of the meaningful differences which must be


recognized if we are to compensate and communicate more clearly despite the


monumental deficiencies which still exist.




This Teaching Mission, this Correction Time has been initiated as an


emergency measure, designed to restructure your mental environment. As this


is being accomplished. As this evolves, you will more efficiently perform


the many services needed to bring your lost brothers and sisters back to


the fold. Here they will be able to share in the abundance's of all things


good. The Father's love which you have been experiencing and growing within


yourself shall be the most powerful means to awaken those unfamiliar with


this blessing. Share this love, share your knowledge of this love. Love


eradicates fear, love lifts up your heart, love lightens your load, love


brightens your day. Your living faith in the Father's continual love can


and shall overcome all obstacles, overcome all deficiencies and will


finally and gloriously lead you home.




  We love you very, very much, all of you. This information shall aid you in


releasing deep grooved fear habits, helping you dispel illusions and


misconceptions that have distracted you or tied you down, not permitting


you the freedom which our Father has created for you to share.




This is Melchizedek Norson serving you that you may serve each other.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



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