[tmtranscripts] Lightline Teleconference 2012-01-26

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 11:05:35 PST 2012

Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-01-26
Teacher: Voice Within, Light, Machiventa, Jonathan, Michael
T/R: Henry Zeringue, Mark Rogers

Prayer: [Henry] Father/Mother God, we come here this evening in this  
energetic circle of friendship and love to hear the words of spirit  
wisdom, to feel the connection between all of us and the connection  
with you. We ask that our hearts be opened, our minds clear, and that  
your words are forthcoming, thank you.

Voice Within: [Henry] Greetings this evening, it is I, the Voice which  
is within. Breathe deep, exhale, quiet the mind, feel that special  
place inside where you find Me. This evening, in determining levels of  
reality, I want to draw your attention to one particular level of  
reality, of divine reality, and that level is the level of love, not  
the mushy human kind of love that has to do with your needs but the  
kind of love that opens up a place in you to better understand your  
fellows, to see clearly.

I say it is a divine reality because love comes from the Divine, it  
comes directly from God though you. The ability to bring forth this  
love brings one closer to the relationship with the Father, the  
relationship in which the human will eventually, at a particular time,  
will become one with this Fragment of God. Of all the important  
inroads to discovering what must be done for this phenomenon to occur,  
you will find that the phenomenon of love is the most important inroad  
to realizing this divine reality.

You say: How do I achieve more love in my life? I say open up and ask  
for it and it shall be given to you. By opening up you are letting go  
of stress, you are letting go of things that are on your mind that you  
are indulging in. Let these things go to allow the grace of love to  
enter within. Love is a powerful and tremendous energy; like a  
beautiful day it fills one with a sense of belonging, a sense of  
recognition, a sense of realness. This is what everyone needs and what  
each one of you want. It is what every human being wants and needs,  
this divine glue, this thing that connects us together one to another  
as friends, friends in a large family, friends in a universal family.

This love gives you the ability to share yourself with others, to  
share things you have that others need. This source of love resides  
within the reality consciousness of the Eternal Father. The same love  
exists within the Thought Adjuster though the powerful connection of  
love also comes from the Father through the Thought Adjuster to you so  
that you are hard wired with a connection to the central and divine  
universe of Paradise.

All of the many aspects of divine love are the myriads of realities  
which access this love, faith, hope, intention, will power, decision  
making. This ability of spirit to reside within a non spiritual being  
and gradually bring this non spiritual being to an awareness of his  
existence is an act of love. Your openness, your ability to allow  
spirit to access your very private mind is also an act of love. The  
more you begin to reside in love, the more you begin to feel connected  
with all things which are real.

So breathe in this love, and on the exhale share this love with others  
for it is the sharing of this love which enables you to receive this  
love. Love and light are similar, they allow you to experience so much  
more. Just as light allows you to see and understand and create  
awareness within your yourself, so does love begin to support the  
fledgling spiritual being within you, attempting to fill you to the  
capacity of fullness, of spiritual realness. The interesting thing  
about love is that it doesn't require a tremendous intellectual  
ability; it just requires a need, a mere human need to reveal itself  
within you whether that need is within yourself or without you.

So in your meditations, consider the light of love as a focus. Bring  
in this loving nature and feel one with the great spirit which resides  
within us all and experience that you are truly a child of God. Know  
that as you experience this, realize that everyone else can experience  
this also as a child of God and begin to see each other as children of  
God for the awesomeness and the power, the might of God, is much  
greater than all of the children put together, that love can instantly  
traverse the space from Paradise to your heart instantaneously by  
opening up to this. So as the heart pumps blood and allows you to live  
this life, open up this heart to love and it will begin to show you  
the spiritual life, the greater life which resides within.

You can call love anything you wish to call it, but once it is given  
to someone else it is immediately identified as such. Thank you, have  
a wonderful week and we will see you shortly again. Go in peace.

Light: [Mark] Hello and greetings to all, I am Light and I am  
overjoyed to be granted the opportunity to take advantage and build  
upon the foundation that we have going here but I will take a slightly  
different tack and change the direction to offering some very  
practical measures that one may take to be effective in this working  
with love. As was said, it could be a very useful technique to focus  
on breathing in the love, taking in the goodness. Utilizing the  
vehicle of your body to do so brings you into the focus of the moment  
by intentionally breathing in the goodness, your focusing the body,  
the mind, and the spirit.

In doing this and in exhaling this goodness, it passes through you. It  
is altered and forever transformed by you. You may add to this  
goodness with your own sense, your own flavor of reality, then you may  
project it out as a matter of your own free will choice, as a matter  
of your intention made real. In so projecting this love it becomes  
amplified through you, it becomes given a life that is both yours and  
the Creators who provides the basis of all this love. At this point  
you are acting as close to spiritual principles as you may as a mortal  
of the realm, that is, consciously drawing into your being the  
goodness that surrounds you, paying attention to this act, being in  
the moment of the act, and then choosing to channel your intention and  
focus your desire out to others.

This is your prayer, this is your petition to the Divine, and this is  
your action to accommodate this petition, this is your part of the  
equation that you may offer. So I strongly urge you to consider this  
most powerful of tools that you may now utilize from your toolbox, but  
this demonstration of the focus of mind, body, and spirit in one act  
is profound and this channeling of love is something that you will  
delight in growing accustomed to and mastering. I encourage you to  
pursue this little exercise and show yourself just how good it feels.

It is indeed my pleasure to be offered the opportunity to converse  
with you so freely and to draw in and tie together some of the  
elements which have been introduced and discussed into a practical  
exercise which you may execute at your choosing. I now step aside, it  
has been my pleasure to be with you. Thank you and farewell.

Machiventa: [Henry] Greetings my friends, it is I Machiventa  
Melchizedek. It is good to be here this evening to share in this vein  
of reference with you. I wish to speak of the very planet you live on,  
the earth. This spinning orb revolving around your sun is a reflection  
of the divine mind of love. On this earth which started out its life  
as a hot and molten mass has transformed over time into this beautiful  
display of life, complete with water, flora and fauna, trees and  
flowers and animals. The exquisite beauty of all of these elements in  
balance, this is the divine intention of this world you live on.

Out of the aspects of divine love has this been created for you, the  
sapient animal of the realm indwelt of an aspect of the Eternal  
Divine. The stage has been set forth for the outplay of divine love on  
this world and time is of little importance in the sense that one day,  
this divine love will show forth through each heart breathing life on  
this planet. Those days you call Light and Life, those permanent days  
which will reflect the divine intention will become manifest in all  
life on this world. There are tremendous aspects to love. There is  
beauty, the harmony of things and there is change, there is  
transformation, there is the revolving cycles of time.

Just like hard granite rock eventually wears down and becomes the  
minute particles of clay in a lake bed, so do the ego minds of the  
humans transform in time and render themselves pure in spiritual light  
and love. Sometimes it is important to look at the large picture in  
which your very small part plays a very big hand in the flow and  
steady movement of bringing the divine intention of reality to bear  
upon this sphere. Ladies and gentlemen, you are all beacons of light  
tonight, here in this eternal circle of friendship and love,  
intending, as children of divinity, for this world to become a better  
and yet a great place to be for all life which will live here  

In your small part, know that you are becoming one with the essence of  
the Creator, one with the breath of the Mother, and one in the feast  
of Michael's table; the goodness and divine bounty is yours. The work  
which is ahead of you is real. Do not fear for there is no danger. You  
are but beacons of light on this sphere as in the next. Rejoice that  
you have been given life, that you have been given an opportunity to  
come here to this earth and make it a better place. I thank you this  
evening, go now in peace.

Jonathan: [Mark] Hello my friends, I am Jonathan and I'm here to  
witness to you that there is so much love, there is enough love from  
me even to be here and to remind you of my love for all of you. It is  
an extraordinary gift to be able to be here among all of my friends.  
Indeed my heart is with you and I am bound with you in that circuit of  
love we share together. It is my desire to make my presence known and  
my love for you and for this endeavor that you are involved in, that  
we are involved in. I cherish my association with each of you and that  
is all I desire, to simply share those words with you tonight. Thank  
you, my love to you all.

Michael: [Henry] Greetings my friends, it is I Michael here this  
evening with a heart full of love for all of you, for all of you who  
are not here this evening also, for this whole world you call home. Be  
inspired by the life I have lived on this earth to show you that as a  
human, it is possible to love everyone, to show them the respect they  
deserve, to ignore them when they are being unruly, and to remain  
focused on the Father, His love for us all. I come here with my arms  
wide open to embrace all of you so that you know beyond a shadow of a  
doubt that I am real and my spirit is alive and well on this world and  
that you live in times of great change and great transformation,  
particularly now.

The time is right to begin to concentrate and begin to focus on that  
which you must do. When the situation permits and allows itself,  
present me to others, present my life, what I stand for, the primacy  
of the Father and the necessary relationship of love between each and  
every one of you. Do not forsake me because of mistakes, because of  
misunderstandings, because of assumptions. Do come to me as that  
little child with an open heart and a peaceful and inquisitive mind  
and one day, with your help, my message of eternal and divine love for  
all will reign supreme on this world. I trust that it will be so and I  
trust that you will become my eyes and my hands and my voice. In  
spirit we will guide you, in spirit and human endeavor we will surely  
achieve this.

Thank all of you this evening. Go now in peace with open hearts and a  
renewed sense of service, thank you.

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