Elyon 02/22/98

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Thu Mar 5 07:53:26 PST 1998

February 22, 1998
*	Elyon (Sarah TR):  This is Elyon.  As far as a monopoly of
being the group's teacher, I really have none.  There are a lot of
teachers waiting here for someone to call upon them.  Teachers are
surrounding all of you all the time.  Michael says he has sent many,
many teachers to you and that you choose to ignore them.  It would be
a good exercise to watch each day the spiritual plain on which you
are riding, to look for and appreciate all of the help of celestial
beings that are close, that are watching along your way.  Man has
been taught to ignore these magical moments, and that people would
really question your sanity. I would really like this week for you to
stop and appreciate and to feel the essence of God in your life, the
feeling of someone holding you in their arms and giving you.more love
than you can possibly handle.
	Man makes such big things out of small (things) that mean
nothing.  If you would get the peace and serenity, you would be able
to tell this, that a great joy would be in your life.  You are
spiritual beings, and since you have freewill you can choose to be
lightweight and joyful or the opposite.  This will not be one man
making choices; you will be seen as a way of life on which you
(demand?) the serenity, and you simply don't allow a lot of
negativity into the brilliance of light where you stand.  
	I will step out now.
	Sandy:  Elyon, I forgot to introduce Wes.  You like us to
introduce people, don't you?
*	Elyon:  Yes, I do.  
*	Coronas (Jonathan):  I likewise greet you today and embrace you
with love and acknowledge our camaraderie as brothers and sisters and
as citizens of this unique planet.
	Mankind is not the only creature that must face uncertainty,
incompleteness in understanding.  There are many of us who must make
our decisions without a complete picture and act on faith. But it is
through this experience that we each enlarge our sense of surety. 
This certainty is an experience more than it is an understanding, a
comprehension.  Let me illustrate. Some of you today have arrived
here, making the journey with uncertain landmarks in order to arrive
at your destination.[For a change, we met at Tom's near Sandpoint] 
Even now, having arrived, you do not necessarily have all the details
to provide certainty to another making their first journey.  But you
are certain of the destiny; you are certain of your ability to arrive
at your location.  The information held in your mind does not have to
be complete for you to be assured.  This certainty I speak of is a
certainty of the soul, of the personal will center that you are.
	Understanding is a wonderful experience of the mind, but every
attainment of understanding leads to increased perspective that only
encourages questions for greater comprehension.  This is a beautiful
process inherent in consciousness.  It is a self-perpetuating
mechanism of mind that is extremely beneficial toward soul progress. 
Forever will your mind be stimulating you.  Along with this perpetual
movement you have the capability of resting assured in soul of
status, of standing in this universe, of your relationship with the
Father and all His children.  There is great peace of mind to know
your status, but there is an equal sense of soul tranquillity to know
that you will invariably be propelled forward in your growth.  Never
will you face the doldrums of stagnation because bestowed upon you is
an incredible intelligence system that will ever cause you to look
for higher and broader and deeper meaning.  This sense of certainty
is a dynamic one.  
	Faith, as it has become known on your world, embodies this same
dual quality: one, that uncertain trust; the other, that certainty of
experience.  Faith is likewise a propellant as well as a stable
	It is of great interest to my order of being to provide what we
can to mortals resident here that may allay your uncertainties
without diminishing your vigorous pursuit of greater attainment.  You
know from your own experience how important it is to allow one of
your younger ones to experiment, to make mistakes.  All the while you
are keenly interested in providing guidance.  We likewise are in this
same position; as much as we would desire you to be in full
possession of the understanding that we have, we know that this would
only undermine the true and rich experiences that lie in store for
you.  I therefore encourage you to be less apprehensive and more
enthusiastically accepting of events in your life that you cannot
neatly rein in and understand or control.  For having passed through
these experiences, you will enlarge your feeling of certainty, even
when the information before you appears incomplete.	
	I am Coronas, resident archangel.  I visit with you, and I do
enjoy your striving and your sincerity.  Thank you.  
*	Machiventa (Sarah):  Machiventa here, of course.  I have been
standing in the wings for a while.  As always I would like to talk
about love.  Sometimes I see ... your love to one another as a very
serious, solemn affair.  I say to interject a lot of fun and laughs
and happiness to the point you will be unable to even see events that
are sobering.  I have a problem saying this because it seems that you
have the idea that I am an old fussy teacher.  So include me in when
you are funloving and acting quite crazy.  I am not with you at all
times as is Michael, but his job is far easier than mine, I think. 
So, hey, you guys, love each other as much as possible which is that
unconditional love that I have been preaching about.  Keep trying,
you might get it!
	Thanks a lot.  
	Evelyn:  Not being so solemn reminds me of what we read of
Elyon saying to be original.  We avoid being original because we are
afraid of being crazy.  If we replace crazy with original in our
thinking we would be more inclined to do that and we would have more
*	Machiventa:  Thank you.
*	Sharmon (Jonathan):  I, Sharmon, am here, and I want to share
with you      a midwayer report.
	  You can, no doubt, with the knowledge you have gained,
understand our excitement when we heard this world would be graced
with the presence of the Creator Son two thousand years ago.  We
truly had our hands full when this mission was underway helping
Michael be about the Father's business on this world.  We had quite
the influx of local universe visitors, far more than is ordinary on a
world like ours.  It was a thrilling time.  We undertook all our
projects with enthusiasm.  We enjoyed turning water into wine at the
master's request. 
	But I would like to let you know that recently we have
celebrated the infusion of this new revelation to your world.  The
celebration was not over the decision to present truth once again to
this planet or even the episodes when truth was encapsulated in your
word language.  We are celebrating today its dispersion in and among
you all.  Our work was done when Michael ascended to his universe
headquarters.  Our work will not be done for a long time in this
epochal phase.  This is the source of our  delight, a  project of
great proportions describing universe levels that even my order has
yet to experience.  All this left in our hands to help you and hope
that you help others.  We who live on this planet are now the
custodians and the disseminators while those who brought this
information to us have undertaken other tasks.  So, even we low on
the ladder of created beings are given great opportunities and solemn
responsibilities.  We accept these with great delight.  
	I share this with you because I know that many of you are aware
of your universe standing, your personal involvement with the affairs
of this planet.  Though these words appear grand in scale and imply a
burden, in reality each one of us small critters is deemed worthy. 
However you may go about expressing truths that have been brought to
this world, you are thereby an active participant in planetary
affairs.  You may not set forth the decrees of the epochs, but even
acts such as those are fleeting and momentary.  It is the long string
of cumulative little actions that sway the course of the world.
	It is always a pleasure to be with you, and I will remain here today.

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