[tmtranscripts] Rio Rancho TeaM - Sunday, Sept 14, 2003

Gerdean O Bowen zooidodell at juno.com
Tue Sep 16 20:01:11 PDT 2003

DATE: September 14, 2003
LOCATION: Mary Jo Colegrove’s, Rio Rancho TeaM

TOPICS: Believing in and Having Faith in

God, our own soul-self, & each other
Q & A: Why am I feeling unsettled?

T/Rs: Gerdean (for Tomas); Matthew (for Anatolia)
MUSIC: Elena on Piano: Mendelssohn’s "Song without Words"
PRAYER: Matthew: Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus,
the Christ.
Master Teacher,
Whenever we place ourselves in your presence, we automatically
feel your being around and about us, as you have promised, where two or
more are gathered, so are you there. And we base our faith in that, in
addition to the Spirit of Truth that is with us as well, so all of those
are increments of our faith that we place in trust. We also place in
trust our sheer belief that we are one with you always, and that whatever
we ask for, in truth and in need, it will be provided, for as it has been
said, Would your father hand you a stone if you asked for a fish? I
always liked that one. It was kind of humorous, but in a real sense, very
serious, but in a loving, kind and giving way. We are grateful for that
which you have offered as example of truth.
We are grateful for the teachers and for one another who are
here. Should it be your desire that the group grows, we are open to that
and invite the possibility. For the lessons of today and the teachers you
present, we are always grateful, for the intentions of our hearts and
minds, and for those who have recently passed from our company, we pray
for their quick and true deliverance, and may they share it with you now
and always.
Group: (Amen)
TOMAS: I am here, I am Tomas. Good afternoon.
Group: (Greetings)
TOMAS: A "song without words" is like "feelings that lie too deep for
words", and sometimes a moment of silence is the most effective way of
saying what your words cannot convey. The fruit of the spirit "enduring
peace" is a song without words.
Whereas Jesus’ life was a prayer, without specific formal structure as to
the prayer, so can your lives be a song of psalms which you radiate
without necessarily having a formal structure to your song, for without
words you can harmonize with the divine and with your lives such that you
broadcast to the souls of others that which resounds in the depth of your
self -- that "soul self" that you are formulating day by day through your
conscious decisions to abide in him and do the will of God.
Today I would like to discuss belief and faith as has been presented,
again, in Matthew’s prayer. We perceive the gift of faith in your soul
self as that light which illuminates the darkness, directly tied in with
your essential reality, your spirit reality, that which carries you above
and beyond what you are mortally capable of.
Beliefs are often the gridwork or the scaffolding upon which your faith
may soar. The belief is the song with words, and there is no greater
passion in humanity than the sharing of beliefs with those who share the
same beliefs, or fighting for the right to maintain sovereignty in and
through the belief you hold over the beliefs of others.
Before we convened today, you were engaged in discussions of politics,
and politics itself is a representation of belief – belief of the party
platform and of the proponents of these platforms, these beliefs; each
individual has a following of loyal patrons who believe in them, based on
that which they have in common.
It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and you can
understand this in your configuration for you have similar tastes and
similar representations of domestic bliss and material reality which
compliment each other sufficiently that you are able to direct attention
to your communal beliefs, based on your culture, how you live. In this
way you uphold each other, and you reinforce each other’s belief in who
they are and what they are doing / in who you are and what you are doing.

By believing in each other in this way, you give structure to your
configuration, your community. You validate one another and uphold one
another, eventually to have faith in each other, for your similarities,
familiarities, and mutual belief systems all point to the outcome of
unity in like-mindedness. This same kind of imitation and, yes, flattery,
is a part of the political system you enjoy. Those who support candidates
are supporting something in themselves that they believe in. Someone
reflects Something of value, and so it becomes a very interesting
playground wherein beliefs and believers are sent forth as scaffolding
upon which your civilization turns.
By the same token, you have among you friends, admirers, associates and
affiliates, representatives of values, philosophies and tenets that you
have been touched by - philosophically or spiritually or artistically.
And this, too, warrants your admiration and attention. You subscribe to
certain magazines because they attract you. You admire certain leaders
for their messages are songs of sagacity. In this way leadership is made
possible. There are those who are held up to the public eye, who
withstand or overcome the common criticisms, and shine their light
sufficiently that they become icons, then, of that which the populace
yearns for and seeks to see realized in its midst, and so you have
heroes, and spokesmen.
Spokesmen such as you admire most are those who, like you, are born of
the flesh. Of course, this is an essential reason you admire Jesus so
much, because you know he experienced the same mortal hardships and
frailties you do, and he mastered these problems and reached heights of
greatness, even as a humble mortal man. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma
Ghandi. These were such men. Bill Kelly was such a man in your culture.
The greatness of all these people lies in the fact that they believe in
something greater than themselves. Whether it was a political ideology or
a spiritual ideology, it was something that appealed to the soul-self of
others. To believe in someone is more than flattery; it is a consecration
of purpose, shared, and it carries great energy.
There are great things done on the worlds of time and space because of
mortal leadership. Leaders believe in something that their followers
need, or think they need. Ultimately, all have faith that in the end
their beliefs will be upheld as having eternal value, even though a
temporary coup is acceptable in many cases.
To not believe in someone or something is poverty. To live without faith
in something or someone is to live in a void.
Songs without words are feelings that lie too deep for words.
Matthew: Anatolia is here.
ANATOLIA: Welcome, friends, and more importantly, welcome to what it is
to be "in spirit" for as the former lesson had indicated, you are, as you
will recall from the Urantia Book, in the unique position to be
"believers without seeing" and then, oftentimes, seeing because of
belief. One may call this delusion; others would call it presenting facts
as you know them, because of your belief in what you are seeing. In other
words, if you were to see an angel, it would be a presentation of that
which you already believe. If you were to see something else, that is not
of your understanding or belief system, does it mean that the latter does
not exist or is a figment of your imagination?
What I am getting at is: the discussion of today is very important to
your on-going growth and development, for you are living faith here and
now. You are demonstrating what it is you believe in your everyday
practice of performing that which you are about – both in terms of
personality performance and your belief performance, for if it were just
left to your personality, everyone would be as miserable or as delightful
as their inner life allowed, but with adding the dimension of faith, you
bring the dimension of other patterns of behavior into practice because
you believe there is a higher truth which predates, predicts, or
pre-empts your own behavior or tendency to behave in a different manner.
So, your experience in this world is as great or as little as your belief
system will allow. If you believe faith can move mountains, you will
literally be able to perform feats that otherwise have no reason for
description, definition or understanding. If you believe that nothing is
possible other than brute force and determination, you will, to a large
extent, be pushing rocks uphill, much like the dung beetle, if you have
seen that demonstrated. Talk about an exercise in frustration! To believe
in nothing is to be pushing rocks uphill, to never be able to perform the
mastery of getting the rock over the edge because it is sure to tumble
back where it started, if not beyond.
So my point in presentation is that much as the individuals you have
spoken of in your common understanding, that is your sharing and
consoling of one another and speaking of the feats and activities that
these fine individuals have left you as memories of them, they are now
living the result of their faith. Know, too, it is not because of their
faith they are living the result; it is by their having chosen to believe
that they are now realizing the fruits of their labor. The difference in
this is that faith is a choice, although one can say, having been
indoctrinated in religious practice, say, from an early age, "Where’s the
choice in that?" However, one always has the choice to accept or reject
that which they have been given and choose the opportunity to build
beyond that and not simply let it stay in the presentation as given.
In other words, one must choose to actively become engaged in faith. This
is living faith. It is building upon that which has been given and making
it a personal commitment. So, in so doing, to choose faith, which is by
many other descriptions choosing a relationship with a higher power. Our
Heavenly Father in this case is whom we chose to have relationship with,
as well as any and all other dimensions in addition to that primary
relationship, knowing that all springs from that Eternal Source.
So be glad and rejoice for your friends who are living the result of
their faith. They are seeing, as they have believed. They are being as
they allow themselves to become. And as you chose to live your life, what
you chose to practice beyond what your personality dictates, is what you
make for yourselves and others while you are here and after you go on,
for the greatest testament that you live is to leave a legacy of love
with those whom you leave behind. If you have not left a legacy of love,
you have only left absence for what space you occupied.
It is in the vacuum of your departure that the next world knows you and
the world you left acknowledges your passing. But leave more than you
were given, and you will find ‘heaven on earth’ as well as in Heaven. Be
of good cheer and know that your good intentions and your faith provide
the way for heaven to exist both here and beyond what you consider the
limits of your world, for they are all one and as it is. Faith is the
door through this mystery that allows you to be your best and ultimate
self. Welcome to the world of living faith, and may it spring forth as a
fountain in your hearts and minds from this day forward, never to ever
lose this cycle of regeneration.
Peace be with you, and know that the love and certainty of an
ever-present Father and ever-living Minister in Spirit are always with
you. Peace be with you. Thank you.
Group: Thank you, Anatolia.
TOMAS: Tomas again, resuming
as if we had ceased our rapport, which is
impossible. And this is a truth that can be extended into infinity. Once
a relationship has begun, it is infinite in potential, and thus, there
are no losses, only gains; no limitations, only expansion in this
increasing sphere of reality, which is the gift of the Source of all
life, all light, love and laughter.
Lovely ones, what questions do you bring to the group? The lives you have
lived this week have been abundantly filled with feelings and growth
situations. Are there matters to bring to counsel? (long pause)
Elena: Well, I hate to be always the only one, or at least the first one,
so I was trying to get an opening where somebody else would jump right
out there, but nobody was really jumping.
This week has been a real different one for me. I mean, the time has been
really full for a long time, and I think that is part of it. And then
yesterday being full, a little bit of uncertainty about playing (music)
again in Santa Fe, and wanting something to be really good, not
I mean
really wanting it to be good for Chris('s funeral), being uncertain about
his family maybe, but I felt unbalanced, and my energy level really low.
I think all of it’s a result of having so many things to do for a long
time but
I don’t know. I feel like I don’t know where I am right now.
TOMAS: All right then. Let’s take a look at where you might be, and where
all of you might be in terms of the influences that are pressing upon
you. Not to be overlooked is the full moon that has come and gone, and
that always has an impact on the animal being.
Also, in your society you are accustomed to adjusting your energies at
the end of summer to apply yourself after the Labor Day weekend in work
or school, as if it were a new season, to buckle down and attempt to
master the tasks at hand, to learn new lessons in the new class ahead, or
to take care of the business you have neglected all summer because of
those hazy, lazy days we have enjoyed.
However, the political flavor you are experiencing is making it clear
that this is not just another "life as usual" season. The very real
threat of war is a pressing concern. The invasion into your sense of
safety and security is at every doorstep, with germ warfare and the fear
of the material existence in one form or another. The unthinking,
automated animal is not interested in attacking new lessons. It does not
want to deal with ‘business as usual’ and it will not relinquish energy
easily to that spark within, that innocent element of each of you that is
delighted to learn new lessons and have new adventures. And so the
gravitational pull of the material world weighs heavy on you at this time
in the planetary picture.
The difficulties you feel are a part of the collective unconscious. There
are many who are opting to leave, and yet a new wave of youthful idealism
and energy is amassing underneath the inherited fears of the existing
paradigm. There is so much going on under the surface of all things and
beings, it would be natural that you would find patterns of behavior
altered and full of surprises. Even your own responses are inclined to be
askew of what you understand to be your instinctual self or your inherent
It is a turbulent time. And yet it will pass. You must not set aside your
innocent childlike wonder. You must not close down your sense of
anticipation just because you are pelted with negative energy or finding
yourself subscribing to the fear mongering, or even the actual working
out of planetary destiny on the unpleasant side of the scales.
Many times when a situation of distress or stress prevails, individuals
opt to remove themselves – consciously or unconsciously – from the zone
of activity that gives the distress. It is possible such a condition can
create disassociation. But without becoming disassociated, experience a
little detachment – conscious detachment, and give yourself a break. By
having a handle on what’s going on, you are able to manage your lives
better. It is the nebulous unknown, in particular the negative unknown
that is so unnerving to all life. And much of what you are up against is
this dark cloud of the unknown.
The admonition to turn to the light is not a way of saying "disassociate
yourself from the current reality", no, but take strength, find succor in
the subsistence of those with whom you share a lasting reality. Reach out
to your friends and family in confirmation of your affiliation. Believe
in that which is true, beautiful and good. Affirm your life and the lives
of those you love. Have faith in that which matters. Exalt those
realities which will survive regardless of the impermanent and partially
perfect patterns of the current material paradigm, accepting that that
which is unreal, unfinished, unformed, or even imperfect, will falter,
will fool you, will pull the slats out from under your scaffolding,
unless you have your foundation based on that which is eternal and
I won’t be so glib as to say "learn to go with the flow" or "roll with
the punches" no, because the more aware you are of what comprises life,
the more effective you can be in it, even in those situations which would
seem to be undermining that which you support and even depend upon.
Affirm and confirm that which speaks to your soul self, and let go of
that which is impermanent or over which you have no standing. Is this
Elena: Yes, I think so. Thank you, Tomas.
TOMAS: I am simply trying to help you use your rational mind and not
succumb to fears, for they are indeed all around you, and there are many
occasions for animal reactions to the simple vicissitudes of life. They
need not become "big deals". But when there is so much unsure about life,
it’s easier for these "big deals" to come in and take over your serenity.

Thinking rationally does not necessarily entail justifying. You need not
make excuses for other people, or even for yourself, but being rational
and sane about your configuration of reality is a way of managing
yourself, such that you can see your way clear to finding home base,
whether that is your physical address or that Core within you, even into
the fields, that is in your interior, your sanctuary, your soul-self as
it resides with God.
Elena: Thank you, Tomas.
TOMAS: Another way people react to this overriding insecurity is to throw
themselves into their work, and thus the work ethic will be in overdrive.
But you will find, however, it, too, will run across similar difficulties
and so it will not have the same force as it had before. And much of this
is because of the dawning of the new age, which seeks the greater reality
and that knows the spirit is the dominant and preferred reality. People
are beginning to believe in themselves and in their own yearning for
reality more than for the artificial and material reality, which has been
their pattern from the beginning. The end result of this, in due course,
will be an upsurgence of great faith.
These are difficult times for your world. Now that you know that it is
engaged in a struggle for supremacy of the spirit over the flesh, of the
infinite over the finite, the correcting of the perspectives that have
kept you in the darkness, you can whole-heartedly give yourself to the
rebirth/ renewal/ reclamation of that which is true, beautiful and good
-- consistently, and stalwartly, throughout all of humanity – that spirit
which is yearning to be free, that yearns to rise above the fears and
petty problems of a "little" life into the spiritual liberty of the
freedom of spirit that is the legacy of those who are the Sons of God.
This is the fight worth fighting, the good fight of faith. I trust each
of you knows that faith in your soul-self that is worth upholding, as
compared to those (beliefs), which are stepping stones to such great
faith. Valuable stepping stones, none-the-less. What else is going on in
your lives?
Paula: You know, what we were talking about before, or what I was, when I
lost my Dad, I kind of went all to pieces for a little bit, and mother
was just terribly quiet. Ominously quiet. And I know how deeply it
affected her. Now, her sister is an amazing woman. She had four sons. She
lost three of them. She had one son left when she died, and somehow she
came through that, and I could crown the one she has left. He lives down
in Florida and when she was alive, I guess she was lucky if once a month
he might have called her. He just was very casual, you know. ‘Life goes
on.’ He had lost his brothers, but he didn’t pay that much attention to
his mother, for which I could’ve smacked him for she was a great lady.
She was! You would have liked her. But people cope with things in
different ways. I guess it was because I was so close to my Dad. He was
really super.
Paula: And it really hit me hard because it all happened so fast. It was
totally unexpected and he was only in his 50’s. Just a kid!
TOMAS: Many deal with hardship by disassociating themselves emotionally,
as I mentioned before, and whereas in his soul-self he may have deep
feelings for his mother, it may be that he has cut off his vulnerability
to the human condition that grieves and feels emotions, for it is so hard
to live an effective life when you are crippled by your emotional
condition. And this is a painful planet. There are gross injustices and
much pain and suffering and it is common understanding throughout the
galaxy that there are aberrated behaviors on Urantia as a result of the
hardships you have endured as a people, as a human race.
It is not such a surprise to us, having studied your world, having seen
it from our perspective for awhile, that some of these seeming inhuman
behaviors take place, but they are survival techniques. They are also
coping mechanisms. And those of you who are well loved and who have come
to appreciate, in a high sense, how supremely loved you truly are, are
able to gain the perspective then of yours, Janet/Paula, who has known
such devoted love between father and daughter as we would anticipate
enjoying with our heavenly father. All of his children are worthy of that
kind of love and affection, which you were so fortunate to enjoy but not
everyone has been so fortunate to experience.
This kind of perspective that you have is a foothold, then, to further
serve humanity by the perspective you have that although you have nothing
necessarily to make up for, and you have nothing to be ashamed of, even
so, as an associate of the divine, and with the perspective that you are
able to garner as a result of your association with the Father of all, it
becomes a fruitful endeavor, then, for you to commend this kind of love
to others where and when possible, to understand that those who are not
so fortunate to have enjoyed this kind of rapport, are without the full
blessing of those who have and do enjoy such sublime relationship with
the father figure, with the mother image, with the ideal, and with the
Making up for the deficits of humanity is a tremendous job, and all of
you can help pitch in to take care of this huge burden. The atonement of
over-compensating, if you will, of the deficiencies of the Adamic Default
and the Lucifer Rebellion, not to mention the backlash that all of your
civilizations far and wide have suffered as a result. The need for love
on this planet is so great; and yet, the fear of love is also great, for
knowing how to love and owning love has responsibilities, and immature
people who have not known how to be responsible and manage even their own
existence are terrified of being their brother’s keeper in any meaningful
Stick with me, kids, and we will go places. We will become a driving
force. Perhaps we will learn to believe in ourselves and in each other.
Perhaps we will come to have faith in ourselves because of our
association with the divine, and thus we will have faith in one another
as a result of understanding in our soul-self of the relationship we all
share with the Divine. And when there is such faith in one another, there
is energy that is like a light that is set upon a hill for all to see.
Let us pray that our light shines for all to see and that the song we
sing is not too deep for words but is a high Hosanna forevermore. Amen.
Group: Thank you.
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