[tmtranscripts] 03-03-01 Paulo and Nebadonia

ZooidODell at aol.com ZooidODell at aol.com
Wed Mar 7 09:45:31 PST 2001

(Continuing from part one:)

SIVAD: Paulo, I was so struck by the prospects of seizing upon your own 
redemption of the word rebellion ... as we might find ourselves engaged in 
protest from that (and perhaps, hopefully, an elegant protest, but protest 
none-the-less) from that which injures such self-respect, and would thwart 
the same.

PAULO: Oh, heinous crime against humanity!  Yes, this is insufferable.  It's 
an assault upon the divine nature.  It's as if someone who knew better 
callously inflicted unnecessary affliction upon his or her fellows in a 
misguided understanding that in the end it would all be well, or, in a 
misunderstood interpretation of the mota that "the act is ours, the 
consequences God's therefore I will make a real big mess and leave God to 
clean it up, and I can do that because God knows I am imperfect and loves me 
anyway."  And this is indeed supreme arrogance.  
    It is the wedge in the door of peace and security that is given in an 
assumption of sublime self-respect as a result of ennoblement that is given 
and not taken.  Yes, it is a fine line, but it is so obvious when you see it. 

It's important enough to look at it every now and again, even as you allow 
yourself to look at your own animalistic tendencies.  In this way it is up to 
you to get to know your animal self such that you are able to cultivate it.  
It is indeed noble and capable of co-creating with God, building 
civilizations, developing power, moving belief systems.  The potential is 
tremendous in your own realm, and you who are beginning to emerge from the 
ice age, from the era of darkness into the warmth and light of truth, are 
able to reveal the beauty and the goodness also of what we are engaged in – a 
revelation of that which is life-giving and divine into the humble lives of 
these creatures of time and space - sons of God, units of consciousness, 
patterns of energy mind and matter.  What a potential!

THOROAH:    That's what Seth was talking about in "value fulfillment" wasn't 

PAULO:  Well phrased, yes, certainly.   What would it profit were it not to 
have some value, some redemption, some worth?  But worth is in the eye of the 
beholder.  That's one of the challenges of communication and advancing 
civilizations -  value.  The value of the individual.  The value of the 
individual indwelt by a fragment of God.  Indeed, the indwelt and fearful 
animal who is your neighbor, who is only emerging from the hovel of his 
consciousness, his awareness, into the clearing just ahead.
How will you greet your brother as he emerges into the light and warmth of 
this meadow?  It's a new opportunity to greet thy brethren with a holy kiss.  

I hope I have not diverted/ distracted too far afield.  I haven't said a 
thing about the Unqualified Absolute.  (Group chuckles)

SIVAD: You've made it much more evident.

PAULO: I will clarify for Gerdean.  

Yes, the error of note last week -- That was a result of your interjection 
into my teachings, interfering with my discourse, only because you are an 
entity of will, eager to also engage in a discourse with the teachers.  Just 
because I or someone else has you tired up  shouldn't preclude your having an 
opportunity to enter into the babble.  

But, since the error was made, I'm going to be an opportunist and indicate to 
you that in your general topic of the parenting experience, and the idea that 
those of you who didn't parent here would parent in the nurseries as an 
extension of the Adam and Eve Schools of the first mansion world, you sought 
to reveal to the consciousness of the group the realization that not all 
paternal /maternal situations are that which we know here and you are correct 
in your indication of the parentage of the Material Son and Daughter which 
was revealed as in fact one of the ways parenting takes places which is 
different than what parenting is understood as in your human and limited 
perspective, yes, and there are other configurations of parenting.  Not only 
-- shall we call it androgynous -- but involving other couplings (which would 
not include the trinitization technique which is yet another method of 
creating other life as offspring of a sort), and so I will take advantage of 
the opening and add on your behalf a truth that there is more to study there 
than meets the eye and that was brought out in our session last week.  So, 
I'll think more often of you, Gerdean, and occasionally ask if you'd like to 
take part in the meeting.

GERDEAN: Thank you, Paulo!

NEBADONIA:  It is a great honor and pleasure that I extend to you this 
evening, to assure you that you are indeed among my very special children.  
You have no need to fear or to be anxious, to be fretful and insecure.  You 
are endowed with the greatest of all gifts by the personal indwelling of your 
Father who resides and pervades us all. We would wish that with all your 
thoughtful and creative interpretations of how to behave as a child of God, 
you indeed please us and as all parents do, we revel in your childlike 
simplicity and eagerness to learn.  

As you study and search and question, you contribute to your soul growth and 
you extend your mind into which I breathe my spirit so that you do not become 
discouraged by your daily struggle and your earthly routine.  We would hope 
that you indeed spend time, lots of time, with the realization of who you are 
and what your destiny is and that you realize that you have around you and 
within you legions of beings who are there to help you.  Michael and I send 
our blessings and our words of encouragement to you who are doing such a 
splendid job.  Bring healing as a Father sends light.  Be of good cheer.  We 
love and respect all of you.  This is your mother, Nebadonia.  I bid you a 
good evening.

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