[tmtranscripts] Rio Rancho TeaM (04-14-02)

ZooidODell at aol.com ZooidODell at aol.com
Mon Apr 15 12:40:07 PDT 2002

DATE: April 14, 2002
Tiger Woods & the Game of Golf
Perfection Hunger
Who you are and what you do are two different things
T/r: Gerdean

TOMAS: Greetings, I am Tomas, your friend and teacher, companion and host.
Welcome to you this gorgeous afternoon. How gracious of you to come inside
and sit with one another in assertion of your rightful place in the universe.
You are in good company with your associates in the material world and with
those of us who also join with you from the more etherial realms of reality.

One prominent reality which is in evidence, as a common thread that weaves
you all together, is the ritual of laughter and its contageon as testimony to
your good spirits, but more to the point is the method now of worship you
enjoy in living these experiences of your life. There is nothing that is not
a prayer, but there is much that is not worship. Worship is the stillness
that gives you the reminder of infinity. It is being in the eternal now. It
is thanking divinity for the right to partake of this incredible and vital

There is a thing in your language that asks, "If a tree falls in the forest
and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" (pause) When
you, in your solitude, are enmeshed in the spirit so completely as to be
outside yourself, are you aware of yourself? (pause) Only God responds,
but God is all there is. And so, He hears, and you sing praises as the echo
of His Voice, which is all you hear.

Such beauty is in your world! Such immense joy is inherent in the reality
you experience as a sentient being with God-consciousness. Your perspective
is ennobled as a result of your conscious connection to divinity, your
literal sonship, the offspring of the Original I AM.

They say that love makes the world go around and your musical scores, motion
pictures, depict love as a carosel, in petticoats. A romantic interpretation
indeed! A depiction of heaven on earth. And this is available to anyone who
authorizes our Creator to direct the show, to put on the pageant of our
lives. The pilgrims of time, having reached certain appreciations for their
interdependence on a celestial reality connection -

I apologize for my mouthpiece. It was editing me and so our connection was

But this I will weave into my words for you today, for as the conscious mind
interjects into this divine place in which you worship -- simply by enjoying
your recognition of the truth, beauty and goodness of divinity -- then you
are thrust into the experiential realms which often are not fraught with the
delights of prayer and thanksgiving. And now all of a sudden you are in the
field, alert to service opportunities, ambitious that others may know the
delights of sonship and bask in that energy which is infinite and eternal.

And lest I overlook the real essence of our value lesson here, the essential
ingredient is love that will enable you to merge those moments with humanity
that will enable you to bridge another gap between the material reality and
the divine, so as to help mankind come one step nearer to that blessed state
of mind which we recognize as worship. Such a source of joy and inspiration
cannot help but want to share and expand the consciousness of perfection to
the ends of the earth and to the ends of time.

There now, we have sat in spiritual pulchritude. I long to hear your voices,
to hear from you, to engage with you in our association so that our
appreciation for this salve of love may be realized, exercised, strengthed
and reality-ized, so that your reality indeed can reinforce the reality of
the realm. What do you think? Do you think that Tiger Woods today has
enhanced the Supreme?
Sports fans?

ANGUS: : Well, in the relative sense of the way he does the things he
does, yeah, there's some beauty and goodness there, and the truth of it is in
the game of golf itself.

DORENDA: I'm not even a golf enthusiast but I can recognize that what he
offers to golf is the - I can see truth and beauty in his playing. I mean,
there is a ring to it, even for a non-golfer, so yeah, I'd have to say that
it's visible.

MARY JO: I always think, too, about the good. As far as I know, of what I
have heard and read, he does an awful lot of good for a lot of people,
especially underprivileged children. It used to be that golf was a game that
only the wealthy could play and to learn and I think that good sportsman-ship
for youngsters (and some oldsters, too, as far as that goes) is good, but he
has made it possible for a lot more children to enjoy the game, which gives
them, I think, a better fellowship and a feeling of security in our material
world, and for those things I think he really does add to it.

And it's just very enjoyable to watch such physical perfection! And mindal,
too. Golf is a game that you have to exercise your mind with, so those
things are good, I think. As far as whether he is maybe depicting -- and I
do not know what his spiritual situation is at all, but he seems like a good
person, and so he does service in a way. Of course, he is paid very well for
it, too. But then he uses part of his money to make things nicer for other
people, too.

TOMAS: Here we have a real fan! And I am happy to confirm that indeed
this young professional is a hero in terms of having those qualities that one
might look up to him as an example of how to comport oneself in ones
livelihood, for while this game is also very civilized, it is not civilized
without the participation of those who express civil behaviors and good
sportsmanship. It's also a method of observing the disciplines that enable
one to perform an art, an athletic expression, so exquisitely as to raise it
to an art form and have the civility to maintain congenial relations with
your competition as well as your support staff and manifest respect to your

How can I object to your worship? I am not suggesting you worship Tiger or
the players or even the game, no, but those values which are an expression of
a derivation of perfection which has been developed as a cultural expression
so as to represent the best in performance. This is what you all strive for
in your own way and in your own life, and this is a reflection of the divine
in you, which would choose to bake the best pie or be the best soprano or cut
the thickest log. All these efforts to overtake, overcome, and enhance human
value and dignity is an effort for the Supreme. Not for the physical
demonstration, not for the material representation, but for the essence of
integrity which attempts to perfection.

Thus you now can see how your lives are busily engaged in efforts for
God-consciousness, even when you are not discussing theology or making
reference to a deity. And while those efforts of Tiger Woods and Oprah
Winfrey and John Denver ad infinitum are philanthropic, indeed, it is their
essential character that is the true statement of truth, beauty and goodness.

Well, have any of you done anything perfect this week?

DORENDA: Tomas, I wanted to comment about what you just said. Actually, I
am concerned about my lack of perfection, naturally, and reading some of the
other transcripts about now being a really critical time in the world, and it
being very important for us each to do what we can. And I was thinking,
"Wow! I've probably dropped the ball every which way possible!" And I was
feeling bad about maybe not holding up my part as well as I would like to,
and maybe I'm just looking for reinforcement (and you gave me some
reinforcement and I really appreciate that) about doing what we can, even if
we're not talking about God or in other ways, that we can still perform our
particular kind of worship. I may not be getting it perfected, but you see
what I mean? So, I found that - I hope I wasn't misinterpreting or getting
it incorrect, but - it is such a critical time and I would like to think that
I'm doing my part and what I can in doing what God created me to do.

TOMAS: Understood. You rememer that your world is changing very rapidly.
This period of time in history is moving very quickly, and there are new ways
of keeping up with all the things that are going on, or enough of them that
you are far more well-informed than ever before, at least as to circumstances
and situations which are newsworthy. So much of what you are barraged with
consistently is unnecessary, irrelevant to anything but the keeping up of the
cacaphony of chaos in which many minds reside.

But you who have come to experience the peace which passes all understanding,
those of you who have tasted of the quietude of perfection in a moment of
worship or a reflection thereof such that you were able to admire,
appreciate, savor something outside yourself, you have at least that much
comprehension of serenity and security that will allow you to promote that
reality in the face of such chaos as is in evidence everywhere you look today
in your world.

If you let yourself, you can become overwhelmed by the knowledge of all that
needs done, and you end up "spinning your wheels" needlessly expending energy
on something or everything you can do nothing or little about. Better to
find one small thing you can do and do it well. Learn to focus on something
you can do something about, and don't question whether you are great enough -
or even good enough - but rather humbly apply yourself to that small task,
which will then open the door to the next task at hand and so you carry your
service field in a way that you can be more effective in a way that will keep
you from being enveloped in the maelstrom of chaos, even the confusion of
which rightful cause is more pressing, more needy, more onerous.

And if there is nothing else you know how to do that will be part of the
solution, pray. For that is the essential way to find out if indeed there is
something you can do something about it or not, as it will be made clear to
you, through your integral relationship with your eternal parents, what to
think, hence, how to feel, and thus what to do or what not to do in terms of
that which tugs at your heart strings or toys with your mind.

You are in no position to judge yourself, daughter. It is natural for you to
assess your own abilities and ascertain if you are meeting your natural
capacities, but to feel that your incessant yearning is a key to the
solution, no. Focus specifically and absolve yourself of the tendency to
have a cloak of incessant responsibility over your shoulders. Sometimes the
best thing you can do is play with the cat. (Group chuckles.)

Feel peace, know peace, invite peace, and allow it to be such a reality that
it cannot help but go out like a radiant beam of light, like a warm sun ray,
into the environment that yearns to be healed by the vitamins and minerals
that are electro-magnetically injected into the environment by your

I hope you feel better.

DORENDA: Oh, I sure do. Thank you, thank you.

ANGUS: I've been thinking a lot about perfection, at least about the
last two weeks, and the relativeness of perfection, etc., in our perfection
hunger, but to me, one of the biggest scams on humankind was the idea that we
started perfect and everything literally went to hell in a hand basket after
that, and to me that is a scar, a psychic scar that we all have to deal with,
instead of having the perception that we are on a road to improvement, we are
psychically wounded into the idea that we are on the road to degradation.

TOMAS: It is a very old theory on your planet. Way before the Material Son
and Daughter were here, your ancestors were primitively downgrading itself.

THOROAH: It was their perception they were from the Prince's staff and
they started off perfect. They were relatively in perfection compared to
what we are, but … They were not perfect beings but we are led to believe
that, right?

TOMAS: They were obviously not perfect.

MARY JO: I think that we simply - I don't think that we can attain
perfection on our planet. I think that we strive to improve, and I think we
strive to follow the Father's will - maybe we don't strive hard enough - but
I don't think that perfection on this planet is attainable. I think we
simply work toward it and grow and even in the mansion worlds I think we
still will be striving to become more Godlike and I think that is mainly the
goal, or should be the goal in our lives.

TOMAS: It is the ultimate goal of your Paradise ascent, and yet, even
so, in relativity, it is experienceable in your world today, in your life,
and thus in others lives' also, if you simply allow yourself to acknowledge
perfection when you see it. Perfection is worship. It is without flaw. It
is at one with God. And that is how it is possible for you to be perfect in
your realm even as the Universal Father is perfect in his realm. If you put
off perfection, you are guilty of the same technique as those long ago who
put off the understanding of the great truth of Jesus that "the kingdom of
heaven is within you." If you keep thinking, as many religionists have
through the ages, that the kingdom is some future time, it will never come!

Indeed am I reminded to remind you that the Master said, "Seek ye first the
Kingdom and all these things will be added unto you." Seek ye first the
Kingdom NOW. Seek ye first your perfection now, in your life, as you live
it, even in its relative smallness, even acknowledging its relative
imperfection at the same time. If you are mindful of the values of good and
evil and are able to extricate yourself from the concept that you are bad,
then you will give yourself a better chance of acknowledging that you are
good and that you are a part of the goodness of God.

So acknowledge your goodness now, your relative perfection, as you are able
to. Even as it may be a fleeting moment now and then, even as your
appreciation of your reality as a part of the Kingdom is a temporary or
fleeting recognition. Give in to the urge to feel that divine enmeshment
that will reward you with a strengthened sense of connection to that which is
ultimate perfection. And thus reinforce your own perfection-hunger and your
own perfection recognition.

To say you have perfection is not a feather in the cap of the ego. It is
glory to God.

ANGUS: It's a good golf analogy. As bad as I play, I hit a perfect shot
once in awhile.

MARY JO: A couple of times.

ANGUS: And the recognition of a Tiger Woods playing a perfect round, and me
playing a perfect round, are two different types of perfect. And the game is
set up so that it's handicapped, so that if I'm playing against Tiger, I
would be given the relative chance to be as good. So there is a little
analogy there to the game of golf that is relative perfection.

MARY JO: Thank goodness for handicaps.

TOMAS: And there isn't anyone in my circle of friends who is not aware of
how truly handicapped you all are. (Group laughter.) I only say that to
remind us of the challenges, the unique challenges that are inherently yours
as a result of your home planet, not to diminish your value or your potential
perfection attainment. It's a point I like to make because so many people
think that perfection is unattainable, and while it is unattainable in the
Ultimate sense, it is certainly attainable in your association with divinity,
in your configuration with reality.

As you are helping to learn about it and co-create with it -- the new era,
the new age, the new dispensation that lies ahead toward global light and
life - it's necessary to attest that it is possible for perfection to exist
here on this world. Even though you may not see what it looks like, believe
it is possible and strive towards it while you are here, and thus leave a
legacy that countermands the legacy that was left to you.

I'll use an example of a tree. It may be most natural for a tree to shoot
straight up, but sometimes trees are gnarled and bent because of their
growing conditions, thus they become crooked or twisted. As apple trees may
become crooked and bent, they still produce delicious apples. So can your
tree of Urantia be as perfect as Manzanita bushes - crooked and gnarly and
still perfect.

MARY JO: I like that theory. Thank you, Tomas. That should make all of us
feel better, and it does make me feel better, thank you.

ANNE: I really feel that you have answered every question that I had this
past week. Sitting here today has been rather an enchanting experience. But
I seem to get caught in the theory of - you gave Oprah as an example, and
Tiger, and John Denver who had very specific talents and nurtured them -- And
then you went on to the play analogy, I believe, and I am caught there,
knowing that for all of us here we have very full lives, which really means
then that we are in many plays at the same time, and we have varying roles in
those plays.

We are not always the star. And those areas that we are the star, we are
displaying one kind of talent, and yet sometimes we have a bit role and
sometimes we are working behind the stage. All of those have talents, and so
what I think I hear you saying is that our job is to pray for our talent, to
reflect on it, and to enjoy the success that we do. Perhaps it is the success

When Tiger makes a hole in one, he gets to experience that success, and
perhaps you can call that perfection, so … I think that I'm hearing you say
that when we are in a role and experience success, that is one piece of
perfection that we can look at as encouragement to move on -- And be proud of
it! To accept that, knowing that it Is not the end, that tomorrow there is a
new play starting. But to accept where we are today. But thank you for
speaking to us so clearly today.

TOMAS: I am glad you have ears to hear such that my parables are
effective. (pause)

You are talking about attainments. You are acknowledging growth attainment
and the joy of acknowledging your own growth. And this is indeed a joyous
moment, a time of thanksgiving and celebration, and effectively constitutes a
psalm of praise, which accolades you receive from your attainment from others
is mere peer acknowledgement. The personal religious experience is between
you and God -- that you have met the mark, made the right choice, found the
light at the end of the tunnel, connected with the resolution - which
experiences are very real and very necessary for the expansion of your own
soul -- but the reward of social acknowledgement is secondary. Even as the
efforts of any hero is to hear others tell them, "How great thou art!" it is
encouraging and it is something that is an entitlement, as an ascending
son/daughter, but it is also after the fact. It is the reflection of the
reality rather than the reality itself, which transcends time and space. It
also transcends show business and role playing, even while it is certainly
true that the material life is a kaleidoscope of scenes and views that, like
a good parable, will portray divinity in such a way as to be understood by
you, appreciated, and clasped as a reality worth holding onto, worth
developing, worth cultivating as a key to the Kingdom, a part of the ultimate

The troublesome thing about mind-expansion is that as soon as you have grown
into comprehension, your windows and doors open and in flood a whole new
category of questions. Hence it is advisable, on occasion, to just play with
the cat. (group laughter)

I am glad you are joining us today, Carl. I am privy to your presence, even
though my enrapt class has failed their social graces.

GROUP: (Abject apologies)

TOMAS: Well, Carl, let's just play with the cat.
CARL: Good advice.

TOMAS: I have no fear that we have lost anything, and that we have gained
everything in our camaraderie this afternoon. It is as if we were all able
to, at heart, allow our identities a moment of freedom from individualism in
order to wash ashore in the living waters, so that we all feel a part of
infinity, even for a moment in time and space. This kind of instant
gratification of group worship is one of the "metaphysical" factors that
charge our configuration with a dimension that transcends the mundane, that
lifts us up into a realm of grace wherein we feel the urge to be Godlike and
to reflect the qualities of our Creator, the nature of God.

Are there questions??

MARY JO: Carl, do you have any questions to ask?
DORENDA: If you wanted to, you could, you know.
ANGUS: Or you can play with the cat.
CARL: That sounds like a smart idea.

MARY JO: Well, Tomas, it's not a question, but you've certainly given me
more to think about on the subject of perfection because I had never thought
that I had seen perfection in any way, so I've done quite well with a number
of things - like my two daughters, for instance - although I had such good
material to work with, but really that was not -

DORENDA: Tomas, would you tell her that she is one of the best mothers?
She won't believe me. I keep telling her. And would you tell her how
wonderful she is? Maybe she'll believe you where she doesn't believe me.

MARY JO: No, I do think that my two daughters are evidence of something
going right, but …

DORENDA: Tell her she has good ears, too.

MARY JO: But I think it's as close as I have come to perfection, but on
the perfection idea of the communication with the Father, that has given me
more to think about and to work with.

TOMAS: That is the area that matters, you see. That is where perfection
comes from. How you perform is another subject entirely. What you give to
the Supreme is a result of the First Cause. The First Cause is the realm I'm
interested in and am encouraging you toward, for this has nothing to do with
what you do. It is more with who you are and how you are innately,
inherently, infinitely. That is another dimension indeed and one which you
have only to grasp by allowing. It is here that you become as a little
child, to the extent that you give yourself up to your Eternal Parents'
loving embrace. That's the perfection Source; that's the perfection that you
seek to carry in your personality expression. But how you express that in
terms of what you do, including having children, raising daughters of the
Divine Minister, is another category altogether. It's a common
misunderstanding in humankind. What you are and what you do are two
different things.

ANNE: Do we not act? Do we not do based on what we are?

TOMAS: Not always, no. Most of what you do is for reasons other than
who you are and more on who you think you are or what someone else has said
you are, and there again is another topic entirely.


TOMAS: Now we are getting into the meat of our meeting, the mind is opening,
the mota are impinging, and it's almost time to quit. This is decidedly
corporeal, this arena in which we operate. And this is why we continue to
grow, because we learn something and then experience that instant of
awareness, that reflection of perfection, that God-conscious state that
actualizes that which we momentarily realize, in order for new impetus to
enter in, in order to stimulate your soul development. They say that
eventually the soul begins to grow on its own accord, and that is because it
insists upon its existence. Its determination to attain perfection has no
reluctance, no further hesitation, has hunger, perfection-hunger. And so
think about perfection-hunger this week and what you do to satisfy your

Are there other matters? (silence) Then let me take my leave by giving you
each a good commendation for the work you've done in class this afternoon.
You have brought me and my peers great joy in your upturned countenances and
we smile upon our conjoint efforts in the work.

See you next week.

Group: Bye, Tomas!

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