[tmtranscripts] Southeast Idaho TeaM - 11/02/03

Bob Devine bobdevine at onewest.net
Thu Nov 13 15:00:11 PST 2003

(Also in MS Word attachment)


Southeast Idaho Teaching Mission

T/Rs: Bob S., Nancy, and Virginia

* Daniel: This is Daniel. Let us be in the attitude of prayer. To our friends on high, the highest we know or comprehend, with grateful hearts we acknowledge our need for your guidance, your wisdom, your encouragement, your support, your hand moving among us in the worlds in which we live. Be with us now as we open our hearts and minds to the lessons which have been prepared and underpin the teachers who will be presenting them. In the name of Michael of Nebadon and his consort, we ask. Amen.

(Pause, as everyone settles down in their seats.)

* Daniel: Hello again, I greet one and all this evening. I thank you all for making this effort, for I remember how difficult it was for me at times when I was a mortal. As you may have guessed, I am not the featured speaker tonight. I am the greeter. And with these words of greeting I would turn the time over to our main speaker this evening. One moment please.

* Minearisia: Greetings my friends, students, and colleagues. I am Minearisia, instructor in residence to this Southeast Idaho base. Tonight we wish to continue the theme established and explored last week and in your discussion this evening, the topic of the Father's will and your desire to do His will. The purpose of tonight's lesson is to more fully explore from another angle an answer to Virginia's question posed last week. Please bear with us. PamElla is struggling with fear. If she can set this aside we will get this lesson moving more easily and rapidly.

You see, this is not a new topic in any way. In fact, beginning with the very early lessons, the purpose and focus of foundation building was to enhance your ability to connect with the Father, with the Indwelling Guide inside. As your foundations have become more fully developed, as you practiced those exercises, we were able to launch into new phases of learning and growth, and the new focus was on relationship building and intimacy.

Now we are coming back around to this discussion of Father's will, having circled above it many times. All lessons relate to this topic, for you see, the Supreme relationship is your relationship with Father. True intimacy is to be intimate with Father.

Last week it was said that to take Father with you into every moment and aspect of your life is to do God's will, and this is what we are desiring to assist you in developing, this ability to build satisfying intimate personal relationship with Father and to be open in such a way that you experience His/Her companionship continually, never ceasing. In the presence of this Companion you are nurtured, you are loved, supported, guided, befriended, and adored. And this relationship must be two-way, so even as you are nurtured, supported, guided, loved, and adored, your part is simply to adore, to love, to desire nothing more than to let Father be your best friend, be your counselor, be your advocate, and your strength.

How to do this, you ask? The first ingredient is desire. The second is to make the time to develop that friendship, that relationship. No relationship can grow, can become more than it currently is without the time invested, but additionally without the willingness to allow the deepening of intimacy to reach new levels. Intimacy requires the willingness to be vulnerable, to experience one's own error and allow it to be corrected.

The Father wants to be your friend, your partner, your constant lover. To have this relationship with the Father allows you to quite naturally be in the presence of Father in all that you do. From this state you can be more assured the inspiration that comes to you and the decisions you make are in alignment with the will of the Father. (Pause) One moment please.

* Daniel: This is Daniel. We pause here for questions or comments. Has anyone anything on their minds?

Simeon: I had a thought today. Maybe you could elaborate on it. The term that came to my mind was healing, but the idea I had was this dual idea in connection with that. The first stage of healing was to see things for one's self as they really are, which then opens up a second stage which is to see others as they really are, and that the second stage can't happen before the first stage. I'd just be curious. It could have been my own thoughts or from the spiritual side, but I was just wondering if you could expand on that?

* Minearisia: Yes Simeon, I will address your question. Healing is, indeed, an adjustment in perception that brings that perceiver to be more aware of God's reality. Error is distortion. Healing is correction of error, the correction of distortions. And before one can truly understand another, one must, in fact, have a better understanding of one's self and the myriad of reasons for emotions, reactions, and why an issue may be loaded versus another which does not carry the emotional import. For it is only as your past clouds are removed that the current circumstances and the current individuals can be understood.

The difficulty in so many situations is the accumulations of distortions that are brought into a situation. You are all familiar, I believe, with the concept that there can be an accident and the police or another interviewer asks the witnesses what they have seen and there are numerous perspectives. This is incredibly common, not just in the situation such as an accident, but in all the daily events of one's life.

When it comes to interacting with others, these situations are made more complex by the many past decisions and circumstances that each individual brings. One can do nothing about the baggage of another. One can only work to understand themselves, to release the past emotion so that the current situation can be seen more clearly.

Healing is removing the distortion of bringing the past into the present. From this perspective the present can be better understood and responded to in new ways. Did this in any way address your issue?

Simeon: Yes, I think it did. The issue of the past and the present certainly adds perspective. A thought I was having was that some of the relationships that you have with certain people can really be built on a façade. You can really be reacting to situations and issues of your past and not really ever dealing with the reality of the person before you. And so the healing is kind of like this releasing of it all. It seems to me it would be awfully intriguing at that point to see people with a fresh look, people that maybe you've seen in different ways before. So thank you for that.

* Minearisia: Thank you. You said quite succinctly what I struggled to get out. (Laughs)

* Daniel: This is Daniel. Are there other questions or comments anyone wishes to make at this point? I sense many of you are struggling with the concepts presented and that is understandable and expected. We desire that you consider the ideas presented tonight and during this week, and bring any questions or comments regarding them to next week's session. If any need arises we will attempt to clarify your concerns and questions at that time. We feel, at this point, due to the difficulty of the material presented, there probably has been enough said about this lesson. I now suggest we close tonight's meeting and stand in the usual manner for a concluding prayer. Klarixiska has asked to close tonight's meeting.

* Klarixiska: This is Klarixiska. May the reality of God's love, our Father, draw us closer to Him, the one we should adore, love, and serve, and offer a more realistic look at each one we meet as our brothers and sisters, children of Him whom we desire to serve. Help our reality follow the same and be a seed to come closer to His. May our faith rest upon God's reality and not on superficial things that separate. Amen.
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