[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 08/26/07

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Fri Sep 7 10:35:05 PDT 2007

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Working Energy Systems-Healing, Deeper
Connection With Higher Beings, Skills Enlarge to
Powerful Applications, Real Impact is in Your
Teachers: Monjoronson, Evanson, Unidentified,

August 26, 2007

* Monjoronson (Mark TR): Greetings,
Monjoronson here once again to embrace the use of
this platform that you so willingly create and
offer for this purpose. Once again it is my
pleasure to add some color and perhaps some tone
to the thought-stream that you have offered this
morning in your discussion.
I would suggest that you stand for a moment
from where you gaze out upon your spiritual
progress and look back. I have not been with you
from the beginning of your spiritual curriculum,
and you will recall that in the beginning for you
there were the most basic of spiritual lessons
that were used as a foundation whereon you built
greater and greater platforms of understanding.
You will each witness that this process has taken
years for you to accumulate this base of spiritual
understanding and awareness to bring you to ever
new arenas such as this new phase that you are all
curious and interested in. First you had to learn
that you were spiritual beings. You had to be
given the tools to build upon this awareness. You
had to be taught the importance of stillness and
the devotion to the development of your spiritual
side. The more this process drew on the greater
your footing was in the spiritual realm and the
more you reached out for higher and greater
understanding and awareness.
At each turn when the students were ready
the teachers arrived with the lessons that were
needed to bring you forward to a new level of
growth. Such is the case once again. You have
been engaged for some time in the practice of your
growing awareness of spiritual energy, and you
have learned how to use this cosmic law to
assemble yourselves into working energy systems.
Even though you may have been uncertain as to
their effect or impact, you do in some deep place
know of certainty of their reality. Having been
exposed to these principles and having given them
some dedication and practice, you then hunger to
know what else there is, what more can be done
with all that you have been given in terms of your
seeking and finding. And now you find yourselves
looking to gain more command over these energy
circuits and systems, and you are discovering that
there are energy systems within and energy systems
without and that they all function in very
predictable and reliable patterns.
So it is that you turn to the avenues of
healing for your internal energy systems and even
desiring to project your own capacities in service
to others, as you desire to learn how to be the
instrument of manifestation for these energies
directed in a healing capacity. It is quite
typical that one considers first the desire to be
of service to others and to gain some mastery over
the skills which enable you to direct these life
force energies to aid and heal another. But there
is another component and that is the internal
energy systems and directing your energies to
achieving balance and flow of these energies
within your own energy system.
And as well there is a larger picture.
Having gained some familiarity with this principle
and process you may then desire to direct your
energies at projecting healing out to all your
brothers and sisters, even to your environment,
your divine parents, your universe as a whole.
All of these principles are virtually identical;
it is merely their application that differs. Once
you have learned the basic principles of energy,
how it flows, how it manifests, and how to direct
it, you may use it on any one of these levels that
you choose.
There are appropriate times to focus this
healing energy within. There are appropriate
times to direct your cocreative potential towards
another. There are other times when you choose to
join together in this pursuit and direct your
energies as you so desire. And as well there are
appropriate times to devote your awareness and
your projection of these divine patterns out to be
used by those who may direct them beyond your
awareness to where they are needed. This is why
you are experiencing success, whether it is
success at your efforts to pool together and fire
the grid as you call it or whether it is your
effort to project these energies toward the
healing and repatternizing of another or whether
you choose to access these cosmic laws and
principles for your own individual benefit. All
these are merely redirecting the same energies,
the same techniques, the same principles; the same
universal laws apply. But it took you years to
even grow to the awareness that these principles
existed, that you were a part of them, and that
you had some element of control over these
But now you have arrived at this place of
awakening to the very realities that have been
present around you all along. You are part of
these energy systems, and as a part you are
composed of this same energy. Though the drop is
not the ocean, it has the characteristics of the
ocean, and it has a relationship to the whole the
same as you do.
Standing at your vantage point now you can
clearly look back and see the progress you have
made. It has only been in recent times in your
scale of time that we have joined together in our
ascension team to take us to the heights. But you
have since you can recall been on this trail to
reach even the base camp where we were able once
again to set out to new heights. Every once in a
while it is good to stop in your efforts at
ascension and gaze back at the progress you have
made. On this day I stand at this place with you
and look back with you at all that has brought you
here with respect and appreciation.
I will conclude my remarks to allow this
platform for others. As always you have my
devoted affection and my loyalty. Farewell.

* Evanson (Jonathan): Hello, I am Evanson. I
welcome this opportunity to sit beside you and
acknowledge your growth, your maturity.
I am working to effect a deeper connection
in my associate, and I make you aware that such
endeavors are also being undertaken with each one
of you, for the time is here to drive the
grounding rod deeper into the soil that the divine
current may flow with a solid connection.
We have experienced great adventures in
engaging with you in your deeper mind wherein
resides the portal of spirit contact. Each of you
has experienced the touch and know in your own way
the meaning of two souls, yours and your personal
assistant. It is not our intention to simply lead
you by the hand down the path; you know that it is
your path to walk and ours to help, and this is
mutual, for we also walk our path with your
assistance. Part of the program designed for this
planet included establishing such partnerships,
not unlike those of the early planetary
headquarters, the association of a Jerusem citizen
with a Urantian human. But your engagement is of
greater difficulty, for you do not have the
physical assurances of sight and sound. You work
through interpretive sensations, the sense of
presence, the ethereal whisper of message and
meaning. And you have exhibited great faith in
tuning toward that indicator and acknowledging a
validity in the connection.
Your world has many tales of connection with
higher beings, much of a stupendous occurrence.
The flash of light, the dazzling of presence, and
these descriptions are not so much of the
celestial but rather of the experience of the
human witness. You are engaged in the even and
steady interconnection, a blending which is of the
same pattern as the eventual merging of your
personality with the Divine Spirit presence, only
ours is for a duration in the accomplishment of
our mission: to once again bring Urantia into the
conscious participation with universe development,
to freely intermingle with those of higher orders,
and to do so free of the sense of being
overlorded, of being swayed by the magical; to
come to accept the ordinariness of our presence.
You have been taught much about the value of
stillness, and while it is the sacred ground
between you and the divine, it is also our point
of connection. It is your will as to the purpose
of any sitting. We await for your acknowledgment
and engage at your request.
The time is arriving when many will look for
clarification during confusing episodes. You will
be greatly relieved to have done your homework and
established your standing, to have acquired your
enlightened perspective. But you will also be ...
in deepening your understanding for the times
ahead are new for everyone. Teacher and student
alike are being retrained and enriched with what
is already attained. A lesson learned gives the
reward of attainment, but as it ages, ripens,
matures, it returns again and again greater
reward. A lesson understood transfigures into a
lesson experienced and soon becomes the person
There are orders of beings upon your world
who span the spectrum of grandeur from your midway
associates to even the Creator Son. Numerous are
those who are so akin to you in stature and
development. I am one. And we will stand ever
pledged to be your friend, to go with you into the
adventure before us. All of us are learning from
our Magisterial director, and we are all
experimenting in the healing of Urantia. Continue
your pursuit of awareness and continue your
application of understanding in experience. Our
team is getting stronger every year. Carry on
everyone. Thank you.

Kathy: I got a message that started with a
point on a paper. It spiraled slowly out to a
very large spiral, growing, and growing until it
was going off the paper to a giant spiral growing
ever onward toward the edge. There were also

* unidentified (Kathy): This pattern is
representative of the paths that you have been
engaged in during this process. As always we are
ready to help you expand in your awareness and
skills. These skills have been enlarged through
your efforts and will continue in ever-expanding
and increasingly powerful applications. You need
not be totally aware of the results. It is enough
that you attempt to wield this power, even in
small increments. As with any other skill, this
will increase in time and with practice. We
encourage you to step out in faith, that your
capacity will begin and continue to increase. Be
determined and use your intention to start
developing this skill.

* Machiventa (Mark): Hello, Machiventa here
to take advantage of this splendid platform and to
echo the words spoken here today, perhaps
distilled down a bit by asking the question who
are the great messengers of this time? While each
of you has had the privilege to grow in your
awareness of celestial personalities such as we
who greet you here today, you are all also growing
in your awareness that all we do is coach you,
lead you on with what you seek, provide for you
the next rung on your ladder, but it is each of
you who must make this real in this world. It is
not until you actively manifest what you have been
taught, what has been presented to you, that it
becomes an actual reality among the family of man.
We have discussed in the past about thought
streams and collective consciousness, and, as was
eloquently stated here today, it is you who are
the final links in this chain from what are the
messages being delivered through the various
messengers, myself being one, and then yourself
being another. When you have embraced all of
these abstract theories and principles as your own
they become real in this world, and others may
contact them through you. As a possession of
yours they are part of your personal experience
and part of your group experience.
As you all have learned there is as much to
be gained in the sharing back and forth of you,
the earthly messengers, as there is when you seize
on a concept or principle you have been shown from
one of your celestial friends. The real impact
and effect is had not from our dimension but from
yours. We may offer lofty spiritual principles
all day long, but if there is no one to grasp
them, to embrace them, to become them, then they
are merely opportunities that have yet to be
So I would suggest that you are the
messengers of your realm. While you may consider
yourself privileged to hear from other messengers,
nevertheless few will know of those such as
myself, and many may know of you as they are able
to see you, contact you, witness you, hear your
words of conviction that these principles are so
regardless of where you may have heard them or
contacted them. When you make them part of your
everyday lives, your lives speak far greater than
any words you may choose to express what you are
doing. So it is that we do not bring this
illumination to your world; we bring it to those
who will listen and act as messengers to your
world. Consider your role in this process, and I
offer you my gratitude for your role in this
process without which we would not be made real in
our efforts to promote these principles and
Always fall back on your own personal
experience with what you portray to the others,
because one cannot dispute another’s personal
experience, whereas facts and conditions may be
argued and disputed. Your personal embrace of
these cannot. Thank you. I withdraw. Farewell.
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