[tmtranscripts] Tomas LightLine 12-02-04 The Power of God

Kelly O'Hara kohara at charter.net
Thu Dec 9 21:06:56 PST 2004

*Light Line Teleconference *

*Date:* December 2, 2004

*T/R:* Gerdean

*Teacher: TOMAS*
*Subject:* *The Power of God*

Find God Within Others
The Community of Believers

This is Unity of Purpose

* *

*TOMAS*: /Father God, we worship You. We touch You and your presence is
magic to our senses, soothing and confidence building. We attribute You,
dear Father, as the Source of our power, and trust in Your care for we
are also weak. Come into our consciousness and shine Your light upon us,
that we can see better, that we can know better how to bring about Your
precious kingdom. What can we do to serve, dear Father?/

This is Tomas, praying on our behalf, for we seek to do His will.
Welcome, students and children, brothers and sisters, friends and
neighbors, coworkers in this mighty mission of Michael's to introduce a
new reality to Urantia. Although our efforts are notable, it is also
apparent that our efforts must be unceasing, for these are such exciting
times, so tumultuous and fast paced. There are so many menus afoot.
Agendas abound, opinions echo and constant stress and strife are part of
the collective consciousness.

What a privilege it is to know our place in the kingdom, that we are
indeed embraced and loved and cherished for who we are, what we do,
simply by being. Because when we are God's, when we have given ourselves
to Him, He tends to our needs, if we but listen. And this, indeed, is
the point we have stressed from the beginning.

The world is too much with you. It is difficult to get footing and keep
your bearings when all around you the sea of life is roiling with
turbulence. There are those who are called to go into that storm, and
there are those, too, who are called to be within the eye of the
hurricane, to be the calm, to be the anchor. There are those who are
called to teach and to preach and to reach. You are all necessary, all
needed in the scheme of things to advance humanity forward.

I'll take the liberty of starting off our conversation this evening by
discussing a bit further this power I referenced. You are taught in the
text to be mindful of the presence of God, not only within yourself, but
within your fellows. Learn to recognize God's presence in others. This
is presented to you in the text, and your mind captures that thought.
But it has been germinating. Now let us stir the dirt around the
concept, that it might begin to sprout life.

This is the key to the kingdom: having the Father's power all around
you, as you can see it in your fellows. The strife occurs when He is not
apparent. When He is not apparent, there is no mooring, no stable place,
no security. And thus the anxiety accelerates until such time as it
becomes a hum, like the drone of airplanes going overhead that compels
your attention, and this is not conducive to peaceful harmony within
yourself and with your fellows.

How do you find God within others? You know. Again, there is a fragment
of God within each of us. We are all a part of the universe, yes, the
energy which is eternal, and regardless of our path, will be contributed
to the evolution of the Supreme. Thus energy is very useful in that
context, but the idea of the personality of God is that which makes God/
mine/ and/ yours/ and/ ours/. It's the/ personal/ element, and so you
can find God in your fellows by the personal element of divinity.

And how is that to be shown, known? By their fruits they shall be known.
What does that mean, "By their fruits they shall be known"? How do they
treat you? How do people treat you? How do you feel when you have been
engaged with them in discourse, or commerce? Be aware of your
relationship with other people. Be conscious of the fact of their
reality. Ask the God within them to respond to the God within you.

The Adjusters are able to communicate, you know; they are inter-related,
as they are so close to God. They are of God. They/ are/ God, as far as
our purposes are concerned. Here now we are looking at the potential
power of knowing the Father, of knowing the Father's love. This is what
we are called to demonstrate and respond to. This is the true power.

You have the power to conscious-ize other human beings. You have the
power to connect with their God fragment in such a way as they will be
forced to recognize your power. They will be forced to recognize
something within them. Those who are God-conscious, children of God,
responsive, those who are our friends and allies, are easy to recognize.
They are eager to show you their goodness. But there are those many who
are not interested. They are more interested in the transaction or their
agenda or ... Leave them alone. They are not open.

As you practice this awareness of God in your fellows, you will find you
truly have no enemies. Those who do not see you (and) do not see the
Father in you, will go their way until their need for divine embrace
overpowers them. Recognize your limitations and thus put your power to
better use.

Discuss with me. This ability for us to communicate has been established
not only that I pour out upon you the benefit of my experience, but that
I hear of yours and share in your path as well. I observe many of your
social interactions and the general happenings in the immediate
neighborhood of the Teaching Mission and the groups tentacles out into
the culture. I notice, too, how they are being woven into an energetic
sense of Deity that is easy to relate to and which lacks theology and
cosmology, thus rendering it much simpler to practice.

It is very much like "a stillness love-in" when you companion those
souls which are so precious as to delight in the light of Deity even
without the intellectual understanding so many of you are privy to. How
precious they are! How innocent and vulnerable. But, of course, as all
of you on this planet, the background is there of cunning and potential
evil. That is another reason to be mindful of the presence of God -- in
order to appreciate and enjoy the presence of God in your peers, as well
as in your churches (which is a little more difficult if there is a
great stress made on the academics of the religion). But those who
exalt the Lord and sing his praises are lovely to behold and enjoyable
to experience.

The love of the Father touches all of these people. The community of
believers on Urantia is very large! I know you tend to see your religion
as a unique experience and one which you share with a few other people,
but the truth is the love of God is consciously applying itself to all
mankind, to whatever extent human will allows that influence. For all
those many that you are unable to touch, those in whom you cannot feel
the Father Fragment for it is held captive, be merciful. Fight them not.
But pray consciously and specifically for what it is you think ails
them, and ask God to heal that sickness.

Part of your power is recognizing your insight, your perspective, your
perception as having value. It has value because you are value. This is
one of the gifts we receive in knowing Our Father. We become more
assured in ourselves because we respect and honor our Source of being.
To be afraid of God gives you permission to be afraid of yourself, and
if you fear yourself, how can you be at home with yourself? How can you
be the best you can be - creative and free?

The lights are coming on. Even as it appears the darkness is looming.
And it is. But it need not affect you. You need not become embroiled.
Use your power to bond together with those values that are enduring and
that bring peace, that nurture the spirit, and support the body.

I am not going to talk further in a monologue. Come now. Engage with me.

*KELLY*: Tomas, I have a question. When you were speaking about us
making an effort to relate to the God within another person, does my
effort to connect with the God within another person help them
spiritually? Does it help them connect with their God fragment?

*TOMAS*: Yes, of course. This is why you are urged to go out among
them, because you can affect everyone as you pass by. And this is the
key to the kingdom we have been discussing and the power that you have
inherent within you. And this is what Jesus used as he went around
engaging with people as the son of man.

You know when you engage with people on a heart level. Let us say it is
Christmas and the air is saturated with Jingle Bells and holly. Everyone
in the area is overcome with the good will toward men that Christmas
brings. While this may be interpreted as a spiritual condition, it is
really an emotional state of being brought on by an acceptance of
kinship. But you know the feeling of well-being. That is not what I am
talking about.

You also know the camaraderie that you have with your buddies, your
girlfriends, your playmates. You can let your hair down and be yourself
and guffaw and be goofy and laugh, and this is a good connection between
people, between the human spirits. But that is not what I am talking about.

The power that lies deep within you in the Adjuster, that yearns to
become one with your personality, has that quality in it that you will
release in your relationships with those you encounter as you pass by,
when and as you are willing and able to follow through, and to the
degree that you are currently able to follow through.

I know that you have experienced this, if inadvertently. Yes, you have
this ability. It will require practice. And yet it is not something you
artificially don, like a cape or a hat. The spirit comes from inside.
The spirit stands alone. As you are conscious of it, it is alive in you,
and you are carrying it into your environment. Now, those many, many
people who have a convention around a religious theology have a feeling
of godliness, but not godlikeness. These are what many of you might call
pious, religious, or self-righteous. And these are good people, God's
children, indeed. They may be content there, but there are those, too,
who would go that one step farther into a revelation about God that
would enlarge their existence.

That is what I would call a fish who might nibble on my bait. Always be
ready for the big fish. This is the joy of fishers of men, to catch the
big one. But any fish is a good catch. You just need to be ready.

*STUDENT*: Hello, Tomas.

*TOMAS*: Hello.

*STUDENT*: How does one juxtapose love for all with the patriarchal
nature of all religions on this planet? How do we combine male, female,
child into one loving unit?

*TOMAS:* You rather need to abandon all ideas of uniqueness or
separation. You will need to stand back and assume a somewhat farther
view than up close and personal. To love humanity as a whole is
inhuman; it's superhuman. Only the human would attempt to love all
humanity in its myriad differences. But you know something of this
subject. Tell me something!

*STUDENT*: I cannot intellectually or spiritually feel connected unless
the patriarchal nature, the heavy male influence of world religions, is
rectified against the hypocrisy of it all. Otherwise I am just a
flapping fish in search.

*TOMAS:* Alright then, let's be more pragmatic. If you don't want to
transcend, but want to be specific, then you need to apply your power
effectively among like-minded fellows in order to build a power bloc,
for as you combine forces with others, you become more powerful, even
exponentially powerful, and they will need to continue to, for a while
longer, because humanity is ... and as long as you are human, you will
maintain the elements of the human animal as well as the divine aspects,
although they will not be manifested as hostile or aggressive as you
know it can be. As man advances and learns to work with other men for a
common cause, women are in this culture, on this planet, still
handicapped - grossly handicapped - by the prevailing conditions,
however they are not without their own power, and together they are able
to create as great a vortex of energy toward a purpose as men are. The
next step of course would be for men and women to co-administrate, but
alas, it is still a social conundrum that men and women compete, which
reduces the effectiveness of their ability to work together toward the
greater good.

*STUDENT*: The advice of creating power blocs that you gave me earlier
is the conundrum, and if we strive not to compete.

*TOMAS:* Find those with whom you have the essentials in common.
Focus on what you have in common and bond on that point. As you are
spirit led or spirit dominated, as you are altruistic and seek the best
for all mankind today, tomorrow and forever, you will no doubt be
assisted in your efforts, inasmuch as all of us in the unseen realm
engaged in this Correcting Time Era, are eager to help be instructive,
supportive or, in fact, manipulate the material environment so as to
make it possible.

It is a tremendous future we have ahead if and when you can work more
effectively with each other. If and as you see a power block that you
find is standing in the way of the greater reality, you may be assured
there will be others who think similarly, who would be happy to uphold
your position. There are differences between each individual. Even
those who have a great deal in common are still cursed with many unique
differences. This is always going to be the case because no two are
alike, and this is the beauty of creation. But only a narrow view would
find differences disturbing. Of course there are differences. That's
variety! To be effective, focus on that which you have in common. This
is unity of purpose. Unity of purpose is what you are looking for.

"Who is going to define the purpose" is the next question. How is the
purpose going to be defined? Unless you have another question, which
I'm perfectly willing to listen to.

*MARTY*: Teacher Tomas, this is Marty. I would just like to refer to
the power blocs that you speak of as movements. It works better for me
to think of it that way. I feel that what Teacher Rayson was speaking of
in Colorado in his last session about the hundredth monkey concept has
been attained by humanity as the movement in the world for bringing on
Light and Life.

*TOMAS: *Yes, indeed. One out of 100. Indeed, it is more.

*MARTY*: It seems to me that the peoples of the world really are
ready to bring peace on earth, and desire it. And in all of the
religions, and all of the political factions, and all of the movements
on earth, there are so many who are motivated in that direction, even
though our political leaders don't seem to...

*TOMAS:* What is the next step?

*MARTY*: It seems to me to be communication among ourselves that
doesn't take into account the differences, but the mutual purpose that
we have.

*TOMAS:* Then we need some leadership, don't we?* *And coordination.

*MARTY*: It seems very thrilling to me to be aware of all of the
people around the world who care so much about life freedom and ecology
of the planet.

*TOMAS:* It was not long ago that Teacher Ham talked about what this
era would face, and in a very short time it is indeed being addressed.
Yes, it is very gratifying to see what has been accomplished already,
and what potential is there, even now. Imagine what can be done in the
next ten or so years! Indeed.

*MARTY*: It is thrilling, very thrilling!

*TOMAS:* Indeed! And yet, it is not only thrilling, it is essential.
It is basic. It is fundamental. We must have safety. How can you be
expected to grow and flourish in an environment of fear? Those of you
who desire peace, and who have power to be the vanguard of a new,
universal mentality are encouraged and called to stand up for that next
pinnacle of hope, which represents the birth of planetary government in
spirit, in the spirit of love.

The nations will be nations, but the people can still have peace. It's a
worthy goal to contemplate. The time is at hand. The vulnerable element
is that you become embroiled again and again in the politics, and in the
separation, in the principles, theologies and philosophies even, of the
various proponents of humanity. This is fine, this is good, this is part
of the human condition, part of your own belonging to your own realm.
But holding yourself up, above, apart, aside from that milieu, gives you
the opportunity to envision the whole of humanity uniting and pulling
forward their restless siblings in something constructive for humanity,
for the planet, for your home, communal home.

The women, too, are able to wield a lot of influence in turning around
the half of humanity, even by working with the Mother Spirit through
nature, through the animals and plants and patterns of the material
world. The sympathetic nature of the female generally nurtures, and
those things which her heart is drawn to nurture are, more often than
not, things that are good. For woman is a good creation, and has a great
deal to offer, even as do men. Men would do well to listen more to their
women. And women would do well to more encourage their men. But all of
you do well to encourage each other, and keep your spirits alive. For
this spirit is our salvation, our delight, our origin and our destiny.

Do not be discouraged. Let your own sense of rebelling against that
which is inimical to the spirit rise up and direct your focus to that
which the spirit within you would call you to do. Let love be your
guide. Let love radiate from you, and you will affect others. Their own
spirit will be stirred. And that is another fish, another fish story,
perhaps, that I won't go into.

Other questions? Due to the quiet, the still response, I have discerned
you are full. I therefore will withdraw my presence from among you, with
my thanks for your hearing my words, and perceiving my presence, and for
recognizing my love, as it is the same in you. Go in peace. Amen, and

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