Transmissions from celestial teachers across the U.S.
Ham: Freedom and Self-Indulgence
Abraham on Good Practice of Worship
Abraham on Baptism of the Spirit
Jessona and Elyon on Peace, Healing Circuits, Mind Access
Olfana on the Treasure of Memories
Christ Michael on Stepping Out in Faith
Olfana on Courage
Aaron on Individuality
Daniel on Creating with God
Klarixiska .. a prayer
Ham on freedom and self-indulgence
02/24/2002 in Nashville, TN
Ham: Greetings, children, I am Ham and I welcome you
here this evening. Tonight, let us discuss freedom.
There is among mortals various conceptions of personal
freedom usually connected with some measure of
self-indulgence. There are many false illusions of
freedom, illusions that create chains and restrictions
much more severely than any physical jails.
Self-indulgence is a form of self-shackling under the
guise of freedom.
True freedom is found in self-restraint and healthy
boundaries. The maturity of the person is measured by
one’s ability to exhibit self-restraint, restraint in word,
and restraint in action. You cannot grow in the spirit
without recognizing the difference between true and
false freedoms. Self-control creates the boundaries in
which happiness can be nurtured.
When you carelessly throw away your self-restraint and
embrace self-indulgence, it is a tragedy for your selves,
your angels, and all those who love you. Maturity must
be progressive. You must strive to build mature
boundaries of conduct which lead to advancement in
the world and respect from your peers. Self-indulgence
leads to loss of self-respect and loss of the respect of
your peers. Liberty to make spiritual progress is found in
the mature actions of the growing sons and daughters
of the Father, not in reverting to adolescence or childish
Maturity comes with self-negation, it comes with selfless
service of others, thinking of their happiness and
contentment rather than your own. The child is entirely
self-focused. The maturing adult is partially
self-focused. Jesus of Nazareth was entirely other
focused. His concern was never for himself. His comfort
was always the least of his worries. He showed the
world what a truly mature person should be like.
The self-indulgence exhibited by his followers is seen
especially in the apostle Judas who thought solely of
himself, though solely of his own concerns and was thus
led rapidly to complete ruin. You cannot climb the
heights required of you by following the Master when
you engage in acts of self-indulgence and actions that
lead to a type of morbid self-focus. These types of
actions will lead to a rapid undoing.
I know it is fashionable in your society to experience
various degrees of mid life crises, to want to recapture
some type of youthful abandon. But, you can only look
around you to see the ruined lives and wrecked
marriages that are caused by this type of
self-indulgence. It is a wise person who knows when to
put away the things of youth and to move on with life.
You are all of you passing into new stages of your lives
and this acceptance of new responsibilities as well as
new boundaries must be achieved. Each of you will
carry as much responsibility in the mission as you can
hold. Take these responsibilities with grace and ease
rather than rebellion and strife. You all have great
spiritual gifts and those gifts carry the responsibility of
spiritual growth and maturity.
This has been a stern warning and it is up to each of
you to nurture your own happiness by setting
boundaries of self-restraint. It is up to you to accept the
responsibilities of your years and to be open to new and
greater challenges that will stimulate your growth rather
than stifle it. Follow the Master’s example in turning your
concerns outward. Don’t worry about yourselves so
FEBRUARY 10, 2002
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Your lighthearted atmosphere here this evening
makes this task so much more simple and enjoyable. You each individually
possess great strength and power, but collectively we are able to do so much
more than you know. I am with gratitude to Father for His unfailing guidance
and watch-care, for at this point in time I dread to think of what existence
might be without it.
Through the power of worship I find that I get to understand Father a bit
more, I perceive His true nature. As mortals we can assume a great many
aspects of deity personalities, but it is through worship that we release
our preconceived notions, and are opened to greater understanding of who our
First Source and Center really is. God is who you make Him, so to speak. He
is whatever possibilities that are in your minds view of Him. We can be
limited by our faith levels or we can excel with divine possibilities.
Through the good practice of worship we are expanding our thought reality
into knowing the true nature of our Father.
To perceive Father as a harsh judge has us live our lives with the fear that
everything we do is under constant scrutiny, and will be judged and either
condemned or commended, depending on the situation--certainly a limited way
to live the mortal life. As we better know Father, we learn He is a true
Caretaker, in that He truly desires to see us excel in everything we do.
With this faith level we will live our lives as if the universe is with us
and there is nothing we cannot do.
At this point in time this part of the world is truly the hub of Urantia.
With all the activities taking place here now we are learning to cross many
historic barriers to incorporate the Brotherhood of Man on earth. While
these Olympic games are competitive, they hold more now than ever such
goodwill and sportsmanship. While each individual strives for their personal
best, they are always working for the good of the whole team.
The energy that is being generated is definitely nutrition for the cosmic
mind. While a great many individuals have come together to organize these
games, a great many more celestial organizers have come to put this goodwill
experience into a plan of action that will further generate new avenues of
spiritual development. In the struggle of competition we are learning that
no victory is ever worth hurting another.
As we begin to really understand our Father, we begin to love one another as
He loves us. Your sorrow is my sorrow. Your joy is my joy. As we begin to
really know the Source from which all things stem, we see the connection
between all of us. We see the downfall of another is our downfall. We see we
have the power to heal or wound. When we understand the true nature of
Father, we better understand the equality between all His children, all the
races, gender, financial status and positions of power and prestige. There
really is no seat any higher than another in the Kingdom.
To expand your understanding on the true nature of Father we feel we have a
distinct place in the universe. We need not act out to draw attention to our
own importance, no, for true joy comes from within. Joy comes from knowing
the spiritual life is real. God is real and we live our lives as if we
believe in that with all our heart and mind, yes.
Last week we spoke of attachments and how they create a distorted perception
of reality. Our priorities change from Truth, Beauty and Goodness to selfish
purposes or survival purposes, yes. The hardest disappointments to bear are
those realities you have built your life on--revealing themselves to be
unstable, as if you have wasted so much time and energy putting your heart
and mind into these things.
Do not waste any more time in the punishment of regret, the limited mindal
game of 'only if.' Move onto a new thought direction, become enthusiastic
over future possibilities from past lessons learned. Do not dwell in your
regrets and become further limited by them, no. God really is who you make
Him out to be. That concept is extremely influential in your own mind. You
will definitely live your life accordingly.
Perhaps the best method of understanding the true nature of God is to
strengthen your relationship with the Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, Jesus
of Nazareth, Son of Man, Son of God. What do we know of the Master? He was
undoubtedly tender, and yet possessed an indescribable divine strength. He
was personable, and yet able to relate with all people from all walks of
life. He was indeed sympathetic, but never allowed His fellows to lay down
before their troubles. The Master could be found doling out words of power
and wisdom, and yet find humor in most everything--superbly balanced, yes.
If you have seen the Son--you have seen the Father. While the two
personalities are definitely distinct and individual, their personality
characteristics are alike in many ways. We come to know Father through the
setting aside of ourselves in worship. We come to know the Son through
working out life's details through conferring with the Son.
The best that we can strive for is God-likeness and to reinforce these
relationships with Father and the Master we learn their personality aspects,
their attributes. In the God-likeness is where we will find the best of
ourselves. It is where we will take up the banner of Brotherhood and lay
down the shield of selfishness. In doing our best are we at a most awesome
position to serve, to be apostles and ambassadors for the Kingdom.
As our perception grows of the true nature of God, then do we learn more
about ourselves. Yes, there is a little more understanding when we make
mistakes. There is a little more tenderness when we find we measure not up
to our own expectations. There is always the increased hope that while we
are fallible beings, our Caretakers lead us ever Heavenward, and the past is
simply stepping stones.
You have great opportunity now, my friends, to truly touch the lives of
those you come into contact with. Not through the preaching and teaching
from the Book, no, but through simply showing that you really care, that you
are really standing side-by-side with your fellows. You can make a huge
difference in their lives by showing a bit of interest in who they are.
People become more important when you understand the true nature of our
Caretakers, attachments release their hold on you and you can really begin
to serve, to make a difference, to be a director of destiny, yes.
This week journal your thoughts on the aspects of Father and Michael. How
are you limited by your beliefs? How have your beliefs changed in just this
past year and how are you better because of it? Continue to work on
detaching from those things that do not direct destiny, do not leave a
lasting impression of all that is good, yes.
This is a new time in history, children. The spiritual energy is becoming
more potent, and of course, energy moves matter. Time will seem to move more
swiftly and your participation in it will not only be of great assistance to
us but a tremendous joy to you.
FEBRUARY 25, 2002
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. My heart is full when I see how much you care for
one another. I am always inspired to become more than I am. I will not
settle for a lesser route to be more than I am because it is more simple,
no. While I appreciate those times of comfort and ease, I do realize I am
less inclined to reach upward for help. My involvement in your lives
certainly keeps me inspired to learn more, grow more and become more than I
am, yes. As I make effort to serve in Michael's Mission, I am also served
and tremendously blessed. I thank you for your patience and willingness to
proceed ever forward.
Over these years I have been witness to literally viewing your [personal]
worlds increase incorporating those possibilities that seemed impossible
before, yes. I understand as a mortal you tend to be quite harsh on your
seemingly slow way of progression. It is with experience and time that you
can see you have actually expanded your mind, your personal world. There are
moments in this life that seem overwhelming and you cannot possibly bear one
more difficulty. I understand the feelings of inadequacy as your
difficulties enfold you. I have known the fear and pain of loss in the
mortal life, but I can say that these experiences are the very thing that
expands your mind so you can advance spiritually.
In a short time we will celebrate the Master's day of resurrection. It was a
time of releasing the old to take up the new. It was a time of dying to the
old ways and being reborn in the new. While mortal life can come with a
great many complexities, we can always take comfort in the fact that
everything changes, everything becomes new. I realize there is comfort to
some in the mundane. It seems safe and without surprises, but personal
spiritual growth is quite slowed.
You have known individuals who live with a great amount of fear and their
safety net is a life that is uneventful, unmoving and not going toward any
purpose, any goal. They seem to only to exist, not really live--just exist.
Those individuals who are somewhat balanced in this mortal life look forward
to daily challenges, unplanned experiences and surprises. They have their
safety net in the spiritual life. The spiritual life is a source of energy
that keeps you wanting to strive for a personal best, moving towards a life
in the Spirit, a perfected life, if you will.
We are inspired by the Master's life, where He was born as every child is,
and faces all the same daily difficulties and masters a life in the flesh.
His life was quite eventful at times and He took each moment as if it were
the only moment to focus on at the time. He relied on Father and His past
experiential training to move Him through events with enduring strength,
unfailing love and spiritual energy. He moved through the mortal life
without complaining, without being so entangled in unpleasant past
experiences. He learned from the past, but He did not dwell on it. He was
not so injured by it--as He was taught by it--to become who He was meant to
While the Master was indeed a divine being, He also knew very well what life
was in the flesh. There is no doubt that Father was indeed His great
strength and comfort, but I would also mention that He found much
inspiration and energy among His fellows. While His divine side did find
spiritual fulfillment from the Father, His mortal side found satisfaction in
the love and acceptance of His fellows.
As we ponder the upcoming Easter holiday, we will definitely find strength
in the life of the Master. Was He weak for seeking out His fellows company?
Was He inadequate all by Himself? No. Jesus exhausted all His human and
divine resources. His fellows faith and good cheer gave Him energy and
reminded Him of the reason He persevered through many trials.
It has been said that many times the Master was beside Himself. This was in
fact a reconciliation of His spirit with Father's. It was an alignment of
wills. It was setting aside personal desires for the Father to work. It was
dying to the old ways to take up the new. In the seemingly overburdening
mortal life you can also become as the Master was and be beside yourself,
align your will with Father's. Release the heavy burden. Realize that you
are not left alone to carry on in life's difficulties. You can lay down the
old to take up the new.
As we think about the Master's resurrection we cannot go without remembering
Pentecost, when the Spirit was poured out upon all flesh and the
repercussions therefrom. As we commit to laying down the old, we are asking
to be reborn and rejuvenated in Spirit. This is truly a baptism of the
Spirit. Your own personal faith will only allow you to go so far with this
idea, but if the individual is willing, the Spirit of Truth is ready. Allow
the grime of spirit poisons to be washed away by our Purifier, our Spirit of
Truth, our Brother/Father, yes. Allow yourselves to be bathed in the light
of truth. Allow your attitudes to become refreshed, your minds to become
expanded and open to new possibilities.
This week I ask you to journal those past experiences you insist on dwelling
in and how this creates blockage to the new. Study the Master's resurrection
and the day of Pentecost. Plan time to be still and open to that baptism of
the Spirit. Father does truly desire your happiness and He knows your
dreams. He works to incorporate His lessons into helping you find the
desires of your heart, yes. A few questions.
QUESTION: Yes, Abraham, some people talk about having a contrite spirit and a
broken heart. In your second part of your assignment I wonder if you could
expand upon the baptism of the Spirit. How does that come about?
ABRAHAM: Put simply--baptism of the Spirit occurs when one is truly
committed to drinking the cup of mortal life and accepts the consequences
therefrom, and handles it through relying on the Spirit. You definitely feel
a change in attitude and you are with more determination to meet every
challenge without complaint or feeling self-pity. Baptism of the Spirit is
perhaps likened to a reconnection to the divine circuits. You can literally
feel it. At times some are perhaps tempted to go a bit overboard with
spreading the good news, but reality is certain to bring them back to earth.
I am believing that the saying 'a contrite spirit and a broken heart' is off
the mark here. That is more towards self-sacrificing to show Father how much
you love Him. Perhaps I am mistaken, but my idea here is that the baptism of
the Spirit is brush with the Spirit of Truth and the effects are awesome.
Another question?
QUESTION: Abraham, can you comment about belief in the idea that Jesus had
to die for our sins, the notion that we needed His blood to wash away our
ABRAHAM: Is there another purpose for this explanation Harrison? (I just
encountered a lot of that these last two weeks with the Christians that
were handing things out on the corner.) Understood. I would say a few words.
Those that are so locked into the atonement doctrine would probably not
easily accept the ideas of the Urantia Book. The Master simply came to
reveal to us the Father in Heaven and reveal to the Father His mortal
children. He was not about building the spiritual life on any miracles or
ideas of self-sacrifice that pays your way into Heaven. The Master was more
focused on the positive aspects of the growing Kingdom, not about atoning
for a broken society to become worthy. This is so difficult to explain to
those who sincerely believe that the blood of Christ is their payment for
their unworthiness to be received into Heaven. It would be well if you could
also focus on the positive aspects of the Master's purpose and plans for the
growing Kingdom, instead of any debate over the atonement doctrine. Is this
helping. (Yes. Thank you.) You're welcome. Another question?
QUESTION: Abraham, when someone is so stuck on not giving into the Spirit of
Truth or in our life patterns, you know us pretty well and we cling onto our
old ways. It almost takes the harshness of life to beat us down to our
knees, not that Father is, but our own stubbornness I think is. What would
you say to us to change that attitude to not have to be beat down? It is so
hard to let go of the old patterns and trust and accept in faith that things
will be okay embracing the will of God.
ABRAHAM: With the varying personalities of individuals there are different
ways to accept divine help. Some will not receive until they are brought to
their knees by life's circumstance--not by Father--mind you, but by their
own obstinate determination to remain in old patterns. Angels, teachers,
various helpers, all help toward bringing you those lessons you need to
continue growing, but never do they inflict anything that would bring a
person such humility that their last resort was to open up to Heaven. The
point is that there is no hurry. There is no time limit and everyone is
completely safe.
North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Peace, Healing Circuits, Accessing Another's Mind, Circuits/Circles
Teachers: Jessona, Elyon
February 10, 2001
* Jessona (Jonathan TR): Greetings to you, this is Jessona. I spoke a few weeks back about stillness and wish to infuse the same pattern of thinking that I used then only this time on the subject of peace, for there are corollaries. I mentioned that you can experience stillness even in a dynamic manner and alluded to the morontia quality that can be experienced regardless of your activities, that even activity can contribute to the
inner connection that personality may have with Creator. This is true with peace.
You who are so diligent in pursuing the opportunities of growth have come to
realize that you experience peace, that soul contentment, even when you are midst
much turmoil or grappling with a complex issue or facing an emotional upheaval.
Understanding that your inner life is your portal to the morontia living
experience, it is possible to receive from that reality just beyond your
physical realm that nature of being peaceful.
All too often peace is sought through the comfort of the physical
realm, through the security of close bonds, the assurances of a structured life
that will support. However, true peace is a real, deep understanding and
experience with the Father, His embrace, and the assurance that comes from the strength
of that embrace.
We master seraphim are in charge of the reserve corps. These beings
you have read about are mortal and are trained deep within to engage in
emergency activities should the need arise. That area of mind wherein they are
trained is the same area of mind wherein you can experience stillness continually and
peace always and, for that matter, love as well.
When you are feeling distracted, when your life is churning at a pace that seems unsettling or events are unfolding against your will for what should or could transpire, that is the time to tell yourself there is peace. Be ready to accept there is peace and be willing to set aside, "I will find peace", for that is a time-oriented peace that comes after the turmoil has ceased. Michael told you that he leaves his peace with you, and that is not temporary, it is
always. That peace you can have instantaneously when you step to that portal of
morontia connectivity deep within you and avail yourself of that experience. By
doing so you will create a reflexive response to that profound sense of contentment
and assurance even while you are battered about with events that seem to upset.
I do not wish to monopolize the connection here today and will allow
others in attendance to speak with you. I am here for the day.
QUESTION: What clearance does an entity need to access our thoughts?
I ask because it is evident from The Urantia Book that the thoughts of the
apostles were represented in the book. Does that result from them remembering them
later or was someone able to receive them at the time?
* Jessona: Nebadonia is the source of your mind, all your minds, and -- not
to bring undue concern -- but she is aware of every thought every moment of
every day. But this mother of mercy does not hold you in judgment for your
thoughts, for she is appreciative of your nature as her children and is willing to
co-experience your thinking processes. Others have avenues that are not
direct, for instance, we are well trained in the patterns of human thinking, the
reactions and habits of a mind such as the one bestowed upon each of you.
So, we can anticipate and often validate our anticipation of what you are thinking
through your actions. Not all have access directly to your Thought Adjuster.
Some beings are fully communicative with the Divine Presence, and it is
through such a relay of your mind contents by way of the Thought Adjuster that these
beings are able to acquire the contents.
Sovereignty of will implies a degree of privacy of thought, for although
the universe is full of eager personalities to minister to another, always
must we await the willingness to receive higher lessons, deeper experiences. It
would be rather convenient if we could propagandize all minds throughout Nebadon,
but that would not be the Father's will. The more you are willing and the more
that the Father within agrees, then we are given free access. Otherwise you
might liken it to the rudeness of not knocking before you open a door to a room
that has been closed.
Regarding the apostles, much that transpired in their lives was of Supreme consequence and significance. Their thoughts are a permanent possession of the Supreme. When the midwayers were granted permission to retell the life of Jesus,
they were given access to resource material that had been collected by
angels and to beings who could grasp the Supreme nature of these experiences and
present them reconstructed in the pattern of the particular apostle. And I must
remind you of the angels who record in triplicate.
Also, the story as it has been compiled in the Urantia Papers, though
drawing from the thoughts of the apostles, includes much content that was
unavailable to an apostle at that particular time when they were alive and
Jesus was present with them. This is why the midwayers do not say, "Peter
thought" Jesus was thinking or willing to do some particular thing. They present it
as Jesus doing or thinking directly. More importantly, however, is that the
midwayers, though close to you, do not think like you, and it was important
to have the responses of the apostles in their reference material so that they
may more efficiently humanize their form of the story of Michael's life here on
Since it has been many years that the apostles have not been on this
world, the midwayers were able to contact those apostles who are now ascending the
morontia realms and verify what they thought transpired during the
revelations of Michael. It is true that the midwayers were there all the time and saw at
first hand, however, more importantly in the re-presentation of his bestowal
story, they required the human viewpoint.
In regard to accessing mind again, I must also point out that it was
recorded on Salvington long ago that not all was well in the mind of
Lucifer, but that is the degree to which that assessment was made. The full disclosure
of his thoughts was only made through his chosen actions and statements that
followed. Michael and Mother Spirit knew, but Gabriel only could receive such
knowledge through counsel with Michael. This was not forthcoming as easily as it does
today now that Michael is a Master Son, for Michael prior to his current
status chose to limit the degree to which he could access another's mind and more
so the degree to which he would share the knowledge that he had acquired with
someone else. Again, it is the sovereignty of will issue. Now Michael has proven
himself. Now all the powers that were his all along are in full engagement,
and this is why he says, "I am with you always". This is the import of his
statement, "It is finished," for that episode from the beginning of Nebadon
to the point of the closure of his seventh bestowal was a time of limitation
for him. He is now fully expanded, fully engaged, and with his spirit
If you wish to share your mind with another entity you may give
permission and trust the personalities and mechanisms in place that will aid in the
exchange of consciousness. If you desire to be more private in your mind field, you
are accepted for choosing such. Mind is one of the great miracles at play
across the universe, for we all share a mind type, yet we all have a node of mind that
is our personal possession.
QUESTION: Are you allowed to tell us if Judas survived?
* Jessona: I am not able to reveal that information. But I will add
that Judas is not unlike many, many individuals on this world and that Michael is
a son of mercy.
QUESTION: Last week's lesson on circuits painted a whole new framework
for me. Physically you spoke of plugging into circuits like into a toaster, or like
a key for an automobile. Perhaps everyone in a swimming pool shares a circuit, or
everyone who has eaten a certain fruit perhaps aligned in a similar circuit.
Philosophically everyone who has seen the same movie, read the same book,
etc., has availed themselves of the same circuit. I assume you access spiritual
circuits through, one, stillness and prayer, two, by service and, three, by
asking. How do I access spiritual circuits?
* Jessona: I will turn you over to Elyon who gave that address to
answer for you.
* Elyon: Greetings, my friend. We have taught you about the circuits
so that you may grow in awareness of their reality and learn to access them and
leverage them for the benefit of your fellows and the world in general.
Circuit, the term, is convenient, for it implies network. It also gives the
conceptual vision of individuals distances apart who have connection independent of
that distance. You understand electricity better than the many years that
preceded its discovery on this world. You understand the flow of energy, and these
qualities of circuitry apply well to the spiritual circuits that we tell you
of. Yet, the term does begin to fall short of all that is contained in the
reality of circuits, for there is another word that would expand the concept, and that
is circles, arenas. It could have been said that you ascend seven psychic
circuits for seven psychic circles. Where I am heading in this response is that in
order to avail yourself of another circuit, one that is higher than your current
incircuitment, you must maturize your experience in the circuit, circle, you
are in.
You have given three techniques, and I approve; these are helpful in
carrying you, bridging you, into the next circuit. Asking is of great
importance, for, just like electricity, without the ground the positive has
nowhere to go. By asking you are setting up the want and the need, and it
will be filled. By praying you are seeking the greatest source of wisdom that
could ever be. In ministry you are standing as the wires of the circuit. There
may be a plus and there may be a minus and a potential between, but your engagement
in service to your fellows connects the two poles and allows the energy to
flow. All through the universe we place beings in functions; not much is automated
mechanically, and this is particularly true of the ascent of the mortal
creature to Paradise.
I will return to a prior lesson of circles and remind you that
circles overlap and create new circles, subcircles, and circuits do likewise, for
you know of the grand universe circuits and the circuits of various levels of
the architecture of the grand universe. It has been revealed to you that there
are even more circuits that are established through personality contact with one
another. Each one is a layer among the many layers of circuitry.
I will draw upon your understanding of the cosmology of this
universe presented in the Urantia Papers and bring to note that much of the universe
is made of circles. Each one is clearly defined and marked as separate because
of circuitry. That circuitry is a bonding force for each circle. As you
ascend circuits will be available to you that you had long hoped for when you were
in a circle of attainment that was not advantageous to have access to that
circuit. Therefore, do all you can at the level you are on and you will receive
incircuitments at the next level in due time. Has this been supplementary?
QUESTION: When observing a physical phenomena, the more senses I
incorporate, the stronger the imprint. Considering mind a sense, perhaps better
understanding comes from incorporating as many circuits as possible? Is that on the right
* Elyon: Indeed it is and well said, for you know the eye functions
independent of the ear and the other senses likewise. They each have their
own circuit. However, you the experiencer correlates each circuit into an
experience. By using this same integration you can perceive in a more
morontia sense what is transpiring in your life .... signals gathered by you and
processed, composed, become vision or insight which you then can apply in
your ministry. Also, as you demonstrate the ability to correlate
multi-circuitry, you become eligible for the reception of further incircuitments.
COMMENT: Stillness is probably the organization of our switchboard for
sorting incoming information.
* Elyon: Yes, it becomes your control room.
QUESTION: We are tempted to study circuits one at a time when they don't
operate individually. They all operate at the same time, right?
* Elyon: Yes.
COMMENT: It would be difficult to leave one out. They all impact each
* Elyon: Indeed. As illustration let me point out that your
circulatory system in your body feeds valuable nutrients to your neural circuits. Yet
without the neural circuits the heart would not pump. They are
interrelated, interconnected. That pattern repeats itself throughout the universe.
QUESTION: That's why they study a living frog rather than a dead one,
* Elyon: Suffice it to say that's why I study you now.
COMMENT: I appreciate all the effort you and your team put forth on
our behalf. It sweetens our lives. Thank you so much.
* Elyon: I appreciate your expression of gratitude, and my life has
likewise been enriched by our association. There are no plans for us to terminate
our project, and so we look forward to many more years ahead, much work to be
done, many circuits to enliven and circles to climb. I will take my leave.
Olfana on "The Treasure of Your Memories" 07-27-00
Half Moon Bay, CA TeaM Group
This is a lesson that Olfana gave to us at the 2000 California "SpiritFest"
Conference, that was held in July at Pigeon Point Lighthouse, on the
beautiful California coastline above Santa Cruz. The property surrounding
the lighthouse has been converted into a hostel, and this was where we
stayed for our conference. So, as you read this lesson, imagine the rocky
cliffs of the coast, with foamy white waves breaking over rocky tidal
outcrops, set in deep blue and azure ocean waters. Streaming down the
sunlit cliffs are the purple and magenta flowering iceplants. In the
cloud-laced sky above are gray and white sea gulls, who dive to the beach
and tidal pools, and then fly high up to perch on the top railings of the
imposing lighthouse, which towers over the entire scene. Enjoy. Love, Susan Kimsey
I am the teacher OLFANA, and I am so pleased to be here with you. There is
such an interesting atmosphere in this lovely beach location, where over a
long period many people, from many generations, have spent time, all coming
here with their own sense of purpose. Quite often some people had a more
commercial purpose, building a lighthouse to protect the ships at sea.
There were some with a scientific purpose, studying the oceans, the tides,
the currents, and animals that frequent this inlet. Some came to study the
flora and fauna. Some have come simply for the beauty of the place, coming
to paint or take pictures of nature. Now that there are houses here, some
people treat this area as a resting spot and come to "get away from it all."
Your group has come here for a spiritual gathering. Because this area has
seen so many types of experiences, there are energies that permeate the land
and the atmosphere here.
When you walk outside into the fresh air and take in the view, sense not
only the natural energies, like those of the beautiful sea touching the
land, but think also of those other humans, and why they have gathered at
such a spot as this. Recognize yourself inside this timeline of human
history. Try to see yourself in this broader framework, with your limited
life in a context of these other humans who came before you. See yourself
experiencing something of the same that they have experienced. In this way,
see if you can generate within yourself a deeper sense of connection with
this history of others who lived before you on this planet, a sense that you
are still in a relationship with those who have left this world.
Your memories and experiences from a location such as this are a part of the
beauty that you keep, and share, when you pass on from this world. Indeed,
you will be able to share this beauty with others on the mansion levels in a
way that will be so much more remarkable and amazing than the way you can
now share memories. After you leave this site and return home, you see your
friends, and say of your memory,
"Oh yes, I spent a weekend at Pigeon Point Lighthouse. It was a beautiful
site. I'd never spent time before in a place like that. It had uniqueness.
And there are details..."
When you pass on to the mansion levels, bringing with you a memory of
this world, you can share this memory in a way such that others smell the
flowers that you smelled, and see the beauty that you saw when morning
daylight first touched the leaves of the trees, and the blossoms of the
flowers. Even a memory of heartfelt love that you felt for someone can
there, in the mansion worlds, indeed, be conveyed in emotional depth to
another with whom you would share this "love memory."
Once we pass on, we can combine our worldly experiences with others, in this
greater way, to develop a remarkable collection of lifetime experiences.
So, if you never snorkeled, or climbed a giant rock cliff, on this planet,
you will be able to seek out and obtain such experiences from others who
have. And at the same time, of course, you offer them all the remarkable
precious experiences that you carry in your memory collection. Your knowing
that you will develop this remarkable "world experience" memory collection,
by giving and taking, after you pass from this planet, I hope, provides a
new incentive for you. Each time you reach out to savor some special moment
in your life, now, I encourage you to do so in a way that captures the
moment as part of a personal treasure, which you can then share with others
in your eternal life, later. Imagine, also, all the remarkable possibilities of selection you will have from the memories that others will share with you.
Half Moon Bay, CA Teaching Mission Group
See more Teacher lessons at www.hmbtm.com
Also from Half Moon Bay, CA
Group Session: SpiritFest 1999
Christ Michael on "Stepping Out in Faith"
Christ Michael: My children, I have come to you to share a few words, sense
our love together and offer you my counsel and guidance as your Creator Son.
I have asked you to step out now in faith, trusting in my guidance,
receiving my strength, absorbing my protection and care. It is not an easy
path I ask of you. There are indeed sacrifices to be made at times--moments
when you must fight disillusionment, your own sense of fear or rejection, or
merely the exhaustion of making this effort in my name. I offer you my
peace now. Feel it, my children. Breathe it in as it flows from me.
I am the Savior of this world! I am the great guide back to The Source and
Center of All Being. I am your Master now, and I cherish you as my dear
beloved beings. I have created you with loving intention and I wish you now
to relish this gift of life! Relish, and at the same time, do indeed offer
those sacrifices to my cause. Let me see you in your glory and in your
sense of commitment to my true desire now to bring Urantia back into the
flock, the fold--one of those planets which is a beacon of love and light
for the Father. You can do this! Do not doubt the potentials, the gifts I
have placed within you. You are stronger than you realize at times. You
are to trust yourselves.
Remember me, my children, in those moments when you waver or falter.
Remember the sacrifices that I chose to make. Remember the ways in which I
extend myself for all those I love that I create. Do this in my name. I
appeal to you now toward your understanding of me in your hearts and minds.
I appeal to you to help me now in this great cause that I have initiated for
this planet. You are my "soldiers." You are my "sheep." You are my
"servants." You are my "dear ones." Please take these appellations into your sense of
yourself, and act from this. Act out of your love. Act out of your sense
of faith and commitment. Act out of your belief in yourself, in me as your
Beloved Sovereign, and in the glory that you understand of God! Act out of
your sense of righteousness. What is fair? What is good? What is kind? What
is gentle?
Take these actions for me, my dear beloved children, and you will be
comforting my heart. I need you just as much as you need me. We are
together in this! We are bonded. You are of me and I am of you. As you
pray, think of this, at times. Place you hands together as I am now holding
them. (TR holds her hands up, clasped firmly together.) Become your hand and let
me become the other hand, and clasp them together in love, in trust, in
strength! And ask of God to understand what part of my mission, my calling is there
for you. I bless you now. You have my love. You are my source of joy!
You will do the right thing. I trust in you. I depart now, my dear ones.
Olfana on "Courage"
This is Olfana who speaks now. I wish to discuss the topic of "courage."
Courage combines with your willingness to act. A courageous thought, in and
of itself, is indeed commendable. But, courage seeks an outlet of
expression. Courage's best evidence is shown in courageous actions. A
courageous heart seeks a cause in which to express itself. A courageous
mind seeks pure, good and true ideas to connect with, and then project to
the world. Courage is a strong part of your willingness "to be," to express
yourself, to show the best of the strengths of your soul. In this way, I
would indeed encourage you to take your thoughts of courage and ask God's
Counsel for ways in which they can be expressed.
When you encourage another you are offering them words of counsel to fortify
their actions, their choices, a desire to see a betterment in their life.
And this is what encouragement to another is--that you are taking your
courageous sense of them, a courageous understanding of how they can be, and
you are attempting to impart this understanding to them, to another who
needs this encouragement, who needs this strengthening, who needs this
catalyst to then express their own courage and strength. And therefore, I
would encourage all of you to become a person who identifies your own
courageous thoughts, and seeks outlets for them and indeed seeks to identify
this in others.
Half Moon Bay, CA Teaching Mission Group
November 1996, Spokane, WA
* Aaron: Good evening, this is Aaron, my friends. Tonight I would discuss
with you concerning individuality and its balance in relationship to the
Quite often the understanding has been presented that the goal of the
universes is unity, oneness, a bonding of all personality into an
indissoluble unit of love and family. In relationship, the effort toward
understanding other personalities is required, and from working in
combination with others, many issues may rise about the level of one's
participation within a relationship.
One of the basic causes for diminished perception of reality in interaction
is the lack of recognition of one's individuality personally. If one does
not have the capability to relate individually with freedom, then it is true
that they are incapable of promoting individuality in another. In this you
may begin to understand that relationships and interaction must begin first
with the individual, with who you are, building that relationship within to
the spirit.
In striving for unity, for oneness throughout the universes, what then is
the purpose of individuality? It seems to equate that individuality should
be sacrificed to maintain unity, to find oneness. This is critically
incorrect. True unity will nurture, support, and uplift individuality,
uniqueness, due to the fact that the individuality of any being is rooted in
the personality endowed upon them by the First Source and Center of all
For one to sacrifice personality to gain an expression of unity would be a
false reflection and lend itself more toward uniformity. The unity of
individuals never requires sacrifice in its most ideal form, for each
personality, all personality, is required to have full freedom of expression
before universal unity is realized. All personality throughout the grand
universes must have full expression because the endowments are the gift from
God which are as a jigsaw puzzle to the realization of the Supreme.
When each personality is placed in its proper role and function the result
will be an integrally symmetric continual function of truth, beauty, and
goodness, portraying the reality of all value combined.
As we bring this concept closer to you in your individual lives, you must
then ask yourselves why it is that you would sacrifice your value and your
personality to gain acceptance and commonality with others if, in reality,
your free functioning of personality expressing itself, uniquely
representing an aspect of our Universal Parent, is the crowning achievement
and greatest possible good that one can accomplish?
Where you exist at this point in time seems to be as a battlefield of wills
exerting themselves, trying to gain control, to have expression. The chaos
in this evolutionary state is due to the dual nature of animal and spirit,
the will of the ego, the will of God. Your functioning at this level is to
synchronize the animal will with the Divine leading through continual effort
at making choices that are enlightened by truth, enhanced in beauty and
empowerd with goodness.
Recognize that to sacrifice your individuality to gain relationship is to
deny the basic principles of spiritual insight. The question arises: Do you
wish to have animal human contact and interaction to satisfy the longing and
loneliness of human heart at the sacrifice of reality, more so than to have
reality expressed through you find interaction and relationship with the
reality expressed through another? At what point will the human cease to
compromise integrity and gain a birthright of spiritual endowment?
Individual expression is required to find unity and to know family. To hear
the call to sacrifice for the team, to go with the flow without rocking the
boat, is to witness the control of ego will upon the individual expression.
Consensus is better built through the honest airing of value from each
personality, allowing harmonic views to take precedence through shared
insight and understanding, rather than a dominating attitude of majority
prevailing. True personality expression will find resolution in any
scenario, whether it is one, five, ten, or many, many personalities in
DANIEL - Creating with God
... and Klarixiska
12-7-01 - TR: Bill K.
Tonight's lesson has to do with sharing creatorship with God. It is, in
fact, an aspect of your involvement with God, the Supreme. When you stop
to think about it, we are in existence in this universe because it is the
will of God that it should be created. The eternal universe of Havona,
circling around Paradise, fully expresses the nature of God in beauty, in
wisdom, in exquisite variety, and infinite perfection. But the Trinity
decided that They wanted to expand Their creatorship prerogatives; They
wanted to share them with Their own Sons and Daughters so that They could
build a new kind of universe, one in which creatorship is shared all the
way down the line. This new universe is the one that you and I live in.
It is the evolving Grand Universe, the arena of the evolving Supreme.
Have you ever thought about the generosity of the Gods, that They are
willing to share Their creator prerogatives with other personal beings,
even including us mortals, the lowest order of origin?
All your gifts of creativity are inherent in your personality, as all
personalities are creative. This is the link between your creativity and
that of the First, Second, and Third Sources and Centers. We are all
personal beings, and therefore, inherently creative. "But", you may
protest, "I am not an artist; I can't do what some of my talented friends
do. I am not a musician. I cannot do what my talented friends do. I am
not a writer. I cannot compose novels, poetry, etc." Perhaps you do not
have these particular gifts, but you are still a creator.
Think of this, my friends. Because of your free will you choose how to
structure your days. You create the milieu of your lives by your choices
day by day, yes, moment by moment. You are creating yourselves,
momentarily, even as you are creating your life's opportunities. All of
you parents have biologically created your children, and if you are good
parents, you are creating a growing and healthy environment. To be aligned
with God, to be doing His will always involves creativity. To be in
opposition to God's will is to be aligned with destruction rather than
You may be wondering why I am talking about creativity. I have chosen this
topic because I wish to broaden the base of your understanding. I wish to
enliven your minds so that you will be more grateful for your existence,
for now you can understand your inherent connection with our true Parents,
in that you are their children, and have commonality of personality status.
We do not relate to an abstract Force. We do not worship a chemical
formula. We are the children of a personal Father and Mother, in one
Parent combined, and we are cells in the body of God the Supreme.
The prerogatives of creativity are inherent in personality as they are
expressed through free will. The reality of belonging to the Supreme
limits the free will arena in some measure so that one's choices do not
handicap or harm other person's choices. Again, using the body as an
illustration: the liver functions in harmony with the kidneys, not in
opposition; the bones and muscles cooperate for movement to be possible,
they do not act in opposition. In like manner, your creativity is blended
and limited by your being a part of the whole, not just the whole of
planetary life on Urantia, but the Whole of the Superuniverse of Orvonton,
of the Grand Universe which is in the process of completion.
Now we come to the great mystery, the barrier of the next universe age. We
believe that we shall be involved in the organization and administration of
the next level of the universe expansion into the first, second, third, and
fourth outer space levels, already in process of formation. In order for
us to be involved with the life that will be developed, the entire universe
career ahead of us argues for a purpose greater than our perfection
attainment alone. Our creativity will go beyond ourselves. Indeed, the
Supreme will be part of the completion of the Ultimate in that next
universe age which awaits the Paradise Finaliters.
These are no "small potatoes," my friends! Your lives are of immense
significance. We are part of the grandest experiment that can be
conceived! You and I are not mere animals in our origin. We are human and
divine in our potential personality fusion and when you reach the status of
someone like myself, this fusion will occur, if not before. But it is
really just the beginning of the immense creativity of all who are part of
the Supreme, as they are creating together in their interlocking
relationships. It is awesome, truly, what God has decided to share with
you and me in this universe age of the development and completion of the
Almighty Supreme.
(Discussion and questions follow. Celestial teacher Klarixiska concludes the
evening with a prayer.)
I am Klarixiska. Let us pray.
To you, First Source and Center, who dwells within each of us, we give our
heart's allegiance. We thank you for the gift of personality, free will
choice, and the result that we can co-create our part in the Supreme. We
thank you for every experience that comes to us in all the lives that we
shall live on our ascension to Paradise. We thank you for the joy that we
have as we learn and then share with other people. Bless these, my
friends, my little brothers and sisters, that they may enjoy this
playground and learn how to share their toys effectively and fairly with
each other. Amen.