[tmtranscripts] Tomas on the Telephone 12-11-03

Gerdean O Bowen zooidodell at juno.com
Sat Dec 13 01:53:05 PST 2003

December 11, 2003
Telephone T/R Session
Moderator launched us with a prayer, followed by a moment of Stillness.
TOMAS: Exalted we are in His presence.
I am Tomas and I am glad to be among you once again. Good evening,
friends and companions in this surge forward into spirit liberation
through association with cosmic reality.
What a great impetus we provide for one another when we augment and
uphold that in each other that we deem to be of lasting value. While that
term, "lasting value," may reflect different meanings to different minds,
it is nonetheless true, for we perceive as our capacity permits. A pint
cannot hold a quart, and so our effort is fulfilled when our cup runneth
over and we are able to exalt the Giver of Life for the abundance
Powerful is the mustard seed, and powerful is the faith of one child of
God for it can move mountains.
In order for there to be relationship, there must be communion. In order
to appreciate communion, a conversation is often inaugurated. In order to
have friends, one must be friendly. Therefore, let me ask those of you
who are within hearing to render yourself available to the circuits of
divine connection that weave us together – the warp and woof of the
fabric of infinite and finite in one morontial plane.
What can I do for you? How can I engage with you? Share with me your
reality. I am like an elder sibling. I reach down to you and join with
you as you lift up your energy into the realm of consciousness which
abuts the spiritual, whereupon we are free to engage in any subject
whatsoever, for, from this plane of functioning, we are able to see the
inner truth and the outer manifestation of All That Is. (Pause) I invite
you to come forth.
[Marty thanks Machiventa for the Teacher Corps experience]
TOMAS: Indeed!
[Marty testifies how important it has been for him during these many
years of quarantine to have the companionship of the Indwelling Spirit.]
TOMAS: It is plain to see how faithful you are to your God and his
attendance in your life. With such a relationship as you enjoy with your
God, both inwardly and outwardly, you have shown to yourself how
effective He can be by the way you yourself have been effective.
On those good days when the sun shines, the reflection of the divine is
nearly blinding, (as seen in) the tenderness of certain human moments and
the beauty of certain physical manifestations of creation.
But on the gray days, the human, being as he is, it is all too common
that you forget your tether to the spirit and succumb to the weakness of
the mortal condition, leaving you feeling worthless or insignificant.
This often brings on a sense of isolation and alienation from all that is
true, beautiful and good. But, you know, your friend Rodan, who spoke of
the art of living, mentions the value of friendship, that having the
company of a friend robs suffering of much of its sorrow, and having a
friend at hand also alleviates the inclination to succumb to those gray
days that give rise to abject melancholy.
The charm of gray days in company with spirit, rather, gives rise to,
perhaps, a cup of tea, and a conversation about old friends or good times
or ponderous matters worth ruminating. Indeed, the relationship with the
Father is sublime and fulfilling, but the trinity is not complete without
that element embraced which incorporates a family atmosphere, the
commonality of creativity in association, the fellowship that arises as a
result of companionship.
And while the Father is certainly the father of all personality, and thus
personality, His is fairly well distributed among His myriad creations,
whereas, those of us who are your councilors on high are personalities,
indeed, and we exalt that Creator who has given us this priceless
experience of revealing who He is through who we are. And this is the
nature of the work at hand – that we reveal Him to the worlds of time and
This is made possible, of course, by your commitment to such oneness that
the fabric of the Supreme is enriched and enhanced by the contribution
made through the dual effort of your will and God’s will, to create the
pattern of supremacy which will actualize the potential which is inherent
in the infinity of time and space.
We can turn from being myopic to being celestial. Instead of turning our
eyes inward constantly, to focus internally, it is possible to begin to
see outwardly and into the exterior such that we are able to stretch our
consciousness and our perceptions of the divine. Ever striving, ever
ascending, ever-advancing the greater reality.
Yes, we befriend one another. When times get rough, we can lend a hand.
We can offer an encouraging word. We can pour a cup of tea and invite
communication and communion, to thus resolve the moment, filling it with
the love of the Divine, which we share.
[Doug asks for clarification regarding the opening of the circuits. Are
they open? Or do they open as individuals open themselves to
TOMAS: I feel your—yes. [listening] Well, that’s a good question, and
there are two sides to that coin, as there are to most. The quarantine is
lifting and has lifted, but it is on-going. There are areas – literal,
physical, morontial areas -- existent on Urantia now, that are quite
connected. In the heart of each believer, that connection exists. And
this connection to the System of Satania and the Constellation of
Norlatiadek and those circuits that were closed down, is made by
acknowledging the association of which we are a part. And yet there are
also areas planet-wide that are quite hidden from revelation, or "the
light", because of the ignorance, the prejudice, the dogma, the fear, the
disbelief, the denial, the darkness.
This is a part of the exciting time you live, here on this plane. You are
on the teeter-totter that rises and falls on the connecting that is
taking place -- as we speak! Each time any of you embrace the light and
commit to its continual shining, when you have laid down your will to do
the divine will, you have consecrated yourself to the opening of the
This was a rarity until such time as the revelation conspired to bring
this into effect. This is the effect, now, of this revelatory era, you
see. You are part of it. As your light comes on, you contribute to the
opening of the circuit such that in due time, in the course, you will
contribute mightily to the enlightenment of the entire planet, for when a
certain magnitude of Reality is reached, as you will remember from the
philosophy of the 100 monkeys, the tide turns, and the swell has grown to
such power that there will be little resistence.
Bear in mind that, this being an evolutionary world, there will always be
those opportunities for imperfect human beings to make certain choices.
And yet, it need not be so difficult as it has been for you these many
thousands of years. And so as you turn around and bring the greater
reality into your life, such that you are fearless in your portrayal of
that which you can be – in association with All That is – you will be so
much more than you have been. You will shine your light. They will see.
The whole planet will be affected. And before long, really, the world
will be changed. Because you have helped open the circuits by allowing
your circuit to b opened to the divine reality that we know IS. Is this
[Doug responded affirmatively.]
TOMAS: I admonish you to have courage, my son. You know you have it
within you. And with your peers and companions in faith, it is possible
for you to augment each other’s faith, such that when you falter in your
path and you turn to them in faith of their being, they will respond in
kind, for their soul, too, seeks to expand and become more perfect.
And we rejoice. We rejoice and we feel the abundance of that which we are
becoming. Day by day. Moment by moment. In full appreciation of that
"thing" we call Our Father.
[Doug asks another question regarding OBE’s]
TOMAS: Let me pause before I respond. {pause}
There are legitimate occasions when your indwelling God Fragment is away,
and the custom is to assuredly see to it that you are encased in safety
by your guardians and other trusted spirit helpers, such that you are in
God’s hands, even when His Fragment is away. As you become more in tune
with that Spirit quality within you, you are more prone to perceive
through your affinity with It, what it might do, how it might comport
itself if and when it is away from you. It is part of the Mystery.
The Mystery Monitor in its relationship with you, may impress your mind
any way it chooses in accordance with your free will, in order for you to
gain comprehension of what realities it would have you assimilate and
know; and thus, if your God Fragment has opted to share with you things
from its experience that you would be able to, by and in according with
your personality characteristics, in such a way as to augment your
appreciation for the magnitude of God and his creation, if these
adventures in spirit exploration take you to the realms of space through
your imagination, your ability to perceive, and the stimulation of your
own Adjuster, who am I or who are we to discourage such an adventure,
such an embrace, of what you are being taught?
We cannot presume to discourage your experience. This is an experiential
universe here where you live and where I am assigned. You are truly
unique! I cannot see what you see in your dreams, in your visions, in
your meditations, but I can share those perceptions you have if you
reveal them to me, as your interpretation of your reality. This evidently
is a very important part of your reality, for you have spent quality time
there, you have found merit, adventure, and insight there.
For you to pursue a course of study as a science is an option you have
every right to take up as remote viewing is a valid study for the mortals
of this plane. There are tremendous fields of dimension at your
fingertips that can be appreciated, if not completely garnered. In and
through it all, your feet must tread the mortal path of endeavor. You are
still flesh and blood and you must deal with the matters of mortality
like everyone.
But I wouldn’t construe them as religious experiences, only as
adventures, if that is helpful.
[Doug is impressed. He though he was only asking a curiosity question. He
likes what Tomas said and is reminded of the many concepts that are
revealed to him in his lucid dreams, but regrets he cannot seem to
remember them when he wakes.]
TOMAS: I would dally with you here a moment, friend, and think that if
you were to discipline yourself somewhat, you might be able to capture
some of those concepts that you are engaged in experiencing on your
nocturnal flights of fancy, if you had at your fingertips a pen and paper
and the determination to train yourself to jot those things down as you
awaken. To not dwell on them or flesh them out, but perhaps with a one-
or two-word notation, try to secure a remembrance, and then immediately
go back into your situation (the sleep state). Perhaps days later that
word will come to your mind and the concept will be recalled. This is a
technique of mastering your mind. It’s a suggestion.
[Doug is appreciative of the suggestion.]
TOMAS: No doubt your peers will enjoy learning from your experiences,
your creative expression of personality perception, yes.
[Student is encouraged.]
TOMAS: I am reminded by my attendant midwayer to say hello if you should
run across him in your travels.
[Doug is delighted and looks forward to that contact.]
TOMAS: That would be speculation, for they too are endowed with
personality, and their proclivities are extremely varied – as are yours.
However, I think theirs may be somewhat developed, for they have, as a
group, united behind a purpose and as the United Midwayers motto states,
what they undertake, they do, and that would imply/infer they are
actively engaged in one activity or another, and I assure you they are
active in many ways. Just as like-minded individuals are attracted to
each other for certain fields of study or appreciation, the midwayers are
also. And as you undertake to perform certain tasks in your realm with a
mind to the expansion of the light, they will be drawn to your light and
offer to help.
Again, (one moment please) [I’m going to turn the tape over. Thank you,
Tomas.] – Again, they, too, are like us. Relationship is developed
through time together. Have a cup of tea with your midwayer associates
and invite them to reveal themselves. Just as you come to call on me, set
up a time with a midwayer, and watch what happens. If you look for
something specific, you will miss it. Leave yourself open.
Trust. Trust the universe. You are given faith, but you must apply
yourself in trust in order for the reciprocity to take place, for the
give and take to be formulated and encouraged. Such an adventure!
[Marty recalls having enjoyed the inspiration of midwayer Sarah and now
seeks to know how to work with her more personally]
TOMAS: You know her personality; you know how she feels. Put yourself in
her spirit presence, as you understand what that means. The interaction
between the mortal and morontial is not that complicated. It is very much
like having your mind expanded. As you watch, you lift yourself up into
that realm where you make contact. You put yourself forth. You project
something. You say, "This is a reality to me. What do you think?"
And then, you leave yourself open. You leave your morontia mind open for
the food, for the light, for the concept that will come in because you
have invited it. It will come in. Trust the process. Don’t be in a hurry.
Learn to feel how it works. And in time, you will "hear" the response.
You will be able to carry on marvelous conversations with your spirit
guides, and each one of them has its own unique personality, its own
perspective to offer.
[Marty would like to know some history.]
TOMAS: What history are you talking about there?
[Marty refers back to the times of Jesus, when most people were not
indwelt. He also refers to the ministry of the seven adjutant mind
TOMAS: Instead of answering your question, let me ask you something
first. When those human beings were born, would you conclude that they,
upon birth, were registered as a personality? [pause]
If they were indwelt with personality, they will have every opportunity.
The personality is what is given the opportunity, not the Adjuster.
[Marty asks another question]
TOMAS: That would be my presumption, but I cannot say for certain.
[And another.]
TOMAS: Certainly.
[Marty talking now about how it appears that the animal species are also
TOMAS: Well, yes, of course, because they have five adjutant mind
spirits! They have consciousness!
[Marty’s turn. Sure wish I remembered what he was contributing to this
[Marty, quite engaged.]
TOMAS: This is true. Look at Andon and Fonta, who were quite primitive in
terms of evolution, but they made certain choices, and those choices
augmented them in such a way as they were able to affect the course of
Urantian history. The ones who lived during the time of Christ who had
not made momentous decisions such as would affect the course of history,
or even their own destiny, were not necessarily barbaric, but they may
have been "unconscious" -- dense, insensitive.
The Mother Spirit, you see, has been ministering to this creation from
the beginning, even through it all, and the seven adjutant mind spirits
are capable of creating quite a specimen of humanity! The augmentation of
a mortal’s reality by the Thought Adjuster, even so, is often overlooked
completely throughout the life of the individual, and only upon awakening
are they made aware of a God-consciousness at all. And so there is not
that much difference between those before or after Pentecost when Jesus
poured the Spirit of Truth out on all flesh and all men were subsequently
indwelt, consciously, by God.
[Marty, responding. And asking now about reincarnation theories.]
TOMAS: You raise many subjects. Your discussion invites many avenues of
investigation. But the atoms of life that are a part of a configuration
of animal or human, are a part of the life force of that world. And so
certainly, when the mortal undergoes terrestrial escape, when the soul is
ensconaphimed to Mansonia (the resurrection halls), and the body is
"returned to dust," the life force of the human itself (the
electrochemical aspect), stays here in the atmosphere and, yes, becomes a
part of the ethers, and it contributes to the refinement of the
environment, yes.
And so not only do the animal species evolve, not only do humans evolve,
the planet itself evolves from the primordial ooze to the state of light
and life that justifies the lowering of a temple to the Father upon it.
This is only vaguely related to reincarnation. Memory is certainly
possible through these avenues, but they are mere perceptions; they are
not the experience itself.
Those of you who are beginning here, are truly beginning your sojourn.
All that comes to you through the goodness of God is a bounty, is a part
of the Mystery Monitor, a part of that which you will become in time. But
trouble not yourself about where these ingredients may have come from, or
how your Indweller might have been endowed with certain experiential
recollections of another life, in another time, in another galaxy, in
another evolving world. If it is downloaded into your consciousness thus,
is this anything but a gift to you of greater comprehension? Greater
perspective? A gift, again, from the Great Giver.
All that we have, all that we are, all that we have been and all that we
will be
all that is
is a part of the Divine, and because of the great
love of the Origin of the entire organized universe. Exalted are we
therein, and in His presence.
Let us be about our Father’s business and conclude our gathering.
Father, what a marvelous assortment of children you have provided me to
learn to love this evening. I have been enriched because of these, Thy
children, Thy gifts.
Amen and farewell.
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