[tmtranscripts] Wendy and Jane Q&A (06-12-97.PGH)

Gerdean gerdean at cableone.net
Wed Feb 21 20:55:17 PST 2007

DATE: June 12, 1997
LOCATION: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
T/R: Gerdean

Textual Studies:
Urantia Paper 9: Relationship of The Infinite Spirit to the Universe
Reading from Jesus Papers: Page 1728, The Discourse on True Religion

Sharing; Stillness

TOMAS: Good evening, my friends. I am Tomas.

Group: Good evening, Tomas. Thank you for coming.

TOMAS: Thank you for coming -- for how could I address you if you weren't here!

I am pleased to see you have returned, Wendy and Jane, and you have brought with you reinforcements. We are always happy to have a new personality in our midst and, in response perhaps to many prayers, we find one of the male persuasion. How wonderful to sense your presence here, young man. Might I know who we have with us?

Elizabeth: This is Bruce.

TOMAS: How do you do? I realize that's a very formal greeting, but it is considered normal for your world. I rather dispense with such formality but I am still somewhat formal. How I ramble on! I must be nervous. There has not been a male here for many weeks. I am beside myself. (Group laughter) I jest.

Bruce, it is truly a delight to have you with us. I hope that you find our camaraderie here to your liking. We have become a band of kingdom builders, even though it may appear to be a frivolous lot of petticoats. We are sincere and zealous followers of our Creator, Christ Michael, known to you as Jesus, and so we are family to you also, my friend, my brother.

I am not going to get too deeply embroiled in The Infinite Spirit this evening. You have been applying yourselves well and, in time, these things will make more sense to you. I am rather more interested in a question/answer period. I have not had a lot of banter with you lately and am interested to know if there have been musings which you have brought with you. Did you remember to set your questions to paper?

Wendy: Yes.
TOMAS: Wendy, I am proud of you. Would you like to submit one to the floor?

Wendy: Yes, I would. I don't know if you've gone into reincarnation here, but I'd kind of like an answer. Is there such a thing as reincarnation? I mean, have we been before?

TOMAS: I will give it to you straight.
Wendy: Okay.

TOMAS: Your personal journey begins here with this life experience. It is here that you begin to develop your own original and brand new soul. It is true that your indwelling God fragment has had previous experience, has indwelt other ascension candidates, but you have no memory of your indwelling Adjuster's experience except, perhaps, an assimilation of value that it has gathered to itself and brought with it to indwell you.

There is no reincarnation in ascension. There is no point to recycle life when the opportunities are nearly unlimited to advance. It is also pointless to return to this planet when there are billions of worlds on which you may work and grow and learn and play.

There is, on a higher plane of existence, a creation called a spornagia, that is a serviceable creation whose body does wear out; after time its body is replaced, but it is not reincarnated in terms of time and space, it is merely given a new coat, a new functional form, rather like a snake that melds its skin to have a new one, and this is not what one would call reincarnation in the sense that you have derived your understanding from the ancient Eastern religions.

I understand that many individuals' spiritual paths have incorporated the concept of reincarnation and found it satisfying, has answered many of the souls questions in terms of deja voux and so forth. Even modern methods of hypnosis have capitalized on the concept to allegedly take people into their previous lives in order to heal certain residue defects of character that have carried into this existence.

I would point out to you the fascinating mechanism of mind, and without belittling mind in the least, rather offer to you that its many diverse faculties allow for tremendous variation of perspective reality to take place in the formulating of a value that will hold up under an eternal trek. Have I responded to your question?

Wendy: Yes. Yes, you have. Of course I still have more questions. So we sort of -- are you saying that the Thought Adjuster that maybe we have now has been through before and maybe we collect from that? I'm not sure I understand.

TOMAS: The text, the Urantia Book, reports that there are no virgin adjusters on Urantia, which is to say that all Thought Adjusters who serve now in mortals of your realm have had previous experience. It is extremely unlikely that they have served on Urantia, but they have served elsewhere and in-as-much as there are certain likenesses in creation, even as they all follow the pattern of Paradise, there will be similarities in and between the many worlds of time and space, on some of which, no doubt, your Thought Adjuster has served before.

In-as-much as it has served before, you may be confident of its having garnered value. It is value and it has value, but it has garnered additional value as a result of the association of its previous indwelling -- its experience alone. And so to the extent that it has had previous experience, you may feel that you have had previous experience.

It will benefit you if you proceed in your ascension and fuse with your Thought Adjuster. You will then receive all the goodies that it has garnered from its previous experience. But your soul development begins in this life. You are here; you advance from here; you evolve your soul from your decisions now.

Wendy: Thank you.
TOMAS: You are very welcome.

Jane: I have a question, Tomas.

Jane: When we pray for God's will, to understand God's will in a particular situation, what is your - what are your thoughts on increasing your receptivity to God's will, or even just recognizing -- Many times I recognize it but then again sometimes I'm not sure. I mean, how can you increase your receptivity to what God's will is, after you have asked for it?

TOMAS: I must take this opportunity to stress the practice of Stillness, which is a method of meditation wherein you set aside your material concerns and your physical activities in order that you may then rest your mind and focus on spirit. In this sublime state of communion with the Father, you will be directed by your alignment and your affinity with Father and His will for you, that a sense of reality will develop with you and in your soul that will carry you in good stead when you enter your arena.

It is necessary for you to continue to commune with the Father in order for you to remain clear in your purpose. Even though your daily existence is an adventure from one day to the next, indeed, from one moment to the next, and it is not His will that you should know what your adventure will be before it occurs, you can be assured that it is in accordance with His will for you by being in touch with Him through this practice of Stillness.

And secondly, as you are going about your business, as you are seeking to be about the Father's business, in dispersing truth, beauty and goodness in your service path, you are assisted by the ministrations of the Spirit of Truth, which is that gift which Michael gave when he departed hence, that gift which was given at Pentecost and which is essentially his presence for you in your walk with the Father. You may consult with the Spirit of Truth for confirmation and it will advise you how to go.

Those two are uppermost: being aware of the Father within and having communion with that divine Source, as well as trusting the Spirit of Truth to direct you. That is my response.

Jane: Thank you.
TOMAS: Elizabeth, have you left your questions in the shower? (Group giggle)
Wendy: The first question I asked sort of answered all the rest of the questions I had.

TOMAS: Hopefully that is a temporary situation.
Wendy: Yes, I'm sure it will be a temporary situation.

TOMAS: For if you feel that all of your questions have been answered, what purpose is there to continue to aspire to become perfect?

Hester: I have a question, Tomas.
TOMAS: Yes, my dear.
Hester: Is it possible to become perfect in this plane?

TOMAS: It certainly is! I have seen you, in fact, be perfect on a number of occasions. I have it on the highest assurance that all of you have experienced relative perfection in your realm, as He is perfect in His realm.

Indeed, Hester, this is the nature of the lessons I have been attempting to prevail upon you since the study began with Paper 1, with the Universal Father's personality of love and the bestower of personality. Also, the fact that you yourself have God indwelling you is a promissory note of your own ability to express that same love in your capacity as He has in His capacity. Since you have love within you, and since you have mercy (which is the product of the Eternal Son), you may then have love and mercy, and as you have love and mercy together, and choose to act (as would the Infinite Spirit), you then have ministry. And as you, Hester, have love and mercy and ministry, you have relative perfection.

The point is not to expect that you will have that high degree of ultimate perfection as is realized only in Havona or the Isle of Paradise, but that can be attained in your personal realm, your universe. You already know, my daughter, that you have had those moments of perfection attainment, when you have been an instrument for Him, when all systems were 'go' and when every word that you uttered rang true, that profoundly touched the soul of someone, that provided healing, nurturing or succor to someone who was pained or lost or confused. To those extents that you have love, mercy and ministry, you have perfection.

It is a steady growth process that you attain and practice broader, deeper and greater acts of perfection attainment. This is the ascension plan. In time you will be perfect in the presence of the Father himself, who is infinitely perfect, and then He will not burn your eyes to behold, for you will have accomplished that oneness of spirit that you yearn for in your deepest part. Is this not true, Hester, that you have known glimpses of perfection even in your life?

Hester: I suppose.

TOMAS: Bless your humility, my child. It will serve you well. But have faith that you have acted in accordance with His will! You have done His will, and it doesn't serve to have false humility when you have acted in tangent with Paradise perfection.

Hester: Thank you.
TOMAS: Wonderful, wonderful.

Wendy: I'll ask a question. From what I -- and this goes along with what you were just saying, about perfection -- and it's something I read in here, what Jesus said, that there -- just learning and doing I guess, those acts of kindness, every day, those kind words to someone that, maybe you do or don't want to say . Is this just as important in that ascension? Truly? Those little things? You know you sit back and think you have to do all this meditating and, you know, groveling, to reach your spirituality but actually its there in those everyday deeds.

TOMAS: It is not necessary for you to grovel, my dear, under any circumstances. I will reiterate the necessity for meditation, or for communion with the Father, certainly, but those small acts of kindness are indeed valuable, for they manifest hope, they open doors, they provide good cheer, they illuminate the darkness, they instill confidence, they enflame vigor, they are vital gifts of love.

The destitute of faith need to be reminded that love is. As you behold the soul of another, as you look at your neighbor, a stranger, in love, on the street, in passing, as you see him with your spirit eye, you enliven his understanding of his own existence. By acknowledging his existence you stimulate his urge to grow.

You remember the concept of the I AM. Each of you, each of us, are products of the Original I AM, and one of the reasons that the Father has distributed himself so thoroughly throughout the far-flung universes is so that He may be acknowledged. There is a bearing in being acknowledged, and as you acknowledge your fellows, you give viability and credence to their very existence. You have given them a smile from the Creator.

It is not to be overlooked, these small acts, random acts of kindness. They may appear to be random, but they provide divine purpose. You cannot know a greater sorrow than to be alone and unacknowledged, and so to acknowledge your brother and sister is to bring great joy, great hope, great fruition. Yes.

Leah: Will Merium speak this evening?

TOMAS: (Nodding) Merium even now is in the wings ready for her curtain call. She is a definite assistant to The Infinite Spirit. One moment.

MERIUM: You lay it on thick, Tomas. You must have been reading that Shakespeare fellow again. I am not as fluffy as you make me out to be, but I am certainly an adjunct of The Infinite Spirit. I am very proud to be a daughter of divinity, as ought we all. How are you this evening, my lovely friends?

Group: Well. Very happy.

MERIUM: Actually, I had a question, and as I was given the floor, I forgot it (Group laughter). Perhaps it is a matter of ego dementia. (Group laughter) Is that possible? Perhaps, Hester, it is in your dictionary.

Hester: Speaking of which, it's been very active lately.

MERIUM: It is invigorating to stimulate the mind! As you read this evening, it well may be that if your mind is sufficiently invigorated, it will learn to comprehend what has been set down. Granted it is "mind-boggling" but in-as-much as The Infinite Spirit is endless in its mindal capacity, in its endowment of mindal capacity, perhaps you ought to all put in a request in prayer that your mental capacities be increased, thereby giving you an edge in comprehension.

It is entirely possible, for instance, that you may pray for increased faith and your faith will be increased accordingly. It would be, would it not, an interesting experiment, to ask to have your mental capacities also increased? What wonders we might behold if this were, in fact, to take place. What a marvelous assignment for the week! Tomas, what do you think? Shall we offer mind expansion to these lovely mortals?

TOMAS: I thought we'd been doing that all along! (Group laughter) I do. This is Tomas. I think my colleague is stimulating and far wiser than one might give her credit for being. Why is it that individuals in your realm, by and large, think that the feminine mystique is somehow lacking in cerebral content? Just because a personality is flowery and, like Merium, emblazened with butterfly wings, does not mean that she is inept in the thinking department, and I am happy to evidence her intelligence by consistently finding merit in her choice of assignments.

Praying for enlarged mental capacity. Well, it did not match what I was going to assign, but I will defer to my colleague, for perhaps in order that the curriculum move along at an expansive pace, mental expansion may well be just the stuff. It is necessary that you develop all levels, you know. It is not only that your spirit capacities be enlarged, no. The well-balanced growth process involves the spiritual and mental and physical realms. Before you know it we'll have you doing push-ups as part of your evolutionary process.

I jest again for I am in good humor this evening. It is so wonderful to have another fellow here. (Group laughter; much delight) I am perhaps sillier than you girls.

Hester: You're all right, Tomas.

TOMAS: I like you, too. (Group laughter) I will abandon ship here in a moment. Let me ask if there are any other questions.

I would like to call to your attention the rain, the gentle rain, the rain that washes away the dust of that which is dying away. Always does the rain fall upon the fields to water the seeds that have been planted. Always rejoice in the rain. Always allow your soul to be immersed in the beauty of the rain. Equate your soul to that seed which lies deep in the heart of the soil of God waiting for the sun (Son) to shine, for the rain to baptize your growth, that you may rise up to bear fruit for nourishing those who come to you for food. Farewell .

Group: Farewell, Tomas. Thank you. Have a good evening, Tomas.
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