[tmtranscripts] Arcadia, April 26, 2004
Larry Whelan
larrywhelan at earthlink.net
Fri May 7 09:16:47 PDT 2004
Arcadia Teaching Mission Group
Monday, April 26, 2004, 8:13 pm
Arcadia, California
Jim: Oh powerful goodness, bountiful Father, merciful God, increase in me
that discovers my truest interests. Strengthen our resolutions to perform
what that interest dictates. Accept our kind offices to thy other children
as the only return within my power for thy continual favor towards me, amen.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good
to be among you once again; among my dear friends. Tonight I will speak
about change and the benefits of change. In your lifetime you will
experience much change. Some of you would like your life to remain the
same, but change is good and beneficial. Change comes in many forms and in
many strengths. Some changes will comes subtly while other changes will
come forcefully. Depending on where you are spiritually, you will either
get the subtle or the forceful. The higher you elevate yourself
spiritually the more subtle the change will come. Many of you might not
want change because of not knowing what is to come. That is common in a
lot of people, to be afraid of the unknown. Change to many people becomes
frightening and is unwanted. But if you open your hearts and your minds to
change and let the experience envelop you and let yourself become part of
the experience, then you shall become a part of change. You will also
become a catalyst for change.
Before you can initiate any change in your own life you must first make a
decision on what you want to do. I have spoken on this before and how
important it is to your life and to those who surround you. How
decision-making is an important part of your development. By making
decisions you are developing your soul and your spirit. Once you have made
a decision you prepare yourself for the change and the attitude that you
bring forth towards the change will greatly illustrate where you are
spiritually. It is not enough to only accept change but also to have a
good attitude towards it. Many people go kicking and fighting when change
happens in their life. When you begin to understand what change will mean
to you and everyone, then you will be less likely to be afraid or fearful
of whatever may come.
In this day and age much is changing on your world. There appears to be
great turmoil on your planet, all of this happening because of the winds of
change. Those who do not want change continually fight so that their way
of living may be preserved, but you cannot be static in this life. You
must be willing to change with the winds and to bend. You must allow
change to happen within yourself. I can tell you what you must do and not
do, but ultimately those decisions are up to you. As I have said before
you must decide your own life and your own future. You make your own
decisions in your life and you are responsible for those
decisions. Whatever things that may come in your lifetime be willing to
except them and confront them, do not be afraid. For everything that is
given to you is there for a reason. Every challenge that you will face has
its purpose. You are never given anything greater than you can
handle. Therefore the change that will come in your life will never be
greater than your capacity to adapt. At this moment I will step aside so
that others may have an opportunity to speak.
Nebadonia: TR, Henry Z. Greetings to you my friends, I would like to spend
a little time discussing some of the spiritual influences connected with
the human personality. The seven Adjutant Mind-Spirits concern themselves
with aspects of the human personality; the personality make-up, helping to
bridge relationships between the human brain, planetary consciousness and
spiritual agenda. The first five Adjutant Mind-Spirits, those that
function in all life forms on Urantia (all life forms include both plant
and animal)
help to maintain the integrity of the species. They have a lot to do with
maintaining structure and order among the life forms. In that sense they
would be functional rather than purely spiritual. Nonetheless part of
personality development demands a certain amount of functionality on the
world you live on and in the life form you happen to inhabit.
The two most important Adjutant Spirits, the Spirit of Worship and the
Spirit of Wisdom function with two separate circuits. Our initial five
circuits come from the seat of the Mother Spirit in Nebadon. These Spirits
have tremendous access to consciousness. Michael’s Spirit of Truth is a
spiritual circuit established through the Second Source and Center, the
Eternal Son and the Creator Sons of the evolving Universes. The Spirit of
Wisdom functions when the Thought-Adjuster inhabits a human creature. As
the five Adjutant Spirits are more of a life form and a life sustaining
ministry, the circuit of the Spirit of Truth is a worshipful and social
spirit. It has to do with the integrated natures of man; the ability of
men and women to come together and create among themselves new
relationships, working relationships, growth relationships and
spiritually-inducing relationships. In a certain sense religious activity
would also be grouped in this category.
The personal and direct ministry of the Father is tremendously personal and
an individual ministry of the Thought-Adjusters directly to the children of
time. It is the coordination and integration of these separate circuits
which bring the human to a level of spiritual maturity. Therefore, is it
unhealthy in the spiritual sense to dwell just on one circuit? It is
necessary for spiritual balance and harmony to integrate the use of all
three circuits.
When you go into the stillness and quietness of meditation you are
accessing the direct circuit of the Father; the personal circuit. When you
are gather together as you are here tonight you are using are using the
ministry of the Spirit of Truth, Michael’s circuit. When you go about your
regular life, hopefully you are using all three, but in general most of you
are using the circuitry of the Universe Mother Spirit.
As teacher JarEl was speaking tonight of eminent change; world change, it
is spiritually of an advantage to you to intercept these spiritual circuits
for guidance, support and help, especially during times of change. In
steadying yourself spiritually in relationship to change, whether it be
physical change, emotional change or some other crisis, change usually
accompanies tremendous spiritual growth.
A few thoughts for this evening, the world which you are living on is
swiftly hurling through space. It will never be the same as it was
yesterday. It is redefining itself tomorrow. The Father’s plan, “Be you
perfect as I am perfect”, is still the perfect and eternal plan and is
still the mode of operation here in Nebadon. It is, therefore, still the
general guideline for spiritual activity and personal spiritual growth on
Urantia. With these thoughts I send all of you my grace, my support, my
compassion and my love during these times of change and spiritual unity on
your planet, I am Nebadonia.
JarEl: TR, George. Thank you Nebadonia, I will open it up for any of you
who have any questions.
Henry Z.: I have a question JarEl, you made a statement that abrupt change
and subtle change was referenced by some spiritual standing and I was not
sure if you were referring to a person’s spiritual standing is prepared to
meet abrupt change? Or if you were saying that people of a certain
spiritual standing are immune to abrupt change and awarded with something
more palatable? I am not quite sure what you were trying to say? Maybe if
it is possible you could clarify this for me? Thank you.
JarEl: TR, George. Certainly, what I had mentioned before, has to do with
the ability for the person to receive change. It is merely in the
perception of the individual that the change is abrupt. To an individual
who has passed through certain stages of spirituality regardless of how
abrupt the change comes, it will only seem subtle to him or her. It is
merely perception of which I speak. For those of you who have prepared
yourselves for changes in this world, regardless of how quick and forceful
the change may be, to you it will always seem subtle. For you know that
the change was coming and you know that it would eventually happen. You
were merely waiting for the time it would happen. For those who have not
prepared themselves for this occasion, to them this change will seem
abrupt. That is not to say that those who have prepared themselves are
immune from this sort of change. No one is immune, as long as people in
this world are free to make their own decisions or choices no one is immune
from the different choices that people make.
Henry Z: Thank you JarEl. Would it be safe to say when you have weathered
such change that it becomes
.that when you are conscious of the nature
of change that it is a lot easier to weather the change? I mean it is an
inevitability, yet many people are always so shocked when change presents
itself. We live in a very fluid, changing and unstable world. It would be
tremendously difficult, even in very remote areas, not to witness the
tremendous change that is all around us. I guess I was asking a question
but maybe I was making a statement, so thank you JarEl.
JarEl: TR, George. Thank you Henry, are there any more questions?
Lucille: When we speak of change what do we mean by change?
JarEl: TR, George. The whole world changes around you Lucille. Everyday
is a new day for you. When the spring comes around the flowers bloom, when
the fall comes the flowers die. There is change in the weather. The same
goes for your life, you were born, you live and you die. Some die a lot
sooner than others. There is change in your physical environment, some
days it rains too much and communities are flooded. Other days it is too
hot with the resulting forest fires which destroy communities. These
changes are a part of your world and are a part of your life. They shall
remain so for quite a long time.
Lucille: Those are physical changes.
JarEl: TR, George. Exactly, the many physical changes in your world affect
you emotionally and spiritually. Those are the changes that you can
control. Those are the changes that you have authority over and how to
deal with. These are the changes of which I speak. Change around you will
always happen, but changes within you are something in which you have
complete control. Now if you allow yourself to open yourself and change
and to grow then you will prepare yourself for future occasions in which
you will be required to face tremendous change. I have answered your
question Lucille?
Lucille: Yes to a certain extent. How can we change our spiritual life?
JarEl: TR, George. What you are asking is something that you already know
Lucille. It would be pointless for me to answer this question for
you. You are already on your path of spiritual growth and
change. However, for those who are reading this transcript and have not
gone through the experience that you have Lucille then I will answer this
question for them.
To change spiritually you must first recognize who you are, not only
physically but spiritually. You are sons and daughters of God; you are
children of God. As children of God you are required to grow and to become
adults in a spiritual realm. How do you grow? You follow God’s
example. You listen to Him in your quiet time. How do you get into your
quiet time? It is simple, you sit down in a space where no one will bother
you and allow yourself the time and space to meditate and to think about
things of the spirit. You allow yourself to empty your mind and for God to
occupy it. You simply ask for His Will to be done. If you have a sincere
heart the answers to the questions you ask will come. Your road and your
map will be laid out before you and your spiritual journey towards
spiritual change will begin. Are there any other questions?
Stella: You make the statement that people are never given anything which
they are unable to handle, but what about the people who have been
tortured, how can they live a spiritual life when they feel God has
deserted them?
JarEl: TR, George. Thank you for your question Stella. I understand the
situation these people have been put into. Believe me that it is not God’s
Will that they go through this torture. It is simply a choice that certain
people have made to inflict this pain on them. They are the unfortunate
beneficiaries of evil. They have fallen victim to those who have long left
the spiritual path. We never intended to give these people this lot in
life. That is not what I meant when I said, that you are never given more
than you can handle. The situation is this, it is simply the choice of
someone else which has effected these people.
Stella: Will these people, the evil doers, reap what they have sown?
JarEl: TR, George. Eventually in the coming Age of Light and Life all
deviant stock of human DNA will be eradicated, eliminating such evil
tendencies of such evil people who inflict pain on others. As for the
individuals who have committed these crimes, they shall be brought to
justice. Eventually your world shall get past this barbaric age. At this
moment it is still very real and it is up to all of you to initiate the
change that needs to happen. Do not wait for change to come, if it is in
your power to make the changes then do so, start making the changes for
your world for the better.
I don’t want to focus on the negative. I have come here to bring out the
positive in all of you, to illustrate the positive that is happening on
your world. Day by day more positive things are happening, more people are
connecting with each other. The network of spiritual connection is growing
and ever expanding throughout your world. More and more hunger for the
coming of the Age of Light and Life. You have much work to do my brothers
and sisters. This work awaits all of you, for if change is to happen it
will be because of you.
The day that you arrive on the Mansion World will be a glorious day, for
behind you shall leave a wake of change. You will leave a positive and
pure legacy that this world has not seen since the days of Jesus.
Know that we are here at hand to help you in any work that you
initiate. We are here to guide you and support you in your work. Thank
you all for coming here tonight, until next time, good night.
All: Thank you, good night.
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