[tmtranscripts] Magisterial Mission Conference Call Transcript 11-22-15

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 17:06:56 PST 2015

Serena-Magisterial Mission Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

<http://www.ctrforchristcon.org> www.ctrforchristcon.org

November 22, 2015

Topic: Networking in Father's WILL-personal and planetary

T/R: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come before you today. Thank you for
connecting us heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit. This is our
time of collaboration with you. We thank you for weaving more of the
circuits of Spirit into our planet's consciousness. You know our desire for
the Magisterial Mission to be here in the physical form with us, and we
eagerly anticipate that time when this indeed comes to pass. But we are
also here to serve in cooperation for this to occur. So we open ourselves
up to you. We invite our celestial helpers into this circuit that we may be
collaborating with them in a manner that is consistent with your WILL. You
know the desires of our hearts and the needs of our souls, and we thank you
for your WILL moving where we are guided to focus today. Thank you.

SERENA: Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters. This is Serena, and I
will be facilitating your call today as we move together in these
collaborative energies of building the Father's WILL here on beloved

As you move into the attitude of focus we encourage you to develop a
two-fold means by which you project spiritual energies from your being into
the circuits of planetary consciousness. You might consider this to be a
similar way in which a laser beam operates. The desires of your heart come
into play here, and we encourage you to move into that place of your heart.
Feel your desire for the Father's WILL to take deeper root into Urantian
consciousness in which your consciousness is housed, and also to maintain
and sustain a focus from your internal gaze, the eyes of Spirit Within. You
might wish to engage your energy system from the spirit eyes which many of
you know as your third eye chakra. So from both of these places of the
heart and the eyes of spirit you are holding a dual beam that converges into
one and you direct that into the fabric of planetary consciousness.

Before we ask you to focus in this manner; however, let us continue to
minister to you individually that you may be able to project these energies
when we move into the collective circuits in a more productive manner. We
have been focusing on the energies of NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL. We
will continue this today. We will begin to help you receive this endowment
of the Father's WILL and how you are all being (as you say) networked into
this beautiful circuit and how it will strengthen you, connect you with
others who are spiritually activated.

So as we move in you now, feel your desires to be more calibrated in the
circuits of your heart and spirit eyes-that this NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S
WILL continues to upstep you in the ways you need; that you may be able not
only to feel more of the Spirit moving in you but be able to perceive with
greater insight that which the Father wishes to convey into your mind for
you to consider and grow in comprehension and wisdom.

We are here to support your efforts at transformation. If you are ready to
receive from us simply open yourselves to us now, and allow these spiritual
circuits to gain strength and stature in your beings. Let us begin. If it
is helpful for you to receive this, feel your need to be more networked into
the Father's WILL as you allow your internal gaze to focus on these words.
Breathe and relax as we help you now. (Pause)

There is a mighty mercy ministry moving through the circuits of Urantian
consciousness. Many people experience this as spiritual pressure, an
internal call to acknowledge that there is something missing in one's life.
When a person acknowledges that they feel this missing component, it is an
indication that the Spirit is indeed moving in them, sometimes gently
applying pressure, but over time it may grow to become more intense if the
individual is ignoring the internal knock, so to speak. As Jesus said, "I
stand at the door and knock."

Now many more people are feeling that knock. When they respond, where will
they go? Where we they find the support and help they need? Who will be
there to shed light on what they are experiencing, to help them recognize
that they have a divine indweller who is waiting to teach them the ways of
love? It is you and others like you!

So we encourage you to open to this networking energy that you may be
prepared to respond to your brothers' and sisters' need to know how to find
the Spirit Within. Help them see beyond their own feelings of unworthiness
or abandonment. God is within them. They are not alone. They are not
forsaken. So we are amplifying your circuitry, you might say, so you may be
in a more favorable position to help them heal and find their way within.
Continue to allow us to minister to you, and feel your desire to be more
networked to people who need to know the truth-those ready to awaken and
grow in Spirit. (Pause)

Let us move into the circuits of the collective consciousness of Urantia.
If you can, direct that dual beam from your heart center as well as the
third eye chakra located slightly above the central point between your eye,
above the brows. Feel your desire for more of this networking energy to
grow, and also from your gaze spiral those words NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S
WILL around the planet counter-clockwise, north to south poles. Feel your
desire for more of the Father's WILL to be more tightly interwoven into
Urantian consciousness. (Pause)

There are many gridlines of energy that hold the planet in the womb of the
universe. Some of your Urantian scientists are beginning to explore and
experiment with these gridlines. They exist at multiple levels of frequency
but they are all designed to work in concert with the evolutionary ascension
plan for planetary life. As you know, your world has been out of step with
the plans of evolution. But you are now in the Correcting Time when it is
intended for your world to regain her place in the rightful order of
evolution. As you might well imagine, this will take many generations to
fully correct but you are indeed moving in this direction.

What I encourage you to focus on now is to the feel your desire for this
correction of the evolutionary plans to continue to take deeper root in the
planet that more of this networking may gain strength and be applied to
assist all life to regenerate and work in concert with the WILL of Father.
Hold that as an intention in your heart as you continue to project
NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL from your spirit eyes. (Pause)

I invite you to shift your gaze to the words RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF DIVINE
ORDER UPON URANTIA. Feel your desire for this and well as to see this in
your spirit eyes that you may project it into the NETWORKING OF THE FATHER'S

The various grids of the planet respond to these energies. It is as if you
are plucking a string and that string emits the vibration of DIVINE ORDER
and sends that signal into the planet's system of consciousness. Feel your
love for this world to receive a deeper imprinting of the RE-ESTABLISHMENT
OF DIVINE ORDER to reverberate through these gridlines of various frequency
levels. (Pause)

There is one more focus I invite you to see within your mind's eye with the
eyes of Spirit. Direct this from your heart and with your Spirit eyes into
these energies flow from your heart as we assist in the harmonizing,
blending, integrating process of the energies you generate from your heart
and spirit eyes. (Pause)

Join with us, moving the gaze to Paradise, lifting Urantian consciousness up
to the Father for the action of the Paradise Deities to bathe this world.
Open your hearts with praise and appreciation and thank the Father in
whatever way you desire as we join you in this circuit of worship. (Pause)

Take your place back into Urantian consciousness. See yourselves standing
on the ground. The energies of NETWORKING OF THE FATHER'S WILL,
upon the ground on which you stand. With great love in your hearts and with
your spirit eyes you may direct this into the center of the earth, and if it
feels right, let your hands rest upon the earth as you send that down,
planting as you would these beautiful energies into Urantian consciousness
that more hearts may open to the Father, more minds may be attuned to the
Spirit of Truth, more lives be changed though the power of the Holy Spirit.
Feel your desire for healing of Urantian consciousness to be completed in
the Father's WILL. (Pause)

As more TRUTH-LIGHT shines into Urantian consciousness many people will be
troubled by what they perceive. You know a higher truth, and you can help
your brothers and sisters find that place of comfort, faith, truth, courage,
strength, and the nobility of human character devoted to doing the WILL of
the Father. Let your hearts be light with the inner awareness of how you
are being guided to support your brothers and sisters in their healing and
transformation. Keep your internal gaze focused on the Father, for here is
where you will meet us and receive what you need to walk this path of faith
as Urantia continues to move in these circuits of CHANGE and grow in her
rightful place within Father's creation.

I thank you for your participation with us, and we will be with you once
again very soon to collaborate with you in building the transformational
energies on this beautiful world. Good day, my devoted brothers and
sisters. May you thrive in the Father's LOVE, GOODNESS, and GRACE.

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